Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1936)
PAGE Hay Fever or Asthma Club Notes and Other Social Activities Council Session Held Monday The citizens* budget committee for , the city of Coquille was named by the Mrs. W. E. Bosserman was very city council at Monday evening’s see- SUFFERERS pleasantly surprised when a group of slon, but the date for their me-tin", friends dropped in on her Monday | with the council has not yet been set evening to help her celebrate her Those named were Dr. C. A. Rietmam birthday. In the party were Messrs. I C. J. Fuhrman, Alton H. Grimes, L. and Mesdames George Bryant, Earl H. Hazard. A. O. Walker and J. A. Nosier, George Battey, A. N. Gould, Lamb. The council granted the request of W. E. Bosserman and Donna Dean We find that people like quality merchandise, courteous, fair and Zelma Bosserman and Clair Fey- Gruss Wood for permission to con struct a Corrugated iron - covered ler. Mrs. Bosserman received many treatment and economy. We make it our special work to com pretty presents. The guests served building, 10x10 feet in size, on the lefreshments which they brought lot just east of Bill’s Place where he bine these for our customers. We always buy the best foods the will handle pop corn, peanuts, candy, with them. etc. The building will be set three market affords. We always price our merchandise economically. Honoring her house guest. Miss feet back from the sidewalk, with a Our prices are always dependably uniform for we base them on Mollie Small, of Eugene, Miss Edythe platform in between so that his cus Farr entertained several friends tomers will not stand on the side Positive Relief Guaranteed fairness to our customers. The customer’s satisfaction is our Tuesday with a 1:00 o’clock luncheon walk. The application of the Coquille at a Queen Ann cottage at Bandon. first consideration. We run our business on the basis of fair Places were laid for Betty Glaisyer, Sheet Metal Works for permission to Audrey Aasen, Barbara Unsoeld, put a sheet metal covering on the dealing Action is Instantaneous Mollie Small and the hostess. Follow Mrs. L. C. Machon building, comer This comparatively new treatment ing the luncheon the guests enjoyed of First and Willard, which the com oontradicts the theory of impossi pany occupies, was granted by the ble correction for Asthma and Hay an afternoon of tennis. Fever. On Saturday, Miss Edythe invited council. Several property owners, whose Why continue suffering from these the same group of girls to spend the ailments? Your money gladly re day at Sunset, swimimng and pic street assessments are considerably funded if not absolutely satisfied nicking. After a grand day on the i in arrears, appeared before the coun- with results. 15-day trial offer. beach, the girls drove to Marshfield ' cil to make arrangemetns for monthly Sold exclusively in Coquille by payments. In nearly all cases satis for dinner and a show. factory terms were agreed upon. All councilmen were in attendance, Miss Jo Anne Knight, daughter of Governor Martin declined to aid a Mr. and Mrs. Joe Knight, celebrated Ray Jeub acting as mayor in the ab man in West Loe Angeles in finding her tenth birthday Thursday by in sence of J. Arthur Berg. a wife. But Private Secretary W. L. viting a group of friends to her home The young lady , Legion Auxiliary at Convention Gosslin would. He sent the Romeo , for the afternoon. two letters from women in Salem and received many lovely gifts from her Members of the Coquille American Baker who seemed interested in the , guests, who were Martha and Patricia Legion Auxiliary attending the state Berg, Laura Emily Ruble, Betty Jo mail-order proposal. convention at Roseburg last week Thorpe, Kay Leslie, Betty Emery, i were. Mesdames Arthur Hooton, Doris Ann Wood, Patricia Brady, . Clifford Kern, Lee Hand. Fred Kunz, Geraldine Cole, Maxine Briner, Jes Frank Schram, C. P. Zumwalt, D. E. sie Sherwood, Harriet Tozier, Shirley Rackleff, Frank Martin, R. S. Wheel Slater, Margaret Ann Wilson, Mary er, Harry Hunt and Rock Robison. Ann Walker and Ardella Shelley. Af A department citation was won by ter an afternoon of games, refresh the unit for completion of alloted ments of ice cream and cake were work during year. served to the group. • Many outstanding plans tor the coming year were outlined by the ' A. T. Morrison’s Birthday Party new state president, Mrs. Lloyd Cutting a birthady cake which was .