■ 5 . ✓ ■>7- t " ;6 I Ç3 ■fwl KSv'' 3 if ft .? ? vit—" 25.00 per month. Mrs. Felix Miller was hostess to a guest, Mrs. Cora Mulkey. 035 West Fourth St. (Spurgeon her Contract Club Friday for one- hill). Inquire at house in back. It* __ ________ thirty o’clock ________________ dessert luncheon. _____ Mrs. . The Ladies of the M. E. Church of — 1 ■ - ■■■ —• Earl Tichenor won high score and Coquille met at the home of Mrs. FOR SALE—Young and old Turkeys. Mrs. 8. A. Morris received consols- Edith Mattoon, of Myrtle Point, last About 35 in number. Inquire An­ tion. Those present were: Mesdames Thursday afternoon for their monthly drew Hatcher, Myrtle Point road. Gary Ellison, Earl Tichenor, Melvin Greenfield, S. A. Morris, Carl De­ ment and the hostess. I CaqMBe •I- -1- FhoM 3M FOR RENT—4-room house at 239 South Elliott, Coquille. J. P. John­ son, phone SR11. It 30tf -V* A ; ? a . / c'vi • •■ * fXv A ¿3