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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1939)
Going Hunting? PERSONAL PROPERTY PLUMBING Supplies—Toilets—Sep tic Tanks—Everything to complete your Plumbing job. See us for Low Estimates. J. A. Lamb Co. s FOR SALE—DeLaval separators t milking machines. Coos Feed Seed Stores. COWS FOR SALE—Tested for both TB and Bangs disease; eight head, milking now. T. H. Benham, Co quille, Fairview route. Phone 5R13. CROWN- DAIRY FEEDS and poultry feeds are giving satisfaction to thousands of users in the northwest. A feed for every need. For sale by Coos Feed A Seed Stores. SLIGHTLY Used McCormick Deer ing 750 - lb. Cream Separator. 859.50. Cost 8110.00 new. See at once. J. A. Lamb Company. s FOR SALE— Order your McNess pro ducts from a Coos county Pioneer, John H. Paxson, McNess represen tative in Coquille, Myrtle Point and North Bend. 145 West First street P. O. Box 534, Coquille. 35t2*s GRASS SEED—Just received a fresh TENNIS PLAYERS—We restring and repair rackets. FARR A ELWOOD. stock of Rye Grass, Orchard Grass, Upland and Lowland Mixtures. TIN CANS—No. 2 plain, 83.50 per Clovers, and other FALL SEEDS 100. No. 2 Enamel »3.65 per 100. Inquire about our economically No. 2H Plain 83.95 per 100. No. priced “Bum Mixture." FARR A 2ft Enamel 84.15 per 100. PARR ELWOOD. A ELWOOD. FLEA POWDER—“One Spot” is PLAY TENNIS—With Wilsota equip guaranteed to kill. Only 25c can. ment We have a fresh stock of FARR & ELWOOD. balls, rackets, presses, covers and gut. FARR A ELWOOD. JUST ARRIVED—Our fall shipment of rye grass, clover seed, orchard HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS grass, seed oats and vetch and seed grains. See us first. Get our prices. ZENITH Refrigerators — 8119.50 Save money. Coos Feed A Seed Your Own Terms in Reason. Gen Stores. erous 6.2 cu. ft. size, with gleaming baked Dulux exterior. Hermetically WANTED sealed unit with Five Year War ranty. Makes 108 ice cubes. Slid WILL SWAP—“Farmer’s Bargains” ing vegetable crisper, automatic —Music lessons for carpentry or interior light. J. A. Lamb Com painting. Trailer for drag saw, pany. a canned Cherries for empty jars, RIR pullets for leghorns. See TRADE in your old Range on a New FARR A ELWOOD’S “Swap L A H Electric Range or a new Board,” Globe Dutch Oven Range. EH A FA terms on'Electrical Appliances. RELIABLE MAN WANTED to call J. A. Lamb Company. s on farmers in N. Coos County. No experience or capital required. BUY AN eight piece bedroom suite Steady work. Make up to $12 a at the COQUILLE FURNITURE day. FURST A THOMAS, 426 - CO. this week for only 864.95 and 3rd St, Oakland, Calif. tP save Ten Dollars. See it in our Funeral services were conducted structure. Interested parties con by the Gano Funeral Home, in the tact Mrs. Orvus Miller, Arago. lt*s Christian church at Port Orford, on Sunday at 2 p. m. for Raymond Ver RANGES FOR SALE—Large assort non Kreiger, who passed away at a ment of Reconditioned Ranges, Cir Coquille hospital last Friday. T. B. culators and Heaters to be sold very McDonald, of Port Orford officiated reasonable to make room for new and interment was in the Masonic merchandise. Purkey Furniture, cemetery there. next to Cowbell Dairy, Coquille, s Mr. Keiger was nearly 4 years of age, having been bom in Medford, Dec. 24, 1915, and prior to his two $ WHO OWES YOU J months’ illness had been head rigger in a Logging camp at Port Orford. We collect delinquent accounts, He is survived by his parents, Mr. No collection. no charge. Western and Mrs. Clayton R. Kreiger, a brother Mercantile Agency. Phone 161, Co James, and two sisters, Mrs. Helen quille, Oregon. I. H. Heaton, Mgr. McKay and Mrs. Bernice White, aU of