The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, March 05, 1937, Page 8, Image 8

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    a Pirate victory, 32 to 14.
Box score for first team game:
Coquille 24
B. Walker, f
Goodman, f
Oderkirk, f
- 0
Fuhrman. •
McClellan, g
E. Smith, g
R. Walker, g
Marshfield 30
Cline, f
Hansen, f
Schwarz, f
Smith, c
' •
Chiene, c
Sommers, g
Ring, g
Minet}u, g
5- ..
- 14- 2
The basketball surprise of the week
was the defeat of North Bend at Myr­
tle Point Monday evening by a score
of 18-12. At the present time those
two teams are tied for first place in
the conference, with Marshfield next,
followed by Roseburg and the Red
Devils bringing up the rear.
Roseburg 34
Morgan, f
Baker, f
Bishman, f
Hatfield, f
Campbell, c
Miller, c
Fritts, g
Sanden, g
Rice, g
Terrible Swedes Score High
Olson's Terrible Swedes lived up
to their name Monday evening in the
Coquille Community Building when
they romped through Bill’s Place to
the tune of 87 to 49.
Only a small crowd saw the exhi­
bition put on by the visitors who near
Junior High Notes—B. B.
Harry Elliott Defies Local
Team Winning Its Garni
Meanies to Take Him Up
Continued from Page One)
the street. And would it not be the
cleaner, finer way to settle this feud
once and for all on the mat before
the impartial judgment ot Coquille
tans assembled?
Besides, in your first skirmish of
three weeks ago, I missed all the ac­
tion because I happened to be in the
dressing room at the moment, though
I am reliably informed that Gentle-
man Bob Stewart had the situation
well in hand.
If you boys would
dotted line, I would
training sugegstions, to wit:
That Bill spend a day listening to
the click of billard balls in his rec-
reation emporium so that he can get
the proper resonance in his teeth
gnashing, and,
That, Lafe take an afternoon off to
listen to the groans of his guests as
they pay their respective bills so that
his own groaning on the mat will be
nothing to be sneezed at.
The Coquille Wrestling commission
has advanced the novel. suggestion
that unless the gladiators agree to
forego gouging and hair pulling that
they be made to wrestle each other
with boxing gloves on. I am against
this sugestión for some reason or
other which I have been trying to
discover for a week.
Blit w*
et> o^ree<t nn nttl-i.t-
As the regular Community Building
referee declines to officiate, The com­
mission will divulge the name of an
important local referee at the last
moment. This is so that this gent
will not be subject to coercion by
either camp.
Then, Frank Schram
will act as head timekeeper with two
assistant timekeepers to spy on him
and see that he doesn’t fudge. Sev­
eral judges will be named later to see
that fairness is preserved, and a
strong contingent will be on hand
from- Chief English’s department to
see that decorum is preserved.
The duration of the match.
five-minute rounds, two falls out of
three or a referee’s decision at the
end of the fifteen minutes.
Boys, the fans of the Coquille val­
ley are holding their breath until you
agree to settle the Compton-Fortier
feud in the wrestling ring of the
Community Building on Friday,
Local & Long Distance
Moving a Specialty
Phone 178*L
Insured Carrier
Try This New
She examined their work and gave
them pointers. As an example of
what can be done, she showed
samples of exceptional work. At the
close of the meeting the girls were
given their 4-H cards to be displayed
in their homes.
CequUle Defeats Coes River, 1« to 11
On Feb. 27 Coquille Junior high
school played Coos
River basketbail
team on the Coos River floor. In a
very rough game Coquiile emerged
the victor. Thè outstanding feature
of the game was the splendid floor
work of Mclntee, Coquille guard, and
Curl, Coos River forward.
Line-ups :
Coos River
Allen, f, 7
Curl, f, 5
Woods, L 2
Rooke, f. 1
»Hilf » HI*
Knife, f, 3 MW Fresher , f
Mclntee,.g, 2
Cusic, g
-Gilbert, g
McTtmmons, g, 3
Dye, g, 2
Bunker Hill Defeated by Coquille,
’ :
Coquille Junior high school won
their first game of a two-game aeries
from Bunker Hill. With Allen scor­
ing in a flashy manner and Davis dis­
playing great defensive ability, the
Wildcats had little trouble in defeat­
ing Bunker Hill on the Coquille floor.
