The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, May 01, 1941, Page 4, Image 4

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The Sentinel
* seco
ta a ssss raws
H. A. YOUNG. Editor
j makes Lindbergh s arguments against
help to Britain look like the babbling
of a two-year old. He shows clearly
that the American people who hate
' war and dread it, must help in the
! battle of the Atlantic and keep that
1 ocean open to free peoples or we will
be left alone with the “war closing
in on us from the North Atlantic, the
South Atlantic and the Pacific.”
Suheertptfea Ratea
One Year ----------------------------- 42.
Six Months----- ------------ —---------I.
Three Months.......... .........
No subscription taken unless paid
tor in advance. Thia rule to impera­
Ulcer patients, who seem to be on
the increase in this country, have
been given a new hope for cure in
Entered at the Coquille Postoffice
the latest discovery of a hormone
Second Claas Mall Matter.
which curbs the acid condition in the
stomach which causes the ulcers. So
far its discoverer has not tried the
treatment on humans but has cured
artiflcally stimulated ulcers in dogs
¡ciati «3 which have the strongest acid diges­
tive juice known among animals.
(From Sentinel of Mon., Apr. 25, 1921)
Archie Walker is expecting his
brother, Edward, from San Franciaco
thia week, the latter having decided
to locate in Coquille. He waa visiting
here about a month ago and likes it
ao well he will come back.
The local post of the American Le­
gion has received a confidential list
of the sluckers who evaded the war
draft. It contains about 20 names.
(From Thursday, April 28. 19211
Last Sunday afternoon Stephen
Dey, of the City Market, and Grace
Brown were united in marriage by
Rex Dallas, Christian minister.
Miss Louise Riddle, Coos county’s
new home demonstration agent, came
in on this morning’s train.
The committee has arranged for
the Myrtle to leave Norway at 8:15
Saturday morning and for the Tele­
graph to leave Bandon at 7:30. Both
boats to be here and leave Coquille at
4 p. m., giving the ranchers plenty of
time to see the main events of the day
and still be home in time for milking.
amount of these bonds to be bought
by any one person in one year. The
bonds are in denomination* of >25,
$50,3100, 500 and 11,000, aU of which
are sold for 75 per cent of their ma­
turity value and all of which mature
in ten years.
For larger investors who can af­
ford to purchase up to $50000 worth
of bonds a year, the Treasury De­
partment has issued two additional
kinds of Defense Savings Bonds, but
these will be sold only through banks
and by direct mail from Washington,
D. C. They are intended for asso­
ciations, trustees and corporations, as
well us individual purchasers.
For the sinuller investor who wants
to buy a government bond on an easy
payment plan, the poet office will
have a new series of Postal Savings
Stamps, at 10c, 25c, |1 and IS. Each
purchaser of any savings stamp high­
er than 10c will be given, free at
charge, an attractive pocket album in
which to paste his stamps until he
has enough to buy a $25 bond or one
of higher denomination. Thirty mil­
lion of these albums are now being
The cover design of the albums is
in . color, featuring a United States
battleship and an eagle bearing the
American flag. On the back cover is
a painting of the Minute Man statue
by Daniel Cheeter French, which sym­
bolizes the American citizens ever
alert in defense of his country The
inscription is "America on Guard "
Secretary Morgenthau said that
even a boy or girl who saved 10c
I q Uuy a savings stamp would help
the country. He added that “you can
safeguard your own money and your
own future, while helping the na-
,„„,1 defense, by buying United
States Savings Bonds now."
