The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, August 11, 1938, Page 3, Image 3

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Last Friday evening a get-together
was held at the home of Mias Max-
I ine Knight in honor of three birth­
days, Maxine’s, Carolyn Perrott’s and
Charles Rowell’s. The young folks had
a grand time dancing and playing
cards after which delicious refresh­
ments were served. Those present
were. Misses Eileen Kendall. Mary
Lou Nosier, Audrey Taylor, Lucille
Sherwood, Mary Robb, Carolyn Per­
rott, Messrs. Jack Towne, Billy and
KWh vam ambW
Miss Maxine Knight.
Coquille fogies
ytfrr t - =.
Plano and Accordion
High Scheol Credit Given
195 W. tad
H mm
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for every
Plants or Blossoms
257 So. Taylor
Phone M
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Last Thursday evening, seven new
candidates “rode the goat” at the
regular weekly meeting of Coquille
Aerie No. 21M, F. O. E.
A fine attendance marked the meet­
ing. And “Oscar,” the duck-mascot
and member-getter par excellence,
was also in attendance. “Oscar” has
endeared herself in the hearts of all
members by her splendid work in the
membership drive.
Thursday was also social night and
a large delegation from Marshfield
was present. The Marshfield mem­
bers showed “movies” of the state
convention recently held at Klamath
Falls. In addition to this feature,
entertainment was also presented in
the way of singing and musical se­
lections. A fine luncheon was served
with both the ladies of the auxiliary
and members of the local aerie assist­
ing in the serving.
Many present
were reluctant to leave the tables
until some smart brother hit upon a
plan to disperse them.
Fred Bull
was asked to sing. He did, and the
crqjvd melted as if by magic. In fact
one brother sprained an ankle in his
wild dash from the room.
Members of the Ideal aerie who are
in charge of the Golden West Jubilee
are enthused by the interest being
shown by the business men, as well
as the entire population of Coquille
in the big attraction, which now 1s
on in full swing. Members of Coos
Bay Aerie, as well as members of
that auxiliary, are lending splendid
support, which is greatly appreciated
by the Coquille Aerie.
All members of various commitees
are digging in to make it the biggest
event of the season.
There will be no meeting this week
at the Aerie rooms; but all members
are requested to turn out and help
put the Jubilee over in a big manner.
Attractive Oregon Scene
Picture by Oil Company
■ -5
Having for its purpose the stimu­
lation of interest in Oregon’s many
beauty spots, hundreds of thousands
of outstanding full-color reproduc­
tions of our most famous scenes will
i be distributed free within the next
few weeks by the Standard Oil Com-
oany to motorists who ask for them
I at any Standard station or dealer
in Oregon.
The first picture in the series has
just been issued, a new, full-color
photograph of Crater Lake. In our
opinion, it is the best picture of
Crater Lake taken in a long time and
has a number of extremely Interesting
and unusual features. Not only does
it show the marvelous blues of the
lake itself, but, in contrast, la the
snow along the edges, the distant
mountains rising beyond the lake and
a breath-taking" cloud effect. Other
pictures will be released every two
| That these scenic prints will find
a permanent place in many an Oregon
wlH LHe-Sarver Traed
Thornton Tire Service
The “Co-Workers Club” mot at
the home of Mrs. Frank DeCoeta last
Thursday for 12:30 o'clock luncheon
with Mrs. DeCoeta, Mrs. Wiley Em­
bree and Mrs. Ernest Embree as joint
hostesses. After luncheon, the ladles
held a short business
made plans for an ent<
at in
the near future. Mrs. Leia Avery
drew the lucky number. *******81
CrOCfwlHlg BIKl CnllUnf OCCUpiCu tne
afternoon hours. Those present were;
Mesdames Ira Chase, Charles Don-
dono, M. Morrot and son, Richard,
Lola Avery and son, Riohard, Andrew
Hatcher, Earl Schroeder, J. D. Bell, i
Lou Smith, Melvin Schroeder, W. H.
Schroeder, Misses Katherine Schroe­
der, Dorothy Rivers, Grace Sheehan,
and two children, Leon Embree and
Dolores DeCosta.
•\4f :«V
Miss Jean McNally entertained the
“Omit Club” Monday evening for
seven-thirty o’clock dsoeert bridge.
A surprise shower was also tendered
Mrs. Monroe Swindall. Cards ware
played, Mrs. Swindall winning high
score and Mias Lurene St. Clair re­
ceiving consolation. Those present
were: Misses Norene and Madeline
McKeown, Maxine Johnson, Aloha
Allen, Lurene St. Clair, Margaret
Belloni, Mn Lloyd Wood, Mrs. Mon­
roe Swindall and the bootees.
Pointer, Ida Clark, Marc Shelley,
Hattie Shelley, Geo. A." Gray, Sadie
Jayes, May Batea, Lizzie Oden, John
Bullack, Mrs. Dow and Mrs. Joe
Berkheimer, of Fairview, Mrs. Dan­
iels, of Myrtle Point, and the hostess,
Mrs. Mattoon.
The American Legion Auxiliary
met in the Legion Hall Monday eve­
ning for their regular monthly meet­
ing. Plans for the state convention at
Dallas in September were discussed
Mrs. J. W. Mclnturff, of Marshfield,
was the lucky winner of the "Navy
plate.” After the meeting, a social
time was enjoyed with the Legion
Refreshments were served by the
Auxiliary members. Present were:
Mesdames C. T. Selbig, Robah Robi­
son, Roeella Kline, D. E. Rackleff, J.
