To Attend Important Meeting The ed itor o f the Sentinel, accom­ panied by his daughter, M^sa M arian, who is its linotype com positor, start­ ed Tuesday, June 18, fo r a trip to Alaska, which they spent e fu ll month in m aking, returning last Thursday, July 19. I t was the first trip either o f them had aver made to that territo ry, end in many respects the moet enjoyable w e had ever ex- Beyond the crossing o f the G eorg­ ian Bay, between V ictoria end Van­ couver, B. C., neither o f us had ever been before, end north e f Portland the trip was new ground to the junior member o f the Sentinel force. From Coquille to S eattle we travel led in our car, and m oet o f the te r­ ritory w e covered in it w e had never before seen, so that even here in Ore­ gon w e enjoyed many new sceae>. G oing out to Boeeburg, though, we w ere on fa m ilia r ground, even in m aking the detour whch wee then re­ quired on Cessna mountain. Between that piece end Eugene, though we crossed the C akpooia mountains alongside the S. P. tracks and enjoyed seam o f O regon’s Unset scenery. Judge K. H . H u t and J. E. Norton are goin g to Portland Sunday evennig to attend the m eeting o f the Stete H ighway Commission on Monday. Thor* are tw o things Coos county in intonated in at this m eeting. One ia the lottin g o f the contract fo r widen­ ing and gradin g the 1800 fe e t o f the M yrtle Poin t road juat this aide o f the railroad crossing. The other ia to gat a batter allow ­ ance fo r the f 180,000 the county has spent on the Coos Bay North high­ way. The commission allowed f ill, - 000 credit fo r this at th eir last m eet­ ing, but credit fo r only h alf o f the m arket road- fund* eras allowed and the court and Good Bonds Association feel that the county is entitled to a credit fo r a ll o f that fund i f H is un­ titled to anything, i t w ill nuke a dif- f arance o f about $22,000 to the county. ^ W ith the power o ff fo r an hour this noon, necessitating a long w qit fo r the m otel pot on the linotype to heat up again, it is e question how many o f the mails we shell m iss today. This sort o f thing is even m ore ex­ asperating to us than te the subscrib­ er who fa ils te g e t his Sentinel on tim e, but w hile we depend on power frem th « Bay, as we have fo r years, we can do nothing to prevent irregu ­ la rity in power service her*. We sim ply havs to grin and bear it, hop­ ing that the prom ise* o f im proved ser­ W ednesday morning w e crossed at vice in the future m ay some tim e H arrisburg the one fe rry we encoun- come true. W illam ette and were tered on soon in the broken country between Albany end Salem where prune o r ­ chards abound as they else had In Douglas county the day before. HEALTH ASSO­ CIATION NOTES • A fte r dinner at Salem we were on very fa m ilia r ground, ae our borne had boon a t Wood burn fo r tw o years before com ing to Coos county about ten years ego. The m orning o f the third day we drove across the long bridge from Portland to Vancouver, where we found a splendid highw ay fo r about h alf the w ay te Kelso, but were soon mixed up w ith s rand budding pro­ gram that reduced our progress to gravel road here was being paved, but the pavem ent just laid was not yet the rasignaticn o f D r. Irw in. C. K. rip * fo r traVel, and wo had te take Mulkey. Mrs. W . C. Chase and Mrs. Ida Owens w ere appointed. the h a lf th at was badly tom up. Judge M ast mads th * suggestion to Out o f K elso wo did but little bet­ ’ he members present at this m eeting ter, as fo r h alf w ay to Chehalia th* that the tw o nurses should have a car fo r th eir use as a m atter o f econ­ construction work aad it was neces­ omy, and stated that hs thought the sary to detour over a d irt road in a county would go 60-60 w ith th* asso­ h illy country that furnished plenty o f ciation. Thor* waa a saving e f throe stoop grades. These delays resulted months’ nurse salaries th * firs t o f the in our arrivin g at Chehalis too late year, and there w ill be another o f tw * to proceed farth er that night, and or throe months before a new head can Friday afternoon w e made the mis­ be secured, which w ill enable the court take o f taking the high line over the to finance their share i f the health hills east o f th * bay to Seattle, and association w ill provide th* other found tha road unpavsd and dusty fo r h a lf o f th* coat. about h a lf th * way. A fte r those dis­ The date Was sot fo r th* annual agreeable experiences in Washington m eeting at Coquille on Wednesday, wo heartily wished w e had taken the August 16, 192$. A t this tim e there trip by ra il to Seattle; aad until the w ill he elected the officers fo r the com­ road work in prog r ess betw een P ort­ ing year. E very on* is urged to got land and th * Sound