The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, January 13, 1944, Page 4, Image 4

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‘ •
rhe Sentinel
northwest, particularly with respect
few weeks and the internment camps
to the coat of the product.
ie lin
im ­
The immigration service of the de­ will then be supervised by the
partment of justice is already lining up migration and naturalization service
whergrYBHM^Wld*«, it should have
been placed at the start. There is
little sentiment in favor of turning
the internment camps over to the
Tulelake center in northern Cali­ army for the performance of what is
fornia Th* aera noi ns of the reloca- regarded as purely police duties.
January 11, 1934)
weather while at The
Coquille postal receipts jumped therometer was down to
i»ne Year ...... *.......-......... —
— 17.3 per cent during 1923, from 38,- [
Six Months..............
a-.......... 100
Three Months..... ........
M *620.24 to 310,095.41. The 310,000 re- I
No subscription taken unless paid *ceipts attainment entitled the city to! States
toi in advance. This rule is Impera ! free city mail delivery and the cam- I Archibald, Coquille manager, pre­
1 paign to have all houses numbered sented to the council the company's
| was started at Riat time.
proposal to spend between $600,0<M)
Entered at the Coquille Poetoffice as
and 3750,000 in improvements in the
Second Class Mall Matter.
Mrs. Ida Owen and Miss Edna Har- county during the year, part of which
Washington, D. C-, January 13—1
Office Cerner W. First and Willard St locker left on Saturday for a three (would be a new transmission line
The temper of congress seems very
months’ trip to the Hawaiian Islands, from Coos Bay to Delmar.
clear on two points of legislation. '
Both ladies promised not to make the;
First, the men and women in the
Islands their permanent home—and
Mr. Martin also presented the sug- armed forces are to be beneficiaries
gestion that the Coquille street lights of some type of legislation which will
they did ceturn.
be equipped with 100 candle gbwer assure them of the opportunity to
Duck hunters that week reported (lamps instead of the 80 theretofore vote.
Second, the labor mess—
The fact that C. I. O. President nine large white swan within a block used, and agreed that the company strikes, threatened strikes and wild-'
Murray is opposed to the universal ’ of where H. E. Hess resided on the' would replace broken globes there­ cat walkouts which have in manyj
after, a saving to th# city pf 31 for eases seriously hampered our war
draft program, suggested by Presi­ , Russ rariFh across thé river.
each globe broken.
effort will get immediate attention'
dent Roosevelt yesterday, makes
Lafe Compton was making daily
*----- congress,
—:---------- either through an 1
hundreds of thousands of people in
Pool hall licenses granted were to amendment to the Smith-Connally
this nation more willing to give it a trips to Coquille, getting ready to
open the Coquille Hotel and Comp- J...
H. —
D. ____
Jones, _ _.
J. _.
L. -----
,____ _ Chris anti-strike law or through new legis- f
ton’s Coffee Shop. The range in the Johnson and C. A. Machon.
lation. The scores of returning law- |
WdB UClllg
kitchen was
being illDtdilCU
installed Clllit
and UIV
the: .
makers who visited the home folks
'management expected to begin serv-' County Judge R. H. Mast reported during the holiday recess report that
ing meals, even before the bed rooms that the state highway commission the people are absolutely fed up with j
By R. T. Moore
had under advisement the bids sub­ strikes and threatened strikes which
.were all finished.
A typically American custom is the
mitted for graveling Highway 101, have kept the public in a-continual >
naming of Navy destroyers after men
At the annual meeting of the stock- on the Roosevelt Highway as it was state of “jitters” evpr since Pearl Har­
who have given up their lives in gal- holder8of the First NaUonal Bank, then known (in honor of Theodore
lant uction against the enemy.
A. J. Sherwood, R. C. Dement, L. H. Rosevelt,) and that contracts had
The home folks, and the‘service
Pursuant to this policy is the nam-
____ O. C. Sanford, C. F. Skeels been let for the bridges at the south
men also, n^ade it very clear that I
Ing of a new destroyer the U. S. S. and E a Webb were re-elected as end of the dyke across the river, the members of the armed forces should '
Walter C. Wapn after the Bandon djrectors. Half of that group are now one across Fat Elk creek and the one
have a chance to vote, and they’re:
High School boy who made the su- gone
at Lampa creek. The river 4>ridge mighty sore at congress for stalling
preme sacrifice during the battle fori The Farmers & Merchants Bank here was building.
in the matter. Spearheaded by con­
stockholders re-elected J. E. Ross, C.
gressmen who are Legionaires and
Walter Wann was just an ordinary j Fuhrman, j. E. Norton and J. W.
