The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, September 02, 1943, Page 7, Image 7

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' members or supporting members up- Mrs. Hatcher, and all joined in the
on application and payment of the group singing. Door prize was re-
one dollar membership fee to the1 reived by Mrs. Hatcher,
Mr. land Mrs. Olen Griffith, Robin,
| Next Tuesday evening the program
secretary at Coquille.
Buddy and Sandra, and Mrs. Ralph
Cruquet and Badminton sets at
will start at 7:00 p. m., with a sack the Goodyear Store.
Cameron visited at the homo of Mr.
A special call meeting of the Coos
...................................................................................................... i u.
and Mrs. Charles Griffith Monday
and Curry Pioneer Association was were considered. There have been a
held at the city hall In Coquille last number of offers of historical articles,
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sumerlln
Saturday afternoon, with President and of a cabinet for the display of
and Sylvia spent the week-end at
Charles Stauff presiding. Roll call small articles to take effect when the
>5.00 to >12.5*
Granta Paas, returning home Sunday.
showed the following directors and association shall have found suitable
Mrs. Ward Rvans attended the
We rebuild and Repair
members present: Mr. Stauff. Mrs. quarters for the historical museum
Royal Neighbors lodge at Myrtle
Inez, Chase, secretary; L. H. Hazard. now being planned. Aid in locaUng
Point Monday evening.
P. Beyers, Mrs, J, P. Beyers, Mrs. suitable housing for the museum has
any condition
Mrs. Ward Evans entertained the
Charles Stauff and Mrs. Mary Ran­ been promised by the Coquille Cham­
Merry Matrons* club at her home last home
dleman, of Coquille; J. Albert Mat- ber of Commerce. Anyone having
or kind
| son, of Marshfield, and Emil Peterson,
Tuesday evening with a card party. last 1
Mrs. Bert Davenport won high score
of North Bayside.
tor the women and* Chris Nelson for
Committees appointed tor the year J. P. Beyers of Coquille.
the men for pinochle and. Mrs. Nell
■ were:
incorporation proceedings as ap­
Ray won high score for whist. Mrs.
Relatives of George Brownson were 1 Finance—-L. H. Hazard, J. P. Bey-
proved at the annual meeting, and
Molly Floyd won the sewing prise pleasantly surprised by a visit from! !ers and J. Albert Matson. ' .
and Cllnard Mast the door prize. Re­ him this last week-end.
He had • Annual Meeting — J. P. Beyers,
freshments of apple crisp and whip­ been very recently discharged from chairman, with instructions to se- advisory chairman for that matter.
The charter membership list will be
ped cream and- coffee were served to the U. S. Army on acocunt of physi- lect his own committee,
held open Until the next annual
the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. cal disability and had been stationed
Membership — Mrs. Inez Chase,
Tom Cook, Charles and Butch, of in Virginia since last January. He,general chairman; 8. M. Nosier, meeting. All who wish to join as
Arago; Messrs, and Meedames Bert visited at the Chas. Holverstott and chairman for Coquille; Gus Bernier charter members must do so before
Alli. Bartlett, Verne Tom Benham homes, going to Eu­ for rMyrtle Point; Marietta Morse that time.
The possibility of securing time
Lundy, Chris Nelson, John Felsher, gene Sunday afternoon and on to' for Bandon; J. Albert Matson for
Job Mast, Clinard Mast, Mahaffey, Portland Monday to resume his work Marshfield; Henry Kern for North on the radio and presenting radio
Shop on Front St.
Daisy Was.on Codding P,l,8rnrn« d<‘alin8 wiU1 the
Mesdames Rufus Lemon, Louise Car­ in the shipyards.
I Bend; Mm.
- - - -
- ..j Coos and Curry counties and matters
ver, Dunford Gilison, Mitchel Myers,
Mrs. W. J. Wheeler and Lula Marie for Empire; Emil Peterson for North
_ . . . . of interest to the asociation an<j its
Nell Ray, Addison Christensen, Vada Lindsay returned home Saturday Bayside; John Merchant for Eastside;
members was discussed. Emil Peter­
Clinton, Wava Townsend, Molly evening from Grants Paas.
Mrs. George Stewart for Powers; Ray
son of North Bayside was appointed
Floyd, Ethel Miller and - Clayton Lindsay and daughter, Virginia, were Zumwalt for Langlois; John Ross for^
Mast, all of Myrtle Point.
