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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1934)
* — ■9BP News From Lee Section Adolph Neilson. F. F. A., from Amity, was an overnight guest ol Rows rd Leatherman one day last weak. Earl Clarke spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Haynes in MamMald. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. (Schroeder spent Sunday at Camas Valley with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dick. THE BENEFITS THAT OUR VAST NUMBER Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and OF DEPOSITORS HAVE DERIVED FROM H Mas. Wiley Burned in were Mrs. Clar OUR REAL HELPFUL CO-OPERATION HAS ence Petersen and Mrs. IW. G. Austin, of Norway, Mrs. Molly Collins, of IN NO WAY OVERSHADOWED THE Myrtle Point, and Mr. and Mrs. Her HEARTY PLEASURE WE HAVE TAKEN IN man Sumerlin and Delbert fiumerlin. THAT SERVING AND HELPING . . . . Mrs. John Parry haa been caring for her daughter. Mrs. Byron Hervey, who has been quite ill with the flu for several days. Mrs. Webb Mast honored her hus band with a birthday dinner Sunday. H mmo enjoying the day were Mr. and Mrs. R JI. Mast, of Coquille, Mr. and NATIONAL BANK 1 Mrs. W. H. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. L. C, Mast and Wallis, Mrs. H. W. Mast, William Mast, Carey Bones, Lester ,a of Coquille, Oregon } Cay, Harry Lae wall and the Webb ———■ II ■■ I — — —— Mast family. < i 1 ’ Adrian Schroeder hauled a load of —the banking house * lumber Sunday for the new barn Mr. —of pleasant planning. Schroeder wHl build in a short time. This will replace the one destroyed V* '•?. by fire six weeks ago. smmM—M—ss—ns ■!™JLE . ?- . J - 2S UL-l Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hoher, of Marsh of the special code applicable to the field, spent Monday night with Wil industry or, in the absence of such a liam Harmon. code, under the “blanket code,** unless or until this is no longer required b> Brewster Valley the United States. 4t2 -effort and accomplishment FIRST » •A* t Professional Cards LILJEQVIST, SWANTON a SLACK ■. Ai Attorney» and Ceunaellors Firat National Bank Building Coquille Oregon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior General Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, January 24, 1984. Notice is hereby given that Edwin 8. Milligan, of McKinley, Oregon, who, on July 23rd, 1982, made Home stead entry, Serial, No. 020323, for EH SW‘4 and W’i SEU, Section 7, Township 27 3., Rango 11 W„ Wil lamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before E. A. Dodge, U. 8. Commissioner, at Myrtle Point Oregon, on the Oth day of March. Claimant names at witnesses: Foster Philips, Estel Powell, Thomas Benham, and D. Y. Yeoman, all of McKinley, Oregon. Hamill A. Canaday, 3t5 Register. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS In the Matter of the Estate of J. L. Holycross, Deceased. Notice of Final Account NOTICE IS HEREBY OfiVEN, That the undersigned hew filed in the Coun ty Court of Coos County, Oregon, he: final acoount as Exueutra of the Ee tate of J. L. Holycross, deceased, and that the said Court has set Saturday, February 10th, 1984, at the hour oi 10:00 o’clock A. M. at the County Court room in Coquille, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objec tions to such final account and the set tlement of eaid Estate. Viola Holyeroea, * - Executrix 5215 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointee Executrix of «he Last Will and Testa ment and of the Estate of Charles N Garden, deceased; and all persons having claims against said estate art hereby notifled that they are required to present same duly verified, with proper vouchers therefor, to the un dersigned, at the law office of Harry i A. Slack in Coqufile, Coos County Oregon, within six months from th< date of this notice. I Dated this 7th day of February 11984. Phoebe Rae Garden National Forest Timber fw Sale Executrix of the Last WHl and | Testament and of the Estate oi Sealed bids will be received by the1 n . Garfien, Deceased? --------- upervisor, Grants Ore- Harry A BUcki Forest “ Supervisor, Granta Paxs. Pi ----- — 12,’ Attorney for Executrix, gon, up to to and and including including March M marked 1984, for all the live timber — —— Wr,t National Bank Building. or designated for cutting, end all Coquille, Oregon. 