Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1936)
FRIDAY, JOLT if, 1838. -| <- WHAT DO YOU BUY ? When You Buy Groceries? The wise man’s answer to a young man was that the PRICE LESS INGREDIENT of every purchase was the Honesty and Integrity of the merchant. You have bought the most for your money when you can buy quality merchandise, reasonably priced, from u merchant experienced in his line and honest in his purpose. When planning your food items for your camping trip see the small, two-pound . . Net Every Style in Every Site! HANDY-SACK of Fishers-- *2S-4® . White Flour Cake Flour Cracked Wheat Flour Graham Flour Com Meal Pancake Flour Farina . A grand opportunity to finish the season with now frocks! Re- Sricod for quick elesrance! port» and street stylos. 12-44, AU new summer styles! Prints, plains, pastels, dark shades! See them early! Sixes 12 to 42. Me Boys Character Sweat Shirts Womens Novelty Dress Shoes and Oxfords $1.00 Boys Part Wool Sweaters soc Summer Fadric Gloves White and Dash Me Sheer Wool Goods Priced to Clear 1 lot 10c yard 1 lotlSc yard $1.00 All Wool Plaid Flannel 1 Lot Corsets and Foundation Garments 1 Lot Suede Leather Coats Me Choice Mens, Womens, Boys Womens Hand Bags Regrouped for Clearence <4 ■ L * Remember that well-planned grocery lists, good food, regularly and reasonably priced, means economy for you. Save by Wasting nothing — Buy at $>•00 Me - 50c Phone 332 First Street, Coquille, Oregon Busy Corner Grocery Delivery THE MAKE - IT - RIGHT STORE I Coquille for the past twelve years Knife Hospital Probate Court GRAVEL AND SAND—All grade; NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE Ray F. MUIer Victim and formerly operated a ranch down COUNTY BOARD OF EQUAL and quantities. Prices according to Tenn, 18-year old son of Jesse Robi J. Arthur Berg was on Monday ap of Pneumonia the river. He had been ill about IZATION amount. See Mrs. E. W. Her son, of Arago, underwent an emer- pointed executor of the will of Anton The Coos County Board of Equali zation will meet at the Court House at Coquille, Oregon, on Monday, the 10th day of August, 1936, and publicly examine the assessment rolls, and correct all errors in valuation, description or qualities of lands, lots, or other property assessed by me. It shall be the duty of all per sons interested to appear at the above place and time stated. Petitions or application for the reduction of a particular assessment shall be made in writing, verified by oath of the applicant or his attorney and be filed with the board within fifteen days from the time it is required to meet, and any petition or application not so made, verified and filed shall not be considered or acted upon by the Board. J. P. Beyers, 27t3 Drink Stillicious—the vitamin B ie health ncanri drink. arm*, Contains vuiiwun« Chocolate Cloverleaf Dairy, Pure Milk. yeast. L 17tf A Cream. Phone 7R42. Abild, who died here, July 6. Keith Leslie and M. L. Daniels were ap pointed appraisers of the >2000 estate left. Ben C. Flaxel was on Wednesday named as administrator of the 31000 estate left by John F. Whalen who died in California, March 24, 1936. The appraisers are C. P. Kibler, B. E. Andrews, E. A. Johnsen. New Cnaeu in Circuit Court July 10—H. L. Robison vs. Maude W. Robison. Suit for divorce. July 11—R H. Osborne vs. Barbara and F. C. Osborne. July 13—Coos Bay Logging Co. vs. | Geo. E. Dix et al. „ Stevens vs. Dorothy July 14—H. divorce. I Stevens. J. M. Church vs. July Mrs. G uj _________ For Radio Service see Alvin L. McQuigg, authorized Radio-Trician, 405 N. Holly st., city. AH work guar- anteed. 