Pprt Orford, and
arid Collier H. Buffing- •to investigate the «natter and was
delayed on account of car trouble. Port
asked to have a report ready for an
Mrs. Mike Fairchild, Richard, Billy
Mrs. L. A. Ryan and daughter, ton for Gold Beach.
early called meeting.
and Rotha, of Scottsburg, spent from Mrs. Earl Adams, Jr., were shoppers
Welfare—Mrs. Mary Randleman,
All paid up members are asked to
Friday last week till Sunday visiting in Coquille Saturday.
with all officers and directors.
hold themselves ready for such a call
After the reading of previous meet-
at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. T. H- Benham and
meeting and to watch the papers for
Mrs. Wm. Knabe.
daughter, Karen, visited at the home ings minutes, the secretary-treasurer
announcements. J
Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Miller, Phyllis, of Mrs. Melissa Brownson in Bridge made a very interesting financial re­
It is most gratifying to see how in­
1 port. After all current expenses and
Alice and Orvus, Jr, at Myrtle Point, last Sunday.
terest in the organization is growing,
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Verna Thurman, daughter of Mr.. costs of the annual picnic had been
and Mrs. Date Thurman, of Seattle,' paid, there was on hand a total of, not only among the
- pioneers
. _
Nile Miller, Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fish visited at submitted to a tonsHectomy Wednes- »143.38. The membership list showed
173 on that date with many new ap- A"* counUe8 who
to help
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fish day of last week.
The Thurmans
in Coquille last Friday evening.
are here to take their three children
Buy Your
for future generations.
From the
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Fish and home in time for school. The chil­ are interested in supporting this or­
family, of Portland, visited relatives dren have been spending the summer ganization may become either pioneer
it is probable that there will be two
on the farm of their grandparents,
In Coos county last week.
hundred members early this month
be taught by Mrs. Dena Pierce, who
Mrs. Nile Miller has been Ul for the Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Holverstott.
many more soon after. Anyone
past few days and confined to her
Confirmed by mail last week is comes here with good references.
Mrs. nmi
and uaujiiWT'
daughter, wishing to help in thia work id in­
y Lindsay unu
home, although she has not been con­ the rumor
rumor inai
that MIC
the ihimu
cargo uuas
boat on . tnn.
vited to Join the organization.
fined to her bed. She is a little bettor which Raymond Norris, 8 1/c, had : Virginia, returned home Sunday af-
been serving since the first of Janu-. ternoon from Granta Paas, Ore.,
at this time.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barklow ary, had been lost He reports be- | where they have been employed in
and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward Ing-in action in Guadalcanal and , the hop yards.
Townsend Club, No. I, met Tues­
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Krantz and
came in from North Bend Sunday and later the sinking of his ship some
visited relatives In Arago. Mrs. Ida time in the last part of July or first | two sons, of Coquille, and Mr. and day evening with 30 members present
Myers returned home with them for of August. He is now doing shore' Mrs. Clarence Miller and son, of and President Tilghman conducting
duty on an Island “somewhere in the: Oravelford, were visitors at the L. the business affairs of the club. Our
a few days.
Mrs. Avon Wilcox visited at the South Pacific.” He writes of seeing j L. Buoy home Sunday. They assisted new signa are all completed and will
home of Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller Charles Thommen very recently and in the moving of a house off the hill soon be posted. New members re­
Bank Bide.
Sick members
Mrs. J. D. Carl, Mrs. Maiden Carl that Charlie may be on his way home , to down near the Buoy residence, ported were five.
and Douglas drove to Marshfield on on leave.
¡where it will be used as a home for were remembered.
A short program was enjoyed It
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Thurman and ' Mrs. Buoy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.
business Monday. Mrs. Kate Hodson
this Offices Secures
and Roy, of Myrtle Point, accompan­ children left early Monday morning ! M. Noah; Mrs. Krantz, Mrs. Miller consisted of readings by Mrs. Von
for Yen
Pegert, Mrs. Dean. Mr». Schroeder
on their return trip to their home in and Mrs
ied them.
and Mrs. Westbrook; by
Ray. Chas. G. Brown of Coquille Seattle. Wash.
conducted the regular Sunday morn­
Visiting at the home of Mfs. Aman­
ing church services. Sunday school da Johnson last week were two girl­
followed witi| an attendance of 34. hood chums, the former Bunnell girls
There will be •services again next of the upper valley, Mrs. Edna Carb-
Sunday, preaching at 10 a. m: and son and Mrs. Nettie Glaser and her
Sunday school at 11 a. m. The reg­ grandson. They are sisters of Mrs.
ular church anniversary dinner will Nora Neely, of near Coquille. They
be hold Sept. 13, to which everyone la both live in 8eatUe, Wash.
Mrs. Harry Ifubbell, of Coquille, a ,
cordially invited.
Mrs. 8. C. McAllister accomapnied former resident at Fairview, visited
Mr. and Mrs. Loo Cox, of Bandon, to in the valley Monday evening She
Portland last Thursday. They went was accompanied by her two chil­
to take Mrs. Cox to the Portland San­ dren, John and Marsha,
itarium for a physical examination.
Mr. and Mrs. Loe Byerly and son.