Log Truckers P. U. C. Permits on
uliort notice
No extra cost, F. R-
(From Sentinel of Tues., Apr 28,1921)
We have the authority of one of
the best known residents of Coos
Bay—Editor Maloney of the Times—
for the statement that there will not
be u wheel left over there on Satur­
(From Friday, April 18,1921)
It is too bad our new chemical dis­ day. He says all of them will be at
Very Good Condition
wedding of much interest to Co­
ed secrets. It is now revealed that
H. L. Varney who has lived out quille people occured at the Metho­
The above caption to the slogan for!__ _ _ __
__ ________ _____
glass is being made without sand on the line of the Marshfield rond for dist church Thursday afternoon at
National Music Week observance this an<j the i^guitant photographic lens
nineteen years, says that at that time two o'clock, the Rev. A. B Pendleton
year and it is a most proper sqgges- 1 ’ ■ Is a great aid in uirplane scout work,
there was no fill across Cunninghum officiating. The contracting parties
tion for altogether too much of what etc. The Eastman company has been I
and it was a matter of jumping from were Mr. Orvil Haga and Miss Eliza­
is coming into our homes today, by • manufacturing these superior cameras
tussock to tussock of iwamp grass to beth Church.
way of the air waves, is stuff that a for a year or more without the gen-
The following girls will take part in
real lover of music cannot approve. ■ oral public being aware of the get across on foot.
the May pole drill here Sunday after­
National Music Week always be­ change. However, we'll venture a
(From Wedeaday, April 27, 1921) noon as part of the dedicatory exer­
gins the first Sunday in May—this guess that Hitler has known' about
Headlines proclaim holidays at cises of the new city high school
year from May 4 to 10 inclusive—and them and is already making these new
Coos Bay and North Bend for the building: Maxine Paulson, Eleanor
it is to be appropriately observed in improved lens, thanks to the foreign
Highway Celebration in Coquille Sat­ Foley, Eleanore Wilson, Mary Good­
’ -
spies swarming in the industrial life urday with the opening of the paved rich Avis Hartaon Mary K. Watson,
The new note in National Music | of United States.
road to the Bay.
. . Two hundred Roberta Myers, Rosalie Peart, May-
Week this year is that it is to be Inter- !
brought in and belle Dey, Melia Brandon, Jean Poin­
- in - observance,
-.. . - ■ - -___
- Cana-
__ I xxiv
Are the
vuc American
nmciiwin people
pcuuic kukiik
going to set up all over the down town district ter, Jean Young, Helen Russell, Annie
' .U.'.
U,.'d Ct n<rU. .Ame[LC8u
' wait until Germany sends submarines
This is the time of year to have transmission-Differential
McAdams, Ora Mael, Helen Boyrie,
ing in the movement toward better into our harbors to destroy shipping and these with the extra street lights,
new flags, just arrived from Portland, Lois Morrison, Grace Richmond,
changed and new summer grade put in. Remember Gear
or until parachute troops drop from
«ive Coquille a Mabel Grush, Hazel Wigant, Alma
Music is Uw one language through 1 the skies on us before we awaken to and bunting,
Oil is only 25c per lb.
Oden, Lena Whitney, Lois Miller.
wliich people can best express and 1 the fact that Hitler is striving for the true holiday aspect.
: .1 J."
best advance* their common aspira­ mastery of the world?
thing suggesting a nurse’s uniform, sions in the cabinet is what the ad­
tions and promote the spirit of amity;
If England goes down, the resources
for the occasion and walk to the place ministration should do about strikes.
and that it has a particularly im­
of the British empire will be picked
portant service to perform, at this 1 off by the Germans at their pleasure. where the bandages are prepared There is a difference of opinion on
time in strengthening cultural ties and 1 Quislings in South or Central Ameri- along thronged streets to advertise that subject.
friendly relations among the people ’ ca will provide bases for German war their war work.
of the Western Hemisphere.
A concert for tlte aid of China is a
operations, possibly before, but surely
The purpose of inaugurating an 1 after, an economic war has been won strictly social event; white tie, top
Inter-American Music Week, to be 1 with our southern neighbors.
hat and tails. Ushers are American
observed simultaneously with Na­
It to time for us to shake off our born girls from the local Chinese
tional Music Week in the U. S. A., to 1 lethargy.
