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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1936)
xa:?: ■; -V,.................. intendent Laughlin of the boys school and E. M. Duffy, state parole officer. All admit that the plan is in the nature of an experiment Addi tional transfers will probably be made soon although it is not expected that many of the young criminals now in the penitentiary will be sent to the Woodburn school. The Sentinel • tsea nm is a sees rows H. A. YOUNG and M. D. GRIMES K / IL A. YOUNG, Editor Subscription Ratea . . •• -* Smith Wood-Products, Inc a I lifrlbaJ One Year..—........... ..................... -M-OO Six Months------------- —------------ 1 00 Overhead costs absorb 22 cents out Three Months --------------------- •? Dr. R. E, Lee Steiner, superinten No subscription taken unless paid of every relief dollar spent in Ore dent of the state hospital, was wear tor in advance. This rule is impera gon, according to Wallace S. Whar ton, executive secretary to Governor ing a plaster on his nose this week tive. Martin and head of the state budget as the result of an atatek by Dr R. Advertising P-*rr department. In a report on the ad Bywater, formerly of Grants Pass, Display advertising 30 cents per now confined in the criminal insane inch. No advertisement inserted for ministration of direct relief in this ward of the Salem institution. By less than 50 cento. Reading notices date Wharton attacked the overhead 10 cento per line. No reading notice, costs as excessive, pointing out that water struck Steiner in the face as or advertisement of any kind, insert .he State Industrial Accident commis the superintendent was talking to ed for less than 25 cento. sion, whose activities he declared to him while making his rounds of the hospital. Bywater, who was com Entered at the Coquille Postoffice as be comparable to those of the state Second Class Mail Matter. I relief committee, operated on an mitted to the institution three years overhead ¿oat of only 3.5 per cent. Iago, has been confined in the crim- During the five months ending 'inal ward for the past two years and May’ «? Wharton'pointed out,’a to- °M^Ot 2?® Pity the ether during the next four tai of $1,328,928.30 had been spent on gerous wards in the custody of the months. We humans can turn the direct relief in Oregon including institution. dial if the campaign speakers do not 7292,277.90 in administrative expens Jack Allen, of Pendelton, is being suit. es. The cost of administering relief mentioned as a possible successor to in the various counties range from The right of counties and cities to 9.211 per cent in Hood River county Elmer Goudy as state relief adminis- retain traffic fines growing out of to as high as 60.1 per cent in Jeffer trator in the event of a shake-up in arrests by state police is to be deter son county. Overhead costs of re the relief organization as has been mined in a friendly suit to be insti lief in other counties are shown in predicted. Allen was formerly state tuted by State Treasurer Holman Wharton’s report as- follows: Baker, senator from Umatilla county and against Multnomah county. 12.436%; Benton, 19.316%; Clacka- more recently was state liquor ad ministrator. ' Landon and Knox, Roosevelt and mas, 12.446%; Columbia, 17.993%; Coos, 25.084%; Deschutes, 13.407%; Garner, Thomas and Nelson—the lat Acquisition of the four'residential ter the socialists candidates for pres Gilliam, 24.042%; Jackson, 11.409%; blocks bordering on Summer street ident and vice president—will be the Josephine. 21.634%; Lake, 15,849% ; and directly north of the site of the offerings to the voters in Oregon at Lane, 14.514%; Lincoln, 19.993% ; new capitol would cost the state more Marion, 17.073%; than $500,000 it is estimated here the November election. And it Linn, 14.671%; promises to be the hottest fight this Morrow, 20.619%; Multnomah, 21.