While there Mrs. McAllister visited at of Los Angeles, teft for their home
the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. last Thursday after visiting at the (
A. Haberly, and her sister and hus­ Wm. Byerly and Ray Deadmon^
.. ...................... SI
band, Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Little, at homes
Lillie Johnson, of Coquille, daugh­
Miss Jean McAllister
came in from Madras, Oregon, where ter of Mr and Mrs. J. A. Deadmond, |
she has been employed for a few is planning a Wlp back to Belle-
weeks and met her mother there and fourche South Dakota, to visit her I
also returned home with her Satur­ daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs.
day and visited at their home in Ara­ C. t. Nevin. Mrs. Nevin was Helen
Local entries,
go till Monday when she left by bus Johnson before her marriage. This (
each day
for Sacramento, where she has been will be , Mrs. Johnson’s first visit
Mrs. Cox also came ' back east and she is anticipating (
Contests and
home with Mrs. McAllister and is getting acquainted with her grand­
staying at the McAllister home for an ' daughter, Joyce Ann, whom she has |
never seen and who was a year old
indefinite time.
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Aasen were this month.
A meeting of the Sunday school (
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
teachers was held Monday afternoon
S. C. McAllister and Jean.
Mr. and Mrs. Olteer Myers and Those present were Mrs. Harry Lind- (
Harold Lee Ray, of Myrtle Point, ¡say,' superintendent and adults class
teacher; Mrs. Tom Benham, junior |
visited relatives in Arago Sunday.
Emmett Hammack, of Myrtle Point, class teacher; Mrs. W. J. Wheeler, |
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. primary teacher, and Mrs. L. L.
Buoy, secretary-treasurer. Supplies,
Nile Miller last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Evans, Pamela etc., were discussed. .
Mr. and Mrs. David Pike, of Marsh­
and Maureen, accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. John Felsher of Myrtle , field, were visitors in the valley the
Point, visited at the home of Mr. and ( first part of this weA. They were
Mrs. Chester Willson of Myrtle Point. , intending to get a new renter settled
Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Cornwell and < on toelr farm, known a* the Barker
' x.
.W » <Mara wu
family, of Scottburg, visited at the , farm,
> ,
Mrs. H. M, Hall hashed Word from
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knabe last
I a nephew who had seen action in
Mrs. Nile .Miller received a tele- , Sicily and whom they had not hoard
phone call from her son, Wallace, , of Since last December. He reports
last Sunday, on her birthday. They he it In New York at the time of his
Arago News ,___
Pioneer Association
Meeting August 28
Dressing Table
Brooks Used Furniture
Fairview News
will be closed
Saturday, Sunday and Monday
Sept. 4-5-6
Holimon & Harris, Props.
Service and Protection
Accident and Health
Townsend Club No. 1
PfraeMofaibSept 5,6
the 3rd
The big Browning Bron. Amusement show, featuring the largest and finest
Gay-Way seen at any southwestern Oregon celebration. Hot dogs, pea­
nuts, pap corn, chewing gum, and can dy! That’s what you'll get and a lot :
of fun for the whole family besides.
were all well.
Mrs. Minnie Tibbet, of Eureka,
Calif., Is expected in Wednesday at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ar-
nold Gauer, for a short visit.
A miscellaneous bridal shower was
Friends of Mrs. Johjf Roper will
, be glad to hear she has been improv­
j ing Since she broke her right arm
about a month ago. Eight months ago
I she fell and broke her left arm.
I” c»>. Rtetvsatoatoto sepagted stood- >
*1 v**'
church for Mrs. Vernon Trigg. oi n/^Zp^vtng after "having broken
Norway, formerly Mias Bernice Gil- Ms
. . teft
teg a ---------
few weeks
lesple, of Arago. The bride received
was held
nany lovely
lovely gifts
giro and after they were !
what u
and admired, refreshmonts ,
LjrtMe iM1
------ ------------
Of jello salad and wafers and coffee |
Thursday Mr. Conrad Vas killed in
were served to the following: Mee- |
a car accident Friday, Aug. 30. out
dames Tyrrell Woodward, Stanley ,
Sweet Hams, Ore.
Halter, Ida Myers, Frank Burbank,:
H E. Watkins, Ward Evans, J. D. j Fairview school starts Sept. 7, and
Carl, Charles Griffith and Mary | the upper grades are very fortunate
Anne. J. L. Burtis, Lawrence Bark- to have as their instructor, Mrs Faye
Holverstott. The lower grades will
law, of Arago; Mrs. Wayne Wood-
Produce & Victory Garden Exhibits
Victory garden, 4-H and open exhibits of Coos
county agricultural, homemaking and indus­
trial products . . .an outstanding feature of
the fair progarfi,' The
list will
apply in all open classes. Special awards and
prizes for new classifications,