The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, September 30, 1943, Page 6, Image 6

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was given by Mr*. Georgia Richmond Jr, of Gold Beach, were last Friday Sumner were present at church last
Harbison'* hand-carvea myrtle­
' tvt
l*M*lr el
ir* *"»*»»• ni
Kxar* <ktav«4
Ml*S OftxH*D IS & SIS- wood »nim.i.
of rViaaiiill*
Coquille. The pot-luck
at ! | rtinrnirfM
overnight cfiioatfa
gueits ' 'of her
aunt and Sunday n
»ewelrv TCoouitle for Diamonds and Watch
Strap*.' '
at Bergen’s.
• Straps.
Elm« Rusnell, of North Behd, was noop was very enjoyed by all. I. uncle, Mr. aqd, Mr*. KtJA. Brodie.
*_ Mr.auJM^Guy
Mis. A. T. r Hill had charge of the.
a business call« in Arago, Monday.
the meeting Lake, of Bridge w*r8 last Saturday'tnlked out Saturday to spend the
Stephen Aasen
opening with hymn,
“Praise Him, dinner guests of Mr. and Mr*. J. F.'I I night
night sleeping
sleeping out.
out. Among
Among them
them were
, and visited at th*
Praise Him,” followed by prayer by Schroeder, also of Mrs. McKinley
and 1 Charles
Charles ¿»nd
¿ind Edward
Edward Stevenson,
Stevenson, for-
home of his folk*, Mr. and Mrs. L. M.
Mrs. Hill. Th* ladle* quartette j two children, of Norway
| meiiy of thi* valley.
Has good Cover and Springs
Aasen, for a few day*.
gave two numbers, “Beautiful Word I
„ —---- —
I ‘Mrs. Clara Kibler and Mi** Carrie
Mr. and Mr*. J. L. Burtis viaited at
of Jesus” and "If Christ Should
M Byerly were afternoon guest* at the
th* home of Mr. and Mr*. Marvin
Come,” and was by Mesdames Albert
home of Mrs. Andy Parka. Lunch-
Shaw and family in Coquille Sunday
6 Chair*—Walnut and Oak
I Lillie, Albert Gulstrom, Stanley Hal­ | Funeral services were held ___
j^on_ jeon was served during the afternoon.
$18.50, $24.50, $39.50, $05.00
ter and S. C. McAllister, accompanied day morning in Myrtle Point for-R. I Mr*. Earl Adams, JrM of Coquille,
Mr*. Bert Davenport and Mr. and
Mr*. B. Holt,'of Myrtle Point, weref iby Mrs. O. H. Aasen. A musical ij. West of Powers, who passed away •R*nt ltuil week-end at the home of
reading was given by Mrs. Ward at Mast hospital Friday night at 11:30 hc^Pal'cnts,^Mr. aad Mrs'
Wednesday visitor* at the home of
$27.50 — $30.00
Evans accompanied by Mrs. Aasen ¡o'clock. Interment was in Civil Bend | Mr. and Mrs. Horace Berry have
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Evans.
The speaker for the afternoon was Cemetery in Douglas county. "Mr. received word from their son, “Buss,”
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell and family
Mrs. H. E. Watkins, who gave a very West was the broth« of Mrs. R. M. that he had a short visit with his
6 ft. x 6 ft. x 24 inches.
moved up on Hall's Creek at the J.
interesting talk on her trip to San Noah and Mrs. Ed Isaacson.
youngest brother, "Bill," at Camp
- J „
W. Barnett ranch, last week.
Anselmo, California, a short time ago I Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Dow received Roberts, Calif.
and Heaters
Mr. and Mrs Clarence Schroeder
when Stanley Jones was one of the; ! word Monday from their eon, Frerf
Mrs. H. D. Miller, of Albany, und
for rebuilding and repair before selling.
came in from Corvalli* last Friday
main instructor* there. 1
Mr*. W. L. Kelly, of Portland, suiter
and visited at the home of Mr. and
McCue of Coquille gave " a report "
: planned on seeing them some time in and niece of Mr*. L. A. Ryan, left
Mr*. Frank Burbank for a few day*,
the Farm Home.
of of- 'October.
for their homes last Friday morning
____ The election
returning home, Tuesday.
fleer* was ’ held,
the I
being ?
after a visit of several day*.
Mr. and Mr*. Lawrence Barklow
Mr*, ’ u. ’ V. ' rarr ot
or . marsn-,^
friendg flre wjlhing w
Bible Study and prayer meetings
ive mover»
in Arago.
Arago. follow.:
“"v trianrf.
moved io
to rneir
their nome
home in
been held each morning thi*
a speedy recovery.
mond of Coqtille, vice-president to! Grange met at usual last Saturday week at the church. The evangelists,
legany, visited at the home of Mr.
succeed Mrs. A. M. Peterson, of North night. The H. E. C. served refresh­ “The Suri* Sisters,” and party have
and Mr-. Wrrd Evan* last Monday.
