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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1936)
lilfMlllliilIlRi I t_l,IJ.iHHlh ■ 'W’LJ.................... . -4 1 41 1................ Owners of properly at dat of as- claiming any right, title, interest or estate in or to the real estate de sessment, C. A. Gage A J. -» Bar Eli. Add.; scribed in the Complaint on file ton. Lot II, Blk. 40 Date of Lien, Jan. 5, -1B31; Amount of herein, or any pa0 thereof^ The local W. C. T. U. met with Lien, $19.05; balance» due on r Mrs. Georgia Richmond last Friday To Susie E. Hamilton and Augustus pal,-$19 05; Interest to date. with Mrs Ella Nelson in charge of Hamilton, her husband, J. B. Clark Total —---- ----------------------- ..... and Jane Doe Clark, his wife, and tat and Henry Street Improv« the devotional service. rf property at date of as- Owners of all other persons or parties unknown The treasurer reported 32, members ’. ------- A. Barton A Mary C. claiming any right, title, interest and segment, F. had paid dues to date and that $28 * — Blk. , 31, Ell. Add.; Date estate in or to the real estate describ Gage; Lot 42,, Mar. n»«u. >, oftien, 1, 1927; Amount of had been sent the state treasurer, ed in the Complaint on file herein, ih — Balance ~ to due on Frinci- or any part thereof, the above named r Lien, $89.23; Mrs. Alice Thomas, for the budget. pal, *’$89.23; Interest to date. $53.50; Defendants. Plans were discussed for paying the ....... $142.73 IN THE NAME OF THE STATE remaining $26. When all unions in OF OREGON: You are hereby re DM»“ of Lien, Oct. 21, 1927; Amount the county have paid their budgets quired to appear and answer the of Lien. $34.98; Baianfe due on prin- complaint filed against you in the > cipal. $34 98; Interest to date, $13.90; in full, the state refunds one-fourth above entitled court and cause on or of the total for use in the county. before the last time prescribed in the Date of Lien, Feb. 4, 192»; Amount of Children’s Farm.Home boxes to the order for publication of summons Lien. $13.34; Balance due on princi Interest, $6.40; To value of $73 have been sent and a herein, and if ypu do not. Plaintiffs pal, $13.34; will apply to the Coutt for the relief tal .................. .. ................ —....... $19.74 Christmas box of new toys and ar- Grand total .»•••.••»•••re* ’««*'»»,«-’ ....... $216 35 demanded in their complaint on file tie'es which were made by the Daily Owners of property at date of as herein, a succinct statement of which Vacation Bible school children, con is: That Plaintiffs be decreed the sessment, F. A. Barton and Mary C. sisting of dolls and dresser scarfs, are owners in fee simple of The SMi of Gage; Lot 11. Blk. 31, Ell. Add.; the NWV«, the SWY« of the NE% and Date of Lien, Feb. 4. 192»; Amount being packed for shipment. Mrs. the NWVi of the SWVi of Section 32, of Lien, $13.34; Balance due on prin Belle Knife is chairman. Township 26 South Range 12 West cipal, $13.34; Interest to date, $6.40; Mrs. Georgia Richmond conducted $19.74 of Willamette Meridian in Cooa Total ......... an interesting round table on “Peace,” County, Oregon: that ,£te above Date of Lien Oct. 21. 1927; Amount using scripture, poems, solutions WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE named defendants be compelled to of Lien, $34.98; Balance due on prin Notice is hereby given that all set forth any claims which they may cipal, $34.98; Interest to date $18.90. and articles from the daily press. have or clatm to have in or to Mid Total .......... ............. ....... -.......... $53.88 A definite peace program is io be warrants drawn against the General real property or any part thereof, Date of Lien, Mar. 1, 1927; Amount Fund of the City of Coquille, Oregon, presented to congress at its next ses md endorsed prior to May 1, and whatever right, title, interest, of Lien, $38.10; Balance due on prin sion. At least that is the plan of the 1936, are hereby called fdfc payment estate, lien or equity, Defendants cipal, $38.11); Interest to date, $22.90; ............ ......$61.00 National Council for the Prevention upon presentation at my office. In may have in the same be decreed to Total $134.62 be inferior and junior to Plaintiffs’ Grand Total ...................... of War, which Invited representatives terest on such warrants win cease as title, and that Plaintiffs' title to said N. Outlet Sewer of agriculture, labor, churches, wom Of December 18, 1976 Owners of property at date of as property be forever quieted, and for W. S. S1CKELS, Treasure! such other and further relief as torihe sessment. J. A. Pierce Estate (Mrs. an’s groups and educational institu 49t3 City of Coquille, Oregon. Court shall seem meet and equitable, C. E. Rust); Date of Lien, Jan. 5, tions to meet in the national capital This summons is published pursu- 1931; Beg. on W. line of Sec. 31, Tp. early in October to formulate basic WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE ant to an order of c. publication ______________ made 27 S., R. 12 W 956.1 ft. N. of said Warrants No. 338 to No. 374 inclu by the Hon. J. T. Brand, Judge of the Sec. 31, run E. 206.72 ft., run N. recommendations for anti-war legis sive, drawn against School Dist. No. above named Court, and entered 52.175 ft., run W. 208.72 ft., run S. lation. 12, Coaledo, will be paid upon pre Six main topics were made the sentation to the First National Bank herein on the 10th day of Dec., 1936. 52.175 ft to beg; Amount of Lien, The date of the first publication of S.50; Balance due on principal, planks of the so-called peace platform >t Coquille Interest will cease on this summons is Dec. 11, 193«, and .50; Interest to date $1.58; To .3.......... »6.08 Dec. 14, 1988. the date of the last publication is the tal .............. of the Council: • ? Mr». Lorene Chard, 8th day of Jan., 1937, all as prescibed Owners of property at date of as 1. A national defense policy based Clerk, S. D. No. 7!, in said order. sessment, Troy A. A Violet Wallace; on defense of American soil from in M3 Ceos County, Ore. Date of Lien, Jan. 5, 1931; Beg. at NE .. _ C. A. Barton, vasion. and not on interests abroad; Attorney for Plaintiffs cor. of NWVi Of SWy< Sec. 31, T. 27 2. Easing of international tensions WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE 48t5 Postoffice address, Coquille, Ore. S, R 12 W„ run W. to NW cor. of SWy< sec. 31, run S. 31 rods, run E. through reciprocal trade agrements Notice is hereby given that war end stabilization of qprrencies; rants up to and including No. 10623. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE to N. line of Sec. 31, 80 rods, run N. to beg. Amount of Lien, $9.50; Bal 8TATR OF OREGON IN AND 3. Stronger neutrality legialation, >saued by Coquille School District, No. ance due on principal, $9.50; Interest FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS 3, will be paid upon presentation to including the authorization for em the district clerk, on and after Satur In the Matter of the Estate of E. W. to date, $3.42; Total ..,.............. $12.92 Owners of property at date of as bargoes on basic war materials; Gregg, Deceased, day, Decembei 19, 1936. Interest on sessment, Agnes G. Schroeder; Date Notice to Creditors 4. International co-operation in said warrante ceases on Uiat date. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That of Lien, Jan. 5. 