The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, July 08, 1943, Image 1

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Monster Crowd Attends Coquille’s Best 4th of July Celebration
Mudi Credi! Due 70 Fine Hones
Mayor O.L. Wood In The Monday
And His Assistants Afternoon Show
City Levies Tax
Monday Parade Was Prowler At Plant
Shot At Twice
Of $27,696.40 For One Of Best Ever
Present Fiscal Year Seen In Coquille Monday Night
It is generally conceded that the
That people are interested in horse*
Sunday afternoon's July 4th pro­
Coquille, in fact all. of Coos coun­
A prowler around the Smith Wood-
Not one citizen taxpayer was pres­
enormous crowds which gathered in and enjoy a horse show was amply gram on the river surprised everyone ent at the city cPuncil session on ty, has become so accustomed to ex­ Product* plant Monday night can
Coquille last Monday for the final demonstrated Monday afternoon at by its extent, and the very artistic Tuesday evening this week, the date ceptionally fine parade* arranged by consider himself very lucky that he
day of the Fourth oelebration was the ball park where Chairman J. L. appearance of the score of boats in for a public hearing on the Coquille J. L. Smith, that last Monday's out­ was able to escape in the darkness
th* largest ever to attend any special Smith had secured the attendance df the parade and the sports which fol­ city budget for t{»e fiscal year July 1, standing and move than a mile long for the Military Police who guard the
event in. the city's history. It was a 70 horses and their riders.
This lowed.
1®43, to June 30, 1044. The entire caravan was no surprise, notwith­ plant every night have inatructlons
mlghtly well behaved crowd, too, made poor prophets out of those who
J. A. Moore, chairman, and Theo L. city council was present and levying standing Mr. Smith's protest when to shoot after they have called “Halt”
and the police found it an easy as- said there would not be 200 who Clinton spent a great deal of time and $27,6M.40 in taxes was unanimously appointed to the job that he could twice as Cha*. Blanchard and Wm.
semblange to handle.,
would go but to that event, which Smith Wood-Products a considerable adopted by the council.
not live up to past record* this year. Keller did that night.
Too much cannot be said, either, was one of the outstanding event* of amount of money, getting boato fitted
These instructions are not given by
The cl$y fathers al^o expressed to , With entries from Roseburg. Myrtle
for the splendid show Chairman O. the celebration and was witnessed up for the many events, the 118 foot the Coquille Chamber cf Commerce Point, Marshfield, Fairview and the the plant management but are given
L. Wood and his able corps of as­ by a crowd of around 3,000.
timber erected,
the 80-inch log and to those who helped make Co­ Bridge districts, besides those from by the Army officers under whoee
sistants had arranged for the city’s
There were a lot of good-looking on the bank, the boom sticks and quille's 1943 July 4th celebration one Coquille and the 70 horses, it evi­ order* they are. Officer* have been
guests. ~
Every section ami depart- horse* out there Monday and there other paraphernalia ready for the af­ of the most outstanding and success­ denced the hearty co-operation ex­ herd giving the 17 local Military Po­
ment of the one evening and two is every reason, to- believe that Co­ ternoon.
ful ever held, a vote of thanks and tended1 to Coquille in its July 4th lice their instructions and the plant
day* of celebration events had been quille started something there, which
Prize b*r the beet decorated boat appreciation. The motion was made celebration.
management ha* nothing to say about
worked out to the last detail and it can be successfully caried on year went to O. L. Wood, who had as his by Dr. Stark and enthusiastically
Xhe floaty were artistic and showed their duties, except that F. S. Emery,
was as splendid a «how a* anyone after year. It was not a rodeo with passenger* the dancing girl* of the adopted.
much effort on the part of the various who is also an M. P., may dismiss
could ask to see.
bucking and roping, but it was a most floor show. He divided the prize
Another ordinance adopted was organizations, business houses and anyone not satisfactory.
Mayor W<»>d deserve* special men- interesting show throughout.
among the five girls.