cities is finished, out to this m eeting whether a member w e can hardly advise any one to re- o f th* association or not, as it is desir­ poat our experim ent w ith roads under ed to have as representative a gath­ construction and that cannot possi­ erin g o f the people o f the county as bly be evaded between Portland and possible. th* Sound coutry. Last Friday a young follow , about 28 or 24 years o f ega, and having the w ith some negro blood, dropped in a t the Coquille Service Station end bethered Paul W alker fo r two or three hours with talk o f chartering a car to .go to Gold Beech. Paul told him to take the boat and g et a car at Bam don, but he eeid he didn’t want a boa|! rid e; it was too slow. j rifle. He was vary particular, but fin i procuring a community building, a lly took e Savage, e new case and The question o f how end where to e box o f soft-aoaed shells. Pu llin g a| must such a building eras gone into rolls o f bills hs paid John M iller $42.» at considerable length end tw * hour* 60 fo r his purchases and started. . w ere spent in discussing financing, lo- About half w ay to Gold Beach they eating and other m atters ia connection m et “ Penay” Sturdivant com ing op therewith. w ith the stage end Tom Gustafson ex-1 Follow ing is the list o f recommend- changed s e n with "Penny,” who to o k ! at ions which wars agreed upon fo r the halflbreod on down to Gold B asel* 1 submission to the tem porary orgaal- arrivin g there about eigh t o’clock. ration, which w ill m eet in the city A t three o’clock the n ext m o rn ia f k ail next W ednesday evening at eigh t the young fello w was found den% « ’«lock. not fa r from town, w ith e bullet hole That e permanent organisation be te his forehead. I effected; that a corporation with a W s learned from Gold Beach citk capital stock o f $20,000 he organised; sens last evening that Firm an W ilson, that the per value e f each aha.c o f which was the half-breed's name, had stock be $26, ead that no activa steps gone to the house o f a g irl with whom be taken toward erectin g e building he was in love, end a fte r attem pting until 76 per sent o f t^e stock has to gat into the house, fired a couple been subscribed; e ll the money raised J In his pocket whan found, was a roll o f bills containing over $100 and » stage ticket to Bosobutg. H e haa started fo r Portland but a fte r mach iug here had evidently decided to go hack aad kill the g irl, or possibly the whole fam ily. H e had th * appearance while here o f being somewhat out o f W ilson had lived around Gold Beach all hi* life, except fo r the tim e he attended an Indian school. Ho fo r ­ m erly operated a boat on the Rogue and had carried th* m ail between Gold Boeroearad. It is another proof o f M r. G age’s do- sire to provide fo r tho oas* and eooa- Cards wars received this m orning containing th* announcement o f tho m arriage o f J. Raymond (P o o n y) A r ­ chibald at Lawroneo, Kansas, yas tor- day to Miss Gertrude Genevieve Ashby, daughter o f M r. aad Mrs. J. B. Ashby, o f Salem, O r*. They w o n m arried at th* homo o f a brother o f “ Peony" ia Lawroneo, and w in m ath their home in H ooker, Mo., where be has a position w ith tho State H igh STATE GAME WARDEN HERE run with buffalo, antelope, wik and ev­ en passenger pigeons travelled in huch bugs bands that it was thought they never could be exterm inated, but a ll are practically now extinct. Due more to the protection o f th* fem ale than to anything elae, show tha re are p o n ia Oregon now than there w e n $0 or 40 years ago. The Chinese Pheasant, Mr. Burgh- duff belioves Is destined to beeom i the prem ier gam * bird o f the United States, and is ia hepra th at by next year it m ay be poesible to declare a short open season on thorn. The cost o f producing them a t th* state gam * farm has now boon reduced to 12 each. He suggest scattering shell­ ed corn in a field o f grow in g corn as a means o f protecting the grow in g crop, but stated that usually tha bird found s cut worm at the root when they industriously pulled up the ten­ der sprouts. T h * pheasant is w ary o f traps and gardener« near Portland found That cord stpin g around a garden patch on stakes would servo to sear* the bird* away. H * devoted quite a little tim e to th* fish queetion, bat asked if the sports­ men would not be satisfied w ith an abundant yearly supply o f trout fr y whether they earn* from a hatchery oa th * Coquille riv e r or elsewhere. T h * hatcheries have been increased frem five to fifteen in number within fr y to be planted this year. The State Game Commission is sup­ ported en tirely by the spoilsm en, only $10,000 having boon appropriated by that now hatcheries woald bo started as rapidly aa possible. H i* office makes a practice o f tred-