Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1933)
Tn OOQUILLl YALLMY SENTINEL, COQUILLE. ORBGON, FRIDAY, JULY 11. 1»M. PACK THREE —H News From Section Mrs. Myrtle Olinton and daughter, Itba, of Corvallis, and Mrs. Kenneth Peel, of l»>ng Beach, were visitors with Mrs. W. V. Schroeder last week. Mr. and Mrs. Llpyd Mast and Wallie and Mra. Ecie Adam« and children spent last Bunday with Mr. and Mrs. David Pike. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Howard, Fred, Junior, and Mary Evans were Sunday dinner guests^of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Iteatherman. Mr. and Mrs. George Latham are temporarily occupying the Della Leatherman home until they can se cure a home at McMinnville, where they intend moving. Harold and Warren Dick were week-end guest» at the Walter Schroeder home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson and children visited in Salem for a few days laat week. While there Kenneth had his eyes examined by Dr. Baum. George Slagle spent several days last week with Mr. and Mra. Lloyd Mast. Mrs. G. W. Austin, of Norway, and Mrs. George Clinton were guests of Mrs. C. E. Johnson one day last week. Mrs. James Willson returned to her home at Fisher, after spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Baker. Mrs. James Corthell was a Monday afternoon visitor with Mrs. H. W. Mast. Mrs. Severt Iverson, Mrs. Paul Bunch, Mrs. Laila Crosby, of Gravel Ford, and Lois McCue, of Bandon were Thursday night guests at the Walter Schroeder home. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Oddy, Frances and Garland, of Coquille, were dinner guests of the Leatherman family last Thursday evening. Wanda Wilson is visiting with Mrs. Thed. Perry at McKinley this week. Mrs. Jas. Clinton, Marie and Ralph, of Gravel Ford spent Sunday with the Harmon family. Marie continued her visit through thia week. Mrs. Jas. Clinton, Marie and Ralph, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson, Anna Mary and Kenneth, Grandma, Sadie and Bill Harmon, Mrs. Ina Davis, and William Mast enjoyed a picnic dinner with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown last Sunday at their home. McKinley Notes Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Lawhorne called on Mrs. Zilphia Krewson, of Sitkum, Monday afternoon. Mrs. Krewson is recovering from a broken leg which she received several weeks ago. Friend« gathered at the Geo. Glenn home Thursday afternoon for a show er for Mrs. Ivyl Frye. After an after noon of conversation, refreshments were served to Mesdames Mary Maid en, Audrey Freeman, Bea Lawhorne, Josie Mast Hilda Brown, Mildred King, Violet Wilson, Myrtle Glenn, Misses Ollie Ellen Loehbaugh, Helen Glenn and the honored guest. Sunday evening as some Coquille picnickers were returning home a cougar jumped across the road near the county park in the lower end of the valley. They immediately notified a nearby farmer, who summoned Grover Meyers with his hunting dogs. They soon treed the cougar and killed it. The animal was taken to both the Fairview and McKinley C. C. C. camps where it proved to be quite a curiosity to the eastern boys. Mrs. Stella Laird and family, of Brewster Valley, are visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Chas. Gill and family. The local baseball boys played an other game with the C. C. C. camp Sunday afternoon. The final score this time was 15-7 in favor of McKin ley. They are planing to go to Fair view next Sunday for a game with that team. Mrs. Mary Corthell and children, who are at present making their home in Marshfield, are visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Bennett, this week. Her husband expects to come down from Alaska and join her here in September. Mr. Corthell is a gov ernment doctor. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lawhorne, of Sitkum, visited Walter Lawhorne Sunday. McKinley farmers ar« in the midst of their summer haying now. It is a busy time since there is a very good hay crop this year. The McKinley C. C. C. boys, No. 1649, are sponsoring a free dance, refreshments, and entertainment at Be thrilled with the mam moth Redwoods of California! OREGON STAGES Coquille Hotel Phone 609 the McKinley Hall Saturday evening Myrtle Leaf club was held Thursday SOCIAL NOTES The Pioneer Methodist Church Next Week at the Liberty July 22. at the home of Mrs. Elmer Wilson. Garbed in outlandish wigs, plumed Philip D. Hartman, pastor. Roll call was answered by each one The Past Matrons and Past Patron,! hats-and costumes of the Robin Hood giving the meaning of a word not fre of lk-uluh Chapter, who meet regular Subject of the evening service at 8 Bridge Happenings era, Laurel and Hardy make their Mr. and Mrs. Claude Shields, accom quently used. The time was spent ly once a month for a social evening, latest appesrance in “The Devil’s p. m., conducted by Rev. W. S. Smith, panied by Mr. and Mrs. Cassidy of enjoyably at a swimming party, after enjoyed a picnic supper Wednesday, Brother,” a full-length production in “The Handwriting Upon the Wall.” There will be no preaching service Matwhsfield, spent the week end at which pie and punch were served to at which time they included their fam which the comedians* are seen as a the following: Mrs. Belle Laird, Mrs. ilies. This affair was held in the or at the Pioneer Church Sunday morn Sunset Beach. - pair of daring brigands whose adven Ivan Laird, Mrs. Win Nickason, Mrs. chard of Mrs. Lou Khne and her ing, the congregation! joining in the Miss Florence Mead returned tures must certainly be the funniest Sitkum Saturday after »pending • Oscar DureH, Mrs. Stella Laird, Eloise son, 'lister. A long table was built in which these inimitable wits have union service at the Christian Church for the occasion and comfortably seat in celebration of the fiftieth anniver few days here with Mrs. W. A. Lett. Crowley and Doris Prohaska. yet been seen qn the talking screen. Elwin Alford went to Myrtle Point ed all who attended. After the sup Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Evans and In their current picture, playing at sary of the founding of the Woman'» children, of Myrtle Point, visited Sun Saturday to receive medical treatment per .a few tablesWtf bridge and heart* the Liberty Theatre tonight and Sat Relief Corps. Sunday School at 10 a. m., Lyman day evening at the Harold James for his hand which is badly infected. were played. Attending were Messrs, urday, they run the gamut of tomfool Clarence Shoemaker and Monroe and Mesdames W. V. Glaisyer, Roy Carrier, superintendent. home. ery from flirting with milkmaids and Both departments of the Young Miss Ionella Curtiss, superintendent Pratt are spending the week helping Neal, E. L. Vinton, and son, Dick, W. being pursued by an unexpected bull E. Bosserman, Henry Lorenz, Julius to making a narrow escape from the Peoples’ Division conduct their de of the Junior Christian Endeavor so Elwin Alford with the haying. Mr.'iand Mrs. W. A. Nickason and Ruble, and daughter,- Laura Emily, votional» at 7 p. m. ciety, entertained with a party Mon hangman’s noose and being engulfed Prayer meeting Wednesday evening day afternoon at her home, the Jun daughter, Fern, accompanied by Mrs. F. G, Leslie, Bert Folsom and son, in a variety of hazardous occurrences Ted Abbott and daughter, June, were George, Mesdames Clyde Niles, Sadie Choir rehearsal Saturday evening, ior« present being Bonnie Jean Bill out of all of which’ they invariably F. G, Leslie, director. ings, 'Bernard and Billy, Vir Saturday business callers in Coquille. Jayes, Bertha Smith. George Lorenz, come out on top «lightly bruised but A cordial welcome awaits you at, «11 Mias Eula Doak, who has been vis Edward ‘Lorenz, H. W. (Pierce, John ginia and Wilfla Beckett, Mary Lou smiling. iting at the home of her aunt, Mrs.'------- of ,our services. If you du not,wor Miller ---- and ------- sons, ------ Roger and Stewart, Culver and ‘Evelyn Shields. However, as thé militons of their Minnie Bohlander, the past few weeks, *%ou Kime, Mrs. Eva B. Neal, of Han- ship elsewhere come with ui. Ray Benham, Mrs. Carrie Benham, follower» have long since come to returned to her home at Powers Mon- ! ford, Calif., Misses Edna Rbbison, Mrs. M. Brownson and Mrs. Hiram day. • • / ! Bess Maury, Elizabeth Pierce, Betty know, it is never the plot which mat Seventh Diy Adventist Church Hatcher were Marshfield visitor» Fri ters in a Laurel and Hardy .comedy. Miss Genevieve Crowley is spending Glaisyer, Gretchen Neal, Thelma and Pastor, H. A. Niergarth. day. x These two buffoons .could squeeze the week visiting friends in Coquille Donna Dean Bosserman, Wahnita Sabbath School (Saturday) 9:45 Tommy, the six year old son of Mr. laughs out of the direst of tragedies. Nfillas, of