The prowler Monday night was
that setting the salaries of city em- individuals, and the judges often had
lion for this completely succeessful I Harry Lindgren, O. 8. C. animal
The prize for the best-looking boat ployees effective July 1. The fol- ai difficult job selecting the winners first seen near the cedar mill and
celebration, for there were a thou­ husbandman, was present to act as and crew waa awarded to the Coast > lowing is the new annual salary in the same class..
when ordered to halt started run­
’ Guard contingent* which came up schedule:
sand and one details referred to him judge.
Preceded by the Coquille Post ning. “He couldn’t have been drunk,"
In the saddle pony and kid rider ' from Bandon. They also stood by
for decision, yet he took it all with a
City Recorder, $800 from the gen­ American Legion, the Coquille High one of the M. P. said, “he ran too
smile, was never ruffled, and kept all class, the winner* and contestants during the program to make any eral fund, $1340 from the water fund. School band, directed by Wally fast.”
committees working smoothly and ef­ were:
rescues which might be necasary.
No one has any business on the
City Treasurer, $1200 general, $940 Modre, gave another of its excellent
ficiently Hi* wa* a big job and he
James Clark, Coquille, 1st; Bob
Fortunatly there were none, but water fund.
performances and demonstrated to plant property at night, except work­
accomplished it in a big way.
Nelson, Fat Elk, 2nd; Vernon Beebe, Dufer” Dunham drew a lot of
the thousands which witnessed the men but should anyone hear himself
Marshal, $2160, general fund.
It was a celebration at which Co­ Fairview; Albert George, Coquille; "ohs" and “ahs” from the throng*
Street Supt., $1940. general fund. parade that Harold Withnell ha* done ordered to halt it would be the part
quille and those who made it possi­ Bobby Geaney, Coquille; Deisa Cor- ' which lined both sides of the river
First Chief, $428; Assistant Fire a splendid job in making it a musical of wisdom to do so for the officers
ble can well be proud, and not a nell. North Bend; Cleli Laird, Sitkum.' when he fell off a boat, fully clothed, Chief, $180; general fund. ,
are ordered to shoot to hit, not just
murmer of disapproval was heard
Those participating in the saddle yet he came up with hi* sailor straw
Sweepstakes prize of $25 was scare, the trespasser.
Health Officer, $120, general fund.
from any visitor within our gates.
stallion and rider class, judged on hat firmly set on hi* head. Whether
F. F. Dungey, Mike Broad, D. E. ' ■warded by th* Judges to the Coquille.
The Sentinel's report on the vari­ points of the mounts, were:
the first time was an accident or not Cruckshank, street and water depart­ Woman's Club whose entry • was a
ous features are all listed under sep­
Morri* Ray, Coquille, on “Don Ore­ he repeated the stunt at intervals and ments, $2022 each.
horse-drawn covered wagon, bear-
arate headings and we will say it is gon,” 1st; Phil Morrison, Fairview, was awarded a special $8.00 prize for
M. E. Pearce, street sweeper, $880, ln8 the Oregon Trail date of ’ 1843.
a stupendous job, that of trying to on “Sonoma," 2nd; Bob Smith, Coal- his clown comedy act.
Riding in the wagon were Mrs. El­
genera) fund.
give credit for the very successful edo; Pat Cornell, North Bend; Geo.
Dr. J. D. Rankin was skipper and
Frank Miller,, reservoir guard, bert Schroeder and children.
— R. L. Stewart wa* engineer of the $1200, general funid.
presentation of the myriad event* Nelson, Charleston.
