The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, January 20, 1944, Page 7, Image 7

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Arago News Items
Three More H. S. Boys
For Aviation Cadets
Increased Interest Being Shown
In Scouting In Oregon
H. E. Watkins came in last Tues­
Increasing the number of volunteer
day from Camp Parks, California,
adults participating in the Scouting
v here he is stationed at the present
program in the Wallamet council,
time, and «pent a few day* with his
1 Boy Scouts of America, by 41 per cent
wife and daughter, Mtas Jean Wat-
is the outstanding council achieve­
I in*. He left Monday to return to
ment of 1943, according to a state-
Camp Park* and Mrs. Watkins ac- next Sunday, preaching at 10
m by M«jor Eric K? Shilling, president ■ !W*nt li> Dr, John F Cramer, presi­
coinpanied him. She will be in Cali­
of the Aviation Cadet Examining dent of the local council.
5------- -
Mr.xand Mrs. Avon Wilcox viaited
fornia for awhile,
board, Portland. Of the four boy*
J. L. Burti* left Sunday for Port­
who took the test those qualifying registered in the council, which is
Emmett Hammack. Bonnie, Mar­
land where he went on business for
were Jas. A. Peart, Fred C. Kunz, made up of «Lane, Benton, Douglas,
vin, Jim and Shirley visited at the
a few days. ' ~
w Mitch<1i
George Hampton had the misfor­ home of Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller • These boy* receive transportation Lincoln, Coo* and Curry counties.
This represents a 19 per cent increase
tune h> lo*e two finger* white he Sunday.
to Portland for their physical exam-
Mr. and Mr*. Harold Fish visited ¡nation, and upon qualifying, will be in membership during 1943.
was working at the mill in Coquille
Dr. Cramer declared that the qual­
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert jnujted in the Reserve Corp*. Sev-
one day last week.
ity of scouting being carried on in the
Jimmy Scott left Friday for Ta-
enteen-yeaq-old* will not be called council is now very high and that the
< i>ma, Wash., where he went to visit they were a little better again.
-to active duty training until their activities during 1943 “laid an im­
Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Widmark and 18th birthday. If they have not then
lit# parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Scott,
Julene and Beverly Hemstreet visit­ completed their school .term, they portant and needed groundwork for
fof a few days.
carrying on a more successful scouting
Wylie Embree has been moving in* ed at the Nile Miller home Sunday' may be deferred for six months.
to Mrs. Edith Woodward’s house, afternoon.
In making his statement, Cramer
which was just recently purchased
should at once notify their Selective emphasized the faet that volunteer
by Ben Smalley.
Service board, which will make any
leaders from the institution* which
Mrs. Edith Woodward arrived in
i appropriate arrangement* that might
use the Boy Scout program are be­
Arago from Brooking* a few days i After escaping the flu through the seem justified.
coming more conscious of making
ago on business and is staying at the epidemic In the valley, Mis* Faye i Boy* who fail in this examination
scouting a full spare-time, commun­
home of her daughter and husband, Holverstott, upper grade teacher, wa* may wait 30 day* and repeat it at
ity-centered program for boy* over
Mr. and Mr*. George Gillespie.
ill in bed Friday of last week. She Eugene by contacting Lieut. Roy K. nine year* of age.
Mrs. Ward Evans, Pamela and wa* able to resume her place Mon- Reed, CAP unit commander, 710 W.
The scouting program which is of­
Maureen, were Saturday visitors at' day morning.
! 13th Ave. He i* authorized by th*
fered to such organization* as church­
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester
The Hom* Extension Unit meet* War Dept, to give these ex’sitiina- es, parent-teacher associations, ser­
Willson and also at the home of Mr. ■ Tuesrjay, Jan. 25, at the school lunch tion*.
vice club*, granges, and veteran and
and Mrs. Frank Hazelwood, in Myrtle kitchen, addition tp the school house, j Major Shilling ha* also announced
A planned "luncheon will be held at ¡that a state-wide letter-writing con- fraternal organization*, includes cub­
bing for boys 9, 10, and 11 years old.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward, noon. The project will be “Pattern : test has been opened by th* Aviation
scouting for boys over 13, and senior
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Halter and Mrs. Alterations,” with Mr*. Dorothy Dunn Cadet Examining board for girl* and
scouting for young men over 15. The
Ida Myer visited at the home of Mr. | as demonstrator.
Eadh person is boys of the age* of 15 to IB, inclusive,
senior scouting branch of the move­
and Mrs. Oliver Myers, in Myrtle to bring dishes, silver and sugar.
on the subject, “Why I Want to Fly."
ment includes sea scouting, explorer
Point, Sunday.
