g*!!L»Lla was given by Mr*. Georgia Richmond Jr, of Gold Beach, were last Friday Sumner were present at church last Harbison'* hand-carvea myrtle­ ' tvt l*M*lr el ir* *"»*»»• ni Kxar* who is at Farragut, Idaho, saying he s .... w ciaver combustion chamber of a running engine, this was attending mechanical school i Mrs. Ray Watkins, of Eureka, Standard of California technician can actually there. « Calif, was a house guest of her sis- see how a new gasoline will behave in your Rev. and Mrs. M. M. Steam and , ter, Mr*. R. R. Rackleff, from Thurs­ daughter, of Myrtle Point, were day of last week till Monday of this motor. He will check it for speed and smooth­ Wednesday dinn« guests of Mr. and ness of combustion so that when Standard Mrs. Nil* Milter. Gasoline goes into youf cat’s janlc you’ll get Mr. and Mr*. Nile Miller and Mr. and Mr*. Harold Fish viaited at the down to Bandon the 13th of Sept, "Unsurpassed” power and performance. home of Mr. and Mr*. Orvus Miller in to. visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Myrtle Point Sunday. H. E. Boak, and Thursday of last week Avon Wilcox received notice of he brought his wife and baby, his the death of hi* mother at Detroit mother, Mrs. H. E Boak, and his Lake, Minn. She had been in poor grandmother, Mrs. Martha McNair, health for some time and Mr. Wilcox i to spend the day with his aunt and' recently returned from a trip to see uncle, Mr. and Mr*. R. R. Rackleff. Overstuffed Chair I Dining Sets Fairview News Electric Ranges Clothes Cupboard thot he va*again in thc states and CASH FOR Ranges Heaters Complete Beds Linoleums Chairs Bicycles Brooks Used Furniture, Phone 119L The Industrial Repair Co WELDING MACHINING PRESSING METALLIZING BLACKSMITHING ★ Repairing Aids Victory ’ RIGHT CFE THE REEL Crystal Gazer On returning home, Robert Boak Mr*. Mike Fairchild, Richard and will be inducted next week into the Billy and Rotha, of Scottsburg, via- , army. This is Mr. and Mr*. H. E. ited over night Friday at the home Beak'* fourth son to enter the army. of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knabe. Harry Druliner is painting the Will Mr*. Ward Evans, Pamela and Lundy residence on Spruce St. in Maureen visited at the home* of Mr. Myrtle Point this week. - and Mrs. Chester Willson and Mr. E. F. Brodie, Eldon Brodie, B«t and Mrs. John Felaher in Myrtle I Soaper and A. R. Bennett put in the Point Saturday. I day Sunday moving the Amelia Nel- Mr*. A. H. Bender visited at the son house on the highway back home of het sister and family, Mr. about thirty feet. and Mr*. J. D. Carl, from Thursday Friday of last week Mr. and Mrs last week till Saturday. Mr. Bender A. D. Rackleff and children, Phyllis, and Ellsworth and Mr*. Kate Hodson Patricia and Archie, Jf., also Mis* cam* down Saturday and were dinn« Barbara Truax, all of Millington, guest* of Mr. and Mr*. Carl and spent the day visiting his parents, Mr. Mr*. Bender returned home with and Mrs. 'R. R. Rackleff. them. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Ivan Robison ha* taken over th* Mrs. Vernon Trigg were her parents. driving of th* Arago Factory truck, Mr. and Mr*. Geo. Gillespie, Mr. and relieving Virgil Todd, who has been Mrs. Rufus Rylander and Grandma driving siqce Claud Walk« moved to Rylander. The dinner was in cele­ Broadbent. bration of Mr. Gillespie'* birthday Mr. and Mr*. Wayne Woodward, and hi* daughter, Mr*. Trigg, which Mr. and Mr*. Stanley Halter and Mr*. k was Sept. 28, and Mr*. Rufus Ry- Ida Myer* drove to Bandon Sunday. lander’s which was Sept. 28. Oliv« Myer*, of Myrtle Point, vis­ Mr*. Phoebe Harry visited at the ited at the home of his moth«, Mr*. A. R. Bennett home from Thursday Id* Myers, Sunday evening. i ! morning till Friday evening of last Mr*. Ward Evaq* attended th* week. Royal Neighbor* lodge in Myrtle Mrs. Vesta Soaper attended a Point last Monday evening and was church convention from Thursday of elected Oracle. last week till Sunday. It was held Mr. and Mr*. Wayne Woodward left at Saginaw. She went out with Mrs Monday for California, where they, Massey of Broadbent, will visit their son, Gerald, who is Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Hugh, of Marsh- in training at the Santa Ana air neW> and Mr and Mri w. A. War- fleld , |ner of Coquille had Sunday dinner The W. C. T. U. County Institute with th* girls' parents, Mr. and Mr*, was held last Tuesday at thc Arago J. F. Schroeder, Mrs. Hartley. Gant received a tel- church with Mrs. C. C. Farr, county f president, in charge. ' The meeting ephoqe cal) early Sunday morning j, was opened with song, “When Jesus from'Oregon City, saying her father Goes .With Me,” followed by prayer was worse again, so she and her hus- by Mrs. Thompson of Marshfield, band left at once, driving up in their Minutes of last meeting were read car and returning again late Tues- and approved. Mr*. Farr .gave an in- day evening ha he seemed to be some- tereating account of the apartment what Improved. which elderly ladies had ¿ven the A. R. Bennett and W. W. Deyoe are Fum Hume. It was voted to take upr doing soma repair work-scin the Chris the study' of "Just and Durable Moller dairy barn'*this week. Peace." The State Convention ha* Wesley Fowler has been quite sick been called off by the ’ O. P. A. the past two weeks. After atending Terasurer’s report showed a balance the first week of school he had a of MO on hand. It was voted to send sever* heart attack and ha* to stay the delegate fund to the delegate in in bed. Portland. It wai also voted to have Mis* Anita Tedsen had a* her house Mr*. Toor* come in to Coquille for guest over the week-end Mias Jeanne an institute all day and an evening Leonard, of Portland. They are session. Reports were given by the both member* of Chi Omega. t Unions. Noontide prayer Mr*. Gale A. Bush and baby. Gale. Carrying ■ torch for victory, this burner dices necl speedily and accurately with one of Standard of California’s industrial guying daddy's tisket homo, he helps "back the attack," save* Thoroughness is key of Standard lubrication. Here, shackle is pried to invest in an extra Bond during the Third War Bond Drive. for ben« penetration of lubricant that cuts wear—saves repair*. porty for Tojo. Standard's bpm duo lubricate* engines in many Coast Guard landing barges. CALIFOKNI STANDARD TAKES BETTER CARE OF YOUR CAR