Honorable mention was awarded
which crowded the two days to ca­
The saddle horse and lady rider doctor's boat, “Donna,” on which
The application for improvements the Oregon Women's Ambulance
Although all concessions' reports
pacity. If any feature of the cele­ brought out a large group of excellent Queen Betty and the princess tie took and alterations in the Pastime Tav- Corps and the float of the Oregon
not yet in. Treasurer Caughell of
bration is overlooked in these col­ lady riders. Th* result* in that event part in the colorful parade.
building, was approved subject State Nurses Association, District 17,
the 4th of July celebration comniit-
umns this week ii to not because that were:
E. L. Perrott & Son recei
• OVK. of the building inspector and it’s a safe guess that the accident
r tee, estimate* that the amouat te be
feature wa* unworthy of mention,
Mrs, Mac Johnsun, Jlyrti* Point, Prize* for the. Best-looking
«re chief.
turned over by the committee to the
but only because thefe to a limit to on Polly , ls(; Mrs. Bteven fcpps. Fair- made boat.
City Surveyor Gearhart reported devoted so much effort during the
a weekly paper’s capacity.
Tuffy, 2nd;-Mr*. Tam Nel-
The crooked boom stick race was that the city county owned 22.186 half hour of the parade never had so Community Building fund will be
son. Fat Elk, on Pepper; Velma Beebe. Another which drew gasp* from the acres in the vicinity of the reservoir much attention at female hands be­ quite close to $6,000. Last year, in­
cluding $398.13 for permanent Im­
Fairview, on Tuffy; Eileen Dement,
(Continued on page three)
above Coquille Heights, which the fore in his life.
Myrtle Point, on Buff; Mrs. Alice
The Coquille Bachelor Girls won provements, the net profit from the
council voted at thejast meeting to
oelebration was $1292.94.
LajJping, Rt. 2, Marshfield, on'Westy;
purchase for protection of the reser­ second place to the Woman’s Club
Without any of the concessions
Mrs. Charlotte Smith, Fairview, on
voir and as a site for a possible set­
figured in, ths total receipt* stood as
Dr. O. C. Wright, the invited speak­
Eagles were awarded first place and follows:
an acre.
er for the celebration, told hl* au­ on Sammy; Mrs. Cal Ray, Fairview,
Contributions, with about $200 yet
(Continued on page three)
Mr. Gearhart also reported that the Coquille Rotary second.
dience which faced him from the
As it was last year one of the main
be collected. $1,083.00.
11 'Jf'"«« '■ 1 • "
the bulldozing of the fire trail east
court house sidewalk and lawn Sun­
attraction* of the celebration on Mon­
Victory Girls ticket sales, $3,089.
of town had been done but that there was the above-mentioned Ambulance
day noon that the nations of earth are
day was the square dance contest in
Dance $2,296 less the $806 worth
were 600 or 700 feet more which must Corps with the Nurses’ float second.
trying to save the world by warfare,
which four Grange teams entered.
Ron Burr's entry in the industrial of the V Girls ticket* turned in at the
be done by hand and he was instruct­
a warfare of extinction, but that there
Going through the intricacies of the
door, $1,490. ,
ed to get some one to do it—if such a section was a load of logs bearing
to only way to prepare for perpetual
various movements, on the platform
This makes a total, without the con­
man could be found.
peace on earth, as well as win the
Preceded by the Coquille High in First street, and with the sun beal-
cessions, of $6,592, without any de­
war and this will be accomplished
toj5an_ actual weight. A Machfield boy duction for expense*.
School band Queen Betty and the six ing down on them, our rural mends laccompany D E
when all peoples get back to the
princesses, accompanied by a Coast are to be heartily commended for ford Heights and endeavor to g*tthe” came
within 50 pounds
his guess, - The Lions and Rotary clubs, which
“rM —
— in
■- w«-
teachings of Jesus Christ and live in
Guard honor guard of seven men, their cooperation in making this
and an have turned in their concessions' re­
property owners there, some of whom
line with God and Hi* principles.
rode on a fancifully decorated log years’ Fourth of July celebration so
port, show a net of argund $1200, half
are now using oity water, to adpot a eighth tons.
Dir. Wright was introduced by Rev.
truck of Ron Burr’s in last Saturday very successful as it was.
of, which belongs to U m club* and the
M. D. Remple of the Baptist church,
Shady and His Shadows furnished
evening's opening parade of the cel­
where they would be accessible to the lumber carriers and hoists placed sec­ other half to go to the Community
after the opening prayer by Rev. M.
the music for the contest and the call­
Building fund.
who reads them and to confer ond.
