Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1936)
’ H, ■ ■> B AW T —! hi*;® Cai„ material ----------------- 9.49 Albert Panter, Rent No. 4» ... Union Service A Garage, Bat- 23.95 Maud Haga, Rent No. 49----- , tery Repair ....„1,....... ...... 1.50 Marshfield. 1839 Eagles Lodge, Lou Blance Ihc., repair tire .... Rent No. 50 —. ......... ....... .70 r ' F. A. Robb, County Engineer's 12.00 Isaac R. Tower, Rent No. 50 ... mileage --------------—.. 23.00 E. v. Hand A Son, shoes A re- School Dist No.43, Rent No. 51 pair - . .... . ...... .. Geo. F. Burr Motor Co., auto 6.96 Chas. F. Waterman, Voting Hugh McLain, Salary, County supplies ............. —r............ .. Booths No 52 43.18 Judw ............... ..../ 166.66 Schroeder Bros. Mortuary, Coquille Service Station, auto burial Tom Christenaen ...... 30.00 School Dist. Na 64, Rent No. 52 Wm. F. Howell, Salary. Sheriff 200.60 Coquille Service Station, auto supplies____________ ______ 7140 Mary B. Bennet, Rent No. 53 P. W. Culver, Salary, Deputy Central Transfer Co., freight „ supplies ,70 12.54 Security Bank. No. 54 .............. 140.00 Sheriff .............. ....... ..... Cate________ ____ _ ______ H. O. Wooden, labor, dirt HU .. 2500 Bert Pearson, preparing polls. ' ".-"5 •va Schroeder, Salary, Deputy Cooe Bay Logging Co , lumber * American vaui ivp» 111.12 No., 55........ Can Co, van« cans ok A tops 11.48 . * Sheriff (office) .......... ....... 80.00 Georgia Amend, labor cannery Wm. Vincent, hauling WPA 11.00 City of Myrtle Point, rent No. C. G. Caugnell, Salary, Deputy men .................... 34.00 Grace Rivers, labor cannery 11.00 Sheriff, Tax Dept. _____ 14^.00 Martin Pinkston, labor cannery 3. E. Culver Lumber Co., lum- 5.00 School Dist. No. 77, rent Na 57 . A:'■ ■ V 'j. - Margarita Brodie. Salary, Consolidated Freight Lines, Willa Stallard, rent No. 58 .... 13.83 Deputy Sheriff, Tax Dept. .. 90.00 Ed Abernathy. filing saws ...... freight on ammonia —.......... « 1.50 .92 Willa Stallard, preparing polls Katherine Jane Hassler, Sal Coast Lumber Yard, lumber - No. 58 ___________________ Pacific Motor Transport Co., 4 55 ary, Clerk Tax Dept.______ 80.00 Henry Winters, royalty on freight on cans A covers — 9.32 Catching Inlet Grange, No Delores Belloni, Salary, Clerk 690, Rent No. 59................... .. 6.50 Western Union, telegraph ser- j / e * Walker, royalty on rock 80.01) . vice Tax Dept. _____ ____ __ __ 1.30 ..............................- 1.35 School Dist. No., rent No. 80 .... C. H. Walter, hauling tables A W. H. Kennedy. Salary, Per Howard Cooper Corporation, State Ind. Acc. Comm, Acci 120.00 sonal Tax Collector .....____ rental truck shovel A ma supplies ......... dent Insurance ............... —.„ 27.79 L. W. Oddy, Salary, County terial ----- --................... Indigent Cooe County Farm, groceries Clerk .... ............... .............. ...... 166.00 Farr A Elwood, powder, etc. ,. for jail ......... — ........ -—• 69 26 C. L. Brown, ..... J. W. Leneve, Salary, Deputy Pure Iron Culvert A Mfg. Co., W. U. Douglas ., JaH County Clerk ............. 137.50 Cowbell culvert pipe ............... ----------- 17043 Salary County , meat ------------- 14.84 Leia Elrod, Georgianna Vaughan, Salary, Nurse ................................. ....... 60.00 McGreorge Gravel Co., culvert tete, , groceries 17.64 Deputy County Clerk ____ Ideal 1.50 17.16 Farr A Elwood............................. Willa Elliott, Salary, Record- rental of school Geldishelm Tians. Co. .............. 4 50 Ted Petterson Laundry, laun bus, WPA men ............ ....... 'tag Clerk____________ —1^., - dry service .................. ...^......... 5.08 Wm. Horsfall ................... ........... 