Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1935)
—— 3 ■ ?;,7, ’ ■ '-» I*" jf- *"«• ■■ ‘ - A*’* - ——»—SÄ ,, ■S' ■S! ■ : *w Js> í .¿Æ i Fairview Riverton New* •J Church «f Christ Mrs. Wm. Judd, president of the Miss lleen Harris went to Powers Fourth and Coulter SU. Women's Club, pt esided at the meet this week. She will spend several Earl F. Downing, minister ing held on Wednesday of this week. weeks visaing her mother. Mrs. Per- Bible school. 9:45 a. m. Ku not | um it that the ladles are plan nu Harris, who is working for Mike Morning service. 10:45 a. m. Ser ning a box social to take place Morrison there • mon topic, “Pentecost and the Church « cui plana are not yet definite. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carpenter, of Today." Basket dinner at noon at Harold and Norman Berry left Caipenterville. Oregon, were the Clifford Kern’s place. last Saturday morning for guesU of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley A. Christian Endeavor, 7:00 p. m. North Plains, where they have em- Bean Tuesday. Mr. Carpenter had Evening ffirvice, 8:00 p. m. Ser ploy m mt lor the summer. a store in Bandon for many years pri mon topic, “The Tabernacle Service, Joe Cassidy, who is working at or to moving to Carpenterville. That A Shadow.” ■ Pvweis, spent a few days at home village is very close to the California Midweek service. Wed. 7:30 p. m as*, week and returned to his work line and was organized and named by _______________________________ I on Friday. Mr. Carpenter himaelf. He owns the Coquille Assembly of God > Thursday evening, June 8, at the auto park, store, service station and Hazel MacLeod, pastor co:r.umnity hall the school children is postmaster there. Sunday, 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. were entertained at a party given by Isaac Watson left this week for 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. teachers. Miss Edythe Wood Kirby, where he plans to spend the I 2:30 p. m. Annual business meeting ward and Mrs. Althea Harrah. Vari summer mining. He was accompan and election of officer». . ous games were played during the ied by his daughter, Esther, who will 8:45 p. m. Christ’s Ambassadors. evening and the hostesses served re spend the summer with his daughter I 7:45 p. m. Interesting chart sermon freshments. This farewell “gel to- and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank an. “Man. a Trinity." gftlhei ” marks the closing of a very ■•;■•: HUI, of Harbor, California. ■ Tuesday, 7:45 p. m. Prayer mirttng successful school year and the com Mr. and Mrs J. C. Perrott, of the § Friday. 7:45 p. m , Bible Study on A\\\\ \ z¿' munity ¡is a whole will be very glad Perrott cottages in Bandon, were the “The Qift of Faith ” to welcome Miss Woodward and Mrs delightful hosts for their two grand lililí \ Sunday, June 18th, 7:48 p. n), \ lllii il lì HllU 1 Harrah back when they return to daughters and a number of their "Christ or Communism”' • Fairview next fall. ' friends this week-end. The party in — "T""" ■ ..... ......... Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Teagarden, cluded Misses Carolyn and Jean Per- Emanuel Baptist Church Mrs. Bertha Graham. Mrs Herbert rott, Jessie Dean and Dorothy Yar Harold A. Minter, Pastor ’ Johnson and Mrs. Alphie Sayler went brough, of Coquille; Ellen Carver, of Sunday. June 9, is the date of our to Powers last week to visit Mr. and Myrtle Point; Cherie Mae Hartwell e Sunday school picnic. Sunday school Mrs Bill Noah. Mr. and Mrs. Noah and Lois Auer, of Riverton. are former residents of Fairview, the Have you ever heard of a Pound will assemble as usual when a special latter being a daughter of Mrs. John Party? Well, here is what it is: Each offering will be taken for the mis Several special son. guest who comes to the party is to sionary program. Harold Neal, who has been ill with bring as his