- based upon the assessed valuation of 10.774%; Sherman, this property. The capital architects country has seen in many a leap- 495%; Polk, Union, have recommended acquisition of this year. It may perhaps be a dirty 12.5%; Umatilla, 16.73%; fight, but if it eliminates Jim Farley 16.9%; Wasco, 11.559%; Washington, property as necessary to a as a factor in running the govern 20 916%; Yamhjll, 15.194%. rounded construction program. Expenditures for relief in the ment it will be worth while. y. Norman Thomas and Geo. A. Net- various counties, including adminis A total of $218,436,067 has been son, Wisconsin farmer,, will not be trative costs, are shown as follows for spent on Oregon highways under the We carry a complete line of 1x3 to 2x12 No. 1 and No. 2 Common able to run as socialist candidates but Qi? five-month period: supervision of the state highway de Cedar, suitable for all building purposes, surfaced or rough. Baker, $24,801.10; Benton, $13,043 - partment since that department was must enter as independents because Consult' the Retail Department for our low prices on Cedar. the socialist party has not cast 73; Clackamas, $67,031.67; Columbia. created in 1917.. Of this total $169,- $19,380.23; Coos, $24,520.47; De enough votes in recent elections to 809,956 came out of state funds, $32,- give it a standing on the Oregon bal schutes. $17,891 86; Gilliam, $3,643.93; 1359.830 was provided by the federal Hood River, $14,758.68; Jackson, $33,- government, $15,590.541 was contri lot. 765.57; Josephine, $13,260.99; Lake, buted by the several counties and The one cent raise in the price of $6.482.23; Lane, $62,569.09; Lincoln, $675,740 came from miscellaneous show you our Lumber Stocks in warehouse milk which went into effect in Ore $12,293.27; Linn, $33,204.98; Marion, sources. and on dock at the Smith gon on Wednesday was ordered by $53,664 98; Morrow, $3,921.23; Mult-; I the state Milk Control Board. For nomah, $581,935 65; Polk, $14,719.03;' p. J a Welcomes Dads Wood-Products Plant four per cent milk the price as set is Sherman, $1,980.14; Umatilla, $26,-' Says National President now seven cento per pint, 11 cento per 160.03; Union, $17,381.69; Wasco,' (From the Oregonian) *». $22,697.68; Washington. $22,607.84; quart. -w An article furnished by the Milk Yamhill, $22,338.99. I Poor dad! Mother just didn’t want him around at her club meetin’. So Board, which appears alsewhere in this issue, gives the board’s reasons Sponsors of peoples' utility districts when the Parent-Teacher clubs,were tor advancing the price at the flush of in Oregon have until midnight of Sat formed, they were a mothers' educa the season when the supply is great urday, September 12, to file their tional group pure and simple. This -Q- But today father er than at any other period of the completed "petitions‘in ortter to~‘^rt' WM year. their proposals on the November bal i la welcome, according to Mrs. B. F. And until the state law which au lot, according to C. E. Stricklin, state Langworthy of Winnetka. Ill., presi WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE thorized establishment of the milk engineer. Information received here dent of the National Congress of Par Safest Driver to Have Trip Warrants No. 316 to 341, inclusive, board is tested in the courts for its is to the effect that petitions are be- ents and Teachers. A search for Oregon's safest driver drawn against School District No. 72, "They didn’t consider father at all constitutionality the price fixed must ing circulated in both Marion and to participate in the first nation Coaledo. will be paid upon presen Linn counties, be charged by all daleers. No indication has whin our organization started in wide, all*expenses-paid Motorcade to tation to the First National Bank of Washington, D. C., ” declared Mrs. Coquille. Interest will cease on Fri Whether a state law fixing prices is been received that sponsors of the New York City late in August has day, July 3. any more constitutional than the fed proposed super-district comprising Langworthy yesterday at the Heath been Announced by the Oregon State Mrs. Helen M. Anderson, eral price-fixing statutes which have seven counties of northwestern Ore man hotel. “For ten yean it was that 25t3 Clerk S. D. No. 72. way, and father’s part in this work Motor association. been knocked out by the U. S. su gon, are pushing their proposal. The Motorcade, sponsored nation- was like his duties in religion, it was CALL FOR BIDS preme court remains to be seep. J B __ ut ally by the American Automobile As Notice is hereby given that scaled at Governor Martin did not attend the taken out in his wife’s name. SPENDING RECORD sociation and the C. I. T. safety foun bids for painting of school house at meeting of his relief committee in now we are anxious to have father Riverton, Ore., will be received by dation, will be the trek of one “ safest SET BY CONGRE88 Portland as he had announced that take a real inteerst in the work—he driver” from each state in the Union the combined Boards of Dist. No. 4 The seventy-fourth congress, just he would. His advisers are under is considered a parent. and U. H. No. 3> Bids to be in hands “We have a number of clubs that to New York, where a two-day con of Chairman J.