* ' ■' B.P.W. Holds Annual Party for Senior Girls The Guild House was well filled last Monday evening with tables seating groups of four, two Senior girls and two B. P. W. members. The occasion was the annual party for girls . W. Hub, ield at Westminster Halt, report hav­ ing had a wonderful time. The Bay club had issued an invitation to ail ■oendyt. of thf; Coquille club but only rihmtecn local people were able to attend. Sheldon Sackett was the speaker and he discussed his observations of a nation at war, as a result of his .swing around the circle during his recent trip to Washington and return. He told of the heavy travel, mentioned the matter of prices, rationing and' help problems, and the activity in Washington, D. C. He listed as ex­ tremely able men who are working hard in our national capital. Stimson, LET Southwestern Motors Coquille Bandon Nutt. He used as a term the “pattern of victory" saying it is already apparent | and spoke of the cliUnging pattern of production. His trip east had to do primarily with radio intelligence and he went on at length regarding the office of war information headed by Elmer Davis. He told of the thousands of problems arranged for short wave 'in 24 languages, and of the effort to 'educate both our allies and our ene- iny nations, giving out facte and