The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, January 12, 1923, Page 4, Image 4

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H. W. YOUNG. R ii ter
Mrs. Flak Still aa Ardent Advo-
ot River
B e a d ¡«E55-
fighter even in a lost causa, we
give place to the following communi­
cation from our F at Elk road corres
■ to V : ■ i É É f e É f l f l f e H l
and Taylor Sta.
Entered at the Cogitile Poetofflce aa
Second Class
If wa are to have a state income
tax in Oregon- we like the suggestion
that the amount paid by one who is
also paying taxes on property shall
be deducted from his other taxes.
The amount of income tax to be paid
will probably Tie a curtain percents <e
of the federal income tax, to be paid
at the same time the tatter la paid.
.The suggested percentage for the
state varies from one-fifth to one-
half the amount paid the United
States. So long aa it all goes to re­
duce the amount of State tax paid on
property the amount will make lit­
tle difference except to those who
have been paying no state tax here­
tofore—and those are just tha guys
it is intended to catch.
, The federal income tax now paid
H Oregon is stated to be fifteen mil­
lions of dollara and even one-fifth of
that will makb a tidy sum for tha
state and ease the burden considera­
bly far those who are paying state
taxes on other property.'
Somewhere recently (probably in
Lyman Abbott’s books) we
cross a now idea in regard to
the teaching profession.
An old
teacher was asked if ha did not find
L very monotonous to go over the
same lessons year after year without
an y-v aria tion. Ha made the entirely
unexpected answer that he did not,
and then proceeded to tall tha reason
why. Although tha lessors were
tha same tha pupils ware different
and they all reacted in entirely differ­
ent ways, and ne two pupils are ever
exactly alike. This la obvious enough
when it is stated, but during the
writer's brief experience as a teach­
er, it never occurred to him in just
that way, though we, of course, knew
the infinite variety of mentalities
that developed among the young. Of
all tha hundreds of billions of peo­
ple who have lived on earth no two
have ever looked exactly alike, to
say nothing of having just the asm«
minds or souls. The endless variety
ia human beings, aa wall as ia other
products of nature is evidence of the
infinite resources of their creator.
When e man makaa a box or a book,
after he gets started at tha work he
ia liable to go and make a hundred,
a thousand or a million more exactly
like it. Not so the one who makes
man and the trees and the flowers.
We a n a little astonished to see
our friend Chapman in tha last issue
of the Oregon Voter make a bitter
and vindictive attack an tha bill pro­
viding for free text books in the pub­
lic schools. In an iasue of money vs.
manhood, it is disappointing to sac
any newspaper become a protagonist
of money. About as long ago aa the
8eHttnel scribe can remember, he
heard an uncle of his tailing how
when he proposed to pay for some text
hooka in tha college of the city of
New York, he was ivbeked by the
statement that that city was not too
poor to pay for tha text books its stu­
dents used.
All our life long wo have been
hoping to so# the tame fading pre­
vail in all tha states, aa we believe
it already does in moot of them. Lot
the opposition to this altogether
wholesome measure bo left to soulless
corporations and childless bachelors.
In one legislators of which ths
w riter was a member ha was happy
to vote and work for suck s ' meas­
ure, and if be wore a member of tha
present Oregon legislature he would
he glad1 to do so again. Suppose it
does eoet $900,000. No ana but a
chess# paring skinflint should oppose
I am pleased that the editor of the
Sentinel saw fit to comment on my
article of last weak foe by so doing
we both may be set right on ■
While I knew the demand for 160
feet was made for the read across the
marsh land I was not aware that
the road in general called for so
much. I thought I t needed, that much
so as to make the grade as high aa
it will need to be made to be three
feet higher than the river bank. But
I did hot think that the Pacific high­
way, as I rode over it through other
counties, seemed to be 160 feet wide
Not th at 160 feet would be any too
wide but I had thought sixty feet was
the usual width. That ia the reason
I spoke of twenty or thirty feet more
being purchased along the river bank.
But even at a 110 feet more to be
obtained along the river bank I find
by talking with many of them th at
they were willing to give that much
more and only ask a^th at their build
tegs be moved for them and one or
two have orchards of some value.
But th e n are not many orchards of
value. One pear orchard that haa
stood for twelve or fifteen years with-'
out ever producing a half dozen
boxes of pears can’t be considered
very valuable. One young orchard,
small, but Just coming into Bearing,
may be considered of some value.
And one old orchard that was stand­
ing 36 years ago may be of soma
veins h it if there are nay more they
are only scattering trees.
You suggest that it would bo bat­
ter to move their buildings oaek to
the new proposed highw ay,» which
to move them about a
quarter of s mile back in the low
marsh lands and sat them or piling ',
which should be at least tea or twelve
county, ovary one
that tha road should ho placed where
will benefit the citizens of the lo­
cality through which it
Or if ft ia tourists of which you
apeak, they neither know nor
where the road fit laid aa long aa it ia
on a good grads, smooth traveling
and tha more scenery the better.
They won’t atop long enough
any one place to he of any great ben­
efit to tha place or know much about
surrounding countries.
Whan wa build roads for posterity
it is as uphill buatoeaa. Each gen
•ration knows mors, or think they
do, than the last generation, an-i
wherever ft is laid, in time it win be
remodened, wondering why the people
of long ago didn’t know better than
to do it this way or that.
This piece of road will h* out of
data ia style or engineering and they
will want something more modern.
Even the old Roman reads which
have stood for hundreds of years áre
reported to be giving away since the
automobiles and trucks havs been
use and those roads have been c<
aidered marvels of structure.
