Timely Topics The Sentinel a tees reres is a By R. T. sass raws j TWENTY YEÀRS Th* Fourth War Loan drive is-qo’ 1 going well in th* sale of Serie* X bonds. Intended •be indication of a transition from an in­ B. * i’* dustry basqd on tetnperary liquidation ’ general ‘public. 88 M widespread indirrerence to me im- jg an expendable national reaoutce One Year........ ....... .... JLP0 portance of meeting E bond quotas a* into a permanent industry based on Six Months..................... - .—. .M a vital war ------------- measure ,------------------- and as insurance sustained yield of managed forest Three Montis*...... .. —- ------ — No subscription taken unless paid ■ future financial disaster. ■ x | asset*. Tlie intent is to ma.ke X fc^ln advance. This rule is Impere Tte tlXhtful ~d f • ber of Coquille, business and profes­ the provident gradual transition that will not dis- sional men. ——____ ■,’>i —¡are doing their duty in purchasing turb the over-ail workings of th*j Entered at Che Coquille Postoffice as1 these bond* to the limit of their lumber industry. I There was a good attendance at the . ------ «... 1 mean» - .... Second Class Mail Matter. It is with ------------------------- the careless and - n ta inevitable that • umber nieeting of the Commercial Club Wed- ~ the chronically Improvident that we operations will gradually _ out of ______ evening, at which time the * are concerned. The latter make up the picture a* lumber production electfon of officers was held, a majority of thooe who become pub- ' adjusted to annual growth. But it is j A IjirTlb waa chosen president and lie charge* during lean years. Their hoped the change wiU come slowly ¡j Beyers, secretary. . . Just after symbol is the grasshopper in the enough to allow other industries to be Mr Lamb had elected he came I IT III fable of the Grasshopper and the Ant. developed to th* point where labor ”‘o hal?~and?~although be ~pn> i wwr.- ■ — . ygy*<> ne*w linn esasw*. ¡Always having been provided for by released from lumber will be ab- tegted vehemently that he could not _g.------- ' ■ .----------- rww ■= jthe government and neighbor when sorbed elsewhere. u * • accept> he finally took the gavel and The present Congress ha* proved presidtd fol the remainder of the "Presidents may come, and Prato- deeUtution threatened, they are living dents may go, but I go on forever,” h'«h today trusting that they will be sympathetic to petitions for repeal of seems to be the quadrennial refrain sheltered from the cold tomorrow, the present discriminatory tax taws of the present White House occupant Not a thought of patriotic duty nor damaging to forest ownership and i Fred Nosier and family, who re­ I of gratitude enters their heads. The operation. It is hoped that the com- turned from southern California last • 'motto is: “Eat, drink, and be merry ing tax law will give lumber a fair week, Intend to agHin make Coquille • I today, , for tomorow there'll be deal. The Oregon delegation has their home. j W P.A.” • ! worked hard on this matter. They High officialsjn the Administation deserve a good deal of credit for the John Donaldson, one of the oldest • ¡and military leaders are deeply con- favorable change in attitude on the residents of the Coquille Valley, died cerned over this dangerous frame of part of Congress. " j at his home near Riverton on Tues­ tn rollowing the news of the day, • m|nd Repeated warnings that this is ■ A more sympathetic attitude to- day of this week. we find ourselves especially interest- , R brutal, cruel war in which we have ' wards lumber on the part of State ed in one type of story; Whenever a bardiy begun, have been voiced in 1 and County officials is another fac- The Coquille Rod & Gun Club it German prisoner is quoted, we eager- , preo snd over the radio. The tor in helping the industry through going to have a- "Bacon Shoot” at ly seize upon his *or th* revealing first turned from the war broken in mind, to be careful of fires in forest areas, ttkntarilv or bF ,torie* <* the bestial , to encourage the use of forest prod- one .tXv rrx2^ — - M . e— ! atrocttl*' '"«^ted on our fighting ucts by the nation at large. The captured Ger^X ¿ho were re*°men ‘ by íriendÁ,h Wm-wo,k *hou,d ingure the future captured Germans who T? were 7* . set TL to to, mofikey-men, by by the the unexpected unexpected economic economic importance importance to to the the State State ef of digging graves for the dead. They length of the war and it* terrible — —. -----------'this great industry. . » were near collapse through fear until cost in live* and fortune. they were assured they were not But learn it they must and will.] ______ ______ , plans __ A vital w_________ part of all _ post-war preparing their own burial places. The lives will have to be sacrificed i* the common requirement of “ven- The whole brutality of Nazi tyrrany aod thanaUen** resource* used freely' ture money" to finance expansion