admisison fee some ar numbers will be given, followed by scarlet fever, was released from ticle of food that will keep, It is an illustrated sermonette by the pas ® As Ford builds the V-type engine—its eight quarantine yesterday. The many railed a Pound party because each tor after the classes have mas« rm This nigged power plant is simple and com- cylinders use no more gasoline than a four! friends of Harold will be glad to person must bring at least a pound bled. Immediately after the service F*ct — yet it develops 85 honest horsepower. You get the smootbntu of 8-cylinder perform know he’s able to be out again after of food. The unique party is to be at the school will go for an all-day pic At 50-60 miles per hour this engine is actually ance today—in the most economical car to run his long isolation. the Teacherage in Riverton on June nic to the Bandon beach. Transpor running at ease! Like the whole uew Ford V-8, ghat Ford has built during 31 yun of building Foster Phillips, of Yoncalla, was a 19, at 1:30 o’clock. It is sponsored tation will be provided. All children from its welded all-steel body to its welJed Fairview visitor last week. economical cars. by the Wunnegen Club, the local under the age of ten years will be re steel spoke wheels, this engine is built to live The Fairview-North Fork Grange, Jiris' club The girls are putting on quired to be accompanied by an old Ask your Ford dealer to explain how the up to the Ford- tradition of low cost, depend No. 739, will hold its regular meeting a very interesting program of music er person, either brother or sister, or dual carburetor of a Ford V-8 splits the fuel able transportation. Saturday evening, Jqne 8. »nd speeches and following the pro one of their parents. needed by a 4 into 8 equal charges... Ask him Evening services ss usual. B. Y. The Coquille High School com gram, tea and wafers will be served, to show you how crankcase ventilation assures AUTHORIZED FORD DZALER8 mencement exercises were well at rhe purpose of this Pound Party is at 7:00 p. m. and preaching at 8:00 better year-round oil efficiency . . . Note the Ewy leraw through Unforrial Credit Company, tended by folks from the valley. to get food for a proposed camping p. m. alummum cylin Jer heads which allow premium cqolr rehearsal Tuesday evening, tbt Aulboriied Ford Finance Plan. Among those who attended were Mr. trip the girls are planning later in — nerfo-mance on regular [>nrt J gajoline and Mr«. Walter Norris and daughter, the summer. Your presence at this 7:30 p. m. VISIT FORD EXHIBIT—SAN DIEGO 1 XPOkrrK.N Special request to attend our Wed- Nelda; Mrs. Nancy Nealy; Mr. and tea and co-operation with the work f N na Al;: -FORD SYMPHONY OXCHRTHtA Sund.r I ,~1 evening prayer meeting. Mrs. Or A. Holverstott and family; being done for these girls between the Thursday, *-■« ladies' • meeting 2:00 p. m. Mr and Mrs. Ernest Hatcher and ages of 11 and 17 toward recreation daughter, Betty; Mr. and Mr«. Horace md charatcer building, will be great rhe Holy Name Catholic Church perry and family; Mr. and Mrs. D. V. ly appreciated................. ..... .... Yeoman; Mis« Frances L. McCarthy; Mass on first and third Sundays at New Location 344 Front St Coquille, Oregon I Mr and Mrs. L. E. Teters; Mrs. Ber Brewater Valley 8 a. m.; second Sunday at 10 a. m. and tha Graham; Harold Young; Harold Mr. and Mrs. Al Volck, of Langlois, when there are five Sundays, Mass on * Berry, Fay Holverstott; Mr. and Mrs. spent several days visiting in the val fourth Sunday at 10 a. m. Last Sun Just a Breeze for th« - | Stewart, ss 1 0 3 0 should. “Bud" finally quit as threat Andy Parks and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. day of each month Mass at Myrtle ley the past week. 2 0 1 0 ened, turning in his uniform after last Powell and family. Congratulations Loggers Last Sunday 5°**r’ rf,. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Cole and chil Point at 8 a. m. and at Powers at 10 _____ ' Kolstad, lb 1 3 0 0 Sunday’s game without announcing upon their achievements were ex- dren, of Marshfield, spent the week a. m. What with some hard hitting, plen- Sower*- ci 2 0 0 0 any reasons. Sowers continues to i tended by all to the following: Clif end at the Crowley home. Elder Cole 0 0 1 0 0 stay in Coquille, but he'll have to set ford Norris, Norman Berry, Clynard ty of strike outs by Brewer, of Co- 1 f.ul^rd' H conducted services in the hall Satur 2 0 10 0 0 tle down or else go his way. quille, hooting and yowling at Penny , M. ’* Duncan, If Holverstott, Norman Powell, Lois Seventh Day Adventist Church day night and Sunday morning. Moran, c 4 2 1 20 0 0 Manager Fortier, this season, has Teters and Bette Ann Yeoman. Sturdivant, arguments, and this and Sy pond 3 ml Collier Streets Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shepherd and 2 0 1 0 0 the fulj support of President Kennett fun spectacle sDectacie wm T|j? Young People's Christian that, a gorgeous was mt por - . Brewer, p two daughters, of Dora, were visitors Sabbath School (Saturday) 9:45 ball park last Sunday. | 'Count ” Lawrence and the rest of League met last Sunday afternoon, trayed in our I at the Louis Laird home Sunday. a. m. —-- a out —A a . 12 a« to e 5 35 12 9*2« 4 3 the front office. Within certain con under the leadership of Mrs. Ellis. The Loggers slammed Mr. and Mrs. Charley Holmes, of Preaching service 11:00a.m. I *Chapman out in 5th, h by batted siderations and limitations the club ’ s Following the lesson a discussion was against the North Bend club, which Remote, visited recently at the home ball. policy is strictly fashioned and the held concerning the attendance which was not much more than an easy of their daughter, Mrs. Leslie Groat. Church of God B R H O A E players have to take what is tendered has been falling off of late. It was mark for the Fortier clan despite North Bend Mr. and Mrs Jay Freeman and Chapman. 2b Sunday School at 10 o'clock with 2 1 them or else walk the plank, anfl |f 4 1 3 3 decided that each and every member their somewhat slow playing. Archie Shepherd, of McKinley, were Sandine, rf . classes for everyone. 4 they can ’ t make the grade it means a 1 0 0 3 0 would do his best to attend every The game started well enough visitón at the Louis Laird home Sun Morning service at 11 a. m. meeting and to be there on time. Ben 4 1 XII 0 stroll, also. when North Bend opened by scoring Curran, ss day. Mrs. Freeman expects to.visit Ray Woodyard can easily supplant Holverstott was asked to take charge Evening preaching 7:30 p. m. 4 1 2 2 0 2 in the first inning, while Coquille was Mllosevich, 3b with her sister, Mrs. Laird, for a Young People's meeting Sunday 4 • 0 7 0 0 Duncan at third base without weak next time. going runless and hitleas until the Harrel, lb while before returning home. evening at 8:30 o'clock. ening the infield in" any respect, of Lovel, If 0 1 1 0 0 The Young People's Sunday school 4 third But in the third the situation John Kirkup, of Bandon, was a Prayer meeting 7:30 o'clock Thurs 3 1 0 8 1 1 fensively or defensively. However, class will hold its picnic at the falls warmed up so much for the Loggers Owens, c visitor at the Crowley home Wednes day evening. if Sowers leaves the Loggers will suf 4 0 0 0 2 0 on June 18. Lois Teters is in charge day. that they went to town in real fash Graham, p The public is cordially Invited to Schnick, cf 3 0 1 1 0 1 fer a real loss, because this boy is a of the eats for the affair. ion. The Myrtle Leaf Ladies Club was all these services. valuable addition. Woodyard could The thermomether has again regis Altogether five runs crossed the held Wednesday at the J. D. Laird Edward E. Watkins, Pastor 24 5 8 24 11 6 move to the gardens if Duncan was tered several warm days In the val home. The day was spent in quilting plate behind the combined efforts of 0 0 5 2 ! 