W. H. Mansell returned on Tuesday ably assisted by the potent American i
high school boy in outward appear- MiUer „ diHktors, and the board re- from a visit with his mother in Oak­ Legion lobby, some measures is sure 1
ance. He went into the service wav-*elected j E. .Norton as president, C. land, Calif.
to pass granting discharged service-*
ing a cheerful goodbye to family and j Fuhrman as vice-president and
men a bonus and other benefits.
friends with a shy smile just like John E Roaa
caahier The annual
Dr. and Mrs. W. V. OlaisyeY and
This session of congress will see
thousands of others. And yet he pos- 1 report showed that deposits had In- two youngest children left that mom.
plenty of politics mixed in with every *
p»cea/4 InUnf tolaanis. “n^th* *tfen<th creased
during 1923 from 3177,179.14 ing for Tacoma,'where Mrs. Glaisyer
of character to make full use of them . to 3274,050.95. All those directors was to visit her parents while the roll call vote. All of the boys have,
their eyes on the ballot box, which I
totally unsuspected by thoSe.whoj ¡are still living but none are active
doctor attended the Veterinarians will be taken out of storage next fall. I
knew him best.
here, Mr. Norton being the only one short course at Washington State Col­ Speeches galore will fill the Con- ‘
Who would suspect that this young remaining in the Coquille valley.
lege at Pullman.
gressional Record for the benefit of j
high school lad, fresh from the class­ f
-------------- '--------------- ;—
. »!■.
the home folks and nine-tenths of it i
room, could in a few short months
Emitted by the public to obtain a ballads that she would give down will be nothing more or less than I
prove himself the master of the
: strangle hold on our vital rail trans- more generously. There was the ac- . politics, intended to snag the votes j
trained killers of Japan? Who could
porta tion system. But this is a stew- cordion player to accompany the | of the lawmaker ’s constituents,
foresee that this youngster of humble
ardship and not an ownership.
crooner. There was flit-sprayer to I Competent observers of labor poli­
birth, inexperienced in worldly wiles
The public expects them to use drive away annoying flies and finally tics are convinced that union leaders
and barely out of childhood, would
their power judiciously and sensibly, the expest milker. It was quite a are less concerned with immediate
rise to such heights of gallantry In
They are not to lose sight of the team and had been very successful wage .increases than with the long
action as to win the highest commen­
that public interest comes first during the past decade,
view of postwar pay. There are in­
tow con
dation of a grateful nation? Truly, I
all of the time. It was bad judgment ' They proceeded to the pasture, dications that future efforts will be
herein lies the secret of' American
to threaten a strike even if there was dressed in their attractive pink cos- toward stabilizing conditions after the
Every community in the*
no intention of actually walking off. turnea, and met with almost im-
nation has its Walter Wann and may the job. The public haa become' mediate disaster. The new genera­ war and that the main purpose in the
negotiation of labor contracts will be
Ood preserve them.
aroused to the danger inherent in tion taxpayer was the wrong kind of to secure guarantees of minimum
This is the power that drives our'
ssch irresponsibility and strong cor­ a bossy. He was a gentleman bossy monthly, weekly and daily wage rates
forces relentlessly against every ob-
rective measures are almost sure to completely fed up on crooning and for a stated period after the war has
stacle imposed by man and nature.
be taken. The public is still boss, definitely allergic to all shades of ended. This position has been
It shows in the grimly determined
opinions to the contrary nothwith- red. So the expedition landed on strengthened by the attitude of the
young faces of those who move for­
standing. And this incident ’further
ward through the hellish jungles of ¡convinces that the unions are* not to their several posteriors in the black­ administration in extending such
* 325 So. Hall St
berry patch on the far side of the guarantees to farmers in the form of
the south Pacific, through the bottom­
a / it u • ,1* trusted wlth too much power and pasture fence.
less mud and endless I*
— "
that some of it should be taken away
This littlk allegory illustrates what tained either through the payment of
winter, through the terrible muggy
from them in the public interest.
is happening to the post-war plan- subsidies or, if subsidies are outlawed
heat of India, the hard brittle cold of
This column has repeatedly warned ( ning game. FDR, the astute politicen by congress, the purchase of surplus
the Arctic and the chilling fogs of the
against irresponsible use of political , always, is away ahead of his palace products by commodity credit cor­
North Atlantic. It is the power that
and economic power ’’ by organized guard and has actually smiled at poration or some government agency.
is striking terror in the hearts of
It believes with Samuel their predicament, the villain.
Refusal of war production board to
those German butchers who mas­
Gompers that unions should avoid
place an embargo on the importation
querade as men and to those steeped
ipolitical pressures and commitments Bulletin Tells How To
of Cuban gin and rum is indirectly
in the black perfidy of Japan. It is
that are sure to lead to disaster and
responsible for its approval of a pro­
Repair Household Equipment
the relentless onimpotent power of the
God of righteousness, of justice, of
“Household Equipment—Its Care ject for the production of 2,500,000
Much ground has been lost in pub-
mercy, and of brotherly love march­
and Repair" is the title of a new and gallons of alcohol from paper pulp
* lie favor but it is not yet too late to
ing at the head of our columns to
attractive bulletin just relased by waste by a plant to be located in the
'recover because the basic theories of
Puget sound area. If the embargo
Oregon State College.
bring stern retribution to those who
organized labor merit preservation.
to be imposed, large quantities
have flaunted His will.
