MBH _ ______ ■J.'"." The Sentinel TWENTY YEARS? AGO (Taken from The Sentinel of Friday, Apt!!' 13, ,1923» A new myrtlewood frame lias been $2 00 hung at the Set-a-spell containing a 1.00 Hat of the people in this city and vi- cinlty who participated in the world p£rS. | war. The frame was presented by Oerding Bros. and the printed names |of the world war veterans was print- “ ed and donated by the Sentinel. This I list which contains 171 names is now rggt hung at the Set-a-Spell. Four of —-r- tljese names are marked with a star ¡to indicate that the men lost their lives in the nation’s service. They are: Robert E. Carter, William Jen­ in' sen, Rufus Sell and Carl A. Beck . 1 all consumers holding I. O. U.’s to send in coupons to pay up same, us they will be charged against them on new issuance. People moving from one address to another cannot use coupons on their new address Ad­ vise applicants to be sure and hold old stubs for new re-issuing. The Board advisee consumers to leave coupons with dealers to simplify de­ liveries. Soldiers Of The Cross M H. A. ÏOUNG. Editor Fragment» of Fact and Fancy Peart Bros, were awarded the con­ tract for the improvement of Fourth and Divisioh streets by the city coun­ cil in adjourned session Monday eve­ ning. ' . , . * ■ There are many people in the J“‘,n »- Hall, who has dur- Unrted States to whom war is ab- in8 l»,e past 53 years beep a resi- horreni, yet twice within this gen- dent of Coos county, settling in eration have they been called upon .Marshfield in 1871, died at his home to meet the challenge of German there last Monday,, April- 9, at- the ’’ arms. Twise have the straight­ age of 66« yean- thinking people of this county re­ Mrs. Blanciie Kibble has sold her alized there are worse things in this world than war. Some of those who interest In the Boldon & Kibble Mil- fought on French battlefields a quarter of a century ago are today ln ‘he new land during the time after sending their sons to the farflung thp cession from the mother state battiefronts of the world and this is a,ld before Its acceptance by con- the harder sacrifice of the two. |gress. Consequently local residents • Much thought is being given today adopted a constitution and elected a to the cause for this conflict and for «uvemor and other officers. In 1788, remedies which will prevent a re- at the expiration of the governor’s currence in another twenty or thirty term of office,, the people of this division* of the State of North years. The evil we are fighting is western * all too evident—the wholesale mas­ Carolina returned to their allegiance sacre of millions of Poles and Jews; to the mother state and continued the seizure and confiscation of food so until 1790 when the Territory of in captured countries which is fol­ 'Tennessee was formed and later was lowed by slow starvation of the en­ I admitted as the 16th state in 1796. of the Oregon Country. Jason Lee • headed the first missionary party, which left Independence, Missouri, qn April 30, 1834, joi; ing the Wyeth The members of the Church of party for mutual protection. , Lee Christ had a reception for their min­ preached the first sermon west of the' ister, H. E. Roselle, in the church Rockies at Fort Hall on July 27,. last Monday evening, the occasion 11834, to a motley group of Americans, being in honor of his birthday. ■j French-Canadians and Indians. I buying policy ltecomes effective. It potatoes. Th