The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, July 27, 1923, Image 1

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    To Attend Important Meeting
The ed itor o f the Sentinel, accom­
panied by his daughter, M^sa M arian,
who is its linotype com positor, start­
ed Tuesday, June 18, fo r a trip to
Alaska, which
spent e fu ll
month in m aking,
Thursday, July 19. I t was the first
trip either o f them had aver made to
that territo ry, end in many respects
the moet enjoyable w e had ever ex-
Beyond the crossing o f the G eorg­
ian Bay, between V ictoria end Van­
couver, B. C., neither o f us had ever
been before, end north e f Portland
the trip was new ground to the junior
member o f the Sentinel force.
From Coquille to S eattle we travel
led in our car, and m oet o f the te r­
ritory w e covered in it w e had never
before seen, so that even here in Ore­
gon w e enjoyed many new sceae>.
G oing out to Boeeburg, though, we
w ere on fa m ilia r ground, even in
m aking the detour whch wee then re­
quired on Cessna mountain. Between
that piece end Eugene, though we
the C akpooia mountains
alongside the S. P. tracks and enjoyed
seam o f O regon’s Unset scenery.
Judge K. H . H u t and J. E. Norton
are goin g to Portland Sunday evennig
to attend the m eeting o f the Stete
H ighway Commission on Monday.
Thor* are tw o things Coos county in
intonated in at this m eeting. One ia
the lottin g o f the contract fo r widen­
ing and gradin g the 1800 fe e t o f the
M yrtle Poin t road juat this aide o f
the railroad crossing.
The other ia to gat a batter allow ­
ance fo r the f 180,000 the county has
spent on the Coos Bay North high­
way. The commission allowed f ill, -
000 credit fo r this at th eir last m eet­
ing, but credit fo r only h alf o f the
m arket road- fund* eras allowed and
the court and Good Bonds Association
feel that the county is entitled to a
credit fo r a ll o f that fund i f H is un­
titled to anything, i t w ill nuke a dif-
f arance o f about $22,000 to the county.
^ W ith the power o ff fo r an hour this
noon, necessitating a long w qit fo r
the m otel pot on the linotype to heat
up again, it is e question how many
o f the mails we shell m iss today.
This sort o f thing is even m ore ex­
asperating to us than te the subscrib­
er who fa ils te g e t his Sentinel on
tim e, but w hile we depend on power
frem th « Bay, as we have fo r years,
we can do nothing to prevent irregu ­
la rity in power service her*.
sim ply havs to grin and bear it, hop­
ing that the prom ise* o f im proved ser­
W ednesday morning w e crossed at vice in the future m ay some tim e
H arrisburg the one fe rry we encoun- come true.
W illam ette and were
tered on
soon in the broken country between
Albany end Salem where prune o r ­
chards abound as they else had In
Douglas county the day before.
• A fte r dinner at Salem we were on
very fa m ilia r ground, ae our borne
had boon a t Wood burn fo r tw o years
before com ing to Coos county about
ten years ego.
The m orning o f the third day we
drove across the long bridge from
Portland to Vancouver, where we
found a splendid highw ay fo r about
h alf the w ay te Kelso, but were soon
mixed up w ith s rand budding pro­
gram that reduced our progress to
gravel road here was being paved, but
the pavem ent just laid was not yet the rasignaticn o f D r. Irw in. C. K.
rip * fo r traVel, and wo had te take Mulkey. Mrs. W . C. Chase and Mrs.
Ida Owens w ere appointed.
the h a lf th at was badly tom up.
Judge M ast mads th * suggestion to
Out o f K elso wo did but little bet­
’ he members present at this m eeting
ter, as fo r h alf w ay to Chehalia th*
that the tw o nurses should have a
car fo r th eir use as a m atter o f econ­
construction work aad it was neces­
omy, and stated that hs thought the
sary to detour over a d irt road in a
county would go 60-60 w ith th* asso­
h illy country that furnished plenty o f
ciation. Thor* waa a saving e f throe
stoop grades. These delays resulted
months’ nurse salaries th * firs t o f the
in our arrivin g at Chehalis too late
year, and there w ill be another o f tw *
to proceed farth er that night, and
or throe months before a new head can
Friday afternoon w e made the mis­
be secured, which w ill enable the court
take o f taking the high line over the
to finance their share i f the health
hills east o f th * bay to Seattle, and
association w ill provide
th* other
found tha road unpavsd and dusty fo r
h a lf o f th* coat.
about h a lf th * way. A fte r those dis­
The date Was sot fo r th* annual
agreeable experiences in Washington
m eeting at Coquille on Wednesday,
wo heartily wished w e had taken the
August 16, 192$. A t this tim e there
trip by ra il to Seattle; aad until the
w ill he elected the officers fo r the com­
road work in prog r ess betw een P ort­
ing year. E very on* is urged to got
land and th * Sound cities is finished,
out to this m eeting whether a member
w e can hardly advise any one to re-
o f th* association or not, as it is desir­
poat our experim ent w ith roads under
ed to have as representative a gath­
construction and that cannot possi­
erin g o f the people o f the county as
bly be evaded between Portland and
th* Sound coutry.