3.50 J- P- Beyers, Salary, County North Coast A Soap Huntington Drug Ct»....... ........... Chemical & 3.50 A. Barrows, royalty on gravel 7-VL ?oast .fx. Assessor___ ......L..................... Wks., janitor ’s supplies ........ 34.50 North Bend Fuel Ca ................ 3.00 Wm. Shrock, royalty on rock _ ---------------- « Anna Rooney, Salary, Deputy Peoples Water A Gas Co.......... FIRST NATIONAL BANK Duro Test Corporation, lamps 1.8* J. L. Herman, towing Bullards Ferry ........... ,..................... 30.00 County Assessor __ ________ 90.00 Wm. F. Howell, Sheriff, con Peterson Grocery ---------- 28.50 •’M of Coquille, Oregon Chas. Stauff, Salary, County veying prisoner to pan __ 3.00 George Landrith, repairs to 9.59 Mrs. C. R. Ritz ___________ ____ Landrith Ferry ------------------- Dairyland Creamery ..... ........... Treaaurar -...... ........ L 150.00 West Coast Telephone Co., 7.00 8.65 Martha E. Mulkey, Salary, phone service .... —_____ 71.00 State Ind. Acc. Comm., Indus 125.84 Dobbyn’s Grocery------- ----- trial insurance H. J. Oalahue ........................... .. County School Sup’t ......... 168.87 P. L. Johnson Plumbing Shop, ....... 510.82 6.00 Boneva Volkmer, Salary, repair work 3.98 Moore MUI A Lumber Co., 13.38 J. C. Penney Co. -------------- ------ lumber .................... ... ..... .... 381.14 8tenog.-Supt. office ....____ 7143 Marshfield Electric A Hard Schwartz Market............ ............ 3.00 Coquille Machine Shop, ma Shepherd’s Grocery _________ R. H. Mast, Salary, Probation ware installing lights, Treas. Off. T7-._....7....“.. 78.87 Thos. R. Thompson ..... ............. terial ........................................ Officer ............................. ......... 130.00 3.50 1.12 ------------- ... . , Dr. M. Earl Wilson, Salary 500 W. P. Fuller A Co., paint A oil 36.90 •/ Hooton Electric Shop, lamp« .. 1.20 Osmar K. Wolf ................... .. Bert Why .............. ............ .......... 18.50 Lawrence Knight, shakes for Health Officer .................... . NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE OF Mountain State« Power Co , Bridge ------- ---------------------- -. 30.00 Leia Elrod, County Nurse REAL PROPERTY light« A power ...................... 108.50 Clarence Perkin« ........ ............... 65.50 John H. Dox, lumber ------- ’___ 01.45 (part salary) ------------------- On the 2nd day of January, 1937, H. M. R om , repair work ........ 8.40 Safeway Store, Inc. No. 435.... 29.50 Fred Schaer A Son, labor A Weber Cash Store ................... 20 50 at the hour of 10:00 A. M. at the Mae M Waggoner, Salary, Carter, Rice A Co., Victor Xo\t- I materiel ........ ..... Stenographer-County Court ' els ....................... ....................... front door of the court house in Co ROADS Nev. 1936 1 00 Joe Gabrio, filing saws ............ quille, Cooe County, Oregon, I will i-ouis J. Langenberg, Salary City of Coquille, water.... .. General Roads 21.90 Smith Wood-Products, Inc., Court Reporter ___________ 175.00 E. W. Gragg, material sell at public auction to the highest .... 7 19 C. P. Morgan, labor _____ ___ 5.00 lumber _____ _____ _____ ....... bidder for cash the following de- J. N. Gearhart, Salary, County Stevens Cash Hardware, jani C. F. Bessee, labor ................... 64.00 Ira Johnson, filing saws ...___ Surveyor ........................ ...... .. tor’s supplies ....... .............. ... scribed reel property situated in Cooe 10.54 E. R. Strain, operating River Carl C. Wilson, Salary, Janitor County, Oregon, to-wit: ton Ferry................... ............ ... 55.80 J. A. Lamb Co., material........ Coo« Bay Times, printing No Mountain States Power Co., tice of Budget T................... .. 150.40 H. D. Gilbert, operating Dan Court House Beginning 143 feet South of the lights A power-------- _-------- . 36.51 Cotner of Sections Thirteen, Four Stewart Whltoett, Salary, Jan Coos Bay Times, pub. Warrant iels Creek Ferry ____ _____ 85.00 Western Union, telegraph ser itor A Jailer............................ 75.00 teen, Twenty-three and Twenty-four Red. Notice ......................... 3.00 Geo. Landrith, operating Lan vice ............ 43 in Township Twenty-rix South of Belle Whltoett, Salary, Matron Western World, pub. Warrant drith Ferry ........... ................ .. 20.00 Benham’s Transfer, wood------ 4.50 A Cook-County Jah .............. 25.00 Range Thirteen West of the Willam Red Notice ___ _______ ___ 1.80 Lawrence Dorland, operating City of Myrtle Point, water ... 15.00 Coquille Valley Sentinel, pub ette Meridian at a fir tree 15 inches Hugh McLain, County Judge, Bullards Ferry _______ _ 146.50 9.68 lishing Court proc. _______ 24.90 Lawrence Mullen, labor_____ 19 00 H Lorenz, calico and canvas mileage for November ......... 29.64 in diameter marked C. S. on South side; running thence West 650 feet Hugh McLain, County Judge, Coo« Bay Harbor, publishing Willis Simpson, labor _______ 3060 Coos Bay Dredging Co., tide box on Catching Slough .... 383.40 to a port marked C. 8. from which a expense trip to Portland to notice of «ale ...... .. 34.80 John Nenegat, labor ................ Pioneer Hardware Co., ma- C. A. Gage, service« on Can Judges A Commissioners' fir tree 10 inches in diameter bears Delbert Benson, labor ......... .. tortsl ..... ...... vassing Board ......................... North 34 degrees Eart 9 feet; thence convention ............. 20.(K) 8.00 M. C. Millar, labor ................«... Southwestern Motor Co., auto T. B. Currie, services on Can R. B. Howe, labor ........ ........... South 27 degrees 9 minutes Wert Charles Doane, Salary, Coun sudd II c » . . .. 14,70 ty Commr..... ............. ............ 70.00 vassing Board 1000 feet to a cedar root marked C. 6.00 Lincoln Miller, labor................ Ballou A Wright"..... _________ 16.94 3. E. Walker, labor................ H. S. Norton, twine A envel S„ thence South 20 degrees and 39 Charles Doane. Mileage, Coun Greene A Jensen ........... 3.45 ty Commr............ ......... ............. 29.52 opes for Elect. _____ _ minutes East 1293 feet: thence South 1.50 Ted Miller, labor ....................... Koontz Machine Shop, repair State Ind. Acc. Comm., indus ?, BaIeg’ ,abor ------------------- 300 feet; thence South 25 degrees Charles Doane, expense trip to <to ga. shovel ----- - ---- -------- .... 830 trial Insurance___ _______ _ Portland to Judges A Com and 50 minutes Wert 1039 feet to a 39.18 G. L. Horton, labor................... Stevens Cash Hardware, ma- Vance Weakly, labor ................ missioners’ convention ____ 2000 Coos Bay Stationery Co, sup fence; thence South 1055 feet to the ierigl .»... 2.87 plies ............................................. 19.79 Harbert Lane ................... ........... South boundary line of the Donation R. H. Lawhorn, Salary, Coun Fairbanka, Morse A Co., ther- ty Commissioner..... ......... Mike Boone, labor ............... .. Land Claim of Curtis Noble and wife, 80.00 L. W. Oddy. County Ctork, momet^ir ........... poastage A expran _______ claim No. 37 and being a portioq of R H. Lawhorn, mileage, Co. 18.32 Jack McCirthy, labor.............. W. T Aasen, posts A shakes „ Cha«. McAUtetor. labor______ Section's Thirteen. Fourteen and Commiaaloner ____ _______ 45.00 U. S. Dept, of Labor, Contri Standard Oil Co., gaa and oU J bution ............... ....................... Twenty-three and Twenty-four in R. K.'Lawhorn, expense trip to 35.00 James Child, labor ___ _____ NUes Motor Co., auto supplies Ian Chapman, labor............... .. Coquille Hospital, professional Township Twenty-six South of Range Portland to Judges A Com Stian Smith, towing ferry....... Thirteen wfert of Willamette Meri missioners' convention ........ 