It will be found extremely helpful
There must be a very decided and
Lot a grateful people cherish the
to families who are now forced to do of Cuban blackstrap would be re­
courageous about-fa^e in policy by
America these boys are preserving.
thqir own repair work on small house­ leased for the production of industrial
union leadership to win back public
Let it soberly accept and wisely ad­
hold equipment. The booklet ex­ alcohol and the sulphite liquor would
good will and respect.
minister the stewardship of keeping
plains in detail the care and repair of not be required. However, this use
such items as fuses, cords, plugs, re­ of pulp paper waste has long been
inviolate the American Institutions
Now that the question of a special
that have nurtured such fine young
frigerators, ranges, washing machines, advocated and if the experiment
session of the Legislature has been
men. Let it look well to the task of I
kitchen utensils and simple plumb­ demonstrates the economy of the pro­
.definitely settled in the negative, we
ing. Copies are available upon re­ cess a new industry may be estab­
preserving these institutions free from
__ .. . ..
. .
_ ..L. * * .
’ can see that the issue was between
the infectious growth of false philo- ;
quest to the County Home Demon­ lished tin the Pacific northwest. What
¡two basically different theories of
sophies that would destroy our way
stration Agent, count house, Coquille. its status may be after the war de­
mand for industrial alcohol has ended
of life while seeming “to improve it. j .post-war planning. It was the gov­
ernment pump-priming method of
is open to speculation.
Let the gallant new U. S. S. Walter
Calling caras
tut 314)0.
¡providing jobs versus the private en-
Also, if the embargo were imposed
C. Wann take Its place in our Navy
*“ 7* *”’< terprise system.
and the Cuban blackstrap made avail­
to immortalize the name of a great1 ,, ..
Pimples Disappeared
_ , . . .
If the State is to underwrite an ex-
able for the production of alcohol,
American and to bring redress to all .
tensive construction program for the
, „ u
there would be no further excuse for
post-war period it will need huge re-
forbidding the distilleries to resume
T m . It Is true, tkere la a oafs harm­
less madfcateS liquid ealiad Kierrex
i serve sums. These sums can best be
the making of whisky, and a further
Examine your car through crtltcal eyes and see if you are
that dries up pimples over night.
The mysterious high officials who raised during the flush war times
result would be to make available to
Those who .followed simple direc­
SURE all of the following are in tip top shape—
tions and applied Kloerox upon re-
gave out the press release condemn- when people have money.
American consumers a much larger
tiring were amaslngly surprised
• Wheel and Bearing
ing the railroad unions for their . If private enterprise is to have the
when they found their pimples had
• Headlights & Tail Lights
allotment of sugar. Yet another ef­
disappeared. Those users onthulai.-
• Steering Gear Box
strike action on grounds of alleged responsibility taxes should be kept
• Battery
fect would be to release vast quanti­
tleally praise Kleerox and claim they
are no longer embarrassed and are
• Transmission
aid to German morale certainly made at a minimum to build up potential
Spark Plugs and
now happy with their clear complex­
the head lines.
• Differential
industrial expansion power during the
• General Lubrication.
ions. Don’t take our word for It. use
production of industrial alcohol but
Kleerox tonight. Only 10c. If one ap­
The anions caught off base by the war period. This policy is of course
plication doee not satiety, you get I which is urgently needed for stock
When VAII brine vwr ear in fgr a ST TFT .7 T THflJF A f ;<ift,’
yemr money back. There Io no risk so feed. Tfce regel S ùuuü
unexpected blast are furiously dig- only possible in the case of state and
ao »«> ..•sU«<e. Wold aM
we check each item above and many more vital
luA- l iul e s «4 «MiMti WiUi cries of local taxes. Both corporations and
■oaded by
will be watched with interest by the '
points on the car
foul play and« slander. And it does individuals who could create employ-
seem as if they had good cause for ment in post-war should be allowed
Shellubrication is insurance against costly repair bills
complaint. Their wage demands were to gather the financial strength nec-
------Bring your car in today for our services------
very moderate compared to other essary to carry out the program,
unions and it is not clear why they ' Evidently the prevailing opinion is
should be singled out as culprits when that private industry be given the
other strikes were also disastrous to ball with government running inter­
file war effort. Then the remark by ference to clear the way. This ap-
-------- ---- -- --
-- ----------------- —------ 1
the president’s sedretary that al- pea Ik as the moat sensible and promis-
thopgh the Administration denied ing progrq». i~ If is,
,t in
f ~
tftlfhofship of the charge il was in American tradition of freedom of op­
harmony with Administration views portunity and'fair play. It is also in
would Indicate that if had something step with the current trend in gov-
to do with the release. It certainly emment policy/towards the right,
is in line with the well known New
One editorial writer calls this trend
Deal strategy of stink-bomb tossing , “leftright.” Possibly this expression
R. B. “Bob” Wandlink, Mgr.
to discredit those who have lost favor, is inspired by the one-two punch
Front & WUlard
The lesson to all unions in this in- ¡given the New Deal by FDR.
Phone 263, Coquille
cident is that the correlative of power | The stage was all set for the stan-
is responsibility. The railroad unions dard procedure in milking the poor
are a very large and strong minority old taxpayer. There was the crooner
in the nation. They have been per- to sooth bossy with sentimental love
Timely Topics
Southwestern Motors
& Home Supply Store
(jana funeral (Home,