Last Friday a young follow , about
28 or 24 years o f ega, and having the
w ith some negro blood, dropped in a t
the Coquille Service Station end
bethered Paul W alker fo r two or three
hours with talk o f chartering a car
to .go to Gold Beech. Paul told him to
take the boat and g et a car at Bam
don, but he eeid he didn’t want a boa|!
rid e; it was too slow.
rifle. He was vary particular, but fin i procuring a community building,
a lly took e Savage, e new case and
The question o f how end where to
e box o f soft-aoaed shells. Pu llin g a| must such a building eras gone into
rolls o f bills hs paid John M iller $42.» at considerable length end tw * hour*
60 fo r his purchases and started. . w ere spent in discussing financing, lo-
About half w ay to Gold Beach they eating and other m atters ia connection
m et “ Penay” Sturdivant com ing op therewith.
w ith the stage end Tom Gustafson ex-1 Follow ing is the list o f recommend-
changed s e n with "Penny,” who to o k ! at ions which wars agreed upon fo r
the halflbreod on down to Gold B asel* 1 submission to the tem porary orgaal-
arrivin g there about eigh t o’clock.
ration, which w ill m eet in the city
A t three o’clock the n ext m o rn ia f k ail next W ednesday evening at eigh t
the young fello w was found den% « ’«lock.
not fa r from town, w ith e bullet hole
That e permanent organisation be
te his forehead.
I effected; that a corporation with a
W s learned from Gold Beach citk capital stock o f $20,000 he organised;
sens last evening that Firm an W ilson, that the per value e f each aha.c o f
which was the half-breed's name, had stock be $26, ead that no activa steps
gone to the house o f a g irl with whom be taken toward erectin g e building
he was in love, end a fte r attem pting until 76 per sent o f t^e stock has
to gat into the house, fired a couple been subscribed; e ll the money raised
In his pocket whan found, was a
roll o f bills containing over $100 and
» stage ticket to Bosobutg. H e haa
started fo r Portland but a fte r mach
iug here had evidently decided to go
hack aad kill the g irl, or possibly the
whole fam ily. H e had th * appearance
while here o f being somewhat out o f
W ilson had lived around Gold Beach
all hi* life, except fo r the tim e he
attended an Indian school. Ho fo r ­
m erly operated a boat on the Rogue
and had carried th* m ail between Gold
Boe<h and Agnees. and waa known
to many Coquilla peopde who have
W e found an old acquatatene* on the highway troubles in th at section.
the North we* tern in the p * «o n o f Probably no ogroemertt has yet been
R ev J. F. Vernon, who wna prater of reached fo r the court went down te
this afternoon w ith
arrar&ements can bo made w its th*
city fo r locating it th ere."
Another motion adopted w et that
such a Community Building should bo
rant froa fo r all public gatherings to
which admission is not charged.
N atu rally there w ere differences o f
opinion about some o f th* above, but
all w ere adopted unanimously. The
suggestion o f having boom o f the
stock preferred eras net favored by
a m ajority, and th * question o f site
produced various view s but all agreed
te the proposition that such a building
should bo placed in th * park.
E very dtimen o f CoquiHe should Da
interested ia this m atter and be pres­
ent at the m eeting to bo hold next
Wednesday evening.
Lincoln and Nnah Cnn Collide
Mr. and Mrs. Guy W est, whose
stag* names ara Sam and E lsie Goldie,
end who are to appear at th* L ib erty
next week, report a rather serious
accident on th* highw ay Just south
o f Marshfield at th * Shingle House
Slough bridge south o f Marshfield at
6 o’clock W ednesday evening. They
were d rivin g a Nash ear ia which
they had been a il over the w orld, hot
when they cam * along behind th * Co­
quille stega they had a collision with
Our trouble* her* w ere o t y e t over,
fo r a big delegation o f Chicago doc­
to r » and th eir wiveo, who had been
n u K ig a Pacific coast trip and hold­
in g a convention at Seattle, required
nearly all tha afternoon to got out o f
.the F ry a. H otel wUh their lu ggage aad
w e had to w ait a long tim e te g et an
opportunity either to eat or sleep.
M eanwhile, though, w * had “secured
our steam er tickets and com pleted our
arrangem ents fo r our trip to the fa r
la ger, had spent som* tim e, in , that
territory. J. S. Barton had also sail­
ed as fa r north as th * peninsula sec­
tion. And one o f our first subscrip­
tion callers this week was M rs. Chas.
