fagi fúta Crude-Oil Supply Won't Fail, Says Petroleum Expert men Have been assigned to these duties, among them former Mfiyor Jpseph K. Carson of Portland and a mm earn a mm rows former Multnomah county district Judge Dongld E. Long. Some oi the ....... ■in»« — — ■ i I- H. A. YOUNC^aadHHU». GRIMM i men from the Pacific northwest are I (Taken from The Sentinel of Friday, same name as that in use at Powers already on duty in North Africa and Will the earth’s petroleum supply H. A. YOUNG, Miter January IS, 1024) and Myrtle Point—The Hub Clothing’ Sicily and others will be given as­ stand the enormous drain of global - Lafe Compton, manager ot the Co­ & Shoe Co. signments as rapidly as territory is warfare? Will it meet the needs of One Year ------ ---------- quille Hote’., has tentatively set the released from German, bondage. Six Months.---------- ------------------ 1.08. postwar years—which will add many The forms for the concrete founda­ Whit in the beginning seemed to be new items to the list of 2,000 products Three Months ------- --------------- .00 " opening date for Monday, Jan. 28. No subscription taken unless paid The opening will be an informal tion walls Of the S. M. Nosier building a comparatively easy undertaking has nów being made from crude oil? tor m advance. This rule is impera .runcuon function to io which wmcn the general public to be erected at the corner of First been rendered vastly mor® difficult The answer is Yes, says Gustav tlv«. • r *—----------- ” ----- ■ and Hall streets are In place and as U invited. The piuslc for the occa- by the development of factional di­ Egloff, president of the American In­ Enlered at the Coquille Postoffice a. >" wil1 fu™i*‘8d by G. A. Mar the weather permits the work will be visions in Poland, Italy, France, stitute of Chemists and research di­ Second Class Mali Matter. Un orchestra of Coos Bay. Y ester - pushed rapidly. Last Saturday the Greece, Jugoslavia and others of the rector of the Universal Oil Products 'day the carload of furniture and fur­ building now occupied by the J. L. Washington, D. C., Jan. 20—For smaller countries conquered by Hit­ Co., writing in a recent issue of the lifflee Csnvr W. First and WUtard M. nishings was received and the work Stevens meat market was moved on the first time in 11 years the new ler, each action claiming to represent Rotarian magazine. of getting! it installed is proceeding to the Oerdlng lot west of it and Mr. Oil is probably being produced by deal has lost its majority in the lower a majority of the people and each de­ JfctaidS rapidly. ’On Wednesday the kitchen Stevens' new building will go up at I. manding recognition by the United Nature faster than it is being con­ I house of the congress. This has been crew arrived and Mr. Compton is the same time as the Nosier building. brought about by death, by resigna­ Nations. In Italy, Greece and Jugo- sumed tiÿ man. Dr. Egloff maintains. expecting to get them busy by open­ tions and by appointments to federal slavia these domestic differences have There are doubtless millions of acres At a recent meting of the Junior ing the restaurant tomorrow. reached the stage of open hostilities, ‘ nf <>ii/producing territory in the west- jobs. Today Chamber of Commerce a petition to(*----- —— there ------- are 217 ’ demo- ------’ hou8e’ and 8 mai°ri‘y ls and^a similar situation is rapidly de- ern hemisphere not yet discovered or A MOKKN PLUM»,. The W. O. W. building, recently oc­ the city council was presented and cr,U ln veloping in France. In Poland the developed, and many other parts of I propose to use thia position of cupied by a grocery store, has been signed by all the high school students,»2it >or have in a tion of- ___ __ ______________ ___ rented to A. W. Chapin, who comes high responsibility (the Presidency) credited by its controversy with Rus- I r jch. ' democrats * of * the new .deal variety has ' to discuss up and down the country, here from Klamath Falls. He in­ walk along the highway, from the * But in addition to its 375,000 pro­ end of the present board walk at Pro way to avoid a stormy year for the question of what form of government officers responsible deserve a pat on Administration. we prefer. the back. The voter in 1S44 has a great ad- , Again the president's executive weakness is painfully apparent He vantage over the voter in 1936. He Someone has termed the current ! lacks the ability to delegate author- has had a demonstration of the work- 1 scramble for higher wages "The ; ity. The job is impossible for any ings of the new theory of government Gold Rush of 1844;” and so it would | mortal man and things juit’ ¿ide and can judge its merits on actual seem. John Lewis has pointed the along because the president has to performance instead of mere verbal way. Other organized tabor units take matters in order of importance, statement. He can decide whether are tumbling alopg after him in self ieaving the lesser to accumulate. His he will be happier under centralized d*ie?’eJ . .u, . i capacity for work ia simply astound- government in Washington or lo­ and you II get better Added to this are reports of wan- 'lngi but it falla t,r ^ort of calized government at home where ton squandering of their big pay (cotnpaaaing the vast duties of our he can watch it. He can decide performance at lower cost! checks by war workers, the intern- Chief Executive offic«. And try as whether he wants regimentation with perate t«e of liquor, widespread Ju- he may by repeatad .ttempU to its premium on conformance (Har­ venile delinquency caused mainly by . correct administrative wMknsu in vard for boot-licking) or freedom of parental neglect, open defiance of ___ lhia M____ Itaffi _ he gucceeds „, in p,,,,,, piling setion with its prtenium on ambition Ontrarnman* «81----------- Y *«----*■ government directives, the Liberty bureau upon bureau with hopeless and enterprise. His will be the Ohoice ship Scandal, crippling strikM and a over-lapping of authority and utter bstwMn sovereignty of the state and hoet of other unpleasant happenings. lack |acx of of definite definite responsibility. responsibility. It is Sovereignty Sovereignty of of the the citizen. citizen. It is Domestic issues have become so ‘ the — magnetism of ... his personality ' I The Th* trend trend away «way from from bureaucratic bureaucratic — impregnated with pure politics as to'that holds his Administration to- ointed in his !evy ot crU>pling fines and penalties, speech to Congress because it failed . The Pres«nt «t-up in government again to meet the issues head-on and <'ontro1 of everything is slowly kill- as they should be met. , ing off all but two classes of buai- He dwelt on political generalities nesa, the large and the small. Th* FIRST IN SERVICE Many report that they ha« a re« M ply /aee one night and surpris r frisada ths nest day with r complexion. There Is ne ris The tret kpplloatloa must ooasla. S users who--------- •-------------- *-------- with unsl| reeoasweat * Southwestern Motors Bondon ■- c