Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1929)
Boy Wanted at Home to All Telling About People Evente in the City and Count/ School will reopen next Monday in Coquille after the two weeks’ holiday vacation. , Call Farr A Elwood for transfer and fuel. Arthur Pulford left this week for Corvallis where he entered O. S. C., taking the pro-law course. / Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Jacobson return ed the first of the week from their holiday trip to Ferndale, Calif. Court Adopts A tplegram trom C. A. Sweaters, sheriff at Riverside, Calif, was re ceived by the sheriff's office here Wednesday afternoon, asking if a ooy by the name of Lester Weaver could be found in Coquille, and re questing an answer. Deputy Sheriff Osmond had just oeen interviewing the young man, after receiving word from a news service company in Portland, that the lad was thought to have come north with Gordon Stewart Northcott last summer when things were becoming too hot for that fiend and monster who had mistreated and murdered an unknown number of young boys in southern California. , •Young Weave» den: içd having -Young jnt have re- known Northcott and migL. ------------ tained his freedom but for another wire, this time from the sheritf'at El Mr. and Mrs. C. Di Walker returned Centro, Calif., who asked that he bo Saturday evening from their two detained if found here. weeks’ trip to Seattle for the holidays ■ No further word was received yes Robt. L. Medley is wearing-his terday from either place, blit .Lester forehead in a bandage as the result of is still in jail. being under a falling electric light He claims to have left his home in . '■ ■ * . ■ £1 Centro and after stopping a few meter. W. F. Jenkins, of the local Skaggs weeks in Yreka to have met Mr. and M m . Karl Baker and at bar anlicita- --------- store, was called to Eugene Sunday by the serious illness of his father and tion to have come here with them. Mr. Baker is a bootblack and janitor has not yet returned. nt re and the boy has been acting as Call Abe Flewelling, general mana "‘shine ” in the Woodford barber shop ger Western Coal Co. at Riverton for and attending school. high grade domestic and steam coal. A later statement by the sheriff’s Phone 501X. Coquille. office here was that Weaver had no Jno. Q. Sailor returned last Sunday connection with Northcott but was lo- from hia visit in southern (California, caied and held at the request of His and says he was never so glad to get mother who did not know where he anywhere as be was to reach home. was. This morning Deputy Sheriff Os- Judge J. T. Brand left last evening mond received a telegram from the to attend the state judicial council to boy’s stepfather stating that a ticket be held in Portland. He will be back had been sent for Lester to come home for the regular motion day next Tues day. once. et Arthur Berg Addresses Lions There were very few present to At the meeting of the Lions Chib object to the adoption of the Coos yesterday noon, Mayor-elect J. Arthur county budget by the county court Berg was present as the guest of one laat Monday. of the members and responded to an Ben S. Fisher, secretary of the Coos invitation to address the members, Taypayers Association, was the only I with a talk on civic improvements and one to offer objections to the various needs along the lines elsewhere quoted items, and those attacked were ones in an interview. .. which he claimed were appropriations He also stressed the need of an avi unauthorized by law. He stated that ation field and airport somewhere in he bad been unable to secure a meet the vicinity of Coquille, and appeal ing of the association directors and ed to the Lions to continue their ef that his recommendations were made forts to secure one somewhere in the after conaultation with ten out of county. Coos county cannot afford to twelve of ..them. be without such a field, as the air The total amount which he asked to transportation business increases, was be cut from the budget was between I his declaration, and a field in the $20,900 and $30,000. Many of the county would assure an aviation school items were small and he frankly ad I and airplane sales depot in conjunc- mitted that several of them were mat | tion was his conclusion. Capt. Bloom, of the traffic depart ter» on which the association had ho ment, with headquarters in Albany,, information.. The largest item attacked was the was also present and responded brief $20,000 item for the Marshfield-East- ly- W. E. Coleman, member of the Myr side ferry for which the company operating it has a three-year contract, tle Point den, and R. E. Jeub, attend running two yeara yet. After hear- L ing his first Session in more than a ing Mr. Fisher question the validity