1931; WMt 50 ft of: Keith Leslie, Clerk settlement of dispute* by peaceful the undersigned has been duly ap Beg. 1260 ft. N. of SE cor. of Sec. School District No. 8, Coquille, means in accordance with the princi Coos County. Oregon, 49t3 pointed by thfr above entitled Court, 36, T. 27 S, R 13 W., run W 100 ft., ples of . the Kellogg Paet. as Administratrix of the Estate of E. run S 118 ft., run E. 100 ft. run N. 5. Nationalization of the munitions NOTICE OF SCHOOL DISTRICT W. Gregg, Deceased, and has duly 118 ft. to beg. Amount of Lien, $9.05; Balance due on principal, $9.05; In qualified as such. industry »nd enactment of levies to BOND ELECTION NOW THEREFORE, all persons terest to date, $3.43; Total ....... $12.48 STATE* OF ORGEON ------- — tax the profits.out of war; Front A Willard Sts. Imp. having claims against said Estate are SS. 6. Watchful maintenance of the COUNTY OF COOS hereby notified and required to pre Owners of property at date of as School ^Dist No. 8 constitutional guarantee of freedom sent the same, together with proper NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Tha: vouchers, therefor, to the under sessment, Coq Vai. Mctla. Co. (Skeels of speech, press and assembly. at the School District Bond Election signed, at the offices of J. Arthur' Estate); Date of Lien, Feb. 1, 1926; Beg. at a doint 52.3 ft. W. of W. line At this Christmas season it is well hereby called to be held at the pres Berg, in Coquille, Oregon, within six off Willard St., running thence south ent high school building in and foi to renew our efforts and give our aid months from the date hereof erly 70 ft more or less to N. line of School District No. 8, of Cooa Court-, Dated this 10th day of December, a parcel of land owned by City of to P. T. A., child training groups, ed ty. Oregon, on Tuesday, the 29th day Coquille, thence easterly along N. line ucators and all «those i are in an of December, 1936, between the hour* 1986. Clara D. Gregg, of said parcel 50.82 ft., thence north educational campaign do away of 2:00 o’clock P. M. and 7:00 P. M, Admlnistretrlx of- the Estate of E. erly and parallel to W. line of Willard with toy firearms or the use of real there will be submitted to the legs W. Gregg, Deceased. street 53 (»5 ft., thence in a north voters thereof the question of con J. Arthur Berg, westerly direction 40.99 ft. to a point firearms in play of children. Many tracting a bonded indebtedness of the Attorney for Administratrix. in 8. line of Front street 4.3 ft E of fine toys can be had which do not district in the sum of Twenty-two Residence and P. O. Addreas, Co place of beg. thence W along south promote war and keep the child’s Thousand Five Hundred Dollars quiUe, Oregon. 48t5 line of Front street to place of beg. beg.; ($22,500.00) for the purpose of pro mind on war s R -f .. Amount of Lien, $463.98; »463.96; Balance viding funds with which to erect, The hostess, assisted by Mrs. iiaude equip and furnlah a new gymnasium IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE due on principal, $463.98; Interest to date, $166.98; Total................... $630.96 STATE OF OREGON IN AND Bean and Mrs. Zoe Fugelson, served addition to the present high schoot Heath Street Imp. FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS refreshments suggestive of the Christ building on property owned by the Owners of property at date of as district. In the Matter of the Estate of P. C. mas season. Gist, sometimes known as Perry C. sessment, Earl 8. Graham (C. D. The vote on said question to be by The next meeting will be January ballot upon which shall be the words Gist, Deceased. Walker); Date of Lien, November 5, 1928; Beg. at a point on W. line of 8, with Mrs. Fugelson on Sanford “Bonds------ Y m ” and “Bonds------ No,“, Notice of Final Account Heath St. 375 ft. N. of N. line of and the voters shall place a cross Case No. 3121 Height». “X” 6etween the word “Bonds” and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That Tenth St., thence N. along W. line of ......... —----------------- — the word “Yes” or between the word the undersigned has filed in the Heath St. 135 ft., thence W. 100 ft., IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE "Bonds” and the word "No” which County Court of Coos County. Ore thence S. 135 ft., thence E. 100-ft STATE OF OREGON IN AND indicates his choice. gon, her final report and account as to beg.; Amount of Lien, $140.22; Bal FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS The polls for the reception of the