- | Jones, of Sherwood, Oregon ‘ ________ q i surmounted with 70 candles was the Junior Auxiliary and Americanism , very pleasant duty performed by A. io ila. ioikt were stressed for all units to carry i T. Morrison at his home near Bandon on. last Sunday when a number of rela BIGGEST Delegates from Coquille unit were tives and friends congregated to wish Robah Robison, Vera Hooton and USED CAR him many happy returns of the day. Gladys Wheeler. r"~....... —11 ■ The table was set under the trees BUYSI at the rear of the house, where Mrs. Morrison served a delicious repast He Ran Into Record Breakers and the rest of the time was spent in A. A. Nosier, who returned to San visltigg. Diego early in August after a month’s Those present beside Mr. and Mrs. visit at his old home here, sends the Morrison and their daughter. Miss Sentinel a copy of the San Diego Lois, were Mrs. Birdie Skeels and Union which told of the storm he en Marvin. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Nosier countered upon his return home, THE MAKE - IT - RIGHT STORE and Mary Lou, Geo. T. ’Moulton, Mr. There was a hot wind, breaking an J and Mrs. E. E. Nosier, Patty and El- records there in velocity, a heavy wyn, Mrs. Mary Gage, Helene and rain and the thermometer jumped Bonnie, Clifford Gulseth, all of Co from 81 degrees at 1 p. m. to 94 and by three o’clock had dropped back named os administrator of the Coos OLD GROWTH Fir 82.00 per tier. 1888 MASTER DELUXE quille, Miss Julia Dailey, of Massa county estate left by Willis H. Miner. o 70. Farr A Elwood, Inc. CHEVROLET COACH - chusetts, and Graydon Treadgold, of i who died in Wisconsin, Sept. 22, 1935. ■ Equipped with a radio! New laaion. Caught Fish He Didn’t Hook The appraisers are L. H. Hazard, O. ITALIAN PRUNES for canning and tires' Low INEZ ROVER mm table use, harvested and delivered C. Sanford and E. D. Webb. Hank McCue went fishing on to your door at just the proper de I Louise Anderson has been appoint- Accredited Piano Teacher Rogue river over the week-end. Chadwick Lodge No. 68 gree of ripeness, 60 lbs. 81.00. Also ed administratrix of the 8100 estate Along with a lot of others he was I Beginners and Advanced Instruc any other commercial varieties. left by Jacob Jensen, who died Feb. A. F. ft A. M. trolling for salmon. Suddenly he got tion In Piano, Reed Organ and You pay after inspecting the fruit 112, 1932. The appraisers named are a strike—or was it a strike? Any Special Communication Accordion at your door. Mail a penny post Berne Andrews. Fred B. Hollister and way he reeled in and when his spin Tuesda 25, 7:45 p. m card to Jack, The Prune Man, Irwin Hartley. 165 West Second BL ner came to the surface of the water -------------------- a Myrtle Creek, Ore, It* it didn’t have a fish but it had an New Casen in Circuit Court other line. Pulling in the other line. SEPARATOR Oil in bulk, 65c gal. Aug. 14—Cecil E. Walch vs. Helen Hank brought in with it a 27-pound Bring your container. Coos Feed ! salmon. Someone had hooked the d. Walch. Sult for divorce. A Seed Stores. Aug. 15—Mame P. Marker vs. Les fish but it got away, taking the tackle lie D. Marker. Suit for divorce. with it.—Western World. HOUSE FOR SALE—8650 Full Price Aug. 17—Vivian E. Hamilton vs. 8650. This place goes at big sacri ■ Hugh A. Hamilton. Suit for divorce. flee in order to sell at once. Hous..