a Pirate victory, 32 to 14. Box score for first team game: Coquille 24 FG F7 B. Walker, f - - 3 0 Goodman, f - - 2 (I Oderkirk, f - - - 0 0 Fuhrman. • - - 4 9 McClellan, g - - 0 C E. Smith, g - - 0 1 R. Walker, g - - 0 0 Total Marshfield 30 Cline, f Hansen, f - Schwarz, f Smith, c ' • Chiene, c Sommers, g Ring, g Minet}u, g Total 5- .. - - 14- 2 7 The basketball surprise of the week was the defeat of North Bend at Myr­ tle Point Monday evening by a score of 18-12. At the present time those two teams are tied for first place in the conference, with Marshfield next, followed by Roseburg and the Red Devils bringing up the rear. Total« • Roseburg 34 Morgan, f Baker, f - Bishman, f Hatfield, f Campbell, c Miller, c Fritts, g Sanden, g Rice, g Terrible Swedes Score High Olson's Terrible Swedes lived up to their name Monday evening in the Coquille Community Building when they romped through Bill’s Place to the tune of 87 to 49. Only a small crowd saw the exhi­ bition put on by the visitors who near Junior High Notes—B. B. Harry Elliott Defies Local Team Winning Its Garni Meanies to Take Him Up Continued from Page One) the street. And would it not be the cleaner, finer way to settle this feud once and for all on the mat before the impartial judgment ot Coquille tans assembled? Besides, in your first skirmish of three weeks ago, I missed all the ac­ tion because I happened to be in the dressing room at the moment, though I am reliably informed that Gentle- man Bob Stewart had the situation well in hand. If you boys would dotted line, I would training sugegstions, to wit: That Bill spend a day listening to the click of billard balls in his rec- reation emporium so that he can get the proper resonance in his teeth gnashing, and, That, Lafe take an afternoon off to listen to the groans of his guests as they pay their respective bills so that his own groaning on the mat will be nothing to be sneezed at. The Coquille Wrestling commission has advanced the novel. suggestion that unless the gladiators agree to forego gouging and hair pulling that they be made to wrestle each other with boxing gloves on. I am against this sugestión for some reason or other which I have been trying to discover for a week. Blit w* et> o^ree