24t8* WHOA! (Continued from Page One) three months. mann, Broadbent Gravel Bar. 26t2* ' gency operation last Friday. He is survived by four children, I Mrs. Hub Davis, of North Bend, FOR SALE—Oronite, Shell & Union Mrs. V. Tyson, of Portland, Kenneth, was dismissed the same day. Fly Spray in bulk at Coos Feed A Francis and Virgil Arrell, all of Co I Mrs. Verne Goodale, of Sumner, Storks. quille; two sisters, Mrs. Doras Ebbe, submitted to a major operation yes of North Bend. Mrs. Ida Hester, of terday, and H. A. Todd, of Arago, REAL Old Style Butter Milk, fresh Portland; four’ brothers, Oscar and also underwent a major operation daily; 8c a quart and 20c a gallon. Gus, of Klamath Falls, Kenneth, of yesterday. Cloverleaf Dairy. Phone 7R42. Independence, and Frank, of Eugene. Wendell Cook, who lives at John on the Cunningham. Jan. 21, 1893. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Miller, who passed away a quarter of a century ago. He graduated from Coquille High ' School in 1914 and spent a year at the University of Arizona. son's Mill, was operated upon yes When the United States entered Eastside Assault Case Heard terday for appendicitis. the war Pete responded to his coun Mrs. Francis Edward and baby girl, Assault and battery on the per- try’s demands, and was on a vessel at Norfolk, Va., bound for France, when son of a police officer is not any of Coquille, were allowed to go home the armistice was signed. | more of an offense in Oregon than it • yesterday. Returning to Coquille he entered is to beat up a private citizen, so on i -------------------------- the hardware business with his motion of District Attorney Flaxel, Bandon Flower Show Tomorrow brother, John W. Miller, ’ and when the case against L. Myars, » of East- j j The Bandon annual flower show is aiic uauuun annual 11UWC1 BIIUW IB that was dosed he purchased the side, heard in Justice Stanley’s court to held tomorrow and Sunday, Cow BeU D,iry which he and Mrs.1 here yesterday, was decided by bind- j^y 18 and j8 - -- — - Colleen Holman, Miller have since conducted. A few ing him over to the grand jury. ~ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hol months they moved to enlarged The police officer was Sylvester ____ ___________ ____ _ man, was selected _ as queen of ____ the quarters, next to the poetoffice, and McGriff, of Eastside, and the begin- gbow in the contest which closed last were enjoying an increased patron- ning of the episode was back in 1910 Monday. She won out in a contest age. | when the Circuit court decided a of fourteen candidates. On October 27, 1922, Mr. Miller dock east of the Bay belonged to the , The parade jn conjunction with the was united to Miss Effie Floten of city of Eastside. However, the claim- nower lhow wlu itart at iS0 p m on this city, who survives him. He is ant of ownership leased the dock to Saturday. also survived by a sister and two Myars, who cut and stored wood on I brothers, Mrs. Anna M. Rooney, of it I E_. Buy — Ideal Bakery bread because it The dock has been unsafe for some ig better Coquille; Alt B Miller, of Empire; Sltf --------- and John W. Miller, of Merrill, Ore. time and the city council there or- _______ ____ ___ ____ _ The latter arrived here last night, dered the marshal to barricade it. He Pete was the youngest of the family, did so and Myars tore down the bar- VJJ T X . A _1 Pete was an ardent sportsman ricade. Words followed and in the W V T1 | Z-\ g] W and one of the charter members of heat of discussion Myars swung on ’ ’ VLE.R V X AVlkJ the old Coquille Gun Club. He the officer’s chin, knocking him o„e ont a Word Each !