■ ‘ • 1 tAosrcvt rhe Sentinel TWENTY YEARS AGO northwest, particularly with respect few weeks and the internment camps to the coat of the product. ie lin im ­ The immigration service of the de­ will then be supervised by the partment of justice is already lining up migration and naturalization service whergrYBHM^Wld*«, it should have been placed at the start. There is little sentiment in favor of turning the internment camps over to the Tulelake center in northern Cali­ army for the performance of what is fornia Th* aera noi ns of the reloca- regarded as purely police duties. January 11, 1934) weather while at The Coquille postal receipts jumped therometer was down to i»ne Year ...... *.......-......... — — 17.3 per cent during 1923, from 38,- [ —o— Six Months.............. a-.......... 100 Three Months..... ........ M *620.24 to 310,095.41. The 310,000 re- I No subscription taken unless paid *ceipts attainment entitled the city to! States toi in advance. This rule is Impera ! free city mail delivery and the cam- I Archibald, Coquille manager, pre­ live. 1 paign to have all houses numbered sented to the council the company's | was started at Riat time. proposal to spend between $600,0 naming of Navy destroyers after men At the annual meeting of the stock- on the Roosevelt Highway as it was state of “jitters” evpr since Pearl Har­ who have given up their lives in gal- holder8of the First NaUonal Bank, then known (in honor of Theodore bor. lant uction against the enemy. A. J. Sherwood, R. C. Dement, L. H. Rosevelt,) and that contracts had The home folks, and the‘service Pursuant to this policy is the nam- ____ O. C. Sanford, C. F. Skeels been let for the bridges at the south Hazard, men also, n^ade it very clear that I Ing of a new destroyer the U. S. S. and E a Webb were re-elected as end of the dyke across the river, the members of the armed forces should ' Walter C. Wapn after the Bandon djrectors. Half of that group are now one across Fat Elk creek and the one have a chance to vote, and they’re: High School boy who made the su- gone at Lampa creek. The river 4>ridge mighty sore at congress for stalling preme sacrifice during the battle fori The Farmers & Merchants Bank here was building. in the matter. Spearheaded by con­ Guadalcanal. stockholders re-elected J. E. Ross, C. gressmen who are Legionaires and Walter Wann was just an ordinary j Fuhrman, j. E. Norton and J. W. W. H. Mansell returned on Tuesday ably assisted by the potent American i high school boy in outward appear- MiUer „ diHktors, and the board re- from a visit with his mother in Oak­ Legion lobby, some measures is sure 1 ance. He went into the service wav-*elected j E. .Norton as president, C. land, Calif. to pass granting discharged service-* ing a cheerful goodbye to family and j Fuhrman as vice-president and men a bonus and other benefits. friends with a shy smile just like John E Roaa caahier The annual Dr. and Mrs. W. V. OlaisyeY and This session of congress will see thousands of others. And yet he pos- 1 report showed that deposits had In- two youngest children left that mom. plenty of politics mixed in with every * p»cea/4 InUnf tolaanis. “n^th* *tfen ..•sU«