The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, February 18, 1943, Page 2, Image 2

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    * ' ■'
B.P.W. Holds Annual
Party for Senior Girls
The Guild House was well filled
last Monday evening with tables
seating groups of four, two Senior
girls and two B. P. W. members. The
occasion was the annual party for
girls <rt the SehlQr Class of the Co­
quille high school. The tables were
gay with attractive centerpiece ar-
rangemenu made with a nosegay,
surrounded with four red-ruffled,
heart-shaped' valentines.
lively songs by the group were led
by Clara Stauff, accompanied by
Inez Rover. Ida Oerding, president
of B. P, W„ welcomed the girls with
a short but cordial greeting. The
response from the Seniors was voieed
graciously by Harriet Tozier, who
sawf she personally had been looking
I forward to the party since she was a
freshman ■ and she thanked the club
fc.f its kindness to their group.
l Inez Rover was chairman in charge
of the party and she asked that each
girl stand and introduce herself. The
Seniors were asked each to state
her individual plans upon graduation.
Plans to become teachers, nurses,
stenographers, an interior decorator,
and one* to study drama, were all in­
terestingly told. No mention was
made of contemplated marriage, if
any! '
nln.. mim
I nnt* ftrf* < we*nvy«iniiv.
Marked Uo*,rn
For Quick Sale
Biegger Furniture
Senior Class but all were not pres­
Roberta Stonecypher won the
prize for a game contest.
Robinson and Marybelie Yarbrough
dreyv the dour prizes.
Refreshments, were served. Seniors
attending, were: Mavis Tyrrell, Mary
Borel, Janice Osterhaut, Jane'Oerd-
Gentlemen |1.10 including tax;
Ladies Free
Ing, June.. Collins, Lynn’ Culver,
Guinevere Thompson, Doris Ann
Wood. LnVerne Barrette, Avis Rick­
etts, Marilyn Sage, Harriet Tozier,
Roberta Stonecpher, Marybelie Yar­
Ninety were in attendance at the
brough, Dorene Robispn, Jean Like,
regular meeting of Beulah Chapter,
Phyllis Litzenberger.
|O. E. S., held in Masonic Hall last
• ■ B. P. W members attending were ¡Thursday evening when Dr. June
Dorothy Page, Florence Barton, Vi­
Martin, of Marshfield. Associate
ols Newton, Bertha Smith. Hattie Lee
I Grand Matron, ihade her official visit.
Holimon, Jessie Kay, Clara Stauff,
There were also visitors from Marsh­
Arlene Robertson, Ida Oerding, Ida.
field and Myrtle Point, at which time
Owen, Edith Dunn, Ruth Beyers, Har­
Gretchen Clinton and Preston Moy
riet Ortka.Idyle Godard, Joyce Owen,
were initiated into the order.
Bess. Maury, Hazel Hanys, Annie
The Associate Grand Matron gave
Robinson, Inez Chase, Edith Walton,
a delightful and inspiring talk, which
Salma Caughell, Mabel WemicH. "Le­
was followed by very pleasing re­
ona Bryant, Inez Rover, Albert^ Tyr-
marks from Mrs. Maxine Jeub, Grand
Electa; Miss Bess Maury, Grand Rep­
resentative of Rhode Island, and Mrs.
Viola Bentley, Worthy Matron- of
Doric Chapter, Marshfield.
Mrs. Camilla Rietman received the
I attendance award.
<’run il Ile nnw h»« «in
A very impr«uuve und mlerwUng
ganizatlons with a chairman appoint­ degree in honor of Abraham Lincoln
ed for selling stamps or stamps and was given by members of the Chap­
war bonds. It is hoped soon tp have ter. Following this, a social hour
more names added ‘to the present list. was enjoyed with refreshments served
All women’s groups, church organiza­ in the banquet hail. The long tables
tions, women's unions and auxiliaries, were beautifully decorated, carrying
etc., should be enlisted. Coos county out the motif of St. Valentine. In
women will endeavor to sell $8500 the center was a beautifully decorat­
worth of bonds through club chair­ ed cake, honoring Dr. June's birth­
men during February. This is the day. She was also the recipient of
price of a 78„ MM anti-tank gun. several gifts and cards in honor of
Mrs. Albert Powers, county chair­ the occasion.
man, states that it is hoped'to have
At noon, she was honor guest at
|100 in Bond Eales from each club. a luncheon at the hotel, officers of
Thé following is the list of chairmen the chapter also being present. This
in organizations so far enlisted: Co­ was-followed by a school of instruc­
quille Woman's Club, Mrs. Fred tion in Masonic Hall.
Houston; Business and Professional
Women, Mrs. Viola Newton; Junior Valentine Party At The
Woman’s Club, Mrs. Haze) Scharf er; Wm. Roth Home
Women's Society Christian Service,
A very lovely Valentine party was
Mrs. S. F. Stevens; Social Club East­
held Sunday, Feb. 14, at the home of
ern Star, Mrs. Pauline Pettit; W. C.