WE Vulcanize your tubes—not cold Port Orford. patch them. No extra cost. 346 West Front street, Coquille. Thorn ton Tire Service. FOB BENT FOR RENT—Cottage, 3 rm A bath, gas range, oil heater, also 3 rm A bath apt. 407 S. Willard St. Its* APARTMENT for Tent. 2 rooms partly furnished, at 134 East Eighth street. Lights, water and fuel fur nished. North end of Henry. Call at above address. lt*s FOR RENT—Furnished apartment, 2 rooms and bath. Adults only. Mrs. C. W. Ashton, J20 East First, phone 120J. lt*s FOR RENT—Nice clean airy apart ments and sleeping rooms, furnish ed. Hot water and bath. Close in. Inquire 351 So. Henry St. 36t2s FOR RENT—A 3-room and a 5- room apartment at Chaney Apart ments. Call 52L. 36tf Calling carda. SO for »1.00. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTY OF 0008, STATE OF OREGON TALLANT GREENOUGH Attorney «4 Law Room 14 First National Bank Bldg. Ort DR. J. W. HARRISON VETERINARIAN Office and residence on Co quille - Marshfield Highway, n*xt place west Sanford Heights road. Phene »42 P.O. Box 24» Coquille, Oregon a C. SANFORD Attorney at Law Probate, Beal Estate Practice. Notary DR. De La RHUE Eyesight Specialist Laird Bldg.—Recepttea Maliy wHh Dr. 1. R. HARRY A. SLACK Attorney -at-Law First National Bank Building Coquille Oregon J. ARTHUR BERG Attorney al Law St James’ Episcopal Church I Car. 3rd and Ellie« Streets The Rev. George R. Tumey. Vicar September 17— 15th Sunday after Trinity. Sept. 24—16th Sunday after Trinity. 8:00 a. m.—Holy Communion, C. C. for women. 9:45 a. m.—Church School. -11:00 a. »m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon (choir rehearsal after ser- vice.) Wednesdays, 2 p. m.—St. James’ Guild meeting. Parish house. Thursday, Sept. 2L 7:30 p. m.— St James, Evening Guild, Parish House. 7:15—Young People’s Meeting, Parish House. Episcopal Men’s Club Organize 7:30—First of fall classes at in- An Episcopal Men’s club was organ struction—Vicar’s Study. ized last Thursday evening at a meet Emanuel Baptist Church ing in the Parish House, called by Fourth and Elliott Sts. Rev. Geo. R. Tumey. About 15 have Rev. Edwin C. Swanson, Pastor signified their intention of joining and The church with a Bible ministry -Mr. Tumey hopes to age that number where Jesus Christ is captain and largely increased. The meetings will men are crew. be held in the Parish House on Thurs 9:45—Sunday school, C. L. Brock day evenings and are to be for relax man, Supt. ation and enjoyment, with no set order 11:00 a. m.—Morning services. of business—only what the members Sermon: Rev. Ivan Shults, Bandon, may wish to do. Ore. 6:30 p. m.—B. Y. P. U. services. Calling cards, 50 for »1.00. 7:30 p. m.—Evening services Bap tismal service at 7:30 p m. Sermon:- NOTICE TO BIDDEN Notice is hereby given that sealed “Daystar of Hope.” bids will be received by the City Re Prayer meeting each Thursday corder of the City of Coquille, Ore 7:45 p. m. One and all are cordially gon, at the City Hall in said City un til 5 o’clock P. M. on the 2nd day of invited to attend. October, 1939, for furnishing the fol lowing materials, to-wit: First Church of Christ, Scientist 342 ft. 8 inch Sewer Pipe Coquille, Oregon 188 ft 6 inch Sewer Pipe 1—8 inch x 8 inch Sewer Wye Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. 1—8 inch x 6 inch Sewer Wye Sunday Service at 11 a. m. 13—8 inch x 6 inch Sewer Wyes Subject for next Sunday, “Reality." 