20.00 service« k .._........... ........ ........... .. 56.00 K. Lane, labor ....„............... .. Issac R. Tower, auto supplies Mart A Wilson Hospital, neck Floyd Smith, labor........ dian; thence Wert to the Southwest John C. Merchant, Clerical A. B. Daly A Co., matertai — brace for Corner boy Corner of said Donation Land Claim work in Trees off................. 32 00 10.00 James Parker, labor___ 1_____ Consolidated freight Lines, Mart A Wilson Hostel, care Brooks Pointer, labor..... ........... of Curtis Noble and wife on the bank • Steritt Office - 33.75 of Emma Hanks . ...... ............ 50.00* Levi Wilson, labor ........ ...... of Isthmus Slough; thence Northerly Wm. F. Howell, Sheriff, mile- Pacific Motor Transport Co, Ed White, labor ...... ........... ... Mercy Hospital, care of Baby along low water line of East side of Bert* Mead, Salary, Deputy 58.38 freight .... .......... ~. ...... — 640 Lawrence Johnson ................ MOO W. W Rhule, labor__________ said Isthmus Slough to a point due 35.34 Pertan« Drug Store, prescrip- Allen McGIamery, labor ____ Sheriff ........... ............ West of the place of beginning; 18.95 .. ten for Jack Ritter thenee East to place of beginning, Bart Mead, mileage. D«*uty .50 Elmer Ross, labor .................. Ote ittet clothing ‘ ~ B pa J. W. Dye, labor ......................... for T containing 150 acres of land, mare er ■Sheriff ..- mm - ala ...... a .. ns ——■ terial ......... m . ............................ 7246 tients _____________ I cm ; except a strip of land 100 feet Cha«. Stauff, Co. Treat., cash 2.95 Raymond Bai klow, labor ........ Golders Auto Supply Co., ma Sam Carter, labor....... ............... H. Lorenz, clothing for TB pa- wide by 500 feet alorfg the water adv. Sheriff Office________ terial > 74 09 front described by mete« and bounds Lou Blanc, Inc., auto supplies 26.54 Forest Barklow, labor •........... STATE OF OREGON »r* Grant Harry, Raniiif "" " " 42 00 Wilford Neal, labor.... ............... as follow«, to-wit: Myrtle Point Herald, filing County of Coos: M. B. Huntley, labor.... .......... .. Ben C. Flaxel, pt. «al. «tenog ■Beginning at a point on low water cards ......................... .......... ..... L L. W. Oddy, County Clerk of A mileage .....___ u______ mark of the East bank of Isthmus Western Union, 68.19 E. Hammock, labor .......... ......... telegraph Coos County, Ex-officio Clerk of , Coos County, Oregon, where service ....................... ............... 338 R. H. Mart, mileage.................. 81.04 E. Norris, labor................... ....... the County Court of said County and Calvin Bigelow, labor ........... .. Standard Oil Co., of Calif., now stands 3172 feet South Clark’s Offiee State, do hereby certify that the gas and oil ............................... 20.73 Russell Parish, labor .... ........... 22 feet Wert at the common Myrtle Point Herald, receipts 15.75 foregoing is a true and correct state Geo. Wagner, labor .................. Racklrff Pharmacy, supplies Four- comer of Sections Thirteen,----- Coos Bay Harbor, second sheets 1.50 ment of the amount of bills allowed Health Off. ______ 11.50 Roy Parrish, labor______ ....... teen, Twenty-three and Twenty-four Treaaarar Office a on the various funds of tha County Lewie "Lund, labor .................... James Richmond, Insanity in Township Twenty-six South of Clara A. Stauff, clerical ser- as audited by the County Court of ÿr exam. 3. Miller ...................... Range Thirteen West of tfhe Willam Chas*Stauff, Co Treat., j»eU 08.00 8.00 Adolph Hayes, labor ................ said County at the regular December. H. Hayes, labor ........................ Coos Bay Stationery Co., sup ette Meridian, in Coo« County, Ore 1936, term thereof, as the same ap plies Judge Office ..._..... _.... 16.54 Sid Slenner, labor . ........... ......... gon. said pile being at the North age A supplier _______ 12.40 pears on the exhibits of claims and Arlyn Barklow, labor................ Huggins Insurance Agency, west Comer of Watson’« wharf at Chas. Stauff, Co. Treat., cash warrants in my office and custody. additional premium 34.80 Vic Lindstrom, labor ...... ......... Coos City in said County and at the adv. Court A Health Off...... 35.00 WITNESS my tend and seal of Victor Demarest, labor ......... Irwin Watson, indemnity for Southwest Comer of what is known i P. W. Culver, Deputy Sheriff, the County Court affixed this G. Gunderson, labor _______ cattle ------------------------- -------- as the McLaughlin Lot, now owned boat hire A trip fo r priso ner 11th day of December, 1936. Z v - - a- a —11«. C. Carlton, labor.................. ...... 8.C. Rogers Estate, indemnity by Amanda Loggle, from which pile Ataesaor Office L. W. Oddy, County Clerk for cattie----------------- -------- A. O. later ........__ ah ii'cr. an iron pipe driven ln in the ground H. C. Getz., Salary, Draftsman 1 103.50 (Seal) By J. W. Laneve, Deputy Phil 1 ____ , later....... ...... one inch in diameter bears North J. P Beyers, tumped envelopes i 49.68 Nov. 1936—General Fm Ralph Huributt, labor.......... East “ - 104.5 73 degree« 45 mtoutee ‘______ ‘. feet; School Dirt. No. 66, Rent of Wayne Goodman, labor---------- and an iron pipe one inch in to diameter Martha E. Mulkey, mileage 22.26 Polling Place No. 1 .... ........... C. E. Patterson, labor . .............. 72 00 driven in the top of dike bear« North Etther Stahl, work in tupt. off. 1 40 School Dirt. No. 38, R«nthta I C. B. Young, labor.................... 96 80 degrees C 45 minutes East i 211 34 decree« ‘ * feet; **' Olive Warren, work in tupt. Kaye J. Howard, Rent lw. 3. .. H. E. Peart, later ................... .. 79 20 - • and the South face of * a I i cedar pile at North Bayside Orange/ No. Ralph Huributt, labor ............ 5.00 the Southwe«t corner of t the County _ The J. K. GUI Co., tupplies . 691, Rent Na. 4____________ i Wayne Goodman, labor 3940 Road Landing on Ek»t ride of raid W. E. Finzer A Co., Inc., tup- School Dirt. No. 45, Rant Na 5 I C. E. Patterson, labor _ 38 50 Isthmus Slough at Mid «aid Coos Coo« City, plies -------------------- - - ------ 34.00 3. I. Routledge, Rant Na 8 .... Wayne Goodman, labor „2/"”’’ 28 80 I R. E Masen, Rent No. 8............ bears North 18 degree« 30 minute« Myrtle Point Herald, Teachers A. D. La«, labor-------------------- 8 00 Wert 79.8 feet; thence from said pile 27.00 George Hom, Rent No. 9____ Directoriet ... ___________ F. A. Robb, Salary Roadmaster 300.00 first mentioned Southerly slong low Chat. Stauff. Co. Treat., cash Swedish Lutheran Church, Ralph Harry, Salary Clerk .... 105.00 water line of the waters of the East adv. Supt Off,------—------- 25.00 Rent No 10 ____ Ernest Franson, tabor, . .......... 14.40 bank of Mid Isthmus Slough 500 Ruttell Keizer, M. D., inquiry First Baptist Church, Rent Henry Franson, labor ........... . 10.80 feet, thence East 100 feet; thence —Alien A Utbera death ..... 