Wm. Ro,th. Dinner was served at
T. U., Mrs. W P. Laws.
1:00 p. m. to the following guests:
Having started Feb. 14, every Sun­
Messrs, and Mesdames E. A. Wimer,
day night 8:90 o’clock the Million
Dollar Club is called to order over Z. C. Strang, Walter Laird, Archie
Hatcher, Harold McCue, Milt Deyoe,
KOIN. Tune in, its your “meeting of
Fred Von Pegert,' Mesdames Alice
the air” with men and women of ev­
Dean, Edith Gardner, Minnie Clin­
ery county In Oregon who have made
ton, B. Cavanaugh, Mr. and Mrs. Roth
outstanding records in War Bond
Sales. This is for the folks on thé and Misses LaVelle, Maxine and Lu­
cille Roth. *
“firing line" and is aimed at giving
Piano music was played by Miss
them statewide recognition for their
Roth. Pictures were taken of the
outstanding efforts in piling up am­
group by Mrs. Laird.
The ladies
munition in the form of war bonds
played games while the men folks
and stamps.
played horseshoes.
Please call Mrs. R. A. Wernich, lo­
cal chairman, to enlist your organiza­
Loyal Women’s Ciass Mel
Associate Grand
Matron Visits
More Women Groups
To Sell War Bonds ,
'truths and yet guarding against in­
formation that could aid or comfort
the enemy. ‘
Of the problems of the future he
¡said the U. S. A. would have to be
■ prepared to police the world and in
’ the leaage of nations there would be
, need for intelligence, learning, un­
derstanding and'persistence, and an
extreme amount -of good will. His
advice was for ail to be well in­
formed and open minded.
He said in conclusion that no one
could make the swing around the
circle and see democracy at work and
not realize a vast giant bad found
strength to win this war. We must
all have confidence in the moral
vigor of the U. S., Mr. Sackett stated,
and in closing added there is renewed
faith in the U. S. and this nation has
a great destiny.
There were about 35 present. Mrs.
Amy Spargu, president of the Marsh­
field çlub Introduced Mr. Sackett and
Ida Oerding responded. Inez Rover
accorppanied for the community sing­
ing with which Mrs. Chas. Stauff
The tables were decorated with
bowls of acacia and decorations were
epsecially dainty in appearance. A
delicious course dinner Was served
which was greatly enjoyed by every
one. Going from here were the follow­
ing: Florence Barton, Ida Owen, Joyce
Owen, Jennie Price,' Jessie Kay, Hat­
tie Lee Holimon, Viola Newton, Inez
Rover, Bess Maury, Arlene Robertson,
Ida Oerding, Hazel Hanna, Clara
See our targe display of choice pot
plants at Bergen’s, across highway
from telephone office.
Not the
cheapest but the best Phone 8$.
Good supply of men and women's
bicycles. Also electric toasters, elec­
tric shavers, auto accessories, etc
Southwestern Motor Co. Car and
Home Supply Store.
Good Cotton
Sealy Tuftless
Desks ■
Purkey Furniture
With Mrs. Mary Wimer
Loyal Women’s Class of the Church
of Christ met Thursday with Mrs.
Mary Wimer, for regular business and
social meeting.
Devotionals were led by Mrs. Gus
McCulloch. Business was conducted
by the vice president, Mrs. Hooton.
A short program on Abraham Lin­
coln followed, those giving readings
being Mrs. Cardwell, Mrs. Sloan and
Keys made tor all locks. Stevens
Cash Hardware, Copulile, Óre.
tf Mrs. McCue.
Hostesses served tea and cookies to
the following: Mesdames Gus Mc­
Culloch, Harold McCue, W. A. Sloan,
Fred Schaer, Pearl Cardwell, Alta
Culbertson, W. Tyrrell, A. Hatcher,
Belle Hooton, Betty Schaer and Jen­
nie Lafferty.
Every Month!
Coquille B. P. W. Members
Gue«;» of Chib In Marshfield
AIT who went from here on Tues-
lay evening io attend the dinner giv-
I n by the Murshfield B. J>. W. Hub,
ield at Westminster Halt, report hav­
ing had a wonderful time. The Bay
club had issued an invitation to ail
■oendyt. of thf; Coquille club but
only rihmtecn local people were able
to attend.
Sheldon Sackett was the speaker
and he discussed his observations of
a nation at war, as a result of his
.swing around the circle during his
recent trip to Washington and return.
He told of the heavy travel, mentioned
the matter of prices, rationing and'
help problems, and the activity in
Washington, D. C. He listed as ex­
tremely able men who are working
hard in our national capital. Stimson,
Southwestern Motors
He used as a term the “pattern of
victory" saying it is already apparent
| and spoke of the cliUnging pattern of
His trip east had to do primarily
with radio intelligence and he went
on at length regarding the office of
war information headed by Elmer
Davis. He told of the thousands of
problems arranged for short wave
'in 24 languages, and of the effort to
'educate both our allies and our ene-
iny nations, giving out facte and