No longer can it be colony dressed native style. One of
to extend an invitation to ail the ! business as usual. Defense industries these concerts, it was discovered by
countries of the Western liemispitere ’ know there can be no war profits in tiie patronesses, planned to divert
The United States Defense Savings
Phone 77J
Front & Willard
to pay tribute with us to Music— the present set-up and the workers, half uf the take to a communistic or­ Bunds and Postal Savings Stamps
the most democratic of all the arts, 1 who should include every able-bodied ganization, so the patronesses with­ were placed on sale in the post office
und to participate in its enjoyment.
man not in the army, ought to be will­ drew. The Greek war was over be­ here at the opening of business this,
It is hoped that the participaion with
ing to return in income taxes every­ fore the reliefers were fairly started Thursday, morning, as part of the na­
us during any one, or all, of the seven thing received above their customary and just as arrangements were being tional effort to make America im­
days of the designated Music Week
living expenses. If before the war made for a Yugoslavia benefit that pregnable.
will still further strengthen the feel­ is over we should have to conscript country sued for peace, despite as­
Postmaster M. O. Hawkins an­
ing of friendship, which is so mutu­ female labor, we believe the women surances of tiie minister that his coun­ nounced today that plans are com­
ally helpful, and which is fostered by of America are ready to help.
try would fight on and on. For a pleted for this community, along with
emphasis on our common interests.
Possibly times of stress and danger while Finland and Poland were the thousands of others from coast to
At some future time, conditions may
are sent to us mortals in order that objects of sympathy, but Washington .nnaat. to do its full part at the open­
be propitious for the inauguration of we may ull realize that there are society forgot them for The Nether­ ing of the savings program.
un International Music Week in which more important things in life than a lands und France, and now these lit­
Postmaster General
Frank C.
ail the civilized nations of the world “good time” and that we may learn ter countries are in the discard.
Walker, in a letter to postmasters
will join.
Through it all, however, the women throughout the country, said that the
to work to the utmost of our endeavor.
still have the British to relieve and help of local postmasters would be
send bundles and make bandages. “a real service to the country." He
The entire British embassy is con­ transmitted the thanks of Secretary of
stantly on call attending receptions, Treasury Morgenthau for the help
examining doll collections, pictures, that local postmaster» had already
¿iven in the sale of United States se­
antiques; it is now an important part'
of their job. The embassy is supple­ curities, and also Mr. Morgenthau’*
Occasionally we have noted in the
mented by Lord and Lady Whosit, thanks in advance “for the co-opera­
Reader’s Digest articles written by
sent here for propaganda purposes tion which he knows you will give to
William E. McDermott. However, it
along with novelists, dramatists, song this effort.”
was not until the current issue of that
The new Defense Savings Bond is
writers, movie people from England,
booklet were we sure of what we
while isolationists on “the hill” de­ similar to the familiar "Baby Bond,”
had formerly surmised. “Merrily We
mand that FBI investigate British or which more than five billion dol­
Roll Along,’’taken from The Rotarian
propaganda as well as German, and lars worth have been bought by
and published in the May issue of the
get nowhere with their complaint. more than two and a half milion
Reeder’s Digest tells of the boyhood
As a matter of truth, congressmen Americana since 1935.
of Mr. McDermott In Winfield, Kan­
A Defense Bond may be purchased
who insist that America be given first
sas. That places him without a doubt.
Muy 1. or thereafter, for 818.75. In
Tlte author is the man who us a young
Washington, D. C„ May 1—War
theological student lived in Coquille work in the national capital is a so­ Benedict Arnolds and they are not ten years, this bond will be worth
some twenty-seven years ago. He cial relaxation. It is a combination invited to the concerts or cocktail 825.00. This is an increase of 33 *,i
filled the pulpit of the Presbyterian of cocktail drinking, sewing circle parties. They are—Secretary of the per cent, equal to an annual interest
church during the summer of 1914 and church bazaar among the upper Interior Ickes calls them—“stooges return of 2.9 per cent, compounded
semi-annually. Any time after sixty
and made many friends here.
crust; of “dancing will win the war” at Hitler.”
