. . T - t '. - ':■■■ - r - ------------ 1 1 ' ' • " . 1 E - Ü - l UHEFÍLELÍROÍD í a aooD papen H. W. YOUNG. R ii ter YOUNG, Mrs. Flak Still aa Ardent Advo- ot River ÜSSJBHä f f B e a d ¡«E55- admires theh fighter even in a lost causa, we give place to the following communi­ cation from our F at Elk road corres ■ to V : ■ i É É f e É f l f l f e H l and Taylor Sta. Entered at the Cogitile Poetofflce aa Second Class THE PLAN IS RIGHT If wa are to have a state income tax in Oregon- we like the suggestion that the amount paid by one who is also paying taxes on property shall be deducted from his other taxes. The amount of income tax to be paid will probably Tie a curtain percents aa h need raboringî You caa get eshorp, but was unable to get closer It done 4at GARDNER’S GARAGE than about twelve fari from I t The Phone 4M. tide was Just turning and tha body was later asm drifting farther and C^Ung Cards, 100 far $1*0.