of lay back of that fear and told with­ in bringing the final victory. Let no ! private enterprise. The use of “ven- out words that German atrocities one think for a moment that he can' ture money" is the cornerstone of reports were true. , ’ I I escape doing hi* part. Th* eye of the ' every scheme for th* maintenance of It has often been reported that pris- j 1 Almighty is upon him and full ac- ] high employment level* esaenUal to oners of war, pn reaching America, 1 counting of his stewardship cannot be continued prosperity. It 1* the leaven were astonished io find American1 avoided for long. *— ’--s | in th* bread of a healthy, well bal- citi*s intact and not in ruin*. All j There has been much talk of voting "aneed economy affording comfort and German* cannot cross the Atlantic1 privilege*, discharge pay, jobs, and plenty for all who will but exert the to find their radio newscasters are a^vanta^ “t£ moderate effort necetoary. •nd*n^Vro»>tlnu*tob*»*v* nation is eager to giv it* fighting I Until the crash in 1929 the main wnat is told them. ; _- -• •• - All are united as one in the source of “venture money" was the rtmUd * • v « r ythinr pQMible for small estate minU-l i_ »a. J, J »«• | |small nuns field. iivmi . The . iiv money mvnej laved aa-»»d .. 1,1 them «> in poet-war. . Now -A-* . ___ •- 7*7* —- . : wre... now la is the me time um* to w lby iny the tn* small-business smaii-Duainess men, man, farmers, farmers, an addrea* in Prague not long agoJ ___ .____ ________ ______ ___ Bivins #nlaiid^tatort2i'.L7i ui> th°" WOrd* -¡.i, With OUr m*ey *iUed workmen * «uccemful profes- fab«- and our effort. ¡It’s a cM of “put ,tonal men. andthe like wM invested SUt“ H* “P or shut “P ” * ’ in in WKUritie. securities involving involving a a degree degree of of risk risk said the techlcal revolution her* had The universal anxiety among fight- but yielding good interest rates, destroyed the peasant, laid waste men is for security of their jobs and i Banks participated to the limited ex- prairies and millions of farmers wan­ whether they can resume the life I tent of making character loans and dered from place to place. The doc­ they left. It is the first duty of ¡buying certain clM*e* of commercial tor had probably heard of our migra­ every civilian left behind to see that paper. The large estate* of the prom- tory workers or tlb dust-bowl jal­ thlS ffMH* ifl hllilVPd a innnt rich, thniidh * nr>lr xirl as this fear is allayed. .TnKfi Jobs will will H beineqt though of attacked as dnn. dan- opies on th* road. ‘‘ • 'I ______ _____ secure and prosperity assured if the gerous monopolies by political dema- the ^vS ^^L. i.Tj’ P^P'c *tan are the profeM(ona| business executive in a or* because they are civilised enough more they expect we are hiding im- Igame j at which the latter excels and portant war activities therein. Only to know the evil they do is evil. the former is by training and tem­ after our hospitals prove to be hos- perament a clumsy amateur. Inves­ If the C.. I. U and other union pitals do they try to excuse them- tigation is uncovering fantastic ex- leaders succeed in raising wages, then selvas. A week from tonight, Feb. 22, the Myrtle Point basketball quintet will bq here to attempt to spoil the Co­ quille hoopers’ perfect score of five wins and no losses. ........ ........................ ........... decade has *e*n government burst all ■constitutional bounds and inundate the notional economy like u devustat ing flood. Rather, let it* waters be stored behind the stout barrier of the constitution so that they may be re re- ­ leased, gradually and judicially. to ■ 'freshen the public economy when de- .................................... It Will pay you to look at Bergen's before you buy. marquee over the lobby entrance tc hi* hotel. . . Before »hovipg him off into space Chas. Hall told the assem­ bled crew of buccaneers that when a man wm a traitor, when he deserted hi* gang, when he brought all the business of the hotel* of Maishfield and North Bend over to Coquille with him, that death was too easy for such BARROW DRUG COMPANY a one. “Why he’ll even be trying t4 bring our ocean over to the Coquille valley," thundered the executioner as he pushed his victim from* the end of the plank. (Lafe landed iir the blan­ To make this simple, no risk hear­ ket all right and was repeatedly ing test. If you are temporarily deaf­ ened, bothered oy ringing buzzing tossed high in,the air.) head hoise* due to hardened or coag , la ted wax (cerumen), try the Ourim- An eight-pound baby girl was born Home Method test that so many sa> to Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Clinton at theii ha* enabled them to hear well again You must hear better aftef ‘make .; home west of town Wednesday eve­ this simple test or you get youajmpne, ning. , * back at one*. Ask about Ourlhe Ear Drops todav at Barrow Drag Co. The first meeting of the Story Hout will be h