i*. The Sentinel * seco mhi ta a ssss raws H. A. YOUNG |M M. D. GRIMES H. A. YOUNG. Editor j makes Lindbergh s arguments against help to Britain look like the babbling of a two-year old. He shows clearly that the American people who hate ' war and dread it, must help in the ! battle of the Atlantic and keep that 1 ocean open to free peoples or we will be left alone with the “war closing in on us from the North Atlantic, the South Atlantic and the Pacific.” Suheertptfea Ratea One Year ----------------------------- 42. Six Months----- ------------ —---------I. Three Months.......... ......... .60 No subscription taken unless paid tor in advance. Thia rule to impera­ Ulcer patients, who seem to be on tive. the increase in this country, have been given a new hope for cure in Entered at the Coquille Postoffice the latest discovery of a hormone Second Claas Mall Matter. which curbs the acid condition in the stomach which causes the ulcers. So far its discoverer has not tried the treatment on humans but has cured artiflcally stimulated ulcers in dogs Pii Oil ¡ciati «3 which have the strongest acid diges­ HIM* tive juice known among animals. TWENTY YEARS AGO (From Sentinel of Mon., Apr. 25, 1921) Archie Walker is expecting his brother, Edward, from San Franciaco thia week, the latter having decided to locate in Coquille. He waa visiting here about a month ago and likes it ao well he will come back. The local post of the American Le­ gion has received a confidential list of the sluckers who evaded the war draft. It contains about 20 names. (From Thursday, April 28. 19211 Last Sunday afternoon Stephen Dey, of the City Market, and Grace Brown were united in marriage by Rex Dallas, Christian minister. Miss Louise Riddle, Coos county’s new home demonstration agent, came in on this morning’s train. The committee has arranged for the Myrtle to leave Norway at 8:15 Saturday morning and for the Tele­ graph to leave Bandon at 7:30. Both boats to be here and leave Coquille at 4 p. m., giving the ranchers plenty of time to see the main events of the day and still be home in time for milking. amount of these bonds to be bought by any one person in one year. The bonds are in denomination* of >25, $50,3100, 500 and 11,000, aU of which are sold for 75 per cent of their ma­ turity value and all of which mature in ten years. For larger investors who can af­ ford to purchase up to $50000 worth of bonds a year, the Treasury De­ partment has issued two additional kinds of Defense Savings Bonds, but these will be sold only through banks and by direct mail from Washington, D. C. They are intended for asso­ ciations, trustees and corporations, as well us individual purchasers. For the sinuller investor who wants to buy a government bond on an easy payment plan, the poet office will have a new series of Postal Savings Stamps, at 10c, 25c, |1 and IS. Each purchaser of any savings stamp high­ er than 10c will be given, free at charge, an attractive pocket album in which to paste his stamps until he has enough to buy a $25 bond or one of higher denomination. Thirty mil­ lion of these albums are now being prepared. The cover design of the albums is in . color, featuring a United States battleship and an eagle bearing the American flag. On the back cover is a painting of the Minute Man statue by Daniel Cheeter French, which sym­ bolizes the American citizens ever alert in defense of his country The inscription is "America on Guard " Secretary Morgenthau said that even a boy or girl who saved 10c I q Uuy a savings stamp would help the country. He added that “you can safeguard your own money and your own future, while helping the na- ,„„,1 defense, by buying United States Savings Bonds now." Log Truckers P. U. C. Permits on uliort notice No extra cost, F. R- Bull (From Sentinel of Tues., Apr 28,1921) We have the authority of one of the best known residents of Coos Bay—Editor Maloney of the Times— for the statement that there will not be u wheel left over there on Satur­ (From Friday, April 18,1921) It is too bad our new chemical dis­ day. He says all of them will be at Very Good Condition MAKE GOOD MUSIC FAMILIAR A wedding of much interest to Co­ coveries eanot be kept closely guard ­ MUSIC Coquille. ed secrets. It is now revealed that H. L. Varney who has lived out quille people occured at the Metho­ The above caption to the slogan for!__ _ _ __ __ ________ _____ glass is being made without sand on the line of the Marshfield rond for dist church Thursday afternoon at National Music Week observance this an