Administratrix of the Estate of P. C. ance due on principal, $140.22; Inter Esta Stewart, Plaintiff, ballots cast for or against the contract Gist, sometimes known as Perry C. est to date, $50.46; Total........... $190.68 Owners of property at date of as Vi- ing of said bonded indebtedness will, Gist, deceased, and that the said Walter LeRoy Stewart, Defendant, on said day and date and at the place Court has set Tuesday, 'December sessment, Goodrich Estate; Date of aforeMid, be opened at the hour of 29th, 1936, at the hour bf ten o’clock Lien, November 5, 1928; Beg. at a Case No. 11074 2:00 o’clock P. M. and remain open A. M, at the County Court room in point of E. line of Heath St. 648 ft. To Walter LeRoy Stewart, the above until the hour of 7:00 o'clock P. M Coquille, Oregon, ai the time and N. of the N. line of 11th St„ thence .----- objections ------------------ named defendant: of the same day when the same shall place for hearing to such N. along the E. line of Heath St., 55 IN THE NAME OF THE STATE be dosed. final account and the settlement of ft, thence E. 100 ft., thence S. 55 ft., thence W. 100 ft. to beg.; Amount of OF OREGON, You are hereby re- By order of the District School said estate. Lien, $36.79; Balance due on princi (JUired to appear and answer the Board of School District No. 8, Coos Saima L. Caughell, pal. $36.79; Interest to date $13.32; complaint filed against you in the County, Oregon, made this 8th day ■ Administratrix of the Estate of P. Total ----------------- ............ .........-$80.11 above entitled suit, on or before Sat of December, 1936. C. Gist, deceased Taylor BL Imp. N. Ootlet Bawar urday the 16th day of January, 1937, W. V. Glaisyer, Chairman. J. Arthur Berg, Owners of property at date of as- . said date being after the expiration ATTEST: Keith Leslie, Clerk 48t2 Attorney for Administratrix, Co R. W. A Mary Melville; of four weeks from the date of the quille, Oregon. . 46t5 segment Date of Lien, May 20. 1931; Beg. at first publication of this Summons. NOTICE OF BALE OF LAND AC NOTICE OF SALE OF PROPERTY NE cor. of Lot 6. Blk. 11, EU. Add. QUIRED BY COOS COUNTY, run E. 10 ft., run N. 293 52 ft., run M FOE DELINQUENT IM OREGON, FOR DELIN W. 100 ft run N. 293 52 ft., run W. QUENT TAXES PROVEMENT LIEN8 132.42, run S. 562.04 ft. more or less NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That to the Ralph Nosier cor., thence along under and by virtue of an order of Nosier line SE to the Township Nnlim i* hereby given that by vir Mid — ---------------- ---------- line, thence to place of " beg., , less parts sale made by the County Court ai the tue of * warrant issued by the City U State of Oregon, for the County of Recorder of the City of Coquille, Ore sold; Amount of Lien, <1C.__, 10.04; __ Bal- Joos, on the 7th day of December. gon, Commanding me so to do under ance due on principal $10 04; Inter- Phil McManamy A. D.,. 1936, comamnding me to sell authority of an order of the Common est to date, $3.60; Total ...... .. .$11.84 the following described lands, to-wit: Council of said City passed and made (R. W. A Mary Melville, same prop Agent Lot 5 in Block I in Elliott’* on the 16th day of November, 1938, erty); Date of Lien. Jan. 5, 1931; Addition to Coquille City, Coos Amount of Lien. $38.10; Balance due I will on the 21st day of December, on r~'——* (M -•• IO; •- • Interest to - date. - &J County. Oregon, according to the principal. 1936, in the forenoon of said day at the plat thereof on file and of rec ’lour of 10 o’clock A. M. at the front »13 1.7«; . Total---- ---------- ,----------- $51.82 ord in tlie office of the County door of the City Hall in Coquille, Grand Total .,....... ............ ..... $65.46 Clerk of Coos County, Oregon. Owners of property >erty at date of as- Oregon, offer for sale at public auc sessmen Minimum Price $133.52. A Mattle B. Read: tion for cash in hand the following Date of I SHALL, in compliance with said lots and parcels of land situate within ly 20. 