Bend; Mrs. Mr*. Wm. Phillip* of ments of ice cream, cookies and continued their meetings through
Ok, Arden Ha. rah, of the Field Ar­
* of Coquille
Marshfield wiui re-elected treasurer
thi* week.
tillery of Fort Bragg, North Carolina,
and Mrs. Ward Evans of Arago was
Last week the lucky persons re­
Charlie, Thommen left last Thurs­
was home on a short furlough last
re-elected secretary. Mrs Richmond day for San Francisco after spending ceiving the chalk drawings* at the
week. He visited at th* home of his
gave an 'interesting account of her
also a month on leave home from church services were Mr*. R. M.
grai 'parents, Mr. and Mr*. Frank
Visit with Ray Conway and the rest the Navy. He stopped enroute to Noah, oldest person present; Mr*. G.
Dane, in Arago last Wednesday and
of the liquor board -in Portland. Mr*.
visit at the Fred Byerly home in B. Dow, mother of the largest family
left Friday for North Carolina.
Farr gave a pray« for deceased mem­
present, antf T. H. Benham, new per­
Chico, Calif.
Rev. M. D. Rempel, of Cqguille,
bers and all repeated the benediction.
son to attend the meetings.
conducted the regular Sunday morn­
Mr*. Ward Evans has the Xmas cards
, .After the removal of the cast and
.last Tuesday for dinner were Mrs
ing church service. Sunday school
and everyone is urged to make their Althea Harrah and her son, Alden, a trip to the physician Saturday.
followed with an attendance of 84.
selections as early as possible.
who is stationed in North Carolina, Charles Holverstott is reported im­
There will be services again next
|and Bud Perry, home on furlough proving satisfactorily.
Sunday, preaching at 10 a. m. and
j from the U. S. Army. Bud left Wed-
Sunday school at 11 a. m. Th* Arago Mnrwnw KJou/C itamc
group haa be«» invited to attend the •xorwa7
j nesday for Denver, Colorado, and
Don’t forget a corsage for that spe­
potluck dinner and program at the J Arlen* and Lonnie Kellenberger Arden Fridny for North Carolina.
cial date—roses, gardenias and or­
chid* at Bergen's.
Baptist church in Coquille next Sun- ' were lot wok-end visitors at tlSr
day, Oct 3.
grandmother's, Mr*. Lena Kellen­
Ladies Aid will meet Wednesday berger.
afternoon at th* church at which time
Mrs. Harry M. Bright and two
there will be election of officers.
____ __ and- __
daughters, ___
Mary Eliz-
The regular Missionary
j ab^"^ fag'poHJand laatfFriday
will commence again next Tuesday, ¡morning,
going up with her broth«-
Oct. 5, at the church.
i in-law, Warren Bridge. He returned
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Routon came in Sunday but Mr*. Harry Bridge ex­
from California and visited in Arago pect* to remain for a couple of weeks
one day last week.
'visiting her parents, Mr. and Mr*,
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Pappel and i Wm. Kitchell and other relatives and
family, of Marshfield, visited at the I friend*.
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl i
, Mrs. Raymond Thompson was a
business caller in Coquille Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. John Widmark re­ of last week and while there visited
ceived a letter from their son, Elvin, '• her brother and family, Mr and Mr*,
Peering through a quartz window into the
a ..
who is at Farragut, Idaho, saying he s ....
w ciaver
combustion chamber of a running engine, this
was attending mechanical
school i Mrs. Ray Watkins, of Eureka,
of California technician can actually
there. «
Calif, was a house guest of her sis-
see how a new gasoline will behave in your
Rev. and Mrs. M. M. Steam and , ter, Mr*. R. R. Rackleff, from Thurs­
daughter, of Myrtle Point, were day of last week till Monday of this
motor. He will check it for speed and smooth­
Wednesday dinn« guests of Mr. and
ness of combustion so that when Standard
Mrs. Nil* Milter.
Gasoline goes into youf cat’s janlc you’ll get
Mr. and Mr*. Nile Miller and Mr.
and Mr*. Harold Fish viaited at the down to Bandon the 13th of Sept,
"Unsurpassed” power and performance.
home of Mr. and Mr*. Orvus Miller in to. visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Myrtle Point Sunday.
H. E. Boak, and Thursday of last week
Avon Wilcox received notice of he brought his wife and baby, his
the death of hi* mother at Detroit mother, Mrs. H. E Boak, and his
Lake, Minn. She had been in poor grandmother, Mrs. Martha McNair,
health for some time and Mr. Wilcox i to spend the day with his aunt and'
recently returned from a trip to see uncle, Mr. and Mr*. R. R. Rackleff.