Garden, o f Coaledo, who had spent
a couple o f y e a n in that territo ry, at
W * sailed at 9 o’clock Saturday a tim e when th* trip up to our north-
m orning, and tha w riter waa at least
view in g scenery he had aoen before,
until late that evening, when he pass­
Road Now Open AD Day
ed th* entrance to Vancouver harbor
ia sight o f som * e f th * ta ller build­
The road to Bandon via Fishtrap
ings o f the m etropolis o f we*tern
is now open fo r travel at a ll hours o f
Canada, from which th* old folk s o f
l he day, instead o f being eloaod dur­
the Sentinel took passage fo r the east
in g fou r hours in th* asorning and
tw o years ago this month. A las, w *
from one to five ih the afternoon, as
haa been th * m l* heretofore this year.
the bounds o f life fo r on* o f us.
It w ill probaby bo necessary to de­
W# sailed on th* Northwestern,
tour via Fishtrap fo r the root o f this
one o f th * ships o f the Alaska line,
which had fo r th* moat part a new
crow, th * old captain and m ost o f th*
oArora who had been with that ‘ Trying to Settle the Trouble
boat fo r yexra having J«**t been tarpne-
Q uit* a delegation o f B lvorton eit-
ferrad to th * now boot, Alaska, on lseiia m *t here with th* county court
which w * returned ter* weeks later. thia morning in an attem pt to settle
;* la rge crowd in attendance, which
Jw ow ded the table* and the dance floor.
I The baseball club realised a little
•ear $800 last night and should do as
w ell or hotter both tonight and S atu r­
day evening.
The a ffa ir closed at m idnight and
The com m ittee appointed by the
the crowd was most orderly, w ith a
Community Building tem porary or-
vary fe w exceptions, there being little
ganisation to consider plans fo r li­
evidence o f moonshine among the rev­
nancing the building end make recom-
meadatioas ia regard to it, m ot last
Tonight a M arshfield delegation Is
night at the c ity hall, with the foQow-
promised to be Here, and tom orrow
in g present:
should be the b ig night. The m usk
Chairman O. C. Sanford, Secretary
furnished gratis by the local orchestra,
A . 0 . W alker, Frank W illard, Frank
added grea tly to the popularity o f the
Bullack, D. F . Thompson, A lton K a y,
dance hall last n ig h t
field Itehoff, o f N orth Bend, who eras
being taught to d rive by a ear sateo-
maa. N either o f the c a n is said to
have been g o in t moth than 20 m iles
an hour, but they cam * together with
such fere* as to smash on* wheel on
th* W est car and throw it o ff its
springs. The Im hoff ear also suffered
some damage. Genevieve Clarke, o f
M yrtle Point, who waa riding with
tha W aste, was th * only on* hurt, but
not seriously.
“Perny” Archibald Married
150 N«w Scats at Liberty
Clyde Gage has Just installed ISO
m ore o f the air cushion opera seats
in th * Liberty Threatra so that all
tho middle taction and ten or tw elve
rows back on th * tw o sidoo a it now o f
that character. They a n the boot
seats to bo bought aad are as com­
fortable a chair as can bo >roearad.
It is another proof o f M r. G age’s do-
sire to provide fo r tho oas* and eooa-
Cards wars received this m orning
containing th* announcement o f tho
m arriage o f J. Raymond (P o o n y) A r ­
chibald at Lawroneo, Kansas, yas tor-
day to Miss Gertrude Genevieve
Ashby, daughter o f M r. aad Mrs. J.
B. Ashby, o f Salem, O r*. They w o n
m arried at th* homo o f a brother o f
“ Peony" ia Lawroneo, and w in m ath
their home in H ooker, Mo., where be
has a position w ith tho State H igh
run with buffalo, antelope, wik and ev­
en passenger pigeons travelled in huch
bugs bands that it was thought they
never could be exterm inated, but a ll
are practically now extinct.
Due more to the protection o f
th* fem ale than to anything elae,
show tha re are p o n ia Oregon now
than there w e n $0 or 40 years ago.
The Chinese Pheasant, Mr. Burgh-
duff belioves Is destined to beeom i
the prem ier gam * bird o f the United
States, and is ia hepra th at by next
year it m ay be poesible to declare
a short open season on thorn. The
cost o f producing them a t th* state
gam * farm has now boon reduced to
12 each. He suggest scattering shell­
ed corn in a field o f grow in g corn as
a means o f protecting the grow in g
crop, but stated that usually tha bird
found s cut worm at the root when
they industriously pulled up the ten­
der sprouts.
T h * pheasant is w ary o f traps and
gardener« near Portland found That
cord stpin g around a garden patch on
stakes would servo to sear* the bird*
H * devoted quite a little tim e to th*
fish queetion, bat asked if the sports­
men would not be satisfied w ith an
abundant yearly supply o f trout fr y
whether they earn* from a hatchery
oa th * Coquille riv e r or elsewhere.
T h * hatcheries have been increased
frem five to fifteen in number within
fr y to be planted this year.
The State Game Commission is sup­
ported en tirely by the spoilsm en, only
$10,000 having boon appropriated by
that now hatcheries woald bo started
as rapidly aa possible.
H i* office makes a practice o f tred-