The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, April 15, 1943, Page 4, Image 4

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The Sentinel
(Taken from The Sentinel of Friday,
Apt!!' 13, ,1923»
A new myrtlewood frame lias been
$2 00 hung at the Set-a-spell containing a
1.00 Hat of the people in this city and vi-
cinlty who participated in the world
p£rS. | war. The frame was presented by
Oerding Bros. and the printed names
|of the world war veterans was print-
“ ed and donated by the Sentinel. This
I list which contains 171 names is now
rggt hung at the Set-a-Spell.
Four of
—-r- tljese names are marked with a star
¡to indicate that the men lost their
lives in the nation’s service. They
are: Robert E. Carter, William Jen­
sen, Rufus Sell and Carl A. Beck
all consumers holding I. O. U.’s to
send in coupons to pay up same, us
they will be charged against them on
new issuance. People moving from
one address to another cannot use
coupons on their new address
vise applicants to be sure and hold
old stubs for new re-issuing. The
Board advisee consumers to leave
coupons with dealers to simplify de­
Soldiers Of The Cross
H. A. ÏOUNG. Editor
Fragment» of Fact
and Fancy
Peart Bros, were awarded the con­
tract for the improvement of Fourth
and Divisioh streets by the city coun­
cil in adjourned session Monday eve­
. * ■
There are many people in the
J“‘,n »- Hall, who has dur-
Unrted States to whom war is ab- in8 l»,e past 53 years beep a resi-
horreni, yet twice within this gen- dent of Coos county, settling in
eration have they been called upon .Marshfield in 1871, died at his home
to meet the challenge of German there last Monday,, April- 9, at- the
Twise have the straight­ age of 66« yean-
thinking people of this county re­
Mrs. Blanciie Kibble has sold her
alized there are worse things in this
world than war. Some of those who interest In the Boldon & Kibble Mil-
fought on French battlefields a
quarter of a century ago are today ln ‘he new land during the time after
sending their sons to the farflung thp cession from the mother state
battiefronts of the world and this is a,ld before Its acceptance by con-
the harder sacrifice of the two.
|gress. Consequently local residents
• Much thought is being given today adopted a constitution and elected a
to the cause for this conflict and for «uvemor and other officers. In 1788,
remedies which will prevent a re- at the expiration of the governor’s
currence in another twenty or thirty term of office,, the people of this
division* of the State of North
years. The evil we are fighting is western
all too evident—the wholesale mas­ Carolina returned to their allegiance
sacre of millions of Poles and Jews; to the mother state and continued
the seizure and confiscation of food so until 1790 when the Territory of
in captured countries which is fol­ 'Tennessee was formed and later was
lowed by slow starvation of the en­ I admitted as the 16th state in 1796.
of the Oregon Country. Jason Lee
• headed the first missionary party,
which left Independence, Missouri,
qn April 30, 1834, joi; ing the Wyeth
The members of the Church of party for mutual protection. , Lee
Christ had a reception for their min­ preached the first sermon west of the'
ister, H. E. Roselle, in the church Rockies at Fort Hall on July 27,.
last Monday evening, the occasion 11834, to a motley group of Americans,
being in honor of his birthday.
■j French-Canadians and Indians. I<ee
, established his first mission on the
Robert Train has a crew steadily at Willamette River near the present
work during good weather getting the Gervais, and another, later on. at'
dirt to moving out from the new 'Wascopam (The Dalles).
hotel site.
The ships Diana and Sumatra ar­
rived in 1837, bringing additional re­
A wedding which has been antici­ cruits, among them Anna Marie Pit­
pated for some little time, occurred man, whom ,Lee married ip an im­
last Saturday morning at nine o’clock, pressive ceremony, soon to have a
when W. L. Norton and Miss Flossie tragic ending. I^e started east in
Lund were united in marriage at the 1838, bearing a petition to Congress
home of the bride, near the Cunning­ for the recognition of thé Oregon
.. L. ___
_____ __
ham wye, by Rev.
