The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, August 04, 1938, Page 5, Image 5

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tetvtav alesa la the
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SUvettawn to atoe the ONLY tire tn
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That's«macfly what this new
htow-osU » rete Stirn ef the Gslgws
rana Ufo-8aver Traed dees —
Ply. Dent cheat yourself and yew
family oui ef toe yrs tanti sa thto naw
kind of the safety wUl rive yos»-ae-
yeetally when you can ret SB vos town
at NO KXTKA COST. Cossw to to-
day and get toe whsls story ef thto
revotuttessary new Mfe saving tire.
DMNM »every tawk ef Us wider, flatter
to eoeeiially tostyn si te DRY
yw the retort» <slrh-
eoi rtejM you’ve over had en any read
wet er dry.
And. a ddlns one vital safety feature
• Goodrich Accessories
You can get any of your automotive needs in either of
our stores — — Come in and see our many bargains
in relights, Horns, Polish, Grillguards, Flashlights,
and Thornton's Famous
Come In Today
See this Ultra Modern New Equipment and Shop
for every occasion
Plants or Blossoms
257 So. Taylor