month, also responded to requests for of the ferry’s operation by the county, I remarks. I. I I — I ■ ■ - Super Cream . To those who really want to enjoy the wintry out- of-doors and yet desire to retain lovely, soft white skin, we recommend daily applications of LEMON COCOA BUTTER LOTION and SKIN CREAM Lotion and Cream ‘ 50 cents each Lemon and cocoa butter combined make the best possible skin treatment to restore vitality to the tissues. Use them frequently. You may secure both the lotion and the skin cream at the court cut the item from .the bud- Frank Osmond brought up a matter, gets, hut did add $20,000 to the enter-1 called to hia attention by County School Superintendent Mulkey, that needs investigation. That is the in creasing use of cigarettes by small boys. The statement was made that mere children could buy them, al though their sale to anyone under 21 is prohibited by law. Thia brought Supt W. V. Ferguson to hie feet with the declaration thit not only high school and .junior high boys, were addicted to the use of ci STATIONERS DRUGGISTS garettes, but that even in the fifth and sixth grades the boys were using them in larger percentage than he had ever seen elsewhere^ __ . JEq.Start a Kinriergartan Mr. Berg assured the club that the Anyone interested in- sending chil matter would be investigated and if dren to kindergarten after January 8, A. F. A A. M. illegal sales were being made here 1929, please call 72-J. Competent in that an example would be made of the Spedai Communication struction under certified teacher. Fun offender. Wed„ Jan. 9. Work in E. A. damentals in French and Music if de sired. Ages, 3-6. Hrs., 9:30 to 12 ■■ 1 ■ • a. m. and 1:30 to 3:30 p. m. Rates. Caution of Librarian 72-J os call at 409 S. Coulter • If you want to subscribe for a Port Carried to Extremes St. Phone between 9 a. m. and 11:80 a. m. land daily the clubbing combination “If I might have my wish, I would we offer with the Pentins! will save desire to have no other person than thia llbraw, and U> be chained tvgeth- The Oregon Farmer can now be se you money. er with so many great anthers." King cured in connection with the Sentinel James I was paying a atate visit to for 26 cents a year; 26 copies a year. Calling carta 100 for SUO. the Bodleian library at Oxford in 1005 when he made the remark. He called Sir Thomas Bodley a public servant of extreme caution. Sir Thomas had every book chained to the shelves of the institution. No visitor, even though it be the king himself, was allowed to enter the building until the locka had been inspected and Thund”secure. On no pretense was any volume allowed to leave the premises. Books too small for chains were locked behind wire gratings. Seekers of knowledge could view the precious tomes and, like King James, go away expressing their admiration of Sir Thomas as a Jail keeper of the spirits of wisdom. But that was all they could do. Bodley himself finally admitted that “the multiplicity of chains’* was in terfering with “the sight and show of the books.” But that was all he did about It—just admitted that it was too bad. King James one day got up enough courage to suggest that it would be very nice if Sir Thomas would let him read a few of the books and even promised not to tell what was in them, but Sir Thomas, shocked, pained qpd grieved, reminded his majesty that to be a bookworm was an ambl tion unworthy of a king. So the books stayed on the shelves and the locks stayed locked—Detroit News. gency fund so that the incoming court would not be hampered. The total cut from the budget by the court was $3500, and $4300 was added to the amount budgeted for reduction of warrant indebtedness. None of the items on which a fight was expected to materialize, those for the county agent work, health de- partment, live stock inspector and personal property tax collector, were changed by the court materially. After the court had ffffUhed it« wi torations in the budget, a total of $770,084.10 was approved. The es- tlmated revenue is $125,284.10, which leaves $644,800 to be raised by taxa tion. Cuts made in the proposed budget before its final adoption, include the following items: Circuit Court, $960. Of this amount $300 was for holding chambers ses sions in Marshfield. Sheriff’s office, $920. I County Clerk’s office, $800. I County Treasurer’s office, $484.50. I Tax Rebates, $500. County Fairs, $150, which includes a $100 cut for the state fair and re- duces the Coquille Corn Show appro priation from $250 to $200. Publicity, $100. Louise Home, Boys & Girls Aid So ciety, Florence Crittenden Home,I $360. This leaves them with no. sup-1 I port from Coos county. v Statutory school provisions, $761.29 Improvement of county parks, $1,- 000. It was from Illinois, and