M. ____
of Country. When at the Shawnee Mis-
ilyrtle Fatal- I Only
___ the immediate “ton in the present Kansas, a courier
family and Mrs. R. F. Miller and Miss i overtook him telling him of the death
Connie Willoughby witnessed the of his wife in child-birth.
Miss Clare Lund was
l-*e returned in 1840 on the L*u-]
Dealers are warned by the local
rationing board to make no more
fuel oil deliveries an I. O. U.’s; also
to bring in their I. O. U?s to Local
Rationing Board.
Dead line for
dealers “Bail-out* 'dates were March
30 and 31.
Dealers should notify
more flight strips alongside arterial verta. With Lee was his new wife,
highways are yet to be completed,, the former Lucy Thomson. He lost
however, These are for emergency , her, too, in child-birth in 1842. Lee
purposes. No tabulation has been was deposed in 1844 and died in Can-
made available, and probably will “da the following year. Though his
not until after the war, as to the missionary efforts artumg tlie Indians
number of millions of dollars the were not successful, his colonization
army and navy have spent in Oregon, work brought better results. The
. Oregon Institute, founded at Chem-
Statistics show that 710 Oregon eketa (Salem; ln 1M2i grew into the
larmers received from the govern- WUUmette Unievr8ily oi t(ld
ment in excess of $1,000 for reduc- _
Ing production in 1941. From the
agricultural conservation program
these farmers received $829,449 and 1
«» food ^ fun
I. A. Lamb
-u. — cx«F<—'J f
Rom where I sit
bridesmaid and Geo. R. Johnson sanne with “The Great Reenforce-
acted as groomsman.
|ment” and there were then more
slaved people; the brutality and tor­
ture practiced by the Germans in en­
forcing their rule ofer dominated
territories; the bombing of peaceful
communities of no military objective;
indeed, the list of crimes is too long
to name the half of them.
Plants for dehydrating vegetables
neither the Kaiser nor Hitler were
and fruit have been approved by the
entirely responsible for the world
department of agriculture for Eu­
wars ti)ey appeared to invoke is
gene, Corvallis, Lebanon, Salem
also evident to those who have given 1
(two), Dundee. Dallas, Freewater.
study to the problem. *
The armed forces and iend-leaae
An eminent doctor, Prof. Richard
program are asking for unlimited
M. Brickner, in recent issues of At-
lantic magazine on the subject, “Is I
quantities of food in dehydrated
water has been re-
Germany Incurable?” points a way1 II is estimated that over, 270 mil­ ¡form. After the wi
fruit and vegetables
for future peace. He shows that the lion people on this globe speak the moved from the fi.
ruling culture in Germany has def­ English language, that over 488 mil­ thé weight is reduced frrim 88 to 93
inite paranoid tendencies; that the lion speak Chinese, while only #7 per cent. If the dehydrated food is
nation is suffering from insanity, we million know the language of Japan. then compressed it is further re­
might say.
As s neurologist. Dr. Surely these figures should mean duced and requires very small apace
Brickner knows whereof he speaks. that no Nipponese will ever dictate in a cargo carrier. Idaho will have
a number of plants to dehydrate po­
It simplifies the concept of the 1 terms of peace In lhs White House.
tatoes, but nope of the Oregon planta
war and the righteousness of the al­
are located close to the principal po­
lied cause when one realizes that
tato sources In that state,
Christian are justified in fighting the
paranoid German activities even as
Federal works agency is appropri­
an individual man would be blame­
ating $1,687 for Medford and $1,330
less who fought and subdued an in­
for Independence as the federal con­
sane person, running amok and
tribution toward maintaining recre­
threatening the lives of all others in
ational centers for soldiers at Camp
his path. Not only Would the in­
White and Camp Adair. The main­
dividual be doing right but also he
tenance will continue until June 30
would be a hero in risking his life
—the end of the fiscal year.
to save those of other innocent peo­
Half of al) the cheese fo the Ched­
The cure for this condition is not
dar variety produced in Oregon must
the exterminating of all Germans,
be saved for the governmentThis
root and branch, because such a rem­
quota will be sent abroad under land­
edy would make of the avengers
Washington, D. C„ April 14—Every lease and to military forces. What
monsters similar to the leaders of the
Nazi party.