As for ths state having control of
ths road, it may be all right,
la not exactly a business proposi­
tion to let ths heaviest paying part­
ner have no say in the business. The
gt-t# ia
(a no
B0 larger Bor
nor stronger
stronger than
y ,. citiMng that Iiv, within h„ bor-
et mismanagement to put Urn state
into benlm ptcp.
While wi all want roads and gtrid
roads ws don’t havs to have a state
road. If the roads of the county are
put right—where they will benefit the
most people, and put on a firm four
dation, and kept constantly in repar.i
kind of a patrol tha:
with the
the railroad keeps—what matters if
It is not n state road T
The state roads are comparatively
new everywhere sad our state is
practically a young state, net up to
her highest development as many
other states of the m ica are, sad a
must creep before it walks and
quits a while before it leaps sad
The First Doll
Friday. Jam. 13
Lord shall preserve thee from all evil
he shall preaarva thy soul. — Psalm
Saturday, Jam. 13
thy way unto the Lord; trust also in
Him. Psslm 87:5.
Sunday, Jsn. Id
THY KEEPER:—The Lerd ia thy
kaapar: the Lord ia thy shade upon
thy right hand.—Paahn 121*.
Monday, Jan. Id
Lord ia my ahepherd; I shall not
w ant Surely goodness and mercy
•hall follow me all the day* oi my
lift; and I will dwell in the house of
the Lord far ever.—Psalm 28: 1,1.
‘ Tuesday, Jan. I f
Preach, saying, The kirgdom of heav­
en is at hand. Hfal the sick, cleanse
the lepers, raise the dead, east out
devils: freely ye have received, free­
ly give.—Matthew, 10:7, &
Wednesday, Jan. 17
Behold, I give unto you power to
tread on serpents and scorpions, and
over all the power of the enemy; and
nothing shall by any means hurt you.
—Luke 10:19.
Thursday, Jan. IS
SUPPLY 18 SURE: Trust in the
Lord, and do good; so «halt thou dwell
in the land, and verily you shalt be
fed. . •
Delight thyself also in the Lord;
and he shall give thee the desires of
thine heart.—Psalm '37: S, 4.
Leads to the F irst Hundred. - The
Next Hundred comes Easier.
S ta rt
Saving Now, the H abit will Grow.
One DoHar or More sta rts a Savings
A cco u n t
Farmers & Merchants Bank
o f C oquille, O regon
G a r d in e r ’s G a ra g e
hundreds at years. T h an a n or
have bean tree trunks along the river
banks many y ean older than any
grown back in tha marsh.
shows that until civilisation came in
and brought with it tha stern wheal
boats, tha river bank did ro t c u t Out
port commission is anpoprtad on pur­
pose to remedy this evil which It don’t
seam to be doing. T h e n is w hen I
propose tha road gats some help.
When the feuas Developing Co.
came in h e n it was their intention to
clear sad drain this marsh and sell
it off in tracts as the marsh land
would soon ha all settled up 4a small river bank or through the marsh—
makes not so much difference to us
who live on the foothill, only for the
difference in eoet which affects taxes,
because we will have to have a road
built between us and tha highway
any way. But I have aa much inter­
est in the road aa any tax payer and
I feel aa if other U xpayen should
gat value received for the pries they
Mrs. V..D. Fish.
go t e a boat from their houses beck
to the highway.
We certainly have no intention of
They might aa w dl cross the riv­
er and use the highway on tha north trying to answer this lettor. Aa to
side which would mean they could as the n u tte r of moving the buildings
wall taka tha stage for Marahfleki at- ovsr to the dyke, ws simply meant the
the one to Coquille, again cutting Co- proposition to movt them was satira-
quille’s trade with what ought to bo ly impractical, sa it required no ar­
her own people. But aa long as peo­ gument to convince us that it wasn’t
ple have to have a host or an air­ feasible to move them hack to the
plane to get onto the highway H
won’t make any difference what town
they patroniaa.
Tha roads on tha back of their
farms are simply no good to thorn
for several months in the year. They
will be no better off with them there
than they are now without much of
grave tion to stand and look over at
a road that they can’t use than to s a t
be able to sea a ry road and . know
that they must depend on tha river
for tranpoartation.
I think it asoot proper to consider
tha families of today, who are paying
W here you can get all
kinds of Machine W ork.
Automobile repairing as well
Phone 46J
Now Is ths Time to Buy
I have fourteen carloads of
Willamette Valley Hay
Cut and stored'' before and rain
Clover, Cheat, Oat t Vetch mixed
Come and See it if you w ant Hay
Will sell in any quantity from *
This is the biggest and best shipment
of Hay ever brought to Coos bounty.
Phone Sitka MiU No. 17
Human Derelict nt Bandon
farther out to sea with thè galla in
Bandon World
No marine accidente had besn re-
John R. Smith, Cut creek miring
operator, who was in town Wednes ported along thè coaat of lato and
day, reported tha bedy of a dead man thè source of thè body i* a mystery.
It la boiler ed thè body had bear in
thè water long enough to ria# to thè
surface which would be at leaat nino
or ten days.
• • T, - « -
What $3.11 Will Do
For $$.16 you can have the weekly
visits of the Coquille Sentinel and
the Oregofl Farm er—62 of each—for
a year.
How about th at cylinder of yours,
*>aa h need raboringî You caa get
eshorp, but was unable to get closer It done 4at GARDNER’S GARAGE
than about twelve fari from I t The Phone 4M.
tide was Just turning and tha body
was later asm drifting farther and
C^Ung Cards, 100 far $1*0.