vALunr sbc A nkl . eocùitu. ôregon . thvmoat , >. IMS. paos sbvrn ■■WBMBW.......... ' members or supporting members up- Mrs. Hatcher, and all joined in the on application and payment of the group singing. Door prize was re- one dollar membership fee to the1 reived by Mrs. Hatcher, Mr. land Mrs. Olen Griffith, Robin, | Next Tuesday evening the program secretary at Coquille. Buddy and Sandra, and Mrs. Ralph Cruquet and Badminton sets at Many interesting pieces of business will start at 7:00 p. m., with a sack the Goodyear Store. Cameron visited at the homo of Mr. A special call meeting of the Coos ...................................................................................................... i u. and Mrs. Charles Griffith Monday and Curry Pioneer Association was were considered. There have been a evening. held at the city hall In Coquille last number of offers of historical articles, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sumerlln Saturday afternoon, with President and of a cabinet for the display of WANTED and Sylvia spent the week-end at Charles Stauff presiding. Roll call small articles to take effect when the RANGES >5.00 to >12.5* Granta Paas, returning home Sunday. showed the following directors and association shall have found suitable Mrs. Ward Rvans attended the We rebuild and Repair members present: Mr. Stauff. Mrs. quarters for the historical museum Royal Neighbors lodge at Myrtle Inez, Chase, secretary; L. H. Hazard. now being planned. Aid in locaUng SEWING MACHINES AND STOOL Point Monday evening. P. Beyers, Mrs, J, P. Beyers, Mrs. suitable housing for the museum has any condition , $12.5* Mrs. Ward Evans entertained the Charles Stauff and Mrs. Mary Ran­ been promised by the Coquille Cham­ USED FURNITURE KEROSENE CIRCULATOR Merry Matrons* club at her home last home dleman, of Coquille; J. Albert Mat- ber of Commerce. Anyone having Any grade or kind $15.M suggestions along this line will please | son, of Marshfield, and Emil Peterson, Tuesday evening with a card party. last 1 We will call any where for a pay load send them to the housing chairman. Mrs. Bert Davenport won high score of North Bayside. , tor the women and* Chris Nelson for Committees appointed tor the year J. P. Beyers of Coquille. It was decided to proceed with the the men for pinochle and. Mrs. Nell ■ were: incorporation proceedings as ap­ Ray won high score for whist. Mrs. Relatives of George Brownson were 1 Finance—-L. H. Hazard, J. P. Bey- flea? proved at the annual meeting, and Molly Floyd won the sewing prise pleasantly surprised by a visit from! !ers and J. Albert Matson. ' . Dal King of Myrtle Point is to act as and Cllnard Mast the door prize. Re­ him this last week-end. He had • Annual Meeting — J. P. Beyers, freshments of apple crisp and whip­ been very recently discharged from chairman, with instructions to se- advisory chairman for that matter. The charter membership list will be ped cream and- coffee were served to the U. S. Army on acocunt of physi- lect his own committee, held open Until the next annual the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. cal disability and had been stationed Membership — Mrs. Inez Chase, Tom Cook, Charles and Butch, of in Virginia since last January. He,general chairman; 8. M. Nosier, meeting. All who wish to join as Arago; Messrs, and Meedames Bert visited at the Chas. Holverstott and chairman for Coquille; Gus Bernier charter members must do so before . Davenport, Alli. Bartlett, Verne Tom Benham homes, going to Eu­ for rMyrtle Point; Marietta Morse that time. The possibility of securing time Lundy, Chris Nelson, John Felsher, gene Sunday afternoon and on to' for Bandon; J. Albert Matson for Job Mast, Clinard Mast, Mahaffey, Portland Monday to resume his work Marshfield; Henry Kern for North on the radio and presenting radio Shop on Front St. Daisy Was.on Codding P,l,8rnrn« d<‘alin8 wiU1 the « Mesdames Rufus Lemon, Louise Car­ in the shipyards. I Bend; Mm. J - - - - - - ..j Coos and Curry counties and matters ver, Dunford Gilison, Mitchel Myers, Mrs. W. J. Wheeler and Lula Marie for Empire; Emil Peterson for North _ . . . . of interest to the asociation an , Mrs. H. M, Hall hashed Word from home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knabe last Saturday. I a nephew who had seen action in Mrs. Nile .Miller received a tele- , Sicily and whom they had not hoard phone call from her son, Wallace, , of Since last December. He reports last Sunday, on her birthday. They he it In New York at the time of his Arago News ,___ Pioneer Association Meeting August 28 Chests Dressing Table Brooks Used Furniture Fairview News The CITY CLEANERS will be closed Saturday, Sunday and Monday Sept. 4-5-6 Holimon & Harris, Props. Service and Protection Auto Fire Life Accident and Health Townsend Club No. 1 GEO. E. OERDING eoo&coiiofMR PfraeMofaibSept 5,6 Starts Friday the 3rd The big Browning Bron. Amusement show, featuring the largest and finest Gay-Way seen at any southwestern Oregon celebration. Hot dogs, pea­ nuts, pap corn, chewing gum, and can dy! That’s what you'll get and a lot : of fun for the whole family besides. were all well. Mrs. Minnie Tibbet, of Eureka, Calif., Is expected in Wednesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ar- nold Gauer, for a short visit. A miscellaneous bridal shower was writing. Friends of Mrs. Johjf Roper will , be glad to hear she has been improv­ j ing Since she broke her right arm about a month ago. Eight months ago I she fell and broke her left arm. I” c»>. Rtetvsatoatoto sepagted stood- > *1 v**' church for Mrs. Vernon Trigg. oi n/^Zp^vtng after "having broken Norway, formerly Mias Bernice Gil- Ms . . teft ---------- .—.------ - teg a --------- few weeks ago. lesple, of Arago. The bride received I Funeral for Jack Conrad was held many nany lovely lovely gifts giro and after they were ! ctm-|ery what u >pened and admired, refreshmonts , LjrtMe iM1 <>U ------ ------------ Of jello salad and wafers and coffee | Thursday Mr. Conrad Vas killed in were served to the following: Mee- | a car accident Friday, Aug. 30. out dames Tyrrell Woodward, Stanley , near Sweet Hams, Ore. Halter, Ida Myers, Frank Burbank,: H E. Watkins, Ward Evans, J. D. j Fairview school starts Sept. 7, and Carl, Charles Griffith and Mary | the upper grades are very fortunate Anne. J. L. Burtis, Lawrence Bark- to have as their instructor, Mrs Faye Holverstott. The lower grades will law, of Arago; Mrs. Wayne Wood- Produce & Victory Garden Exhibits GOOD Wt'W Victory garden, 4-H and open exhibits of Coos county agricultural, homemaking and indus­ trial products . . .an outstanding feature of the fair progarfi,' The list will apply in all open classes. Special awards and prizes for new classifications,