Eugene, Messrs. George and Mrs. Frank Culver, had the aria while her car is being overhauled. The bulky and always slightly an a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Prohaska, of Robison, H. A. Young and Lester Preaching service 11:00 a. m. fortune to fall over a stick of wood noyed Hardy has but to raise his eye The coming Sabbath the preaching last weekend break his leg, and Lynn, Roseburg, were campers in the valley Kime. The committee in charge of ! brows at his partner’s, irresponsible aged seven, ia very ill with complica from Saturday until Tuesday. Doris the picnic was Mr». E. L. Vinton, Mrs. actions, and you have enough humor hour will be devoted to the “Midsum Prohaska, who has been visiting at George (Lorenz, Mrs. ‘Edward w. mer Foreign Missionary Program.”- tions from a akin infection. to make up a dozen comedies. the Crowley home the past few weeks Lorenz. Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Oliver and Church of Christ children, Franklin, 'Robert and Doro returned home with them. Those who look for motion picture Kenneth Laird is nursing a broken Monday evening Mrs. George Mc- thy Ellen, of (Redondo (Beach, Calif., Turner B. MacDonald, Pastor entertainment permeated with the surprised their friends here Thursday hand, received while working at his Clellan, nee Eleanor Folsom, was Sunday, 10:00 a. m. Bible School. tense, authentic melodrama of. actual camp on Rock creek. complimented at a lovely affair given when they arrived for a short visit, Ned C. headlines in today’s news will find Departments for all ages. W. H. Dancer, of Myrtle Point, by Mrs. Harold Gould at her home in en route to Portland, where Mr. Oli Kelley, superintendent. “ Gabriel Over the White House, ” ver’s folks live. They continued their preached two sermons Sunday at the Myrtle Point. -After the refreshments 11:00 a. m. Communion and morn community building. had been served Mrs. McClellan was opening Sunday at the Liberty The- journey Sunday morning after visit ing worship. Sermon by the pastor. arte for three days, one of the out, Mrs. Lois Rookard and daughter, 'surprised with a shower of miscel ing at several homes in this vicinity. .. 7:00 p. m. C. E. groups meet for standing talkie event« of the year. Mrs. Sarah William«, of Myrtle Florence, visited from Saturday until laneous gifts from the following: This picture was adapted from the devotional«. Tuesday at the Elmer Wilson home. Mesdames Carl Gilbert, Wm. Stewart, Point, spent part of this week here Bible Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Delbert Starr, of Myrtle Point, is Clovis Church, Donald Carver, Vergil most daring expose of Washington at the home of her brother, W". A. ever written. Its anonymous author Study. Willett Jessee, leader. visiting at the O. R. Kirk ranch for a McCurdy, Walter Bingham, Harold Lett. You are cordially invited to all of few days. Gould, Misses Genevieve Crowley, knew his politics and at the same time these services. The Clarence R. Davis family has Mr. and Mrs. Orin Kirk and family Doris Kay, Marjorie McClellan, Gloria weaved into hie story of a United gone to Wolf Creek for an outing. States President who steps out and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bell, of Blackley, were Sunday callers in Myrtle Point. Getz, Etta Marie Whobrey, Wanda doe« something about current prob Baptist Church Carl Groves, who is employed at Houdyshell, Gretchen Mehl, Frances Ore., were Wednesday night visitors lems an unusually gripping human Sunday School at 10 o’clock, with Weekley ’ s camp, spent the week end Nosier, Pauline Ellingsen, Mary Ella, at the Claude Shields home. classes for everyone. Visitor« always Florence and Dorothy Cary and Flor theme. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sprick have at his home here in the valley. Headed by Walter Huston as the welcome. ence Folsom. Fred Kampfer was a business caller finished their logging on Myrtle President who overnight is trans- Prayer meeting 7:30 Thursday in Myrtle Point Friday. Creek and are moving out to Bridge. Mrs. Leslie Groat and son, Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ireland com formed from an insincere, back-slap night. B. Y. P. U. service* every Sunday are visiting at the home of Mrs. plimented Miss Frances Eggleeton ping politician to a man of iron, the News Notes From Powers Groats’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charley and Raymond A. Detlefsen, who were distinguished cast of “Gabriel Over evening at 7 o’clock. The thirteenth annual convention of Holmes, of Remote. • married Wednesday evening, at a six the White House” includes Karen Church of God Coos county Royal Neighbors was Mr. and Mr». Jack Bridges and son, o’clock dinner party at their home Morley, last seen apposite Wallace held at Powers last Friday. Valley Jackie, were business callers in Oo- last Sunday evening. An attractive Beery in “Flesh;” the Broadway stage Seventh and Henry streets, 2 blocks Camp No. 9330, were royal hostesses. quille Monday. north of Henry street bridge bouquet of mixed flowers was used as star, Famchot Tone; Arthur Byron, In the spacious gym the beautiful Pastor, Rev. Geo. S. Murphy. Mrs. Fred Minard, of Coquille, was a centerpiece where covers were laid Dickie Moore, C. Henry Gordon, Da decorations and lovely flowers in pur a Saturday caller at the home of Mrs. for Mrs. Stanley R. Oldland, Mr. and vid Landau, Samuel Hinds, William Sunday School 10:00 a. m. I ple and white, carried out the R. N. A. Lester Mayse. Mrs. Ireland, Misses Frances and Ber Pawley, Jean Parker and Claire Du- Preaching 11:00 a. m. •" colors. The formal opening was put Prayer meeting 7:30 p. m. Thurs C. M. Wilson took Mrs. Ernest nice Eggleston, Raymond Detlefsen, brey. The drama, laid in the historic back day. on by Powers, the address of welcome Krewson to Myrtle Point to receive Belmont and Clarence Ireland. ground of the national capital with w|s very ably given by Alsie Royer, ' treatment for her broken leg. V , —, _----- ------ —,cr and the response by the Coquille Vice | Mr. and Mrs. Albert Christensen Good Shooting by Coos Boys authentic scenes of the executive man St. James Church sion, the two legislative house« and Oracle, who extended the invitation and daughter, Christina, and Mr. and (Episcopal) They may not shoot from the trip in various other Washington locales, for the fourteenth convention to meet Mrs. P. A. Alford were Marshfield Wild West style, but when it comes Church echool every Sunday at 10 starts with the inauguration of the in Coquille. There were three Candi- callers Tuesday, to puncturing bullseyes with army simple, back-country man, Jud Ham a. m. Perry Roper, superintendent. dates, Hazel Kruger, Margaret Wy-' Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Alford visited automatic pistol« the Citizens* Mili mond, who becomes the Hon. Judson land and Elisabeth Link, who were Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. tary Training camp students here this Hammond, ‘President of the United First Church of Christ, Scientist initiated by the Myrtle Point degree Ted Abbott and Mrs. Mae Harvey. Coquille, Oregon year are pretty good notwithstanding, States. His first press conference team, and the wonk was beautiful. Sunday callers at the home of Mr. says a special from the C. M. T. C. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. shows him to be a typical politician, Marshfield put on the Retiring and Mrs. Albert Christensen were Mr. Sunday Service at 11 «. m. Vancouver Barracks. The percentage jovial, insincere, evasive, unwilling to March and it was perfect. The school and Mrs. P. A. Alford and Mr. and Subject for next Sunday, “Truth.” of youths who have qualified as pistol cope courageously with national prob of instruction was under Anna C. Mrs. Jesse Warner, of Marshfield. Wednesday evening meeting at 8 ■hots, first class, is unusually high. lems. He is injured in an accident and Stallsmith, supervising deputy of Those to enjoy a Sunday picnic din Virtually all of those who fired on his return to work following a long o’clock. Oregon, assisted by Deputy Broli, of* ner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. El Free public Reading Room open in qualified, deepite the fact that the period of illness which has given him Ashland, and Ada E. Lemon, district mer Wilson were: Mr. and Mrs. W. A. army .45 is a rugged customer and time to think things over, he become« Church Building every Tuesday and deputy of Coos county. The banquet Nickason and family, Mrs. Carrie not easy to shoot; and also despite a new Judson Hammond, hard instead Friday afternoons except holidays was held in the Odd Fellows hall at Nickason, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wilson, limited