Mr*. Russell Martindale underwent Letters should not contain more than
scouting, and air scouting, or senior
Mr*. Althea Harrah, of Coquille, was a major operation Friday of last week 300 word* and be in th* hand* of the
scout* withip an established Boy
a week end guest at the home of her at Knife Hospital Her many friends
Scout troop.
parents, Mr. and Mr*. Frank Lane, wish her a speedy recovery.
In explaining the use of the Boy
The valley was saddened Sunday,
Scout movement to combat juvenile
Mrs. > January 9, when a telegram was re­
delinquency, Cramer stated that
toon. ceived by Mr*. Benham from Free-
scouting does not pretend to be a
5 hi* water-Milton, Ore., to the effect that
cure for juvenile delinquency but
Bernice Hall had passed away that
that it is a very definite preventive.
past | morning.
She died of congested
Cramer saluted the 82 scoutmaster*
trom' pneumonia. She wa* a wonderful
in the council who “are doing an im­
t for I Christian girl and her passing at only
portant war job.” He termed their
17 year* of age, is regretted by her
volunteer work “essential service to
* .of many friends. A special collection
the community and to the natioh.”
■ning wa* taken at church and a lovely
Mr*, floral piece telegraphed for the fu­
neral, which wa* held Thursday, Jan-
nday uary 13.
The funeral of Mrs. Melissa
Brownson was held Thursday, Jan-
Loretta and uary 13, in Myrtle Point. Those at-
sick the past tending from thia valley were Mr.
and Mr*. Charles Holverstott, Ken-
Florence Hall wa* last Friday ap­
Pamela and neth and Lindy Lou, Mrs. T. H. Ban- pointed administratrix of the $7900
Mr. ham, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Norris. Mrs. estate left by Lulu L. Kardell, who
yrtle Brownson was .93 years, seven months died at Marshfield Jan. 11. Apprais­
and ten days at the time of her er* of the estate appointed were John
were death, January 11
She leaves to Ferguson, Bessie Getline and Mary
tome mis* her, eight children, seventeen Garden.
twenty-four great
A petition requesting appointment
oint, grand children and three great, great of Reidar Bugge a* guardian for
om- grandchildren.
’ ,.
Chas. Falquest, whose health inca­
Sunday dinner guests at the Ben- pacitate* him from attending to his
t 20. ham home were Rev. and Mrs. W. J. own affairs, was filed in probate
____ Wheeler. At night for supper were court on Tuesday. Hi* estate is es­
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bea ham, Joan timated to be worth $13,000 and
5 u ’jy t ifiont from
and Dean, of Coquille.
Judge Felshelm set Feb. 1, at 10 a.
Election of Sunday school officer* m., a* the date for a hearing on the
was held last Sunday morning. Those petition.
elected were: superintendent, Mr\
Harry Lindsay; ass’st. supt., Mrs. T. . See Schroeder* Jewelry. Store in
H. Benham; sec.-trea*., Lula Marie Coquille tor Diamond* and Watch
Lindsay; adult teacher, Mr. Lindsay; Strap*.
lunior teacher, Mrs. L. ,L. Buoy; pri-
nary teacher, tyrs. W J. Wheeler.,
R M .Nogh sulfere<La.severe heart
.ttack Wednesday of last week. Dr.
Richmond was called out and Mr.
loah is resting easier, although he
low has caught a cold. His friends
tope he will be better very soon. His
.laughters, Mrs. Clarence Miller and
Mr*. Harry Krantz, of Gravelford,
lave been coining over to help care
.'or him at night. Sunday his son
nd wife, Mr. and Mr*. Don Noah,
>f Kcntuck Inlet, were over to see
Mr* Ed Teeter* and" Miss Frances
'■earthy U m * M'S- Clara Kibler
nd Miss Carrie Byerly to Coquille
Wednesday of last week.
Fairview News
Men's Heavy Leather Coats
Full Length
Reg. Price............... ...... $18.95
Sale Price—$14.21
Men's Storm Seal Rain Coats
Women's % Length Water
Repellent Gabardine Coats
Reg. Price................... $8.95
Sale Price -$6.72
Men's Victory Coats
Selected Gabardine cloth and water repellent
Reg. Price..#.....
Sale Price — $8.96
I ■
Men's Gabardine Leisure Coats
for outside wear
Reg. Price .................... $7.95
Sale Price — $5.96
Men's-Reinforced Heavy
Leather Work Gloves
Probate Court Items
™«— —■ '■■■■■ ■■■!>«
Men's Leather Work Gauntlets
352 S. Hall
Phone 184
385 S. Broadway
Phone 182
with purchase of any
Davenport and Chair
ra*Bt ir»«»
reaa Hardware
■' «■
Two* Wea
er Furniture Co
__ ■