Bunker Hill
Allen, f, 15
Davidson, f, 3
Knife, f, 2
Meyers, f
Woods, f,
Munsen, c, 4
Peery, c
Button, g
Davis, g, 4
Norris, g
Gilbert, g, 8
Delom, g
Coquille Defeats Myrtle Point, 28 to 9
March 25, Coquille journeyed to
Myrtle Point to display a flashy game
of basketball to win 28-8. Allen and
Peery, of Coquille, were easily the
outstanding men on the floor. O.
Davis played a splendid defensive
game by checking Sutphin speedy
Myrtle Point forward, and holding
him to five points.
Mclntee, f, 4
Brooks, f, 2
Allen, f, 10 -
Eaton, f, 3
Knife, f, 2
Sutphin, f, 5
Peery, c, 8
Brooks, c
O. Davis, g, 2
Reed, c
Gilbert, g, 2
Cronin, g
Woods, g
Brown, g
DXC, g
Stevens, g
Mulkey, g
Amateur Card Here
Next Wednesday Night
Look for tho LABEL
(Continued from Page One)
................ -■ "■
Rhule, 150 lbs.
Dee Krantz, 165 »«., vs. Bill Vin­
cent, 15« lbs.
Those entering the wrestling bouts
Curtis Williams, 168 lbs., vs. Lynn
Perrott, 150 ms.
Ed McCarthy, 160 lbs., vs. Lewis
(Buck) Anderson, 130 ms.
Harold Neal 148 lbs., vs. Orville
(Sleepy) Bailey, 150 ms. '*■
These bouts are under the auspices
of the high school student body and
funds derived from the bouts are to
be used for the purchase of athletic
It may be seen by looking back
over the list of participants that they
are as a whole quite evenly matched
as to weight. It is the opinion of the
promoting committee that each con­
testant will give a good account of
LiFt Her Load with the Modern Electrical Servant
--Hi» Wage» are »o Very Low I
Mr. and Mn. Roland Strong, of
Bandon, are on an extended honey­
moon trip in southern California,
where they plan visiting the grooms
relatives in that portion of the state.
Mrs. Strong is the former Miss June
Marie Hughes, of this city.
The happy couple were married
February 15, by Rev. D. Loree at his
home in Bandon. The marriage came
as quite a surprise to friends and rel­
atives of the couple.
Applicants for emergency croip and
feed loans for 1837 are now being re­
ceived at Coquille by Geo. H. Jenkins,
county agent, for the Emergency
Crop and Feed Loan Section of the
Farm Credit Administration.
These loan^will be made only to
farmers who cannot obtain credit '
from any other%ource, as provided by
regulations issued by the Governor of
the Farm Credit Administration.
The money loaned will be limited to
the farmer’s immediate and actual
cash needs for growing his 1837 crops
or for the purchase of feed for live­
stock and in no instance may exceed
Farmers are not eligible for these
loans if they can borrow from an in­
dividual, production credit associa­
tion, bank, or other concern. Emer­
gency crop and feed loans.will not bo-
made by the Farm Credit Adminis­
tration to standard rehabilitation cli­
ents of the Resettlement Administra­
tion whose current needs are provid­
ed for by Resettlement.
As in the past, the security for
these loans will consist of a first lien
on the crop financed if the loan is for r
the production of crops, and if for the
purchase of feed for livestock, then
a first lien on the livestock to be Zed
Landlords, or others having atujntgr-
est in the crops Sr the livestockto be
fed, will be required to waive thei:
claims in favor of the lien to the
Governor of the Farm Credit Admin­
istration until the loan is repaid.
Checks in payment of the approved
loans will be issued by the Regional
Emergency Crop and Feed Loan Of- '
fice at Spokane, Wash.
Chadwick Lodge No. 68
Locai and Long Distance
A tlantic M onthly
IL (mentining this ad)