M. Short and the singing of America
The queen sat on a throne atop the ers kept the teams moving in a spir­
It is impossible to figure yet what
with the property owners in regard
and two hymns by the audience, led
huge log with the others standing on ited way in the evolutions of the
the expenses, including prise* will
by Mis* Eleanor Peterson.
• -
either side of the log.
meter*, etc. At the preaent time only card saying they had given up ev­ amount to, but Mr. Caughell places
Dr. Wright said the first of hi* sev­
While the Coquille Grange did not
At the entrance to the Community
18 properties have been hooked up erything to buy bonds. E. L. Per­ hi* estimate of what the net will be
eral visits to Coquille was in 1912
Building, the royal party descended win a prize the unit won a lot of very
at $6,000.
to the city line while the original rott A Sons' rubberizes, gasless en­
and that he had lived In Oregon slnoe
and entered the building with meas­ favorable comment on the natty ap­
agrément wa* that there would be 40. try was second.
1909. He is now retired but said that
ured tread to the slow music by the pearance of its members and the'way
The Coquille American Legion
the only difference he saw between
C. H. S. band which added a great in which they kept stepping.
were first in the Patriotic group,
his work and retirement to that he
The Sixes Grange also made a
deal of pleasure to the three-day
while the young people carrying
was formerly paid a salary for hi*
favorable impression, with its caller,
garden implements were second.
effort*. He doe* just as much now, ,
The huge hall, outside the dance Mr. Slocum, and its entire perform-'
The newly organized Soroptimlst
but without pay.
Everyone connected with the Co­
floor, was crowded full of spectators ance.
club's decorated auto with a trailer
His subject. “Builders of Oregon,”
Civilian Defense is expected to
The decision of the judges, which
who heard Mayor O. L. Wood, who
Approximately half the huge crowd carrying a sailboat on a sea of blue
touched briefly on Dn John Me- wo
, chaJrman for the no one questions as being correct,,
be present at the city hall at 7:30
Loughlin, th* father of Oregon, who,
.............. ...... .f
celebration, express his pleasure at was that the Fairview Grange won missed the Fire Department water lodge car was second in the best o’clock this (Thursday) evening,
although he helped one and all in
, when another of- th* bi-weekly inci­
being able to place a crown “on the first prize and Sumner Grange sec- fight but from the way the street* decorated auto class.
those pioneer days, was not appre- ,
dent drill* will be held. Those who
head of this beautiful young lady.” i ond. Harold Potts, of Sumner, re­ around th* court house were jammed
Billie Brown with his home-made took part and the interested crowd
dated because he wa* a Britisher.
Grouped with the queen on the ceived th* $10 defense prize for call- no one would have guessed that there
The doctor said that no greater hero­
fh« Coast
r'zw»«* Guard escort
nennrt ; ing
in® and
«nd Paul
Paul Bales,
Rfllw of
nf Fairview,
Fairview the
th*» were from three to
■** four
“___ thousand
_____ ' bug and Judy Slack were first and of spectator* saw a very efficient
stage were the
second in the bug-jalopy seption.
ism wa* ever displayed than that
{people out at the
practice three weeks ago this evening,
and the six Vivtory Girl princesses— j $8 second prize.
ball park for the
shown by the women as they marched Patricia Berg,
Two children on a horse and the and it is hoped everyone connected
Arlene Homenyck, | Carlton Smith, Coquille, was also
down the Columbia after their long
boy with a dog in the basket on with the organization will be present
Janet Lewis, Avis Ricketts, Jessie entitled to honorable mention for
The water fight was a dandy. It
trek from Kansas City njorethan one Sherwood and Mavis Tyrrel—who all' the rhythmic way in which he kept*
his bicydle took the pets* prizes.