1931; Beg at I Blk. 11 ¿11. Add, NE cor. order, on SATURDAY, the 9th day said City, particularly described of January, A. D., 1937, commencing herein, together with the names of run N- -, , run ..... W. __ w 232 „ ft. to at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. of said owners, and improvement for which ÿ 100 p .1«* ** **<•: wi ’ lch Mid road tt./th££e day at the front door of the Court liens were levied; said property wil! N""10!)~ft. House in the City of Coquille, and be sold for the amount of liens, being E. Fio 132 1?.2 42 « ft, run N JO!) ft, run W. 132 42 ft ft. to beg.; Amount ____ of Lien, County of Coos, State of Oregon, offer unpaid and delinquent, together with J?2 for sale and sell at public auction the six per cent interest to date of Mie; $17.59; Balance due on principal. above described reel property to the 3aid sales will be made subject to re $17.59; Interest to date. $«35; To highest and best bidder for cash in demption as provided by law. Each tal ...................... . ........... .......... M3 94 ¿an ». 1M1; Amount of hand at the time of the sale, or for not lot or parcel of land will be sold sep P?te leas than twenty per cent (20%) of arately. Said sale is made under the due on princi the purchase price in cash, the re provisions of the City Charter and pal, 819.05; Interest to date »6.86; »2« 0« mainder to be paid under written the general laws of the State of Ore Total .......... ............... . agreement with the purchaser in gon. for the purpose of collecting de- Grand Total ...... . ............ . ,."to equal instalments over a term not ex ’Inquent improvement liens, for the 9th BL Imp. North End Paving, ceeding ten (10) years from the date irrnrovement of streets and construc 1 O. Sewer of sale, all deferred payments to bear tion of sewers, as particularly set Owners of property at date of as- interest from the date of sale at th» forth herein. rate of six per cent (6%) per annum, N. Outlet Sewer W*t>’n« Ext. to North payable annually. Owner of property at date of as No sale shall be made of the above sessment Olive O. Brown. Lot 4, parcel of real property for a lesser Blk. 2, Elliott’s Add. Date of I .ten amount than the minimum price Jan. 5, 1931; Amount of Lien. $19.05; shown thereon. Balance due on princinal, 819.05: In » November 1, 1929; Dated at Coquille, Coos County, terest to date, $6 96 Total....... $25 91 Amount of Lien. $130.00: Balance du^ Oregon, this 7th day of December, A. Lot 7, Blk. 2, Ell. Add. Date of Lien, 2«POnniip?1l 2120 °°: tokre* to date. D, 1936. January 5, 1931; Amount of Lien, Date ? .......... *Wm. F. Howell, $19.05. Balance due on principal, vate of Lien. January 5. 1931* 48t5 Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon. $19.05; interest to date, $6.96: ■ T ot al ...... Lot 8, Blk 2, Ell. Add: Date of Lien, 8UMMON8 -S19.19 , In the Circuit Coart of the State of Jan. 5, 1931; Amount of Lien, 619.06; Grand Total __ _ __________ »22*15 Owner of property at date "of'as- Balance due on principal, $19.05; In Oregon for C om County V J. Wesley Downs and Rebecca P terest to date, $6.86; Total. ........ $25.91 ri"» ’ P-SLW Walker: Da,e of Owners of property at date of as Lien. November 1, 1926; Lot 1, Blk Downs husband and wife. Plaintiffs. sessment, F. A. Barton A Mary C. 8- Coquille Heights; Amount of Lien^ Gage; Lot 1, Blk. 39, Ell. Add.; Date vs. Susie E. Hamilton and. Augustus of Lien, Jan. 5. 