■»—wu»» played football in high school and down. | No Adv. less than 25 rents college, followed all sports for the' Bennett Swanton, city attorney for sports’ sake, and got more pleasure Eastside, insisted that the case be WORK WANTED—Man with family out of living than do moot men. Life brought before Mr. Stanley and wants work on ranch. Experienced. was a joy to him and he made friends half of Eastside was over here yes- Phone 4012. Ben W. Phillips, by his cheery smile and friendly dis- terday to hear the trial which did Bridge, Ore. Cere W. A. Fish. 27th position. Mrs. Miller says she never not materialize, although a dozen FRUIT JARS For Sale — A large heard Pete say that he did not like witnesses were heard. quantity of fruit jars, quarts and any one. Beside his Elks and Legion affili-' pinta. Bargain prices. See or phone Births at Coquille Hospital Mrs. J. Lefevre, 558 N. Coulter, ations, Mr. Miller was a member of Births at the Coquille Hospital | Phone 196-L. 27tl Chadwick Lodge, A. F. & A. M., of since our last report were: the higher branches of Masonry, the To Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hunt, of Myr- roR SALE-Our residence property, Shrine, and the recently organized tie Point, a seven pound son, Robert . East First street, Coquille. Attrac- Coquille Rotary Club. Alton, on July 3. I tive cash price fbr reasonable cash There is probably no one in Co To Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Dean, of I and terms. Phone 29J for appoint quille who would be more poignantly Port Orford, July 3, a 7H pound ment. John E. Ross. , 27tf missed than Pete Miller will be, and daughter. Norma Louise. his legions of friends sincerely mourn ' To Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Cullinam, LOST—Child’s pink knit coat, in his passing in the prime of life. front of bank yesterday afternoon. of Sixes, a 6 >4 pound son, Charles Finder please return to Mrs. C. P. Edward. Zumwalt, 771 East Second, Co To Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Royer, of Emmett E. Arrell quille. Reward. It* Powers, a 6% pound son, Ervin FuneraLservices were conducted at the Schroeder Chapel, at 2:30 p. m. Ashley. TO WHOM THIS CONCERNS—I am To Mr. ------------- and Mrs. --- C. ------------ M. Borgard, yesterday by Earl F. Downing, for -- — _----- . of this day taking my place at 657 N. Emmett E. Arrell, who died at the Lamps, 7% pound son, named Dale | collier st. off of market. Merritt B. , ( Barnett, Dexter, Oregon. Coquille Hospital. Monday morning, Byron, last Sunday. It* at the age of 45. Interment was in On Monday, to Mr. and Mrs. O. I. • _____ the Masonic cemetery. Tharp, of Coquille, an »Mi pound son, OLD GROWTH Forest Wood, 32.00 tier. Farr 4 Elwood. Mr. Arrell had been a resident of who h-s been named Orville Allen. I rrs a kick Donkey Ball Coquille Ball Park JULY 25 and 26 SEPARATOR Oil in bulk, 65c gal. Bring your container. Coos Feed A Seed Stores. FOR SALE—Just out of city limits three and three-fifteenths acres, house, bam, chicken house, berries, bearing fruit trees. A bargain. In quire J. S. Barton. 24t4* FRYERS—20 lb live wt. wood, Inc. Tarr 8t El WANTED— Cascara Bark, Green 32.25 to 33.50 per 100. Green cow hides, 5c to 7c; Calf 10c to 13c. Highest prices for grain bags, sheep pelts, old batteries, radiators and all other metals. J. E. Buttner, 2 miles south of Bandon. TURNIP SEED—35c lb. wood. Farr & El ONE SPOT'Tlea Powder 25c. Farr & Elwood. CYANOGAS for Moles, 75c. Elwood. __ Farr A FOR SALE—Hay Salt, |1.00 per 100 lbs. at Coos Feed A Seed Stores. Crown Dairy, Poultry & Turkey Feeds give better results. Coos Feed fit Seed Stores. ' FOR SALE—42 acres. 6 Bottom, Or chard. Good 4-room house, well at back door, live stream through place. 20 acres cleared. 6 miles out on good graveled road. Quelle Cafe. Iltf Ask Ned C. Kelley for rates on Fire Insurance. INEZ ROVER Accredited Piano Teacher Beginners and Advanced Instruc tion in Piano, Keed Organ and 185 West Second St. _