*t Arago News Items Three More H. S. Boys For Aviation Cadets Increased Interest Being Shown In Scouting In Oregon H. E. Watkins came in last Tues­ Increasing the number of volunteer day from Camp Parks, California, adults participating in the Scouting v here he is stationed at the present program in the Wallamet council, time, and «pent a few day* with his 1 Boy Scouts of America, by 41 per cent wife and daughter, Mtas Jean Wat- is the outstanding council achieve­ I in*. He left Monday to return to ment of 1943, according to a state- Camp Park* and Mrs. Watkins ac- next Sunday, preaching at 10 m by M«jor Eric K? Shilling, president ■ !W*nt li> Dr, John F Cramer, presi­ and Sunday school at 11 a. m. coinpanied him. She will be in Cali­ of the Aviation Cadet Examining dent of the local council. 5------- - Mr.xand Mrs. Avon Wilcox viaited fornia for awhile, board, Portland. Of the four boy* There are now over 2,050 persons at the Nile Miller home Saturday. J. L. Burti* left Sunday for Port­ who took the test those qualifying registered in the council, which is Emmett Hammack. Bonnie, Mar­ land where he went on business for were Jas. A. Peart, Fred C. Kunz, made up of «Lane, Benton, Douglas, vin, Jim and Shirley visited at the a few days. ' ~ w Mitch<1i • George Hampton had the misfor­ home of Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller • These boy* receive transportation Lincoln, Coo* and Curry counties. This represents a 19 per cent increase % tune h> lo*e two finger* white he Sunday. to Portland for their physical exam- Mr. and Mr*. Harold Fish visited ¡nation, and upon qualifying, will be in membership during 1943. was working at the mill in Coquille Dr. Cramer declared that the qual­ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert jnujted in the Reserve Corp*. Sev- one day last week. ity of scouting being carried on in the Fish Sunday. They, reported that Jimmy Scott left Friday for Ta- enteen-yeaq-old* will not be called council is now very high and that the < i>ma, Wash., where he went to visit they were a little better again. -to active duty training until their activities during 1943 “laid an im­ Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Widmark and 18th birthday. If they have not then lit# parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Scott, Julene and Beverly Hemstreet visit­ completed their school .term, they portant and needed groundwork for fof a few days. » carrying on a more successful scouting Wylie Embree has been moving in* ed at the Nile Miller home Sunday' may be deferred for six months. program.” to Mrs. Edith Woodward’s house, afternoon. Eighteen-year-old* who qualify In making his statement, Cramer which was just recently purchased should at once notify their Selective emphasized the faet that volunteer by Ben Smalley. / Service board, which will make any leaders from the institution* which Mrs. Edith Woodward arrived in i appropriate arrangement* that might use the Boy Scout program are be­ Arago from Brooking* a few days i After escaping the flu through the seem justified. coming more conscious of making ago on business and is staying at the epidemic In the valley, Mis* Faye i Boy* who fail in this examination scouting a full spare-time, commun­ home of her daughter and husband, Holverstott, upper grade teacher, wa* may wait 30 day* and repeat it at ity-centered program for boy* over Mr. and Mr*. George Gillespie. ill in bed Friday of last week. She Eugene by contacting Lieut. Roy K. nine year* of age. Mrs. Ward Evans, Pamela and wa* able to resume her place Mon- Reed, CAP unit commander, 710 W. The scouting program which is of­ Maureen, were Saturday visitors at' day morning. ! 13th Ave. He i* authorized by th* fered to such organization* as church­ the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester The Hom* Extension Unit meet* War Dept, to give these ex’sitiina- es, parent-teacher associations, ser­ Willson and also at the home of Mr. ■ Tuesrjay, Jan. 25, at the school lunch tion*. vice club*, granges, and veteran and and Mrs. Frank Hazelwood, in Myrtle kitchen, addition tp the school house, j Major Shilling ha* also announced A planned "luncheon will be held at ¡that a state-wide letter-writing con- fraternal organization*, includes cub­ Point. bing for boys 9, 10, and 11 years old. