Coquille wore track? tetvtav alesa la the to another, the new Geedrish Safety « m ftw totani the —aw ww to»*-. w --- M SUvettawn to atoe the ONLY tire tn mm wwiv wmv r**ne jvu mmi itummb That's«macfly what this new htow-osU » rete Stirn ef the Gslgws rana Ufo-8aver Traed dees — Ply. Dent cheat yourself and yew family oui ef toe yrs tanti sa thto naw kind of the safety wUl rive yos»-ae- yeetally when you can ret SB vos town at NO KXTKA COST. Cossw to to- day and get toe whsls story ef thto revotuttessary new Mfe saving tire. DMNM »every tawk ef Us wider, flatter to eoeeiially tostyn si te DRY yw the retort»