Instead Dr. Brickner egg dealer in Oregon who has been is left will be available for civilians
recommends relegating the Nazi storaging surplus egg in anticipation under the rationing program. The
criminals to oblivion without melo­ of the season when the hens are not factories making special types, such
drama to prevent their becoming producing freely will have his sup­ as blue and Swiss, can produce to
martyrs to future generations. Then ply bought by the government on their full capacity as these types are
lie would organize groups among June 1. Thereafter communities will not rationed and are not wanted by
those German people who had never have to depend on their local sup­ the government.
been sympathetic to the diseased ply. It is too much to predict that
Klamath farmers have been cry­
Nazi leadership and, by enlarging there will be an egg crisis, but there
these nuclei and by education, para­ will be a distinct shortage and it is ing about a shortage of fertilizer and
noid whining and persecution com­ not impossible that before the end this matter -has finally been ironed
plex could be driven out of German ,,f the war eggs will be on the ra- out. The government agency han­
nationai life and an international | tioned list.
Eggs are now more dling the prpblem reports that Klam­
ath will have 223)00 acres in pota­
roodwill would be fostered by those precious than rubies in England.
Germans who had never worshipped
17»'* food distributing agency is toes this year and It has been as­
at Hiller’s‘shrine of the pure Aryans looking forward to a tough time with sured by growers that one ton of
conquering the world. 1 ^■■1
dealers and consumers when the egg fertilizer will produce 20 tons of
buying policy ltecomes effective. It potatoes.
Th<g»ifw process of dehydrating may surprise some civilians to know
Jimmy Byrnes, the boss of stabili­
food to save shipping space is ex- tltat 300 carloads of powdered eggs
‘ client when the ship gets through were rolled Into Portland terminals zation bureau, has fixed the price
safely but it is like putting all your to be placed in Joe Stalin’s ships and for Oregon strawberries at 12 cents
< ggs in one basket if the vessel goes sent to Vladivostok; that other tons a pound to the grower, an increase
Formerly it required six have been sent to Russia from the over the 1942 price. For the chicken
ships to carry the food in natural i Atlantic coast and that England has growers the price is fixed at 23.f
iorm which is now compressed into been
receiving great quantities. cents a pound as compared with 18
one cargo. ’ That
..__ .. means
- an unprecedented „«.-
a submarine
' There-has been
de- cents in 1942, an increase of 30 per
is six times as deadly when it Hr mand for bulletins from the depart- cent. Some Oregon growers were
.succesaiful in sinking a victim. It al) ment of agriculture giving instruc- asking for 38 cents and complaining
adds up to life fact that the U-boat tions on how to raise poultry. Orders that producers have been receiving
menace must be overcome before the have been issued that baby chicks only 28 cents and recently the prict-
war can b4 won.
cannot be sold to the Easter trade as was down to 24 cents.
[this is a waste of potential hens and
Production of steel ingots by the
Our United States consists of 48 «Kgs. Even candy eggs, the chocolate
United States Steel Corporation, "Big
states and you know the name of varieties, have been prohibited.
hear of the State of Franklin? No,
For the new air base at Madras in
not named for Franklin Delano, for Jefferson county, which has some
its short existence occurred soon af- 40,000 acres of level land without a
ter the Revolutionary war and its rock or bit of sagebrush, the federal
boundaries comprised the territory housing agency will build 22 family
which later was admitted to the units for civilian war workers. Gov-
uni« n as the State of Tennessee. In | emment has already expended $2,-
1784 North Carolina ceded to the .009,000 on the base. Madras will,
feck nal government this territory, according to present plans, be the
which was also called Frankland. No. last airport that the army will ee-
proviaion was made for government tablish in the Oregon country. A few
Fuel Oil Cannot Be
Delivered On Credit
Joe Marsh.