1—8 inch Sewer bend H 12—6 inch Sewer bends % Wednesday evening meeting at 8 1—8 inch Sewer Stop o’clock. • 5—6 inch Sewer stops Free public Reading Room at 256 2 cu. yd. Sand Drane Bldg., open every day except 6 bbl. Cement 3 cu. yds. Bar rim gravel Sunday and holidays from 12:30 to 1 set Man hole fittings 5:00 p. m. 1250 ft. B. M. lumber 10 cu. yds. Road gravel The City reserves the right to waive technicalities and to reject any or all bids or to accept any bid that in the judgment of the City Council appears best for the City. By order of the Common Council dated September 18, 1939. F. G. LESLIE, 36t2 City Recorder. The Pioneer Methodist Church Howard L. Graybeai. Pastor Morning Church Service at 11 a. m. Evening Church Service at 9 p. m. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Inter esting classes for all age groups. Church Service each Wednesday evening at 7:30 p. m. You will appre ciate these services. Church of Christ (Christian) E. Fourth A Coulter Sts. One Block East of Henry SL Bridge C. Adrian Sias, Minister Sunday Services: Bible School 9:45 a. m. Ralph Harry, Supt. 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. 7:00 p. m. Christian Endeavor. 8:00 p. m. Evangelistic and Worship Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Prayer Meet- A cordial welcome is extended to all to attend these meetings. Hie Holy Name Cptholic Church Schedule for year 1939 First Sunday of the month—Mass at Bandon, 9:00 a. m.; at Coquille Third Sunday—Mass at Coquille, 11:00 a. m. 9:00 a. m.; Bandon, 11:00 a. m. Fourth Sunday—Mass at Powers, 8:30 a. m.; Coquille 11:00 a. m. Fifth Sunday—Mass at Coquille 9:00 a. m.; Myrtle Point 11:00 a. m. Fourth Thursday—Mass at Gold Beach at 7:00 a. m. Fourth Friday—Mass at Brookings at 9:00 a. m. Dr. C. G. Stem, Chiropractor. Moulton StM phone 80-J. A. F. 4 A. M. Stated Communication z DIRECTORY Music Lessons in Your Home Piano and Accordion z HAUUNG COAL SWISS STEAK 21c BONELESS BEEF 19c White Cloud SHORTENING 4 LB CT... 39c HAMBURGER 2 LBS 25c Personal Interest Friendly Counsel Honest Advice Proper Guidance FANCY FRYERS BACON SIDE LADY IN ATTENDANCE 1,’LB SUGAR CURED LB BACON SQUARES Ellingsen Building Phone 37 Coquille, Oregon COUNTRY STYLE—SMOKED J. A. RICHMOND BEEF ROAST LB 25c 25c 15c 15c Hunters:—Bring you deer to Jim*» Market and well akin cut it up to suit you. Clause on life policies written through my office Take advantage of thia op portunity AT ONCE, buy all you can afford while you can still get it WITHOUT a “war clause.” George E. Oerding 1st National Bank Bldg. Gano Funeral Home Coquille z RIVERIA Every Prizes Nile TAVERN A DANCING Basket ef every Wednesday. Orchestra Wed nesday A Saturday featuring Del’s Swing Band 292 Chadwick Lodge No. 68 Tuesday, Oct 1», 7:39 pi Citation • ■ • I In the Matter of the Estate of Robert J. Galbraith, Deceased. TO Doris Manos and Dorothy Lor- enze and to any unknown heirs of Robei*» J. Galbraith, Deceased; Greeting: In the Name of the State of Ore gon, You are hereby cited and re quired to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Coos at the Court Room thereof, at Coquille, in the Cbunty of Coos on the 24th day of October 1939, at ten o’clock in the forenoon of that day, WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE then and there to show cause if any ALL COOS COUNTY GENERAL ROAD FUND WARRANTS you have, why C. A. Barton, the Ad endorsed prior to Feb. 1, 1938 ministrator of said estate shall not sell the- following described real called for payment at the office of the VIOLIN, PIANO and ALL STRINGS Coos County Treasurer, property belonging to said estate: Coquille, Oregon. Ida Smith, Marshfield Highway, corner SaAford Heights The Northeast quarter Of the North /1 Sept. 22, 1939. west quarter of Section 7, Township road, on Coquille-Bullards Route. CHAS. STAUFF 28 South of Range 12 west of the It Treasurer of Coos County. Willamette Meridian in Coos County, Oregon, in the manner prescribed NOTICE TO BIDDER8 by law to pay the expenses of ad Notice is hereby given that sealed ministration and any claims that may bids will be received by the City Re be presented against said estate. corder of the City of Coquille, Ore Witness, the Hon Hugh McLain, ! gon, at the City Hall in said City Judge of County Court of the State | until 5 o’clock P. M. on the 2nd day Miss Inez Rover of Oregon for the County of Coos of October, 1939, for furnishing the with the seal of said Court, affixed following materials, to-wit: State Accredited this 20th day of September 1939. 