10.00 ■ No. 11 ....................... ................. O. P. Smith, labor __________ 12 60 Northerly on with the Ennis Keizer, M. D., inquiry Mary R. Rose, Trustee for Henry Larson, labor ................ 130 960 line running above referred death Krohn_________ ___ .... Church. Rent No. 13 ______ Chester Johnson, labor ............ 730 to, 500 feet, thence ert 100 feet to Dean P. Crowell. M. D.. inquiry Irven Hartley, Rent No. 13...... Eari Wasson, labor__________ 7.20 the place of beginning, situated in 8.80 Laura Ward, Rent No. 14____ death NevUle .......................... J. L. Lea, labor____________ 40.80 Section Twenty-three, Township E. F. Lucas, M. D., inquiry Mae Lindstrom, Janitor Work Thos. Lawhorn, labor..... ......... 101 25 Twenty-six South of Range Thirteen 5.00 death Chat. Ashton------- ------ No. 15 ....... —..............-......... J. K. Baker, labor __________ M.50 Wert of the Willamette Meridian to Dtetrirt Attorney City of Eastaide, Rent of Poll- Emil Schroeder, labor ....... ....... 92 40 Coos County, Oregon. Thia is in Keizer A Crowell, exam, of ------------ ---------- —. ,, _ —....... » .. ■ Ing Place. No. 16__________ Walter Ludtke, labor ------- ..... 162 40 2.50 tended to be a tract of land 500 feet Roy Gramby for D. A. ___ Port of Coo« Bay. Rent No. IT NOTICE Walt Newton, iabor ............... . 75 60 50t5 by 100 feet along Isthmus Slough Burket Camera A Art Shop, Sargt Earl L. E. Billings, Rent Notice is hereby given that the Pat Gorwell, labor ____ ____ 70.40 10.00 aforesaid and having a frontage along pictures of auto wreck ..... No. 18____________________ annual meeting of the shareholders A. C. Red if er, labor..... ......... .. 92.40 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE low water mark of said Slough 500 Burkes Camera A Art Shop, Mrs. Peter Johnson, Rent No. of the First National Bank of Co Harold Riedel, labor................ 83 60 4.25 STATE OF OREGON IN AND photo« of finger print« ------ 19 ....... 4-------------- quille, Oregon, for the election of Di feet. Frank Crafton, labor .............. 61 60 FOB THE COUNTY OF COOS Together with tide lands if any Health Dept. City of Marshfield, Rent No. rectors for the ensuing year and for A. D. Lee. labor ____________ 74.60 In the Matter of the Estate of X W Leia Elrod, mileage ------- -------- 45.06 thereon. 20 ................ ........................... the t ransaction of such other business fronting H. A. Steward, labor ................ U.00 Gregg, Deceased, All of the above described proper Ethel C Littler, salary Substi Acme Roofing Co., Rent No. 21 as nay properly come before the Roy Wheeler, labor----- x........... 97 10 Nrttee to Creditor« being to Cooe County. Oregon. tute Nurse —- Central Labor Council, Rent meeting will be held at the office of ty Said Jack Bailey, labor .................... 110.10 Mie is made under execution Semperto Drug Store, supplies NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That No. 22...................... —,______ A J. Wilkin«, labor ..................... xaid Rank In Coquille, Oregon, an issued out of the Circuit Court of the W. V. Glaisyer, Fees for cattle the undersigned has been duly ap Dave Jones, Rent No. 23 ..... — L. H. Howe/labor ............ . ..... Tuesday, January 12th, 1937. between State of Oregon for the County of pointed by the above entitled Court, fAfitcd ......................................... 