The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, January 20, 1944, Page 4, Image 4

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    fagi fúta
Crude-Oil Supply
Won't Fail, Says
Petroleum Expert
men Have been assigned to these
duties, among them former Mfiyor
Jpseph K. Carson of Portland and
a mm earn
a mm rows
former Multnomah county district
Judge Dongld E. Long. Some oi the
men from the Pacific northwest are
I (Taken from The Sentinel of Friday, same name as that in use at Powers
already on duty in North Africa and
Will the earth’s petroleum supply
H. A. YOUNG, Miter
January IS, 1024)
and Myrtle Point—The Hub Clothing’
Sicily and others will be given as­ stand the enormous drain of global
- Lafe Compton, manager ot the Co­ & Shoe Co.
signments as rapidly as territory is warfare? Will it meet the needs of
One Year ------ ----------
quille Hote’., has tentatively set the
released from German, bondage.
Six Months.---------- ------------------ 1.08.
postwar years—which will add many
The forms for the concrete founda­
Whit in the beginning seemed to be new items to the list of 2,000 products
Three Months ------- --------------- .00
" opening date for Monday, Jan. 28.
No subscription taken unless paid The opening will be an informal tion walls Of the S. M. Nosier building
a comparatively easy undertaking has nów being made from crude oil?
tor m advance. This rule is impera .runcuon
function to
io which
wmcn the general public to be erected at the corner of First
been rendered vastly mor® difficult
The answer is Yes, says Gustav
• r *—----------- ”
----- ■
U invited. The piuslc for the occa-
by the development of factional di­ Egloff, president of the American In­
Enlered at the Coquille Postoffice a. >" wil1
fu™i*‘8d by G. A. Mar the weather permits the work will be
visions in Poland, Italy, France, stitute of Chemists and research di­
Second Class Mali Matter.
Un orchestra of Coos Bay. Y ester - pushed rapidly. Last Saturday the
Greece, Jugoslavia and others of the rector of the Universal Oil Products
'day the carload of furniture and fur­ building now occupied by the J. L.
Washington, D. C., Jan. 20—For smaller countries conquered by Hit­ Co., writing in a recent issue of the
lifflee Csnvr W. First and WUtard M. nishings was received and the work Stevens meat market was moved on
first time in 11 years the new ler, each action claiming to represent Rotarian magazine.
of getting! it installed is proceeding to the Oerdlng lot west of it and Mr.
Oil is probably being produced by
has lost its majority in the lower a majority of the people and each de­
rapidly. ’On Wednesday the kitchen Stevens' new building will go up at I.
manding recognition by the United Nature faster than it is being con­
I house of the congress.
crew arrived and Mr. Compton is the same time as the Nosier building.
brought about by death, by resigna­ Nations. In Italy, Greece and Jugo- sumed tiÿ man. Dr. Egloff maintains.
expecting to get them busy by open­
tions and by appointments to federal slavia these domestic differences have There are doubtless millions of acres
ing the restaurant tomorrow.
reached the stage of open hostilities, ‘ nf <>ii/producing territory in the west-
Chamber of Commerce a petition to(*-----
—— there
------- are 217
’ demo-
hou8e’ and 8 mai°ri‘y ls and^a similar situation is rapidly de- ern hemisphere not yet discovered or
The W. O. W. building, recently oc­ the city council was presented and cr,U ln
veloping in France.
In Poland the developed, and many other parts of
I propose to use thia position of cupied by a grocery store, has been signed by all the high school students,»2it >or have <he rePUblicans a ma­ government in ^xile is being dis- | the earth should prove to be not less
high responsibility (the Presidency)
credited by its controversy with Rus- I r jch.
' democrats
* of * the new .deal variety has
to discuss up and down the country, here from Klamath Falls. He in­ walk along the highway, from the *
But in addition to its 375,000 pro­
end of the present board walk at
Pro<reMing. For time to time, sia over the boundary question, and
in all seasons and at all times, the tends to open a nqw grocery there.
when there was a whopping demo- (even Norway is not free from dorrjes- ducing .wells, the United States has
duty of reducing taxes, of increasing
'craUc majority. President Roosevelt :Uc turmoil.