1931; Amount of Lien, Hamilton, her husband. J. B. Clark $ 19 03; Balance due on principal, and Jane Doe Clark, his wife, and all 819.03; Interest to date, $6 86; To- $23.91 45U other persons or parties unknown Manbai W. C. T. U. Has Interesting Friday Aftemon TO WANT THINGS AND----- IF WISHES WERE DOLLARS WE ALL WOULD HAVE MILLIONS While it te not the lack of will-power to start after the thing we want—it oeetns to be the lack of continued wili-power in sticking day after day, year after year. YOU HAVE WILL-POWER YOU HAVE ABILITY DON’T LET IT LIE DORMANT Better to have a bank account than wish you had on). (START ONE) FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Coquille, Oregon M. of said day at the front door of the Court House in the City of Co quille, and County of Coos, State of Oregon, offer for sale and sell at public auction the above described real property to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand at the time of the sale,, or for not less than twen ty per cent (20%) of the purchase price in cash, the remainder to be paid under written agreement with the purchaser in equal instalments over a term not exceeding ten (10) years from the date of sale, all de- ieri ed payment» to bear interest from he date of sale at the rata of six per cent per annum, payable annually. No sale shall be made of the above parcel of real property for a lesser »mount than the minimum price shown thereon. Dated at Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, this 18th day of November, A. D, 1936. Wm. F. Howell, »5t5 Sheriff of Coos Coupty, Oregon NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S 8ALE OF Professional Cards T DR. De La RHUE Eyesight Specialist Laird Bld*.—Reception room jointly with Dr. J. R. Bunch DR. RALPH F. MILNE 1st Natl. HARRY A. SLACK Atteraey-at-Law REAL PROPERTY Firat National Bank Building Coquille * Oregon * '. 'I DR. J. R. BUNCH . . DENTIST X-RAY Service - Laird Bklg. First Street Telephone 82-L Coquille, Ore. I --------------- - . ------ GRANT CORBY Attorney at Law Richmond-Barker Bldg. I'hone 157 CoquiUe, Ore. Residence Phone 24-M On the 2nd day of January, 1937, at the hour of 10:00 A. M. at the front door of the court house in Co quille, Coos County, Oregon, I will .sell at’ public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following de scribed real property situated in Coos County, Oregon, to-wife Beginning 143 feet South of the Comer of Sections Thirteen, Four teen, Twenty-three and Twenty-four in Township Twenty-six South of Range Thirteen West of the Willam ette Meridian at a fir tree 13 inches in diameter marked C. S. on South side; running thence West 650 feet to a post marked C. S. from which a Hr tree 10 inches in diameter bears North 34 degrees East 9 feet; thence South 27 degrees 6 minutes West 1000 feet to a cedar-root marked C. S, thence South 20 degrees and 39 South jmm T 3(1(1 tv«*, ow J. ARTHUR BERG Attorney at Law Rooms 1 A 2 Farmers A Merchants Bank Bldg Phone 37 Coquille, Oregon DR. W. V. GLAlSYkS VETERINARIAN County Herd A Meat Inapector Coquille, Ora. J« A. RICHMOND PHYSICIAN and SUMGEON Richmond-Barker Building Coquille, Ore. Phonos: Office 62M, Rea. 93R J. J. STANLEY Attorney-at-Law Bee at residence, 27» South Wiljard St, Coquille NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the rinual meeting of the shcr 'holders ! the First National Bank of Co- ■lille, Oregon, for the election of Di rectors for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting will be held at the office of said Bank in Coquille, Oregon, on Tuesday. January 12th, 1937, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 8 P. M. Dated at Coquille, Oregon, this 8th day of December, 1936. L. H. Hazard, President 48t5 E. D. Webb, Cashier. NOTICE OF BALE of LAND AC QUIRED BY COOS COUNTY. ORE GON. FOR DELINQUENT TAXE8 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That under and by virtue of an order of Mie made by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of ■coos, on the 18th day of November, A. D, 1936, commanding me to sell the following desert bed lands, to-wit: Land described in Volume 73, Page 549, Deed Records of Coos Coun ty, Oregon« lying and being in Sec tion 8 Township 28 South, Range 13 Lot 9 In Block 1 ........ ....... -- 34.1» Lot 10 in Block 1 .... ........ 78.36 All lying and being in Academy Addition to Coquille City, Coos Co., Oregon, Supplemental Plat, accord ing to the plat thereof on file and of record ih the office of the Coun ty Clerk of Coos County, Oregon. I SHALL, in compliance with said order, on SATURDAY, the 19th day uiciN.