started out with new department
hundred years ago.
were most lovely in their formal his Grange moving.
members against the old members
He referred to Jason Lee and other*
• n I
and after that contest had reached Fairview, second, took tiie honors in
of the pioneer* who made the mo­
-Following the coronation the royal Chamber df Commerce
everyone with a sprinkling, former the old-time character group.
mentous decision at Champoeg that
party led off in the dance which then To Meet Next Tuesday
The K. P. Ladies Drum Corps,
member* of the department wanted
the Oregon country—the great north­
became general with Bum Gartin’s
nifty in their
to get into the game and another from
west— should be under the dominion
Because of the celebration,
orchestra furnishing excelent music
bright uniforms,' and who helped
of the Star* and Stripe*.
It wa» a remarkably well-behaved
and whclh lasted till well after thr Chamber of Commerce meeting was
Fire Chief Snyder toow no part«in give the parade a martial air, crowd which attended Coquille’s
The meeting was closed when Rev.
not held on the regular first Tuesday
midnight hour.
the fiat fight but after he had gotten
Cha*. G. Brown pronounced the bene­
July 4th celebration, the police not
of the month date this week but it
a good soaking, accidentally or other­ ing group, closely followed by th< making a single arrest, although one
will be held in the hotel dining room
Water To He Off Sunday
wise, he rushed in and was a tower
transient was sent on his way before
at noon next Tuesday, July 13.
of strength in keeping the stream of df which Mrs. Ernie Johnson is cap­ the celebration really started.
The R M. Harbisons To Return t
water playing on the ex-fire depart­ tain.
The only trouble reported, and that
Th city water will be shut off this
When J. W. Garrett returned re-
To Coquille This Month
ment boys
The Coquille Gr
e took first nakUfiii
For The
Community Building
Now The Estimate
Audience's Attention
Held By Dr. Wright
Square Dances
Most Interesting
Queen Betty
Crowned By Mayor
Incident Drill
At 7:30 Tonight
Free-For-All In
The Water Fight
No Arrests Here
Over The Fourth
snd w« Rdbert
order that the city mains may be
M.’ Harbison wHi return to Coquille
given their semi-annual flushing.
soon after the middle of July. They
The hours during which the water
have sold their home in the north
will be off are from 2:00 to 5:00 p. m.
and will again be in charge of Ber­
gen's here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rost,
Mrs. Hazel Sutton, who was called
who have been managing the store
for the past few months, are leaving to North Bend from Portland this
Coquille about July 24 to seek a week by the death of her step-father,
different climate for the benefit of A. T. Andrews, was a Coquille visitor
| yesterday.
Mrs Rost's health.
Barbara. The former has one more
I semester to take at Stanford Uni­
t versity, and the latter will return to
the Islands to spend the next year
with her mother and go to school
there. Mr. Garrett expects to get
their farm in shape during th* year
and have it ready when the t,wo
ladies return to the U. S. next sum­
show, the square dances, the river class.
sports program on Sunday and the
Other promnient entries in the
parade on Monday for the honor o!
parade were the Navy Shore Patrol,
being the highlight of the celebration. here from the Bay. the Coquille Po­
“1 i
tile . ( svass*
SIlllvlU Eagles
E m s * glvu
lice and
Art Pulford, who is stationed at the and Ai .uxjlfary drill team, seven bl­
field near Sacramento, Calif., came cycles ared scooters, a Townsend club
in last Thursday evening on a few deqpral itAi car. a mammoth steer from
days’ furlough to visit his father, S. Lamps i erfcek on which thre children
wen* seated, Walter Laird and his
D. Pulford
td’eftfbW* ffff demands “for
a beer at the point of a gun. He was
quickly overpowered, however, and
no damage resulted.
iron-wheeled, two-horse wgon, the
Eagles float with “the largest eagle
in captivity” caged, more Townsend
Club cars, the Coquille Bakey, Fol­
som’s Grocery, Ideal Bakery and
Cooper's Gardens trucks.