time for prsctice and limited of soft, decisive instead of vacillating. from two to five o'clock. seven o’clock and was a very enjoy Mr. and Mrs. Vaner Bloomquiet, Miss The public is cordially invited to at He fires the Secretary j>f War and ammunition with which to shoot. able affair. The evening program in Florence Mead, W. H. Dancer, Minor The boys, however,, also did well with asks for the resignation of his entire tend our services, and to visit the cluded the memorial, in which mem and Bert Mead. the heavy army rifle in qualfying as I cabinet when they hesitate to support Reading Room. bers of all the camp» took part. Very Miss Florence Mead, who spent sev C. M. T. C. marksmen or sharpshoot his moves to relieve the Unemploy fitting addressea by the deputies, reg eral days of last week at Bridge, re ers, while a fair percentage of those ment Army. He demands that Con Methodist Episcopal Church ular closing, a reading by a Neighbor turned to her home Saturday. who fired machine guns qualified as gress give himlfrhe powers of a dicta Evening Preaching 8:00 p. m. from Myrtle Point camp, which was tor. He fights directly with the gunner». • Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. more than good, a beautiful drill by Poultrymen to Meet at O. S. C. Badges signifying their proficiency “king” of the racketeers and through m. Marshfield, and a short play by the have been presented to the students, a federal police force wipes him out. The tenth annual Oregon Poultry Preaching at Bandon 11 a. m. Powers Neighbors were also given. by order of Colonel Harry A. Wells, He forces an International Debt Con Scriptural, Spiritual Preaching. Ev Ethel Leach was elected president for convention is announced for July 27 commander. Qualifications include: gress, not behind closed doors but on eryone welcome. 1934, Dora Burr vice president and and 28 at Oregon State college, where Rifle Pistol the deck of a yacht where a graphic it will be held in the usual place in G. A. Gray, Pastor. May Ensele secretary and treasurer. demonstration of how quickly war Ellis E. Newton, Coquille S-S. special quarters near the poultry and 107 E. 2nd St., Coquille, Oro. And they are all going to Coquille in craft may be destroyed by airplanes veterinary plant on the west campus. Allan B. Evans, Bullards M.M. 1984. Deri D. Carver, Myrtle Pt. let class leads to debt payment via sums aaved This convention is open to every Wednesday at the Fellowship hall, 1st class in disarmament friends of Ethel Littler gave her the poultryman in the state without Lynn Cooper, Myrtle Pt. The story is brought to a stirring charge, although combined on the ede^| — , surprise of her life when about forty and logical conclusion after a sensa R. N. A. Convention at Powers of them gathered there, under the cational program will be the annual tional peace conference with Judson One Cent a Word Each Insertion meeting of the Oregon Poultrymen ’ s Several car loads of Royal Neigh pretense of a health meeting, and af Hammond leaving his mark on history ter Mrs. LitNer had given a very in association, headed by F. H. Cockell bors drove to Powers last Friday to as one of the greatest Presidents to FOR SALE—Two good young Cows. teresting report of her studies in Port of Milwaukie. This association has attend the thirteenth annual conven rule at the White House. Phone 7R42. V. L. Cornelius. land on community organization, the long served as the official “mouth tion for this district. The convention FOR SALE—'1929 automobile sedan chairman introduced Mrs. G. P. Stew piece” of the Oregon) Poultry indus president was Mrs. Minnie King and Agricultural Year Books cheap, on payment plan if desired. art who presented to Mr». Littler a try and is constantly looking after its the state supervisor, Anna Stallsmith, Congressman Jas. W. Mott writes See Brady—Strang Garage. 