« <3 vmu > 25 degrees a^id 50 minutes West 1039 feet to a fence; thence South 1055 feet to the South boundary line of the Donation Land Claim of Curtis Noble and wife, claim No. 87 and being a portion of Sections Thirteen. Fourteen and Twenty-thrse and Twenty-four in Township Twenty-six South of Range Thirteen West of Willamette Meri dian; thence West to the Southwest Comer of said Donation Land Claim of Curtis Noble and wife on the bank of Isthmus Slough; thence Northerly along low water line of East side of said Isthmus Slough to a point due WMt of the place of beginning: thence East to place of beginning, containing 150 acres of land, more or less; except a strip of land 100 feet wide by 500 feet along the water front described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: ’ Beginning at a point on low water mark of the East bank of Isthmus Slough. Coos County, Oregon, where a pile now stands 3172 feet South and 2122 feet West of the common corner of Sections Thirteen, Four teen, Twenty-three and Twenty-four in Township Twenty-six South of Range Thirteen West of tfhe Willam ette Meridian,- in Coo« County, Ore gon. said pfle bring at the North west Comer of Wataon’« wharf at Coos City |n said County and at the Southwest Comer of what is known as the McLaughlin Lot, now owned by Amanda Loggie, from which pile an iron pipe driven in the ground one inch in diameter_ " ': \ ___ ___ bears North _ --- uww, cmv 73 degrees 45 minutes East AW.U 106.5 feet; and an iron pipe one inch in diameter driven in the top of dike bean 34 degrees 45 minutes East 21 and the South face of a cedar the Southwest corner of the Road Landing on East side of said Isthmus Slough at Mid Coos City, bears North 18 degrees 30 minutes West 79.8 feet; thence from said pile first mentioned Southerly along low water line of the waters of the East bank of said Isthmus Slough 500 feet, thence East 100 feet; thence Northerly on a line parallel with the line running Southerly above referred to, 500 feet, thence West 100 feet to the place of beginning, situated in Section Twenty-three, Township Twenty-six South of Range Thirteen West of the Willamette Meridian in Coos County, Oregon. This is in tended to be a tract of land 500 feet by 100 feet along Isthmus Slough aforeMid and having a frontage along low water mark of said Slough 500 feet. Together with Ude lands if any fronting thereon All or the above described proper ty being in Coos County, Oregon. Said sale is made under execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the Jt*** of the County of Coos to me in the case of Federal Land of Spokane v. James Wataon, et al. \ WM F. HOWELL, Shcrjf{ of Coos County, Oregon ♦7tS By Eva Schroeder, Deputy and if ou fail so io appear and an swer ». id complaint, or otherwise plead 1.1. ret x lot want thereof, the plalntili wil: apply to Ute Court for the relijf prayed for in her com ptaint, to-w t For a decree dissolv ing the marriage and marriage con tract now and heretofore existing be tween plaintiff and defendant, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem just and equi table. The grounds ujxrn which said relief is baaed in said complaint is cruel and inhuman treatment. This Su mmons is served upon you by public; tlon thereof in the Coquille Valley Se-itin?l, pursuant to order of the Honorable J. T. Brand. Judre of the above entitled Court, made, dated and entered- on the 15th day of De cember, 1936, which order requires that the date of the firs; publication of said Summons shall be on the 18th day of December, 1936, the date of the last publication thereof being Fri day, the 13th day of January, 1937. J. Arthur Berg, Attorney for Plaintiff, Residence and P. O. Address, Co quille, Oregon. 49t5 SHIP FASTER & SAVE MONEY! JJ’J CONSOLIDATED FREIGHT LINES INC Give Something for the Car Southwestern Motor Co. .•' t L < -fl