billions of barrels available fropi other
Saturday was the wedding day of
the efficiency of Government, of cut­
' would reward some faithful house’ The prosppct dt setting up demo- crude oil sources, he contends. In-
ting out of the underbrush around our 1 one of Marshfield's most popular
by appointing him to a fed- cratic forms of government under . vestigations have brought to light
__ r
governmental structura, of getting the } young women, Miss Florence Powers, nounce that they will have their an­
eral r judgeship
■ - or some
. - political - job, au<? , b conditions . is nbt . encouraging
- /acts regarding earth processes which
moat public service for every dollar ' whose marriage to J. Arthur Berg,
tong. Jan. 22, in the Hotel Coquille. »«ualIy wlth “
<«»*«• Th«e “"d ‘herte are ‘n,,’rmed ob“rvers * [convince us that oil is constantly be-
■ paid in taxation. That I pledge you, ' senior member of the legal firm of
asserts, -
appointments did not matter, because Washington who foresee the po»si- ijng
111B formed, Dr. Egloff -----------
..... ..
and nothing I have said in the cam­ j Berg & Morgan of Coquill«, was cel­
A short meetins of the directors nt ot the tremendous majority, until the bility of armed clashes between the ' ^e diatoms found in closed basins
paign transcends in importance this ebrated that morning at St. Monica’s School District No. 8 was held last last two years when the Placee ot the rescuers and the regcued a/fer the coU '...........................
of the North American Continental |
covenant with th« taxpayers of the I Catholic church at 11 o’clock. Rev. Saturday evening at which time con- ! 100-pereenters were captured by re- lapse of Germany. In these circum
Shelf,, particularly along the west
United States.”—Candidate Franklih Father J. A. Sheridan celebrated the
tracts with two teachers were signed Public
y* . Oregon removed its one i stances the task of the military gov- coast of California. Diatoms (brown,
D. Roosevelt at Sioux, City, Iowa, nuptial mass.
-***“J" * but
— one-celled plants, growing in jellylike
will 1* not only difficult
— Mrs. Belva Flanagan - Gage and democ™*
i< house member by electing ernors
September 29, 1932.
an masseg in both fresh and salt water)
C. J. Fuhrman informs us that the Miss Veva Chandler. ■
. licans made inroads on its solid dem- unusual resort of the people in Cen- are constantly depositing in the deep-
fixtures for his new store in the cor­
tral Europe when they become dis- rer wateri of the pBcific Coast, and
Fred Harlocker, of Coquille, a sen- ' , ocratic delegation. -
ner of the Coauille Hotel building
Whatever may be outcome on the satisfied with those in charge of their their organic content is constantly in­
By K. T. Moore
presidency, it is now freely predicted government. They are a headstrong ' creaajB«.
TheCounty Court is to be com ! cisco and that he is figuring on mov- the eight men selected for the var­
that the republican party will be. in lot and accustomed to rule by force. .. Dr. Egloff estimates that the dia-
mended for th« excellent showing in j ing to the new location soon after the sity debate team at the college.
control of the house following the No­ Just how the principles of the Atlan­ . toms in the Monterey shale of the
the sale of county owned tax-fore-1 first of the month,
Th« ladies of the Episcopal Guild vember election. O'f the 217 demo­ tic charter are to be applied and dem­ ¡Santa Maria, California, oil fields
closure properties and their res tora- |
ocratic government established under would atone produce two billion bar­
begin serving chicken dinner at crats remaining not all are new deal­
tion to the tax rolls. A substantial
Coquill« is to hav« a nekr business
handicap« is by no means clear. rels of oil by an ether-process ex­
fund has been built up from this ' enterprise in the near future. Y m - 5:30 Saturday afternoon at the J. A.
opposed to the political policies of the To attain even a moderate degree of traction — and these represent only
source for use in needed improve- ! terday W. C. and H. M. Fensler were
administration as are the most re- success will call for mor« diplomacy one limited area where diatoms are
ments of county facilities after the ___
here ________
from Myrtle
Point and
The Coquille high school basket ball ' «ctionary republicans. Take the case and firmness than was ever displayed plentiful.
wfr. Added to this is the t»ct that came to an agreement with
a .a
D ® nras/jr» ♦ <11Î
Qrvtitki rx# Vi
i o
From the foregoing we may con­
,___ ,_______
showed their ‘ gameness and abil­ ’of Representative Smith of Virginia, by these American administrators in
these properties wiU now be shqpld- tees of the Odd Fellows lodge for the ^tfve
the performance of previous duties in clude that Nature *is producing oil
'_ last Fridly evening when they
ering their sjareof the tax burden lease of the «tor« room now-bccupied ”i ity
at a faster rate than gas pressure or
I came from
rrom behind
Denina in the
tne game with
wim that the department of justice take the United States.
instead of being given a free ride at by Fuhrman's Pharmacy. The busi- jeame
1 proceedings against Philip Murray of
pump strokes can bring it to the
ness will be conducted under the Marshfield and won out 8 to 6.
the expense of other taxpayers.