0 0 ISO*— 12 still on hand, while as another alter ley. The mercury roee above the »0 A potluck dinner was served to the a triple by Mora^, a double by Roper, Coquille Hits 0 0 4 1 0 12 1*— 9 native “Guppy” GuptilL who should- mark several times in the last week. following: Florence Groat, Hilda singles by Stewart and Sowers, and Miss Frances Bealer accompanied 1 0 o 1 : 1 2 0 0 0— _ 5 n’t have been released in the first Durrell, Beulah Jenkins, Zylphia a few other aiding Influences. This North Bend her sister, Mrs. Glenn Hess, to her 1 1 o I ! 1 1 0 1 0— 8[place, might be re-signed. I Hits Krewson, Mildred Benham, Flossie put the locals comfortably in the lead, Coquille? Anyway, it’s on the top for the home in Bakersfield, California, last Wilson, Cora Bullock, Daisy Laird. but hoggishly they socred twice again I Summary—Earned runs, 12, North Bend 5; three base hits,: Lcggers from now on. There’s going Monday. Mr. knd Mrs. Hesa and fam Polly Nickason, Elsie Hicks, Stella in the fourth, but as things turned out Schnick, Miloaevich, Moran; two base !io be spirit and co-operation in their ily arrived at the F. H. Bealer home Crowley and Belle Laird. these tallies were much needed. UJA £>11 as MC tniltfh morale, aa as U/ well tough 0BmM games for for Tuesday evening. May 29. bit, Roper; stolen knaAa bases, Pknnman Chapman, ' ' maids Mrs, Phoebe Harry returned home In the fourth and fifth two North The haying season has started. One Schaer, B. Duncan, Moran 2, Brewer; -heir diet. Wednesday after visiting a few days Benders worked their way home and, .'aimer, T. H. Benham, has already in Coquille. hit by pitcher, Roper; wild pitcher, then in the sixth, when “Bud" Dun Here is some dope on “Cocky" cut his hay, hoping that it wouldn't Brewer 2, Graham; first base on er Quite a number from the valley at can ired ferociously, things happened Brewer’s hurling record. In five rain and now has it ready to haul to tended the memorial services at Dora. so suddenly that while an argument rors, Coquille 2, North Bend 2; left games he's won all starts, struck out ihs barn. on bases, Coquille 4, North Bend 3; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robison and was going on between the third base 82 batters, allowed 15 runs, and 28 Everyone in the valley is hoping family are visiting at the Lester man and Sturdivant, two runners bases on balls, off Brewer 1, off Gra ham 7; struck out, by Brewer 18, hits. Figure out the average in each that there will be a good hard rain Mayse horns. helped themselves to scores. “Cocky" soon Crops are beginning to look Graham 5; double play, Curran to instance yourself. Cora Bullock left for her home at Brewer, at this point, had to settle Some of the hitters are clouting as quite dry and unless it rains soon the Chapman to Harrel; umpires, Sturdi Salem, Oregon, Friday. down to retire the sidO on strike outs. follows: Brewer .500, Roper .478, hay crop will be very short. vant and Wilson. Perley Crowley has purchased a The score standing at 7 to 5, Co- Mr. and Mrs. Gens Tanner, of Sowers .411, and Kolstad .409. x new car. quile came to life again in the sev North Bend, have recently moved UNDER THE BLEACHERS Ivan Laird made a business trip to enth frame by scoring another quin A Challenge to Young People into the Ed Milligan home. Mr. Tan Portland Sunday. By Mark Seeley tet of runs. This time hits, errors, ner is employed as timekeeper in the Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fills and Mr. and During the past forty-five years stolen bases, wild pitches, hit bat Climaxes have been coming fast apd local logging camp. Mrs. Andy Peatty, of Azusa, Califor ters and Walks were included in the thick in the realm of Coquille base tens of thousands of young men and On Monday of this week Mr and nia, have moved on to the Tom Law women of mahy nationalities and de debacle - ball. But with all the upshots and Mrs. Ray Griggs and family of Co horn ranch. Young Mr Brewer hurled his usu I—»«. w. know U... »11 quille were motoring out to spend the al good game against the Coquille op will reign on and continue to put ' ing for Christian service at home or day with his mother, Mrs. George If you want to subscribe for a Port- ponent. "Cocky!’ helped himself to forth the best possible. Bill is mark > abroad offered by The Moody Bible Stevenson, of this valley, when his car U*td daily the clubbing combinatior I Institute of Chicago. More than 2,000 eighteen strike outs, which included ing time with a nice, easy trot. ooUidsd with the bridge at the Perry we offer with the Sentinel will save students enrolled in its day and eve groups of three in the third, fourth Neal ranch. Every one escaped with First, the fans have been howling ning schools last year. While for cer only minor bruises and cuts except you money. and sixth innings. Lineup«: continually about the weak oppon B * H Coquille A B. ents who have been scheduled. But tain special courses a high school the two year old baby who received REDEMPTION NOTICE B Duncan, 3b 0 2. this Is over, now, if Bill can do what background is required, and college a broken collar-bone and a broken 2 1 0 Notice is hereby given that all Schaer, 3b 0 0 he expects to do to re-establish training desirable, yet grammar rib. The seriousnes of his injury was warrants drawn against the General 1 0 0 Fischer, 2b 5 2 1 1 0 1 things, for starting with Crescent City school training will admit to its gen not known until the following morn Fund of the City or Coquille, Oregon, and endorsed prior to January 1, eral course. English is taught to any ing. on Sunday the tough ones are going r ■ ■ i ii ■■ 1932, are hereby called for payment deficient in its use. Harry Huble traded in his old to get tougher in each succeeding upon presentation at my office. In fray. Roseburg has been scheduled.? The Bible ranks first in all Insti school bus last Monday. He plans on terest on such warrants will cease as tute courses, but instruction is fur getting a new steel-bodied bus for of May 31, 1935. while most important of all is the news that the Broadway Clowns of nished in such subjects as Sunday the coming year. W. 8. SICKELS, Treasurer. on all kinds of 30t3 City of Coquille, Oregon. New York, an all-negro outfit, will School Administration, Daily Vaca be here in July. And then, if pos tion Bible School. Gospel Music sible, the strongest Portland clubs Public Speaking Home Economics,. r will be lined up, these including Hop Hygiene, and Manual Training. In 1 lxx*al and Long Distance Gold, BliU-Wienhard, Wolfer's Fed special courses are offered Theology. Homiletics, Church History. Apolo Wood for sale. Old Growth Fir, eral«, and others. Sure to be sched Wm. Peart. uled, too, are the House of David getics, Hebrew, Yiddish, Greek, and 82.00 a tier, delivered. 18tf teams, or any other barnstorming or medical subjects for foreign mission Coquille, phone 75J. Phones 101J—224L ganization that wants to take a beat work. Comer Third and Coulter Phone 100 There are three terms a year—fall, ing in Coquille. Minor dissension troubles have also winter and summer—but students Coquille G. T. COOK been noticed, what with Hal Sowers may enter at any time. An illustrat Brick Mason and “Bud” Duncan threatening from ed catalogue will be mailed on re quest. Address, 152 Institute Place. time to time to leave the club and Fireplaces and Chimneys other players wrangling somewhat, Chicago Avenue Station, Chicago, P. 0. Box 42, Coquille not really working together as they III I f I *<; I NILES MOTOR COMPANY L r I o 0 0 New low Price COAL HAUUNG Gano Funeral Home Mansell Drayage & Delivery Co. Ambulance Service r j A** V., i (I