* Marriage Licenses Aug. 18—Lester T. Dement vs. has Elec, light; H A C water and Aug. 14—Glenn Wolff, of Myrtle Mabel C. Dement. Suit for divorce.1 other modern conveniences. If Point, and lonella Curtis, of Bridge. ia 1 Aug. 19—J. L. Hansen vs. The Ship sold at once, you get the place free Aug. 15—Thomas George Havens, Cafe. and clear, full price only 8650; the Ir, of Marshfield, and Ruby June - II.» ■ I M l ■ lot is level; some terms to desirable Jloake, of Roseburg. Calling cards. 50 for 81.00. party. Must be sold by Tuesday; Aug. IS—Day Strand, of North tell your friends who want a home, Bend, and Esther E. Kendall, of they may not see this adv. J. S. Marshfield. Maud Skaggs Woodyard ERWIN’S OFFICE. 32t2* Aug. IS—Tom Lakey and Nettie In the Matter of Food NEED SUFFER NO MORE » VAPOEFRIN Hudson's Drug Store In the Market Now « Dillard Melons and Dillard Tomatoes ECONOMY ■ DEPENDABILITY - UNIFORMITY 1 ¿-r.1 USED CAB SPECIALS 1. 1 1932 1916 1981 IBM 1931 1929 1926 1936 1919 1981 1931 1936 1929 1929 1988 1929 1929 1925 PLYMOUTH CHEVROLET Coach CHEVROLET FORD l oupe HUDSON Sedi PONTIAC Cabriolet MACK Truck FORD Pickup CHEVROLET AUBURN Sedan CHEVROLET Coupe FORD Coupe FORD Sedan CHEVROLET Cabriolet CHEVROLET Truck FORD Pickup FORD Pickup DODGE Pickup Our “AS IS” Specials ISt7 1S28 1829 1829 1829 OAKLAND Sedan CHEVROLET Coach FORD Pickup - - HUDUSON Coach • ESSEX Coach - 827.56 27.56 27.56 27.56 27.56 SouthwesternjMotors COQUILLE Bandon Motors BANDON A. L. Bushnell MYRTI.E POINT Phone ■ 69 1 » 2 =.======================== iusy Corner Grocer) Free f Delivery 1 Bachelor of Music Accredited teacher of 3ailey, both of Myrtle Point. They were married here by Rev. W. Ray- r.ond Wilder last Saturday. Aug. 18—Harvey D. Gilbertson and Wava C. Wolf, both of Marshfield. Aug. 19—Elmer Roy Gradt and Lulu Nichols, both of Myrtle Point. Aug. 20—Fred D. Kruse and Doro- hy R. Hughes, both of Marshfield. Want Ads Probate Court One Cent a Word Each Insertion No Adv. less than 25 cents Piano and Voice 156 S. Henry St Phone 56-R Mildred M. Hodgdon has been sp FOR SALE—140 W. L. yearling lay linted administratrix of the 82630.71 ing hens, 50 cts. each or 16 cts. per state left by her late husband, C. H. ; lb. Mrs. 8. D. Clarke, McKinley lodgdon, who died here Aug. 3. The Rt., Coquille, Oregon. Phone ppraisers of the estate are O. C. 12R14 M. P. It» Hanford, L. H. Hazard and E. D. Vebb. PICKLING CUCUMBERS for sale Harry A. Slack was last Friday at Levi Bunch ranch on Rink creek Phone 4R4, Coquille. 32t2* VENETIAN BUNDS Installed in your home or office. Equipped with lat est style Cadmium plated hardware. Best grade Port Orford Cedar, painted any color, or natural wood fin ish. Let us give you an es timate on cost. Write or Tel. 29J. A. C. CHASE Myrtle Point, Ore. FAT HENS—18c lb live wt. A Elwood, Inc. Farr TAKEN UP—English Pointer, about one year old, liver colored except for white on tail, nose, and front, on Aug. 2. Owner can secure hiih at Levi Bunch place on Rink creek by payin? 23 cents for this adv. FOR SALE—Oronite, Shell & Union Fly Spray in bulk at Coos Feed A Stores. FOR SALE—15 acre place 82300, modem buildings, seven acres un- j der cultivation, down payment and terms. One mile from Coquille on Marshfield highway. L. L. Cun ningham. ’y OLD GROWTH FIR WOOD FOR SALE—A-l wood. See Lee Good man on the street or phone him at SSL, Coquille. <t FOR SALE—Hay Salt, 81.00 per 100 »s. at Coos Feed A Seed Stores. REAL Old Style Butter Milk, fresh daily; 8c a quart and 20c a gallon. Cloverleaf Dairy. Phone 7R42. Several good, used Wood Rar.yes for sale. Mr. Slates Power Co.. Co quille. <2tf Crown Dairy, Poultry A Turkey Feeds give better results. Coos Feed A Seed Stores. r Mansell Drayage & Delivery Co. Local and Ixing Distance HAULING COAL, FUEL OIL and MILL WOOD 4