Bonneville power administration is earth’s surface, writes Dr. Egloff, so
i CIO, contending that CIO is violating
In past years it has been possible jj -’- i '- .- au»
' the law in collecting an $800,000 cam- wondering what it will be‘with the we may take heart for the future.
to place much of the tax load on tim­ like “reasonable profit«” and “fip1 , middle class, too small to afford ex- !
| paign fund to be used for Mr. Roose­ hydroelectric capacity of that govern­
ber properties where such proper­ treatment. No one knotes what is pert legal and
*■“* accounting expense,
— f
ment plant and the one at Grand
ties were close in and able to bear meant by either term. There are as and yet large enough to be required to velt. Mr. Smith and Senator Tom
Harbison’s myrtlewood for Christ­
Connally of Texas are sponsors of a Coulee if the WPB decided to fold
the burden. This situation is chang-. many interpretations of -the term have it, is dropping out of existence.
mas gifts.
I bill prohibiting labor unions from up the aluminum reduction plants at
ing fast and soon the timbered areas “reasonable profits” as there are
All of Our large businesses came ¡contributing»money to political cam­
Spokane, Tacoma and Troutdale.
will yield only a very minor part of business concerns in the U. S. It can from small beginnings.
Th« Ford
Alcoa at Vancouver is neither gov­
the annual tax moneys. Th« rapid fit any degree of profit according to Motor Company came from a Detroit
ernment owned nor operated and the
depletion of the timber stands, plus the way you look at it. What we blacksmith shop. The Standard Oil northwest have been chipping in to
in same is true of the Reynolds plant at
the spreading use of the severance need is a definite, plain statement of Company from a tiny Pennsylvania
Longview, but the other' reduction
tax method, are the main factors. facts, a mathematical statement of oil well. The United States Steel this column.
To make this
plants can be closed down instanter.
.And it is In the interest of the county the percentage of profit that is rea­ Company came from a home-made
ing test. If you are
of It is a case of one government agency ened, bothered oy ringing
to encourage the perpetual yield idea. sonable under war conditions. The ore reducing outfit. Under present
in position to cripple another. Suc­ head noises due to hardened or coagu­
It affords the only way to preserve i law should plainly state in so many conditions, it would be utterly im­ work for the AMG (allied military
a major portion oil our lumber in­ words exactly what the word "fair" possible for such a business -growth government) in the liberated coun­ cess of the Bonneville adminstration lated wax (cerumen!, try the Ourine
tries of Europe—work which will be to date has been in its ability to sell Home Method test that so many say
dustry and w« are fortunate tn that means. Nothing should be left -to to happen again.*’*
has enabled them to hear well again
far from agreeable and which will energy to war industries and when You must hear better after making
our climate is favorable for the the personal opinions of those charged
On one hand we applaud the theory
this simple test or you get your mone;
growing of timber.
with administration. In no other way of fair* play to all who have the en­ members to the utmost A number of will be to find other outlets for its back at once. Ask about Ourine Ear
The one sour note in all this is can confusion be avoided.
ergy and ambition to try to get ahead
Drop« today at Barrow Drug Ce.
prominent Oregon and Washington power.
the fact that each tex foreclosure by
Instead of calming the troubled in the world. On the other hand,
the county means the dashing of domestic waters the speech has we approve a government set-up that
someone’s hopes and the confiscation stirred up a formidable tempest that makes it impossible for sueb folks to
of somebody's property. It prohably will react against national harmony ever get anywhere. We are freezing
means the end of the speculative throughout the year. The suggestion the rich in their position of'advantage |
period in Coos county history. Fu­ that we adopt the European method by destroying their competion; we
ture investors will remember what of conscripting labor as a cure for are closing the door of opportunity
has happened to others and will be strike ills leaves both friends and to the enterprising working man.
very cagey in purchasing, real prop­ foes of the president in stunned sur­ | The main issue in the elections
erty for investment purposes unless prise. A great wave of resentment thia year is free enterprise versus
immediate returns are assured.
from both labor and management is state socialism. It is the same issue
The fact that the county was able sure to follow. It will probably be we have had in every presidential
to dispose of the property shows that great teiough to' destroy what little election since 1936 after the real pol- (
there is widespread faith in our fu­ harmony and loyalty remained in icies of this Administration became
ture and that our underlying busi­ Congress towards the president’s pol- known. The selection of elective of­
ness structure is sound. It is a good icies. Too bad, but there seems no ficers is merely Incidental to the main
stroke of business and those county > way to avoid a stormy year for the question of what form of government
officers responsible deserve a pat on Administration.
we prefer.
the back.