According to a footnote in the by hundreds of government workers
Ambassadors and ministers disap­ days from the date of purchase, the
Reader’s Digest, Rev. Mr. McDermott who volunteer to visit nearby can­ pear from the scene as their countries bond may be redeemed for cash, in
has led a busy life combining news­ tonments (in charted bus loads) are absorbed. Up to that time they accordance with a table of redemp­
paper work on the Chicago Daily to trip the light fantastic with the were engaged in the work of relief for tion values printed on the face of the
News with holding of various pastor­ troopers. The girls “in government” this or that; comes Hitler, and they bond.
ates in that city; also being active in concentrate on the soldiers at home; look for a new job and society knows
Opp. Phone Office
To spread investments widely
charitable work in the slums and the society dames discuss the distress them no more. The city is also full among all the people in America, a
among the youth and needy of Chica­ abroad and pay no attention to the of wealthy refugees who mingle in limit of 85,000 has been set on the
the "best set” and inquire “What is
s ae--* •
American soldier man.
Cocktail parties are given for thia America waiting for? Why doesn’t
Among the multitude of columnists or that “cause” and the ladies are it fight?”
this decade has brought to the fore quite adept at hoisting them. After
In the movie houses are propaganda
are many writers whose news articles a stint at making bandages for the films; news reels, war pictures of
show wisdom and sound sense in their Red Cross, the women relax with a the aea, land and air. The music to
daily or weekly digests of happenings few snifters; feel better for their “God Bless America” and the audi­
In this country and abroad.
sacrifice and demand that the United ence stands up. The movies reach
We like Paul Mallon, of the Ore­ States get into the fray. It has been the common people. But the man on
gonian, because of his honest por­ noted for months that the people who the street and the girl in government
trayal of events in Washington, D. C. want war are principally women in attend pretty much to their work.
We are a follower of David Law­ the cocktail bars and at dinner par­ Not for them the play-acting of dress­
rence in the Oregon Journal. Mr. ties. By this source there is an ever ing up and attending cocktail parties
Lawrence recently opened our eyes increasing number of congressmen or the concerts. The wives of navy
to the breakdown of law enforcement convinced that there must be convoys yard workers are not found rolling
in strike areas. A governor to stoned I and active participation, regardless of bandages-nor the mothers of draftees
by pickets, other violence goes un­ what the constituents back home These know, and their men folk, that
come next year the income tax will
condemned and an employee's con­ think.
There are all sorts of activities and take from them more than they can
stitutional right to work to unpro­
tected by our government; while com­ drives to raise money. There are con­ afford; more than the cost of a con­
munistic agitators are abetted by the certs to aid the Chinese; bazaars for cert ticket or an old clothes bundle.
secretary - of labor.
He concludes the relief of Greece; bundles for Brit­
Cabinet meetings have become
tliht indifference by the leaders of ain: the Pickadllly arcade, which to quite sérious since the recent rev erses
democracy to acts of violence by mi- an auction of odds and ends gathered of the allies. Few of the members
- norites can £rodnce internal dis­ from here and t here . a sort of kn- hara aay illusions as to the general
sh0p._and whetHiucttori. are situation, and especially the Republi­
However It is Waiter Lippman who held to sell Aunt Maria’s wedding can secretaries of war and navy.
teaches us to forget our quarrel with dress or Mrs. Smith's heirlooms, the They expected an occasional reverse
the new deal. The squandering of customers first attend private dinners by the allies, but did not expect them
billions of dollars for political pur­ and then go to the auction place in to be chased out of one country after
poses must not blind us to the need a mansion, pay 31 for the privilege of another. They know that America
of more billions for defense.
Mr. entering and making a bid. Women can produce war material but time is
IJppman takes a world-wide view of can rail bandages in any dress, but required, and the Germans an not
events abroad and tells what they to lend color to the excitamet
waiting lor America to equip Eu­
put on a nurse’s uniform, or
mean to us in this country.
rope. Some of the warmest discus-
Thor Washer
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