Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1931)
Miss Marion Atchison was ed guest at a delightful bridge luncheon given that day. Miss Atchi How often it’s needed to help son is one of Marshfield’s popular solves ths intricate monetary young ladies and for the past year problems that confront the has been in nursas’ training at the St. business man of today! As Vincents Hospital and at present is enjoying her vacation. About the one of our depositors you can rooms were baskets of mixed flowers call upon bankers fortified which decorated the home prettily for with long experience and ma the occasion. The honored guest re ture judgment — ready to ceived a lovely gift, also Miss Mehl give you the advice you need won the high score prise, MiM T Schwartz the consolation. —al waya eager and abl On Tuesday evening MiM Cary advise you intelligently. again entertained for two young la Snowy white. Best quality. Compare the differ dies, MI m Doretta Devereux, of Port ence at Safeway. land, and her sister, Miss ThereM Devereux, of San Francisco who, af ter spending a few days at the Cary residence, left Wednesday for their homM. After playing bridge with honor prize going to Miss Frednh Baxter, consolation to MiM Katherine Pure Cider full strength in bulk. qm for a new tasty flavor in your salad Jane Hastier and the honored guests Gallon .............................. ZOC each receiving a gift, delicious re 12 ox. jar 13c Full Qt. freshments were served, Mrs. Leo J. Cary assisting her daughter in serv- ing. Guests for the two parties were: tho Court for the following relief: from Bandon, Mrs. John Devereux, far those golden pancakes. 4^ Hsppyvale Fancy Alaska Pink. For a decree dissolving the marriage between plaintiff and defendant in MisMs Margaret Best, Margaret Tut 4 lb. bag« m 1 lb. Tall Can.................... >1 the above cbum and for an order and tle, Margaret Walstrom, Florence and decree that plaintiff have the care, Catherine Thrift, Betty Zentner, custody and control of Grace Whit- Lucille Rasmussen; Marshfield, Mm. : ney, Nellie Whitney and Helen Whit Safeway quality, fancy cream- ney, minor children of said marriage. Atchison, Mrs. Thos. Devereux, Miss ry. Lfc. | This summons is served upon you es Berths Scott, Elvers Airola, Pa Extra Choice quality for cooking. OQr» by publication in the Coquille Valley tricia McKenna, Eleanor Dolan, Sentinel, a newspaper publihaed Billie Gardner, Mary and Phyllis Mc 4 lbs. weekly at Coquille, Oregon, under and by virtue of an order of J. T. Carthy, Lillian Wanesek, Lucille Mc Brand, Judge of the above entitled Lain, Alice McLain, Irene Stack, Doria Court made and entered on the 21st Nelson, Veida Lewie, Emma Belle Side Bacon Bacon Squares day of July, 1831. Stadden, Maxine Johnson, Nedia Fancy whole Sweets or sweet mixed. Cauco Grant Corby, Light weight—fine for Attorney for Plaintiff, Schwarts, Jane Sullivan and Maria Residence and Post Office Address, McCorkle, of Boiae, Idaho; Constance Full Qt. 35c Coquille, Oregon. 28t5 Woodard, of Pasadena, Calif. Co quille guests were Misses Doris Kay, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Pauline Ellingsen, Gertrude Mehl, Notice is hereby given that the un Jean Pierce, Barbara Richmond, dersigned has been duly appointed by Harriot the County Court of the State of Katherine Jane Hassler, Oregon for Coos County a« the Exe Gould, Fredah Baxter, Jeanette Pook, Today's most popular toilet soap. cutor of the Last Will and Testament Marietta Hufford, Eleanor Folsom, 3pcciil price. of Elizabeth J. Wright, Deceased. All persons having claims against Marvin Jane Hawkins, Florence and 4 bars the estate of aaid said Deceased are here Dorothy Cary, Mm. Walter Bingham by required to present them th. to the and MiM Bernice Oongleton, of Lex undersigned with the proper vouchers at the law offices of J. i. Stanley in ington, Ky. During the evening sev First National Bank Building in Co eral delightful musical number* quille, Coos Comity, Oregon, within were enjoyed. Mia* Billie Gardner six months from the date of this no- gave I* humorous reading and also Fancy hardwheat, you can Hardwheat Blend, our larg- , tice. Florence Cary, who la a talented compere it with any high-44 Dated this Slot day of July, 1981. harpist, gave several interesting harp priced flour with our guar- R Richmond, antee of satiafaction. I solos. ________ Executor. 