4 The Monster Crowd Attends Coquille’s Best 4th of July Celebration Mudi Credi! Due 70 Fine Hones Mayor O.L. Wood In The Monday And His Assistants Afternoon Show City Levies Tax Monday Parade Was Prowler At Plant Shot At Twice Of $27,696.40 For One Of Best Ever Present Fiscal Year Seen In Coquille Monday Night It is generally conceded that the That people are interested in horse* Sunday afternoon's July 4th pro­ Coquille, in fact all. of Coos coun­ A prowler around the Smith Wood- Not one citizen taxpayer was pres­ enormous crowds which gathered in and enjoy a horse show was amply gram on the river surprised everyone ent at the city cPuncil session on ty, has become so accustomed to ex­ Product* plant Monday night can Coquille last Monday for the final demonstrated Monday afternoon at by its extent, and the very artistic Tuesday evening this week, the date ceptionally fine parade* arranged by consider himself very lucky that he day of the Fourth oelebration was the ball park where Chairman J. L. appearance of the score of boats in for a public hearing on the Coquille J. L. Smith, that last Monday's out­ was able to escape in the darkness th* largest ever to attend any special Smith had secured the attendance df the parade and the sports which fol­ city budget for t{»e fiscal year July 1, standing and move than a mile long for the Military Police who guard the event in. the city's history. It was a 70 horses and their riders. This lowed. ' • 1®43, to June 30, 1044. The entire caravan was no surprise, notwith­ plant every night have inatructlons mlghtly well behaved crowd, too, made poor prophets out of those who J. A. Moore, chairman, and Theo L. city council was present and levying standing Mr. Smith's protest when to shoot after they have called “Halt” and the police found it an easy as- said there would not be 200 who Clinton spent a great deal of time and $27,6M.40 in taxes was unanimously appointed to the job that he could twice as Cha*. Blanchard and Wm. semblange to handle., would go but to that event, which Smith Wood-Products a considerable adopted by the council. not live up to past record* this year. Keller did that night. Too much cannot be said, either, was one of the outstanding event* of amount of money, getting boato fitted These instructions are not given by The cl$y fathers al^o expressed to , With entries from Roseburg. Myrtle for the splendid show Chairman O. the celebration and was witnessed up for the many events, the 118 foot the Coquille Chamber cf Commerce Point, Marshfield, Fairview and the the plant management but are given L. Wood and his able corps of as­ by a crowd of around 3,000. timber erected, the 80-inch log and to those who helped make Co­ Bridge districts, besides those from by the Army officers under whoee sistants had arranged for the city’s There were a lot of good-looking on the bank, the boom sticks and quille's 1943 July 4th celebration one Coquille and the 70 horses, it evi­ order* they are. Officer* have been guests. ~ Every section ami depart- horse* out there Monday and there other paraphernalia ready for the af­ of the most outstanding and success­ denced the hearty co-operation ex­ herd giving the 17 local Military Po­ ment of the one evening and two is every reason, to- believe that Co­ ternoon. ful ever held, a vote of thanks and tended1 to Coquille in its July 4th lice their instructions and the plant day* of celebration events had been quille started something there, which Prize b*r the beet decorated boat appreciation. The motion was made celebration. management ha* nothing to say about worked out to the last detail and it can be successfully caried on year went to O. L. Wood, who had as his by Dr. Stark and enthusiastically Xhe floaty were artistic and showed their duties, except that F. S. Emery, was as splendid a «how a* anyone after year. It was not a rodeo with passenger* the dancing girl* of the adopted. much effort on the part of the various who is also an M. P., may dismiss could ask to see. bucking and roping, but it was a most floor show. He divided the prize Another ordinance adopted was organizations, business houses and anyone not satisfactory. Mayor W<»>d deserve* special men- interesting show throughout. among the five girls. The prowler Monday night was that setting the salaries of city em- individuals, and the judges often had lion for this completely succeessful I Harry Lindgren, O. 8. C. animal The prize for the best-looking boat ployees effective July 1. The fol- ai difficult job selecting the winners first seen near the cedar mill and celebration, for there were a thou­ husbandman, was present to act as and crew waa awarded to the Coast > lowing is the new annual salary in the same class.. when ordered to halt started run­ ’ Guard contingent* which came up schedule: sand and one details referred to him judge. Preceded by the Coquille Post ning. “He couldn’t have been drunk," In the saddle pony and kid rider ' from Bandon. They also stood by for decision, yet he took it all with a City Recorder, $800 from the gen­ American Legion, the Coquille High one of the M. P. said, “he ran too smile, was never ruffled, and kept all class, the winner* and contestants during the program to make any eral fund, $1340 from the water fund. School band, directed by Wally fast.” committees working smoothly and ef­ were: rescues which might be necasary. No one has any business on the City Treasurer, $1200 general, $940 Modre, gave another of its excellent ficiently Hi* wa* a big job and he James Clark, Coquille, 1st; Bob Fortunatly there were none, but water fund. performances and demonstrated to plant property at night, except work­ 4