-F. Van Leuven on or adjourned, set an all time high rec stood to have convinced the chief ex GREENS & FAIRWAYS ord for free spending, a check-up has ecutive that in this particular in have men presidents; some places ference on methods of reducing traf before Aug. L 1936. For particulars see Mr. Van Leuven on Bear Creek. revealed. Total appropriations for stance discretion would be the better there are father’s clubs, and they are fic accidents will be held. in Fine Shape Boards reserve right to accept or Only those motorists who satisfy the first and second sesisons were part of valor and persuaded him to successful, for the men make smokers reject any or all bids. the following regulations will be eli $19,296,187,373, a new record for ap steer clear of the session to which he out of them and get out to the meet 2513 Mrs. M. E. Borgard, Clerk ings. Personally, I prefer men and gible to selection by the judges in propriations by either a peace time or ,ent Budget Director Wharton, a war time congress. women to work together in our or each state who will make the selec ganization, but if they want to work tions: These totals, which are those of Now that the floor plans of the new 1. He (or she) has driven a private Senator Glass, chairman of the sen capital have been revised to the sat separately it is all right by me.” Mrs. Langworthy said her object- passenger motor vehicle for the last ate appropriations committee, do not isfaction of all concerned drafting of include contract authorizations for the building plans are expected to go tion to men for presidents of Parent- ten yean and is still an active driver. 2,. He has driven a private pasaen- the army, navy and other depart forward rapidly. Under the revised Teacher clubs is they usually leavs Of re-appropriated ments 'ft nor monies plans the new building will have cor the work for the vice-presidents, who ger motor vehicle at least 50,000 left over from appropriations made ridors running the full length of the are women. So her ladyship might miles in the last ten years. 3. He has had no accident in by other congresses. two wings with entrances at both as well have the honors that go with last ten yean. the chores. EacbUsession of the seventy-fourth ends of the building as well as at the 4. He has not been convicted “How many members have you congress spent almoat exactly the front. Four of the proposed nine violating any traffic law in the same amount. The first session, from elevators and a number of stairways paying dues?” was inquired. “Nearly 2,000,000,” came the proud ten years. January 3 to August 26, 1935, appro have also been eliminated in the in Expenses of each delegate will be priated $9,579,756,510 and the second terest of economy in orperation as reply, “in more than 25,000 units; we have state organizations in every ( paid by the C. I. T. safety foundation session which began last January 3 well as construction costs. I state but Nevada—Reno, you know! 'on a mileage basis, and hotel accom and adjourned on June 21 appropri modations will be provided in New This year we have a very special ated $9,718,430.863. Records of the state prison show York for three days at the Waldorf- Included in the grants of the that of the 62 minor felons now in project—safety. “twenty-billion dollar congress” were carcerated in that institution four are I “We are putting forth a safety ed Astoria. Application blanks may be secured $1.730,000,000 for payment of the sol serving life terms—two for murder ucational program, making a ri*al from any Oregon State Motor Asso drive to interest everyone in this im diers’ bonus, $1,425,000,000 for relief, and two others for robbery while ciation office. nearly $1,100,000.000 to the army and armed with a deadly weapon. Six portant subject. And we’re going to navy, $440,000,000 to start the soil other youthful convicts are serving keep on until something is really conservation service on its way, long terms for crimes of violence. done to lessen traffic acidento. tar aUr M “We are -continuing children’s $296.000.000 to liquidate contracts in Thirty-on^., of the young felons had validated when the Supreme Court prison records before entering the round-up, seeing that youngsters T£e advantage of this pre- ruled the AAA unconstitutional; Oregon penitentiary. Sixteen of them who will start to school this fall for $308,000,000 for the Civilian Conser had served terms in county jails— the first time are physically and *2 Hits easily. Just save the coupon vation Corp« and $459,000,000 to ti some as many as three. Seventeen dentally fit to begin class work. And found on every can of Alpine Milk. nance the new aocial security pro had beeri inmates of training schools. we have started a new work that I When you have enough for the gift gram, made during the second ses- Two had done time in reformatories am especially interested in, it deal T" br,n? ,he «’upon« t« your fowl redemption station and you sion. and ten had served in other peniten ing with boys and girls who have will receive tour gift abwilutely While $800,000,000 in new taxes tiaries. At least two of the nr young young, fro,n high school, but have msil the cotipoas «> Alpine Milk Premium Deplrt- of no p,ace to go; they are unable to get were levied, the actual reaching criminals had seen the 1 inside ____ ALL WORK down into the general electorate for county jails, training schools and employment, so have to stay home or V ... a from taxes to meet government coats was other penitentiaries before entering bwomp tramps, GUARANTEED You 11 get better results in all your texture. For tea and coffee uae postponed until after the November the “big house” at the end of State fookmg U you will usa Alpine Milk New Cases in Circuit Court elections. FREE iuid mViirv* "J ** “* of street. One of the youngsters, under ■uid milk. Your diabes will be a two-year sentence, is only 15 years June 27—E. A. Folsom and Iva greatly improved io both Savor ESTIMATES State Treasurer Holman this week of age. Five of the boys are 17 years Folsom vs. Fred L. Wilson, ___ .___ Beryl _. T. served notice that he proposes to re of age, fifteen are 18 years of age, Wilson, et al. Suit to set aside deed new his fight for the pooling of state- nineteen are 19 years of age, and 21 so that proceeds from sale of proper owned automobiles at the next legis have passed their 20th birthday. ty may be applied to >««7.27 promis lative session. Under this plan .all sory note held by plaintiffs. Representing THE HUB state-owned cars would be kept in a Only three boys have been trans June 27—Glenada Judd vs. Clifford u. E. central garage and sent out on call ferred from the state prison to the, Judd. Suit for divorce. Radio Service by Refrigerators, Radios, Waak from state employees and officials. boys* training school at Woodburh so' June 30—Emily Josephine Smith D. E. STRONG ‘»innboD 18 WSM $a»M 62» The plan would reduce the number of far under the order issued hy Gov-' vs. Lewis C. Smith. Suit for divorce. Phone 10-J Qf- .—d them M Alptae Milk Premium state cars. The proposal was defeat ernor ------- u Martin — a week ago. Selection Selection' July i—Thelma Grace McNeil vs. Hr«t Nat Department, 10M Mini«« St.. Se. Fr.n- ed by a narrow margin at the last .oi me boys Doys for ior transrer bj i Robert Allen McNeil. Suit for di- of the transfer was made by •*'* ***’ *• ••’*< bf retnra I Warden Lewis of the prison, Super legislative session. I III I F., OREGON C Knotty Port Orford Cedar 1 x 4 to 1 x 12. For fine paneling Port Orford Cedar Shiplap 1 X 6 to 1 X 12 Douglas Fir Moldings & Finish All Designs in Stock 1x4 Tongue and Grooved Port Orford Flooring and Ceiling . No Order Too Small—A Stick or a Carload Golf Bandon FREE SPECIAL PREMIUM OFFER GLA55 BAKING DISH PIE PAN - PIE AND CAKE SERVER SERVICE U. E. Me Clary n M c C lary ■ail. W» Mr pottage IM .11 ot|,et . k