49Ib.bat * Tuesday the members of thg.Jupt- for Executor. a-mere club and their mothers wers invited to spend the day with Mm. "js A. Lamb at her cottage on the Ban In the Circuit Court of the State of don beach. At noon a picnic lunch Oregon for C om County Douglas Building and Loan Associa wm served, which was foHowe^pith or Kerr Regular Mason Special Roast, tion, a corporation. Plaintiff, the afternoon pleasantly BpWt in vs. sewing and converMtion. Motoring Ruby Irene Panter, Evelyn Punter, Helen Panter and Addison Gardener down were Mesdames L.P. Maury, Punter, and W. R. Panter, adminis Emma Lyons, Addie Hacker, Sarah trator of the estate of Allen R Wickham, C. C. Extend, Lyman Car Panter, deceased, Defendants. rier, M. 0. Hawkins, Piaui Van Scoy, To Addison Gardener Panter, de- I OFTl Best, tender, oweet, local Bantam. C. J. Fuhrman. F. L. G reenough, Note fondant: 14 lbs. <»■ all bog) Z / C IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Osmundson, R. A. Wernieh, H. A. OF OREGON, you are hereby re Young, J. L. Smith, Bert Folsom, quired to appear and answer plain A. J. Sherwood, 0. C. Sanford, L. tiff’s complaint against you now on VJTIlOriS Oregon Globes ViUUUS Firm, well-eared 9 15c file in the above entitled court and Hazard, and Mm. F. G. Jennings, The best Elbertaa for canning. We have cause on or before tho last day of the Tillamook, Oregon. time prescribed in the order for pub at the lowest market prices, lication of tins summons, to-wit: on or Mm. Minnie McCloskey Lester, window and store display» for f before the 11th day of September, Corcoran, Calif., was honored at a 1981, Mid day being the expiration additional money »aving value» of four weeks from the date of the luncheon party given by Mrs. Inez first publication of this eummons, the Chase Tuesday at her home at 824 time prescribed for publication being W. Third 9t. The luncheon tables COQUILLE, OREGON Store No. 469 once a week for four consecutive were very prettily decorated with weeks, and if you fail so to appear and answer, for want thereof, the zinnias and other cut flowers. A two- plaintiff will apply to the court for course luncheon won enjoyed end lat the relief demanded in Mid complaint, er sewing. The hostess was assisted a succinct statement of which is as by her two daughters, Misses Pauline ments which plaintiff has paid on the line of said Lot Eleven, Eleven, one hundred proponed la the follows, to-wit: for judgment against >t to the point lint of beginning; | »1784.11, and that the the boundaries ____________ of first mortgage in aaid decree men six feet defendant Ruby Irene Ranter in the and Genevieve Chase. Guests present tioned since the commencement of said m< iates and bounds lying in Sec- the district proposed to bo assessed sum of »1,380.66 together with inter were Mr». Lester, Mm. Judkins, both said suit, and which it may hereafter tions Twenty-ofix Twenty-six ________ and Thirty-five of are as follows, to-wit: est thereon at ten per eent per annum of Corcoran; Mrs. C. A. Schroder, i>ay before redemption, if redemption Township Twenty-dive South, nth, Range Beginning at the Southeast corner Willamette .............. of Lot 2, Block 3, Nosier's Addition s made; and pursuant to said decree Thirteen West of the ~ to the City of Coquille; thence West and order of sale of Mid court in Meridian in Coos County, Oregon. The property above described is to the Southwest comer of said Lot •»aid cause, and the execution issued thereunder, I, H. E. Hess, as Sheriff intended to include in the aggregate 2; thence North to the Southwest cor »100.00 as attorney’s fees, and foe J. H. McCloskey. of »aid county, at ten o’clock in the all the so-called Waterfront Property ner of Lot 4 of said Block 8; thence plaintiff*» coats and disbursements; forenoon of September 21at, 1931, and Smith Terminal Dock Property, West to the Southwest corner of Lot that the pledge of ten shares of stock NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE at the south door of the court house East of the East line of Front Street 4, Block 1 of said Nosier's Addition; of the plaintiff represented by certi Circuit Court of the 8tate of of said County, in the (Sty of Co- and the Southern Pacific Company’s thence North to the Northwest cor ficate No. 499 be foreclosed, and the la tho Oregon ?uille, Coos County, Oregon, will sell Railroad Right-of-way as it extends ner of Lot 7 of Mid Block 1; thence In and For Coos said stock sold as upon execution and or cash, at public auction to the some eleven hundred thirty-eight feet West 176 feet: thence North 244 SANTA < ’ RIZ <>U F$?RTI,AND CE that the proceeds be applied upon said highest and best bidder, subject to re more or lees from the South side of i feet; thence feast 87 feet; thence judgment; that the mortgage made by MENT COMPANY, a Corporation, demption in the manner and within Central Avenue on the North to the North 190 feet; thence West 190 feet; Allen R. Panter and Ruby Irene the time by law provided, the follow North side of Ferry Street on the thence North 280.2 feet to the South Plaintiff, Panter to plaintiff upon the following ing described real property and all South, together with all tenements, Tine of 10th street; thence East to ___ versus deacribed real property situated in SMJITH TERMINAL DOCK, iNC., a the right, title, interest and estate hereditaments, appurtenances, rights- the Northeast corner of Lot 6, Block Coos County, Oregon, to-wit: Corporation, C. F. McGeorge, Ruby which defendant Smith Terminal of-way, licenses and privileges there- ’ 7 of North Addition to City of Co- Lot numbered ten (10) in block J. McGeorge. Charles F. MoGeorgo, Dock, Inc., and which any and all to appertaining, and appurtenances; quille; thence South to place of bo- numbered forty-two (42) of Wood Jr., R. A. McGeorge, William J. otheT defendants had on November also any and all right, title, interest ginning.__________ land Addition to the City of Bandon Conrad and Laura Conrad, Ms wife, 14, 1929, and which they and - or any and - or estate acquired by mid Smith I NOW, THEREFORE, all persons in said county and state, as shown by J. Albert Matson and Virginia Mat- of them have since acquired by oper Terminal Dock, Inc. and - or any per- interested will take notice that mid the recorded map or plat thereof, son, his wife, Cooa Bay Terminal ation of law or otherwise in or to the son claiming under it and - or any , property ssaeesment has been ap- be foreclosed in the manner provided Dock Co., Inc., Defendants. following described real property to- defendant herein in any and all prop- portioned and is now on file in tne by law and the said real property of the City Recorder and by erty adjoining or abuting Mid tracts office ~ Notice is hereby given that undor , wit: sold as upon eroscuticx, the proc. <i dr and pursuant to the decroo of the ! Lott Otw‘to Eleven inclusive, of and -Ot eonnected tk»nzw:th, improve csfwMoo is hereby made a part here of sale to be applied upon th» ex above entitled court and cat» o made Block Four of E, B. Dean 4 Co.’s Sec ments, additions or replacements of, subject to examination, and any pense. sale, the costa and disburse diwburse- and entered on August 14. 