not Cor vallis, that Mrs. C. L. Wijley and Mias Return From Cold Country Elva returned a couple of weeks ago. R. E. Jeub and T. B. Currie returned They had been visiting there since Sunday morning from their month’s September. trip east to their old homes, the latter Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Selbig are ex in Council Bluffs, Iowa, and the for pected home today from their trip to mer in Minneapolis, Minn. They met Portland on which they left Dec. 22. at Billings, Mont., on the homeward Selbig" is manager of the Swift trip. Mr. SeTbig* Mr. Jeub says he doesn't like cold plant here. weather any more and the 16 degrees A. L.Nosier returned Wednesday ** evening from Hillsboro, Ore., where below aero brand caused him to hug the furnace moat of the time. 1 he went a couple of weeks ago to He tells of the prices at which two his eon, C. H. spend Christmas with of the largest lumber manufacturers Nosier, and family. in the country sell fir lumber, at Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Miller and her <11.60 per thousand on the cars here father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. for rough fir, which perhaps is E. Anderson who are here from Iowa doubled for planed and finished lum spending the winter, returned Tues ber. To thia must be added the $18 day from a week’s trip to Portland. freight bill, and when the retailer The regular meeting of the Coquille adds his profit it costs the builder Woman’s Club will be hold st the L. from $90 to $140 per thousand. Mr. Jeub was greatly pleased to H. Hazard home next Tuesday, Jan. Gives Credit to Newspapers 8, at 2 p. m. All members are ne- reach the milder coast- climate. Mr. Currie says that the middle Jack Adams, advertising manager quested to be present promptly at west was a fine place to live until the of the Mt. States Power Co., with that time. Pacific coast was discovered. He had headquarters at Albany, was a Co Homer C. Gant left Tuesday morn the flu almost as soon as he arrived quille visitor this morning. He made ing for Doty, Wash., to spend a week in Iowa. a statement that is of especial with friends. He expects to join interest to newspapers and advertis Lucky Bonney, who left last evening, ers, which was that the company fig Killed Dogs for Running Deer in Portland tomorrow and they will Deputy Gamd Warden C. A. Hear ures their 22 per cent increase in the return-home Sunday. sale of electrical appliances in 1928 ing found a real booster for game con The Geo. Ur.soeld family on Mon- servation last week. He had been up over 1927 was due to their newspaper day moved into the home he pur- advertising. And he further stated on Hall’s creek, where dogs had been chased of E. W. Greeg a month ago. running deer and notified the owner that from the increased budget for Mr. and Mrs. Gregg are now occupy of a part of them. This owner split advertising in 1929, 82 per cent would ing their handsome new home on the up his pack and put a stop to his be used for newspaper advertising. There are 98 daily and weekly news corner of the same block. dogs’ practice. But when the game papers in the territory. Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Leslie re warden went back last week he caught The Coos Bay division, which in two more in the act. He captured turned to their home in Eugene Tues cludes all of Coos .county, led al) day after spending a couple of weeks them and took them to their owner, other divisions last'year in the sale with their parents, Judge and Mrs. B7TE. Watkins. Although he seemed of electrical appliances. The most Tickled R. H. Mast and Mr. and Mrs. F. G. to think a good deal of them, Mr. popular electrical equipment were I Leslie, and other relatives and friends. Watkins asked Mr. Hearing to kill at Forestalling Pitt and washing machines, over them. The latter refused but offered ranges 1,000 of each being sold in their en-1 One January evening, the Manches Upon the return of Wm. Hull to his gun and ammunition for Mr. duties as clerk of the Hotel Coquille tire territory. Domestic irons also ter (Eng.) Guardian relates. Dr. Man Watkins to do it himself, and he did ners Sutton was giving a dinner party Wednesday morning, after his three reached the 1,000 mark. it Mr. Hearing apparently appreci at bis deanery at Windsor, when a weeks’ vacation, Lafe Compton left ates that kind of co-operation for he visitor was announced, who insisted immediately for Portland on business, commended Mr. Watkins as a good1 New Year Greeted With a Bang upon seeing him immediately. Sut expecting to be back the last of the sport.” Coquille quite vociferously wel ton, in no very amiable mood, went week. comed the new youngster, 1929, Mon into the bail, to find George 11 stand Mrs. Martha