The voter in 1S44 has a great ad- ,
Again the president's executive
weakness is painfully apparent He vantage over the voter in 1936. He
Someone has termed the current ! lacks the ability to delegate author- has had a demonstration of the work- 1
scramble for higher wages "The ; ity. The job is impossible for any ings of the new theory of government
Gold Rush of 1844;” and so it would | mortal man and things juit’ ¿ide and can judge its merits on actual
seem. John Lewis has pointed the along because the president has to performance instead of mere verbal
way. Other organized tabor units take matters in order of importance, statement. He can decide whether
are tumbling alopg after him in self ieaving the lesser to accumulate. His he will be happier under centralized
d*ie?’eJ . .u,
i capacity for work ia simply astound- government in Washington or lo­
and you II get better
Added to this are reports of wan- 'lngi but it falla t,r ^ort of
calized government at home where
ton squandering of their big pay (cotnpaaaing the vast duties of our he can watch it.
He can decide
performance at lower cost!
checks by war workers, the intern- Chief Executive offic«. And try as whether he wants regimentation with
perate t«e of liquor, widespread Ju- he may by repeatad .ttempU to its premium on conformance (Har­
venile delinquency caused mainly by . correct administrative wMknsu in vard for boot-licking) or freedom of
parental neglect, open defiance of ___
lhia M____
Itaffi _ he
gucceeds „,
in p,,,,,,
piling setion with its prtenium on ambition
Ontrarnman* «81-----------
Y *«----*■
government directives, the Liberty bureau upon bureau with hopeless and enterprise. His will be the Ohoice
ship Scandal, crippling strikM and a over-lapping of authority and utter bstwMn sovereignty of the state and
hoet of other unpleasant happenings. lack
|acx of
of definite
definite responsibility.
responsibility. It
is Sovereignty
Sovereignty of
of the
the citizen.
It is
Domestic issues have become so ‘ the —
of ...
his personality ' I The
Th* trend
trend away
«way from
from bureaucratic
impregnated with pure politics as to'that holds his Administration to- <overnm«nt makes it likely that the
be almost impossible of resolution '«ether. Th« public admire« and re- iPvop«
chouse free
people wiii
will choose
free i enterprise as
Th« president is to blame for most of , apects him for his wlnsom human ,
»Ute socialism,
Th« war
it K—,,«. Z.«
mnnwverinj for
»... ff-,1f7kv.u-
drmctwtroted that only
3 f ccjji t
position in the 1944 election race. He ings. Because the details of cam- accustomed to blind obendience to
wante to run if he thinks h« can win.
have b«, placed in TOinpetent state decree can function under state
He docsn t want to run if it looks hand* of General Marshall and Ad- socialism. There is little difference
like defeat. The picture is not clear mirai King the preaident’s leader­ between the latter and an absolute
enough as yet for him to decide which ,hlp in conduct of the war has been monarchy. The transition from one I
Come in
event is the most likely to happen. So <ood what a pity he ha, not uged to the other is easy.
Methods of,
' 1 de~$ludgod ' '
b1”^" Jh* Con*re” and every the same efficient system in the oon- government are the same in each.
one in Washington is running around duct of domestic affairs,
Neither will be tolerated by the
( \
blaming somebody else. The main
American public, as coming events
concern seems to be the fixing of
will prove.
( H FV ROI F !
rhe Sentinel
As— .........
Timely Topics
Wanted! Men And
Women Who Are
Hard Of Hearing
Both friends and opponents of the
wonder bow small businesses can
president’s policies were hoping that sta*8er along. Unless a business has
he would get his Dutch dander up “‘k volume enough to afford the
over the kicking around he has been (?verhe*d of an expert accountant, it
getting and would really beer down!18
run *»<»1 of *ome directive
on the domestic situation. „ They
other *nd ** Punished by the
were bitterly disart>ointed in his !evy ot crU>pling fines and penalties,
speech to Congress because it failed . The Pres«nt «t-up in government
again to meet the issues head-on and <'ontro1 of everything is slowly kill-
as they should be met.
, ing off all but two classes of buai-
He dwelt on political generalities nesa, the large and the small. Th*
Many report that they ha« a re« M
ply /aee one night and surpris
r frisada ths nest day with
r complexion. There Is ne ris
The tret kpplloatloa must ooasla.
users who--------- •-------------- *--------
with unsl|
Southwestern Motors
■- c