4th merchantable desk! timber located on - an area embracing •t’SutT,40, NOTICE TO CREDITORS within Section 8, T 32 8., R. 14 W-, Notice la hereby given that the un W. M.. Sixes 'River watershed, Siski you National Forest, Oregon, estimat dersigned have been appointed by the ed to be 152,000 foot B ■-««« * County Court of the State of Oregon less, of Port Orford Cedar timber. No for Coos County at Joint Adminism tom of the Estate of C.T. Rob i «<>n. De bid of less than »0.00 per M. Port Orford Cedar will be considered ceased, and all persona having claims »100.00 must be deposited with each against the said estate are hereby re hid. to be applied on the purchase quired to present the same with the price, refunded or retained in part as proper vouchers at the law offices of liquidated damages, according to con J. LStanley in First National Bank ditions of sale. The right to reject Building in the City of Coquille, Cooa any and all bids rrwbrved. Before County, Oregon, within six months bids are submitted, full information from the date of this notice. Dated and first published this 9th concerning the timber, the conditions of sale, and the submission of bids day of February. 1984. I. 8. Robison should bo obtained from the Forest Wendell T. Robison, Supervisor, Grant Paso, Oregon. The Administrators bidder must have accepted the special 4tfi code for his industry or, in the ab sence of approval of sudh a code must have accepted the genoml provisions of the so-called blanket code, and will operate the sale under the provisions A crew of Mountain States Power ■ompany men from Marshfield, includ- ng I. M. Smiley, C. W. Sherbondy, D. McPhee, F. Matson, J. D. Roberta, with Mose Tison of Cottage Grove as foreman, have been at the Jess Hicks home for the past three weeks. Wil iam Gross and Lee Ingles, Copco men 'root Roseburg have also been with them. The men spent the week-end it their respective homes, returning tore Monday to continue their work leering the right-of-way and repair ing the line. A special meeting of the Brewster 'alley Ladies Club was called by their ¡resident, Mrs. Stella Crowley. The >urpose was to decide on a short play o be given at' a basaar planned at an arly date. Those present were: Miss Alta Mead, Mrs. Eva Burris, Miss Doris Durell, Mrs. Perley CroW- ey, Mrs. Harold Earls, Mrs. W. A. fickason, Mrs. Fannie Alford, Mrs. "om Lawhorn, Mrs. Oscar Durull, Mna. Ernest Rrewson, Mrs. Flossie WUson, Mrs. W. B. Cox, Miss Flor- nce Mead, Mrs. Julius Benham and Mrs. Ivan Laird. Later in the after- toon Mrs. Crowley served hot rojls, »pple salad and tea. Mrs. W. B. Cox, who has been vis iting at the home of her daughter, M m . Tom Lawhorn, the pact two weeks, returned to her home at Marshfield Wednesday. Jimmy Barton, who is employed in he Powers camp, spent Sunday in die valley with hie family. Julius Benham and Ivan Laird were Tuesday business callers in CoquiBe. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Christensen ind George Woodruff were Friday lusineas transactors in Marshfield. Miss Alta Mead returned home Sut- irday evening after visiting the past few days with Mias Ruth West, of latching Creek. Miss Florence Mead visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. Roy Bookard >f Myrtle Point, from Wednesday un til Friday. Roy Luttrell and daughter, from Bridge, arrived in the valley Friday ifternoon. They brought Mias Gus tafson, an evangelist, with them. She is staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Benham during her stay in the valley. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Christensen,, who have been building a new house, have it completed and are now moving In. Grant Harry, who haa been visiting the past three weeks at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Cypress of Lang lois, returned to his home Monday. Sunday a Jolly group hiked to Brewster Rock, going, over the new trail being buMt by the COC boys. Those who enjoyed the hike were: Lecter Dursll, Forrest, Vehna and Eloda Krewson, Christina Christen sen, Eva Burris, Frank Bates, Elwin Alford, Cora Bullok, Howard Carpen ter, Leeds and Edwina Groves, Rich ard Mundlin, Minor, Alta and Florence Mead, Bert Mead, Frank Strong, Mr. Calling card« SO for >1.00. B, CY HUNGERFORD SNOODLÖ HAS G°N€ W WARfS? ‘¡¡Ht ikfoose WHO ;"'r , ViASteU» NAMED. • laughing water 3y CXD BtU- •» Nbt So W«u_ To PAY— tri R€DSK«N IS A TRIFLE TALER.- VJHAT CAN "Re TR« NUKTTtft? jHKh 7 *2 9 ■ I /T j I ba J l ( whoop S ounds LIKE KlD f J apch S on H vbumm hc , I HAD VMOOPW4 WHOOPlN •----- COUGH rx I A A nd B y T he . raw- WAY- YUB ARE VJONDBfttNG— WHERE 'THE' NiOTHEP». IS Au- “T his -T ime l!l * 1 el vb> t r- 2.1V ; «■jg> 1