E. Mulkey, county day night the ringing of church ing there. Comedy Netted 86.55 “How d’ye do? How d’ye do?” said school superintendent of Coos county, The Monotony Killers production, bells, firing of guns and blowing of the king, genially. ••Come to let you was honored at the meeting of the “Joshua Whitcomb,’’ was presented to whistles. Steam-was kept up in the know you're archbishop of Canterbury state association of superintendents boilers of the Smith Wood Products —archbishop of Canterbury. D’ye ac- a splendid audience at the Liberty by re-election as secretary of that Inc. plant, tried out for the first time cept D’ye accept? Eli?” The aston- Theatre last Friday evening and was body. She was in attendance at the that day, so that the lever could be Isbed dean could only bow In token thoroughly enjoyed by them all. Gross meeting. • tied down and its ahrill blast helped of acceptance. receipts were $144.25 and the enter “All rlgljt.’" said the king, “See usher in a new era of development in Ray Gibson, of Bandon, was fined in tainment organisation received $86.55 Coquille, as well as the new born year. you’ve got a party. Go back to your Justice Stanley’s court last Saturday as its share. After paying royalty, guests.” And he departed, chuckling for shooting between the hours of advertising, their donation to the at having forestalled Pitt, who rode J. L. Smith Much Improved sunset and half an hour before sun good cheer committee, and other ex- posthaste to Windsor next morning rise. He was fined $25 and costs. Dense«, they added about $25 to the Word from J. L. Smith, since he to suggest another nominee for the .The arrest was made by Deputy War funds in their treasury. went to Portland for treatment last office, only to find It filled. den Hearing. Every one in the cast did especially week, is most encouraging. As soon well and their presentation wm as a brace is made, which he can wear Sagacious Elephant» W. H. Mansell, who left a couple of warmly applauded. inaisixx n al«». ____ p inside a shoe, the compensation de “Bring the elephant around at nine," weeks ago for Oakland, Calif., for his partment physician says he can bear is quite the convention first order of annual visit with his mother and weight on his foot and it is only by the day when traveling in portions of Flu Closed Beauty Shop friends at his old home, is expected the Malay states, according to Robert Miss Edith Pomeroy, of the Beauty use that the nerve, which has caused back in a few days. Mrs. Mansell and him so much trouble, will be brought V. Walton of New York, now in Maid Shop in the Drane building, the E. A. Walker family who wenti Toky»--___________________________ Tn Siam. Mr. Wulton said, the ele down prior to Mr. Mansell’s departure' are also expected home tomorrow or I7*?on ***r. P,r'or’ have been phanta work in “gangs,” with an Card of Thanks | closed this week is because both she “overseer” who is quick to reprimand 1 Sunday. We wish to thank our many friends any laziness The boss elephant ' and her father have been down with - Glen Minard, who , received his the flu. She hope« to be back in a few and neighbors for their kindness and jangles a heavy chain in the" direction sheepskin and graduated from U. of days. sympathy during our recent bereave of any shirker and, if the offensi is O. just before Christmas, has accept ment, and for the many beautiful repeated, resorts to more drastic pun ishment. When the teak logs are floral offerings- » ed a position as instructor in Chemis A. F. & A. M. Notice Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Waggoner and floated down from the north and the try at North Central High School in Special communication of Chad family. dread jam occurs, the elephants Spokane and accompanied by Mrs. quickly discover the key log and break wick Lodge No. 68. A. F. A A. M., Minard left for there Dec. 2fi. Mr. the Jam.—North China Standard. Wednesday, Jan. 9, at 7:30 p. m. and Mrs. Clyde Minard who went out Call Farr A Elwood for transfer Work in E. A. and fuel. to Eugene to spend Christmas with Auto Tops and Curtain Lights them returned home last week. ------------ —___ « made new or old ones repaired. C. E. Trespass Notices, printed on cloth. Collins Body Shop, 365 Front street, I for sale at this office. Coquille. ■I g —■ ■■ ,1 77/ Store Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc. Chadwick Lodge No. 68 Coquille Valley Sentinel Offers ItsReaders Of Any 5 King George Ï— yo»r paper end the riVE M.g.xln«« I have mark.rf -Lc subscription« ere for a full year. * ““'“d w*‘h •» T owe... ......... ..m............... ... St. or K. P. D____ _________ □ American Poultry Journal American Swineherd Capper’s Fanner □ Dairy Farmer □ Everybody’s Poultry S «• X Mew. All