66.20 School Dirt. No. 9, Rent No. 24 the hours of 10 A. M- and 8 P. M. Tom Evans, labor ....... _______ a« Administratrix of the Estate of X. Coos to me directed to the case of Western World, Justice Court Marten Nelson, labor prepar Dated at Oregon, this Sth M. McCarthy, labor .................. W. Gregg. Deceased, and ha« duly Federal Land Bank of Spokane v. Blanks ................... ................... ».70 ing polls. No. 24 ......... . ......... P. Yarbrough, labor .... ......... day of qualified as such. Chat. Evland, Services Court School Dirt. No. 85, Rent No. 25 rd, President JamM Watson, st al. Geo. Crossan, labor ........... ......... NOW THEREFORE, all parson« WM F. HOWELL, Baililf ............. ..................... 42.00 Mrs. Myron D Kilgore, Rent D. J. Conlogue, labor ............ .. E. D. Webb, Cashier. 48t5 having claims against said Estate are Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon City of Marshfield. Rent of Pat Gorwell, labor----------------- hereby notified and required to pre 47t5 By Eva Schroeder, Deputy Circuit Court Room ...--------- 20.00 School Dirt/ Na 36/Rent No. 27 A. D. Lea, later........... .......... ..... sent the same, together with primer Coquille Hotel, meals for Fairview Church, Rent No. 28 D. 3. Conlogue, labor________ vouchers, therefor, to the under juries ------- School Dtet No. 30, Rent No. 29 WARRANT REDBMPTION NOTICE V. O Newton, tabor ............... .. signed, at the office« of J. Arthur Warrants No. 368 to Na 374 inclu Coantv F bfih Community Building, Rent Na Fred Crush, labor................... . Berg, in CoqulUa, Oregon, within six .... 100.00 36 — — — 4 — . — ,. i .. i im . sive. drawn against School Dirt. No. F. C. McNelly, Salary, Supt James Miller, labor __________ Matron 40.001 School Dirt/No? 72, Rent No. 3Ï months from the date hereof Ralph Huributt, labor......... 72, Coaledo. will be paid upon pre Edith McNelly, Salanr. Mi ‘ “ Dated this 10(h day of December, °* î? £1 Juli> Yutzler, Rent No. 32....... sentation to the First Nattonal Bank Mae Shore. Salary, Cote Denny Donahue, labor_______ of Coquille Interest wilf cease on Carl Shore. Salary, Farmhand 40.00 Hazel Pettcngill. Rent No. 33 Brooks Pointer, labor ................ Clara D. Gregg, Sadie Pybum, Salary. Cook’s School Dist No. 44, Rent No. «4 Coos County, cent of equip Dec. 14, 1936. .. Administratrix of the Estate of E. 20.00 ■citaMf ---------------- —------- — ment, General Roads .......................... Mrs Lorene Chard, .8079.06 W. Gregg, Deceased. Martin Pinkston. Salary, Or Clerk, S. D. No. 72, Mrs. C. A. Winship red cedar S«ti/¿.Arthur B«?. 27.50 der! Dirt No 23, Rent No. 37 Coo« County, Ore posts --------------- t..................... 100.00 4913 66 00 Alice y, Reni Na-38------------ Giant B Wlii-ux, lumber for ---------- Lane, preparing I c ....... »•» 12.50 4815 . 3» .. WMch. Notice is hereby ghf? I??1 ¡KV 48.50 used on farm —— 1.00 •ssued by Coquiue scnwi x. .... Pionevr Grocery, groceries .... 132.68 8. will be paid upon presentation to Busy Corner Grocery, gro 2.75 the district clerk, on and after Satur ceries ................... day, December 19, 1938. Interest on Farr A Elwood, groceries------ 1 W 2.88 Swift A Co., butter A cheese « said warrants ceases on that date. Keith Leelie, Clerk. Ideal Bakery, bread .... ....... ...... School District No. 8, Coquille, Belmont Ireland, fighting fire Coos County. Oregon. 49t3 W. F Aber, fighting fire ------ Hudson’s Drug Store, drugs .. Trespass Notices, printed on doth, J. L Johnson Plumbing Shop, 1.7» repair work------------------------ dx, Qo- for ««0« at this office. , . I ■■ i n----- ------ r- .ST V ■ 1 Mikcfs Implement Co., milk machine parts ................... .. PROCEEDINGS OF J. A- Lamb Co, hardware------ I. DuPont DeNemours A Co. COUNTY COURT E. ammonia ---------------- ------ ----- Í0 I I gii' -3 j ■ W ialiing all our 3Frtrnba anh ffiuatomrra a •a lerrg .n w. 9 •Jf I----- * i , -44 rr-a., t ’ *. ■ . I»