E. Axtell,,Frank Martin, C. P. Zum­
walt, Lee Hand, E. D. McCune and
two junior members, Dorene Robison
and Marianne Rackleff.
A lovely party was held at the
beach home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Bryant last Thursday evening when
Mrs. Bryant entertained with a six-
thirty o’clock dinner in honor of the
birthdays of two of her guesta: Mrs.
W. E. Boeserman and C. W. Kline.
R. T. Slater was also to have been
honored as his birthday falls on Au­
gust 4th but ho and his family were
out of town. Mr. Kline and Mr Boe­
serman are twins, having born the
same year. The guests enjoyed a
moot pleasant evening in singing,
chatting, etc., while the children pic­
nicked and played on the beach. Those
enjoying this occasion were: Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Boeserman, Mr. and Mrs.
Keith Leslie and children, Mr. and
Mrs. B. W. Dunn, Donna and Mary
Jane, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kline and
sons, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bunch
and children and the hostess. ■. t
Last Wednesday a group of ladies
held an all-day picnic at Broadbent
for the pleasure of Mrs. Fay Jones.
Swimming and outdoor sports were
enjoyed with a bountiful picnic lunch
at noon. Those present were: Mes­
dames Fay Jones, Marvin Lyons, J.
A. Lamb, Bert Folsom, J. L. Smith,
Lloyd Oddy, Hal Pierce, Lloyd Roca,
M. O. Hawkins, C. J. Fuhrman, Clar­
ence TutUe, Misses Margaret Smith
and Ann Hawkins, George Folsom,
Bill Dimmick, Don Nosier, two Cole
boys and two Kramer boys.
' ’ 1
Want Ads
Special Notice
Take advantage of this oppciru*
tunity and buy a new Dodge «
Plymouth now and save some real
Drop in and see us right
•way for a money-saving deal.
Creary & Williams
FOR SALE—R. R. Fryers, cornfed.
Mrs. M. D. Sherrard, Phone 8O4RR,
Mrs. J. L. Aasen was hostess to the
“Ecadriens" for one o’clock luncheon
Monday. The afternoon hours were
spent in knitting, sewing and chat­
ting. Members present were: Mes­
dames J. E. Axtell, E. M. Kay, F. A.
Robb, W. E. Boeserman, Earl Nosier,
Geo. Johnson and two guests, Mrs.
' Ji
The Pioneer Missionary Society
met in the church parlors Thursday
afternoon. Mrs. Walter Oerding had
charge of the devotions and took her
text from James 5:15.. - The lesson
study was “You and your Bible.”
Mrs. Jas. Richmond, president, con­
ducted the business meeting. Dele­
gates were chosen for the coming con­
vention in Coquille: Mrs. W. A. Ire­
land and Mrs. Walter Oerding. The FOR SALE—Modern 5-room house,
completely furnished with garage,
alternates were: Mrs. Louis Fugelson
low down payment, .pall after 6
and Mrs. Leand Petersen. The so­
p. m. »1 North Heath.
ciety is planning a rummage sale in
September. The recent cooked food
sale was a complete success. After
the business session, a social time
was enjoyed with light refreshments.
Those present were: Mesdames W. A.
Ireland, Walter Nohrnberg, Leland
Petersen, Henry Ellis, Henry Belloni, FOR SALE—80-acre ranch adjoining
Jas. Richmond, R. Wilkins, Clyde
Coquille Valley Golf Club would
make ideal country home or good
Minard, Orville Newton, Londy Peart,
Elton Savage, Cyril McCurdy. Jack
proposition to subdivide. W. A.
James, Coquille, Ore., McKinley
Hultin, Walter Oerding, H. L. Gray-
Star BL Also good mule team for
beal, Ernest Purvance, R. E. Boober,
Miranda Way, Cora Wimer, Louis
Fugelson, Fred Wheaton. O B. Har­
riman, B. W. Dunn, H. E. Martindale, FOUND—Brace and bit, on Henry
R. B. Rogers, Bertha Anderson and
street, near Church of God, on
Miss Lura Morgan.
Monday. Owner can secure it at
the Sentinel office by paying two
bits for this adv.
Calling cards, SO for $1.00.
Mrs. J. W. Ruble was hostess to
the Laf-a-lot club Thursday after­
noon. The ladies spent the time sew­
ing, knitting and chatting, after which
delicious refreshments were served by
the hostess. Members present were: One Cent a Word
Mesdames Frank Pook, Goo. Gilman,
No. Adv. leas tl
Wm. Myers, W. E. Cross, O. K. Rake­
straw, E. A. Wimer, John Martin and FOR RENT — Modem unfurnished
five-room house. >25.00 per month.
Mrs. Felix Miller was hostess to a guest, Mrs. Cora Mulkey.
035 West Fourth St. (Spurgeon
her Contract Club Friday for one-
hill). Inquire at house in back. It*
__ ________
o’clock ________________
dessert luncheon. _____
Mrs. . The Ladies of the M. E. Church of —
■ -
Earl Tichenor won high score and Coquille met at the home of Mrs. FOR SALE—Young and old Turkeys.
Mrs. 8. A. Morris received consols- Edith Mattoon, of Myrtle Point, last
About 35 in number. Inquire An­
tion. Those present were: Mesdames Thursday afternoon for their monthly
drew Hatcher, Myrtle Point road.
Gary Ellison, Earl Tichenor, Melvin
Greenfield, S. A. Morris, Carl De­
ment and the hostess.
FhoM 3M
FOR RENT—4-room house at 239
South Elliott, Coquille. J. P. John­
son, phone SR11.
a .
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