1981, in ond Addition to Marshfield, Oregon, since the giving over of plaintiffs and all objections to such apporion- -““ j of *a)e, ments of thia suit, including attorney's case No. 9688, in favor of plaintiff and tract Twenty-two adjacent. Mid first mortgage, November 14, 1929. ment should be made in writing to fees, and then upon the th payment of against the defendants, the Common Council and filed within H. E. Hess, wherein tract being by metes and bounds des ’ou be forever plaintiff recovered judgment against cribed m follows: Mid judgment; that tl _ ______ Sheriff of Said County fifteen day» from the date of the first birred and foreclosed of all right, the defendant Smith Terminal Dock, Beginning at the Southeast corner 32t5 ■ ' By P. W. Culver, Deputy publication of this notice; that such title and interest in aoM mortgaged Inc., „„ w first uw cause of suit in the _ of Ix>t Eleven of Block Four of E. objections, if any, together with Mid on , its B. Dean 4 Co.’s Second Addition to NOTICE OF PROPOSED ASSESS proposed MSOMmont, will be hoard frtte^bT.’pSinJd to t&: d^e I tt"-r“ e °- f and determined by the Common Coun __ ■__ ________ . Marshfield, Oregon: thence running MENT a rfiteiver le appointed to take charge from date of said decree and the fur- South .01 degree West, six hundred cil before the passage of any Ordin of Mid mortgaged property; and for ther sum of »16,387.28 with interest eighteen feet more or 1 ms along Har- For the Costa and Expenses of the ance adopting the Mid assessment of a Sewer on North and any such objections will be heard general relief. thereon at the rate of ten per coot bor Line; thence South .07 degrees 26 Construction Henry Street hi the City of Co This summons is published in The per annum from date of »aid decree; m.nutes Eaat, two hundred forty-five and considered by the Common Coun quille. C om Comity, Oregon Coquille Valley Sentinel, a nmrxpaper for the further ewn of »1550.0d with feet, more or less along Harbor Line cil of Mid City at a regular meeting published in Coos County, Oregon, by interest thereon at the rate of six tea point on the North line of Ferry to be hold in the Council Chamber at order of Hon. J. T. Brand, judge of per eent per annum from the date of Street produced; thence West along NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Hall in the Mid City of Co- the above entitled court, made and said decrees; and on its second cause tho North line of Ferry Street one on the 20th day of August, 1931, quille, Oregon, at seven-thirty o’clock of suit for the further sum of »36,- hundred forty-one foot more or les» to there was filed m the Office of the P M. m Tuesday, the 8th day of ixo 99 with intereat at tho rate of six the East line of Front Street and the City Recorder in the City of Co- September. 1931. i Mid Recorder and ______ NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN per eent per annum from date of said Southern Pacific Company’s Railroad quille. Oregon, * by Committee on Streets, ___ a proposed decree and its costa and disburse- Right of Way: thence North along the __________________ assessment for the coots and expenses menta taxed at »18.80 and interest the East line of Front Street and the _______ 2 of __ a J sewer on on Mid costs and disbursementa at Southern Pacific Company’s Railroad of the construction S. Street to the rate of six percent from the date Right of Way eight hundred sixty- Henry Street from Seventh <>f Mid decree; all of Mid sums being three feet more or lees to the South Tenth Street in the < City of Coquille, decreed a Hen upon the property in lin • f Lot Eleven of Block Four, E. C om County, Oregon, i, and that the aaid decree and hereinafter described, B. a^sut 4 Ce.’s Second Addition to whole cost of the con together with all taxM and install- MarsMMd; thence Boat along South sewer and the total GREATER SAVING Can Be Made at Safeway Features for Saturday and Monday, Aug. 22, 24 SHORTENING 3 lbs. T he F irst N ational B ank 29c ... Salad Dressing VINEGAR Pancake Flour SALMON 10c O Butter BLACK FIGS Smoked Meat Values PICKLES 15c Camay Soap FLO UR Corona VALUES Safeway Green T .09 “l •*l,ing Th‘‘ *” h***1 49 lb. bag $ 1.05 49 lb. bag 85c Fruit Jars Pints 69c Quarts 73c Lb. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables 15c doz. 19c Potatoes X*A Dillard Peaches