24tf beautiful hand-made quilt made by interests, ssy those familiar with its and Mrs. Broili, of the Ashland dist rict were also in attendance, holding the Sentinel from Salem, where he V her friends in Powers. A lovely lunch work. Featured on the educational pro the school of instructions and giving residing between sessions of congress, FOR SAIÆ—Coos couny warrants was served later. and other municipal warrants by Word has been received in Power« gram this year will be methods to use pleasant talks for the good of the or that he has a limited number of the political subdivisions of the county, that George Sparks, who was here in lowering the cost of production, der. The next convention will be held 1933 Agriculture Year Book which he at a reasonable discount. See Geo. with the Pepper Brothers, is seriously announces A. G. Lunn, heed of the here in Coquille with Mrs. Jack Leach will be pleased to send to anyone ap McClellan at the Southwestern Mo ill in Los Angeles. He was packed poultry department. Included will be as president, Mrs. George Burr as plying as long as they last. The book tor Co. and ready to start fbr Power* when reports from experiment station vice president and Mrs. Carl Ensele contains an abundance of information especially valuable to farmers and the death of his grandchild caused a workers on the chief developments In as secretary. USED CARS * students of agriculture, and authentic this field during the past year. Those attending the convention in relapse and in his weakened condition 2'1 reports on livestock, wheat, hops, Durant Coach Powers from Coquille were Mrs. he has not been able to recover. Jack Page, Mrs. Al Burch, Mrs. M. D. fruits and vegetables are given. Ad 27 Chevrolet Roadster Knife Hospital Notes The miners of Johnson creek and Sherrard. Mrs. F. E. Bennett, Mrs. dress Mr. Mott at Salem and a copy 25 Dodge Pickup their lawyer. Dal King of Myrtle Mrs. J. H. Hawkins, of Bridge, un- M Chevrolet Sedan George Burr, Mrs. M. McGuffin, Miss will be forwarded to you. Point, held a meeting in Powers Mon derwent a major operation at the Mary Burr, Mrs. F. Price, Mrs. Wil M Ford Sedan day evening. The property in ques hands of Dr. Jas. Richmond last Mon See Mansell Drayage A Delivery 29 Chevrolet Cabriolet liam Peart, Mrs. Carl Ensele and Mrs. tion is on Johnson creek, and is claim day. Co. for Alpine coal. Orders filled 29 International Delivery. Jack Leach. ed by Bill Mason, of Bandon. Harold, 15-year old son of Mr. and promptly. M Ford Truck—Stake Body. Mrs. Perry Neal, of Fairview, under J. D. Bell’s Birthday Surprise 25 Star Sedan Brewster Valley went a double hernia operation, Wed 27 Paige Sedan. WHY GET UP NIGHTS? A surprise birthday party was very Those to take dinner Friday at the nesday. 29 Ford Pickup Make Thia 25c Teet home of Mr .and Mrs. W. A. Nickaeon Mrs. H. S. Cadman, who had been successfully carried out at the home This easy bladder physic is needed 30 Chrysler Coupe. / of J. D. Bell, secretary of the Moose to drive oat impurities^ and excess 30 Chev Truck. were: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson and receiving treatment for several days, family. Minor Mead, Mrs. Fannie Al submitted to an operation for goitre Lodge here. Social chat, ^anecdotes acids which cause irritation that re 51 Chev. 157 in. Truck and selections by the radio, occupied sults in leg pains, backache, burning 30 ford, Mr. and. Mrs. C. M. Wilson, yesterday. Tan Chevrolet Sport Roadster and petting up nights. BU-KETS, the ,Perley and Edwin Crowley, and Carl Mrs. Joe Scolari and small aon were the evening. Those present who hon bladder physic, containing buchu, Anthony Steel Dump Bed ored the surprised host were Mr. and juniper oil, etc. works on the bladder Groves. able to leave the hospital this morn Logging Trailer A bunks pleasantly and effectively, similar to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Taylor left ing and return to their home just Mr». J. L. Child and her sister, Mrs. castor oil on the bowel«. Get a 25c St nson of Myrtle Point, Mr. and Mrs. box (5 grain size) from your drug Tuesday for Creswell, where they are north of CoquiTle. C. B. Young and son, Charles. Mr. and gist. After four days, if not relieved employed during the cherry season. Mrs. Mildred Benham and Mrs. Ivan Old Papers, good-sited package at Mrs. Ion Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. of getting up night» go back and get Dondono, Mra. Ira Chase and Mrs. your money. You are bound to feel Laird made a business trip to Coquille The Sentinel for * eenta. after this cleansing and you SOUTHWESTERN MOTOR CO. C. C. Gardner. Sandwiches, cake and better to get canning peas from Chris Terras. get your regular sleep. Sold by Fuhr- Coquille, Oregon Phene N-J coffee concluded the evening. man s Pharmacy. The regular aseetisg of the Ladies Calling cards 100 far «LOO. 4* Want Ads