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward, noon. The project will be “Pattern : test has been opened by th* Aviation scouting for boys over 13, and senior Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Halter and Mrs. Alterations,” with Mr*. Dorothy Dunn Cadet Examining board for girl* and scouting for young men over 15. The Ida Myer visited at the home of Mr. | as demonstrator. Eadh person is boys of the age* of 15 to IB, inclusive, senior scouting branch of the move­ and Mrs. Oliver Myers, in Myrtle to bring dishes, silver and sugar. on the subject, “Why I Want to Fly." ment includes sea scouting, explorer Point, Sunday. a Mr*. Russell Martindale underwent Letters should not contain more than scouting, and air scouting, or senior Mr*. Althea Harrah, of Coquille, was a major operation Friday of last week 300 word* and be in th* hand* of the scout* withip an established Boy a week end guest at the home of her at Knife Hospital Her many friends Scout troop. parents, Mr. and Mr*. Frank Lane, wish her a speedy recovery. In explaining the use of the Boy lister The valley was saddened Sunday, Scout movement to combat juvenile Mrs. > January 9, when a telegram was re­ delinquency, Cramer stated that toon. ceived by Mr*. Benham from Free- scouting does not pretend to be a 5 hi* water-Milton, Ore., to the effect that cure for juvenile delinquency but , Bernice Hall had passed away that that it is a very definite preventive. past | morning. She died of congested Cramer saluted the 82 scoutmaster* trom' pneumonia. She wa* a wonderful in the council who “are doing an im­ t for I Christian girl and her passing at only portant war job.” He termed their 17 year* of age, is regretted by her volunteer work “essential service to * .of many friends. A special collection the community and to the natioh.” ■ning wa* taken at church and a lovely Mr*, floral piece telegraphed for the fu­ neral, which wa* held Thursday, Jan- nday uary 13. Mr*. The funeral of Mrs. Melissa Brownson was held Thursday, Jan- Loretta and uary 13, in Myrtle Point. Those at- sick the past tending from thia valley were Mr. and Mr*. Charles Holverstott, Ken- Florence Hall wa* last Friday ap­ Pamela and neth and Lindy Lou, Mrs. T. H. Ban- pointed administratrix of the $7900 Mr. ham, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Norris. Mrs. estate left by Lulu L. Kardell, who yrtle Brownson was .93 years, seven months died at Marshfield Jan. 11. Apprais­ and ten days at the time of her er* of the estate appointed were John were death, January 11 She leaves to Ferguson, Bessie Getline and Mary tome mis* her, eight children, seventeen Garden. , grandchildren, twenty-four great A petition requesting appointment oint, grand children and three great, great of Reidar Bugge a* guardian for om- grandchildren. ’ ,. Chas. Falquest, whose health inca­ ihool Sunday dinner guests at the Ben- pacitate* him from attending to his t 20. ham home were Rev. and Mrs. W. J. own affairs, was filed in probate ____ Wheeler. At night for supper were court on Tuesday. Hi* estate is es­ Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bea ham, Joan timated to be worth $13,000 and 5 u ’jy t ifiont from and Dean, of Coquille. Judge Felshelm set Feb. 1, at 10 a. Election of Sunday school officer* m., a* the date for a hearing on the herwin illiams was held last Sunday morning. Those petition. elected were: superintendent, Mr\ Harry Lindsay; ass’st. supt., Mrs. T. . See Schroeder* Jewelry. Store in H. Benham; sec.-trea*., Lula Marie Coquille tor Diamond* and Watch Lindsay; adult teacher, Mr. Lindsay; Strap*. tf* lunior teacher, Mrs. L. ,L. Buoy; pri- nary teacher, tyrs. W J. Wheeler., R M .Nogh sulferef Kcntuck Inlet, were over to see im. Mr* Ed Teeter* and" Miss Frances '■earthy U m * M'S- Clara Kibler nd Miss Carrie Byerly to Coquille Wednesday of last week. Fairview News Men's Heavy Leather Coats Full Length Reg. Price............... ...... $18.95 Sale Price—$14.21 Men's Storm Seal Rain Coats Women's % Length Water Repellent Gabardine Coats Reg. Price................... $8.95 Sale Price -$6.72 Men's Victory Coats Selected Gabardine cloth and water repellent Reg. Price..#..... $11.95 Sale Price — $8.96 H I ■ Men's Gabardine Leisure Coats for outside wear Reg. Price .................... $7.95 Sale Price — $5.96 Men's-Reinforced Heavy Leather Work Gloves Probate Court Items S W nun HUMUMrFK ™«— —■ '■■■■■ ■■■!>« ■ Men's Leather Work Gauntlets COQUILLE 352 S. Hall Phone 184 MARSHFIELD 385 S. Broadway Phone 182 Platform Rocker with purchase of any Davenport and Chair ra*Bt ir»«» SMRWIN.WMXUM* f I reaa Hardware ■' «■ ■ ■ i Two* Wea Only er Furniture Co I! I 4 __ ■ "x