4620 feet 4 inch Cast iron Attest L. W. ODDY, Clerk. 195 West pre-caulked or bell and By JULIA LEATHERMAN, pipe, 2 Ts and 1 elbow all 4 300 feet 2H inch Flre FOR SALE—At SOS No. Holly »tree* Date of first publication double jacket wax and gum in Coquille a 4-room house, frame Sept. 21, 1939. treated, with pin lug couplings and each 50 foot length dated and C. F. D. stamped on each coup ling, 400 lb. test ELECTRIC SERVICE 300 feet 1H inch rubber cov ered hose for street cleaning, rodker lug muplfngs, 50 foot E. G. OPPERMAN lengths each coupling to have WIRING A REPAIRING ISLER BLDG. PHONE 114-L date and C. S. D. stamped on same, 300 lb. test. The City reserves the right to waive ------ «HB : -■■■ technicalities and to reject any or all bids or to accept any bid that in r the judgment of the City Council ap STORAGE pears best tor the City. Mansell Drayage & By order of the Common Council, 344 Front St September 18, 1939. Delivery Co. Next door to Thornton F. G. LESLIE, 3612____________ City Recorder. Tire Service COME IN AND VISIT OUR NEW MEAT DEPARTMENT I xkb I and Long Distance NOTICE OF ANNUAL ELECTION AT HENNINGER’S MARKET. HIGHEST QUALITY 'COALEDO DRAINAGE DISTRICT Notice is hereby given that the MEATS AT A REASONABLE PRICE regular annual meeting of the land owners of Coaledo Drainage District GENERAL REPAIRING ON will be held at the law office of ALL MAKE8 OF CARS ' Harry A. Slack, in the First National SEPTEMBER 22nd and 23rd Bank Building, Coquille Oregon on Twenty-Four Hour Service I the 7th day of October, 1939, at the hour of 1.30 P. M.; for the purpose of tender electing one Supervisor, for the pur pose of considering the matter of ad justing the debt of said District; and for the transaction of such other busi ness as may lawfully come before said meeting. HELEN ANDERSON, Secretary. display window now. OR SALE—“Farmer's Bargains” —Heatrola—Cows—Wood Buzzing A REAL BARGAIN in a used wood, services—Bicycle — Used Pipe- and coal range with white porce Gas Engines—Battery Charger— lain enamel trim, oven in perfect Pullets—Ducks — Goats—Rabbits— condition, fire box like new. A Horses—Pigs. See FARR & EL bargain at 829.95, at the COQUILLE WOOD’S “Swap Board.” FURNITURE COMPANY. WANTED “Farmer's Bargains" SEE OUR NEW wood circulators that Shoats, Cows, Pullets, Farm Work. are built to save you money and Farm Water system, Bench Saw, give you the maximum of heat and 2nd hand fruit jars. Brown leg still in the price you can afford horn pullets, Deer Rifle, Row Boat. to pay. As low as »39.50 at the See FARR A ELWOOD’S “Swap COQUILLE FURNITURE CO Board.” ONE USED dining room table round HOUSEKEEPER WANTED—Must be oak top, in excellent shape, for only good cook. Board and room and 811.50 complete with extension salary. CaU 601XX. Mrs. L. H. leaves at the COQUILLE FURNI Williams. ' lt’tfs TURE COMPANY. WANTED—General cleaning by the PROPERTY FOR SALE hour or day. Leave word, if inter ested at Folsom’s Grocery. Mrs. FOR SALE—The E. H. Kern house at 336 South Maple, lot and a half. Dalton. lt*s Call 34R or see A. Clifford Kern. 29tfs Professional Cards Port Orford Man P Here—Buried Sunday Here’s the Place to Start Coquille Garage <3