Overstuffed Chair I
Dining Sets
Fairview News
Electric Ranges
Clothes Cupboard
thot he va*again in thc states and
Complete Beds
Brooks Used Furniture, Phone 119L
The Industrial Repair Co
Repairing Aids Victory
Crystal Gazer
On returning home, Robert Boak
Mr*. Mike Fairchild, Richard and will be inducted next week into the
Billy and Rotha, of Scottsburg, via- ,
army. This is Mr. and Mr*. H. E.
ited over night Friday at the home Beak'* fourth son to enter the army.
of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knabe.
Harry Druliner is painting the Will
Mr*. Ward Evans, Pamela and
Lundy residence on Spruce St. in
Maureen visited at the home* of Mr. Myrtle Point this week.
and Mrs. Chester Willson and Mr.
E. F. Brodie, Eldon Brodie, B«t
and Mrs. John Felaher in Myrtle I Soaper and A. R. Bennett put in the
Point Saturday.
I day Sunday moving the Amelia Nel-
Mr*. A. H. Bender visited at the
son house on the highway back
home of het sister and family, Mr. about thirty feet.
and Mr*. J. D. Carl, from Thursday
Friday of last week Mr. and Mrs
last week till Saturday. Mr. Bender
A. D. Rackleff and children, Phyllis,
and Ellsworth and Mr*. Kate Hodson
Patricia and Archie, Jf., also Mis*
cam* down Saturday and were dinn« Barbara Truax, all of Millington,
guest* of Mr. and Mr*. Carl and spent the day visiting his parents, Mr.
Mr*. Bender returned home with
and Mrs. 'R. R. Rackleff.
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Ivan Robison ha* taken over th* Mrs. Vernon Trigg were her parents.
driving of th* Arago Factory truck, Mr. and Mr*. Geo. Gillespie, Mr. and
relieving Virgil Todd, who has been Mrs. Rufus Rylander and Grandma
driving siqce Claud Walk« moved to Rylander. The dinner was in cele­
bration of Mr. Gillespie'* birthday
Mr. and Mr*. Wayne Woodward, and hi* daughter, Mr*. Trigg, which
Mr. and Mr*. Stanley Halter and Mr*. k was Sept. 28, and Mr*. Rufus Ry-
Ida Myer* drove to Bandon Sunday. lander’s which was Sept. 28.
Oliv« Myer*, of Myrtle Point, vis­
Mr*. Phoebe Harry visited at the
ited at the home of his moth«, Mr*. A. R. Bennett home from Thursday
Id* Myers, Sunday evening.
i ! morning till Friday evening of last
Mr*. Ward Evaq* attended th*
Royal Neighbor* lodge in Myrtle
Mrs. Vesta Soaper attended a
Point last Monday evening and was church convention from Thursday of
elected Oracle.
last week till Sunday. It was held
Mr. and Mr*. Wayne Woodward left at Saginaw. She went out with Mrs
Monday for California, where they, Massey of Broadbent,
will visit their son, Gerald, who is
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Hugh, of Marsh-
in training at the Santa Ana air neW> and Mr and Mri w. A. War-
|ner of Coquille had Sunday dinner
The W. C. T. U. County Institute with th* girls' parents, Mr. and Mr*,
was held last Tuesday at thc Arago J. F. Schroeder,
Hartley. Gant received a tel-
church with Mrs. C. C. Farr, county
president, in charge. ' The meeting ephoqe cal) early Sunday morning j,
was opened with song, “When Jesus from'Oregon City, saying her father
Goes .With Me,” followed by prayer was worse again, so she and her hus-
by Mrs. Thompson of Marshfield, band left at once, driving up in their
Minutes of last meeting were read car and returning again late Tues-
and approved. Mr*. Farr .gave an in- day evening ha he seemed to be some-
tereating account of the apartment what Improved.
which elderly ladies had ¿ven the
A. R. Bennett and W. W. Deyoe are
Fum Hume. It was voted to take upr doing soma repair work-scin the Chris
the study' of "Just and Durable Moller dairy barn'*this week.
Peace." The State Convention ha*
Wesley Fowler has been quite sick
been called off by the ’ O. P. A. the past two weeks. After atending
Terasurer’s report showed a balance the first week of school he had a
of MO on hand. It was voted to send sever* heart attack and ha* to stay
the delegate fund to the delegate in in bed.
Portland. It wai also voted to have
Mis* Anita Tedsen had a* her house
Mr*. Toor* come in to Coquille for guest over the week-end Mias Jeanne
an institute all day and an evening Leonard, of Portland.
They are
session. Reports were given by the both member* of Chi Omega.
t Unions. Noontide prayer
Mr*. Gale A. Bush and baby. Gale.
Carrying ■ torch for victory, this burner
dices necl speedily and accurately with one
of Standard of California’s industrial
guying daddy's tisket homo, he helps "back the attack," save*
Thoroughness is key of Standard lubrication. Here, shackle is pried
to invest in an extra Bond during the Third War Bond Drive.
for ben« penetration of lubricant that cuts wear—saves repair*.
porty for Tojo. Standard's
bpm duo
lubricate* engines in
many Coast Guard landing barges.