Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1932)
«’» äs *T*< wr 4»f«-r?T3iSyi I •jr, sjy ■ « ■ : r ' .<■ ■ UZ - r ' i‘: » ■ ‘V> • * - w f * "1 r-i I .... ..................... I ■a . >■» T • T 'I The outcome of the present campaign for United States Senator will affect everyone in the lumber business, whether employer or employee, to such an extent that we are asking our employees and those with whom wo do busi- nes to join us in helping re-elect I q I II » • * *• |l ff r WITHOUT !< I ■ 11 /> J J ' ' Frederick Steiwer * •• ■ * ■ -fl i reading. Bo sou to his ■y * .<!-•• ' *•* % ■ '• v ■ . ■ '•..; ■* Planting of •« r ,v /■ *. 7 41 4 People’s Diviaion meet at 8:80 p, m. for devotionala. Boy* and Girls’ World Club meeta at 8:80 p. a*, in Pioneer HaH, Mr*. Chan. H. (tending in charge. Prayer meeting Wedneaday evening Choir rehearsal Saturday evening. Special vocal musical number* at both service* Sunday and some old favorite hymn* will be rendered by the choir on request juat before th* sermon Sunday evening. A cordial welcome awaits all at ail of our services. If you do not wor ship elsewhere com* with us for we ¿U‘. t* 0* ì * '"'f >- * "' j- "' e. ’ • «BNATOR PRBMRIOK «TBIWU* I United States Senator from the State of Oregon I. » ■ xs The fact that our two saw-mill* are operating today ia largely due to the import tax of $3.00 per thousand feet which was added to the existing tariff of $1.00 per thousand feet in July. _ __ No one devoted more effort and influence to securing that levy or foreign lumber than FREDERICK STEIWER. Oregonians whose jobs today are due to the shutting out of (anadtan. Dougta Kr Lumber from' our American marketshare obligated to FREDERICK STEIWER. Let us show our appreciation by sending FREDERICK STEIWER back to the United States Senate where he can eoRttauo to safeguard American labor and capital empWyod in the petition of foreign producers. t J’’-» V»? COOS BAY LUMBER CO. I at 7:80 p. J..! Riverton News A rtudent body mtettag wu held ia th* high school WedMaday afternoon at which it was decided to give • H.l- low*’** dance and party in th* high •chool auditorium next Friday eve ning. Coatom** can b* worn or net a* tho gnmta choose. Kvsry member of th* student body and alumni i* a*k*d to coma and b rin g a friend. George Martin was injured a few day* ago, while coming beck from hi* fish net*, when a wheel that had come off a passing ear struck him. AH the teacher* from Riverton at tended the Institute last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cooper and chil dren, Terrell and Kenneth, have mov ed back to their home in Myrtle Point. Walter Smith and family and Mm. Ben Smith and »on, Eira, went to Coquille Sunday to see Robert Smith, wbo ia in tho Knife hospital. Mr. and Mr*. Frederick Bock Jour neyed to Cre*well and other valley potato after attending tho Teacher*’ Institute at Marshfield Friday. They returned Sunday evening. Mrs. Led* Alpine ha* been Ul at her homo for th* past few day*. Mr*. Irene Gaaner was given a mis cellaneous bridal shower at the homo of her mother, M m . Mary Curie, of Parkersburg last Saturday afternoon. Mr*. Marika E Mulkey visited •chool for a short Mme Thureday. COOS BAT LOGGING CO. lira—LlraU North Bra*. On. (Paid Adv.) X A good spiritual meaaago. 8:30 p. m. Five Chrietina Endeavor Turner B. MacDonald, Paator societies moot for devotional*. Sunday 10:00 a. m. Bible School. Wednesday, 7:30 p. a*. Prayer moot Ned C. Kelley, superintendent. A de ing. John Sandero, loader. partment for all age*. Wo extend a welcome to all church 11:00 o’clock. Sermon by th* paator. service*. s eSL-'—üi. ar Church of Christ t 1 School "Juggling” Bill WARNING Don’t be MISLED! I j I Fra* public Itoadiag Boam opan ia Church Building •very Ttwaday and Friday afternoon* «teapt holiday* baas two to Iva o’otoek. The public ia cordially invited to at tend our *crv ices and to visit tho Beading Boom. Destructive Expansion is proposed under the guise of Economy and Consolidation, by the Zorn • Macpherson School "Juggling" Bill G. A. Gray, Paator. 107 E. 2nd St., Coquille, Ore. which actually.,. Edwina, Loda and Jack Grove», Jam«* Crowioy, Looter and Hanoi Durcll, Hanoi Taylor and Christina Christen- j I I * Mr. * 1 r-.- VOTE 317 x Not-“.: F b •, ■ Zi'*/”1 A ; ■ ' ■ ■■■ ‘ ».