The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, March 03, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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Notiçe to hereby given I
County Cbuít o f Cooe county
Sute of Oregon, ^pointed
end neyer saw anyone else do »o. But
bewHng on the question whether It ev­
er did freeze «long the coast in Cooe
county, Mr. Dunham submits the fol­
lowing clipping from the Cooe Bey
TUnee of unknown date, but at least
- ° J ^ ht
•*<>. as J. Tom Hall
Notice to hereby given that the ua-
denigned has been duly appointed ad­
ministratrix of the estate of Homer
A. Uetx iter, deceased, end J l persons
story certainly antedatel*th« writer^
having claims against the said ee-
Ute e n hereby required to present
eight yean in Coes county:
the same with the proper voue hen to
the undersigned et the law office of
times a r much school taxes as the *«• 01 * warrant duly issued by the S. D. Palford, to the Robinson Build-
C ~ e River Consolidated. Coo. **var
° o ^ V
m ^ £ i
thrina on the kidney lard of special ^ ^ TUUoD M to°SliSd' tea**tet ¿ S tkii notice.
^•ivflege, favon granted by a school of t eoruary, A. U., ltttt, direct in«
Datad February Id 1W2.
district boundary board * lakeside |*nd requiring me as Manual of saw
Lillian G. Gant,
has to pay four and 48-100 times IV»1F « Coqudle to sail in tne manner
Administratrix of the EsUU of
more edmol tax than the Coo. ¡ ¡ S p ™ “ *
**» ta . following dam Hoto er A. Detwiler, Pern e s s i
. . . ~ r : 7 7 -T*0* JUTer cxioed property, wnich was essassud
consolidated district fo f the reason} a tna «»"■ « ax churca o f the Ueoeem-
that her asseismant roll la not o f the 1 ad Israel, tor tne improvement of por-
kidney Urd variety but just straight won* “ M h ird aneVtiall s «e e u , towlt. -N otice to hereby given that tha un-
I f a r At i n h U i i r W » a r k l i . a t f ' a .W h i t in n
demgnad, admimstntor of that Be­
gu* fat, sen pad from a valuation I* I
*»W tJ
u te of Lillie Peart, dyrvettd. hai filed
3*68,450, while Code River Con. ha. ^ ^ ^ ^ i a
interests, and set SS. their businsa
when they desire. If yon are pan
your affaire, or perplexed as te hr
feel free t» consult us.
A . J. Sherw ood
L. H. Hazard - Vice-Press, ft
a f t Ä r Ä t ssrs
ten M m n d valuation o f »1,484,044, If. vlte and declared
or 4 and 48-100 time« aa much aa I »a tha sum of ubddjb
Lakeside. TfhyT
* •
oi uctooer, leal, ai
No'. 82. D on .S u . an
v .lu .
of »87».«70. That to »1»U 20 more I
/ will «« t
than Lakeside has. Without counting Marco, A. D , 11(82,
the families hooked up with Lew-101 » « City Hall m
horn's camp Our. are only nine it o h l^
.^ .:
d.m in the Don district. And y«t £ M l M t i t t o h
Don ha. an awessment roll one and cask, lawtul money
uoe half times great, (lacking 810). * u u s of America, t
.O f
attempted to navigate and was forced
to tie op after having triad to break
the ice by going up stream backwards,
breaking the ice with bar paddle
wheel. Over .on the tide flats near
EastsMe the ice formed in greet cakes,
declares Mr. Hall, and later broke ap
and came down the bay.
-r r ~
. . 1.75
12.50-13.50 i
LU jeqviat <m tha Job
Aa Astoria
Proiessional Cards
tionr Ware, L A Liljeqvist, special
state prosecutor, arrived last night
without warning and today assumed
charge o f tha workings of the circuit
court grand jury.
Ho is said te have had instruc­
tions to make an investigation o f tha
conduct af certain public officials who
were reported to have permitted aad
Pretty Lady's sire tras Poppy’s
even to hove protected vies.
Golden S t Ms wee, e community bull
owned tat Tillamook coaaty, end which
side rod that you have then end there
consented to the granting of caid pe­
tition, that to, that the'conrt shall or­
der and decree, amonc other things,
that the prayer of said petition be
■granted; that the ri^ht, title, care and
control <4 said minor bo forever taken
from you, aad each of you, aad gtemi
exclusively to said petitioners; that
the name of said ch ili will be changed
te Alice Francis Chandler from the were secret, o f coupe, but the
personnel o f the witeesaas, assembled
la the eater chamber o f the grand
jury headquarters, indicated that the
first inquiry would be tote reports
that the poMee feces has permitted
certain unlawful houses to operate on
Bond aad Aster streets under paid
car. Wa can supply poo with
needed parte for ell standard
make ears. Our repair pricee
u U . F. G. BUNCH
LONG’S Machine and Repair Shop
urn. w . V. Ú L A i b i a K
t A* sanan a j u AM
A night session of the grand jury
was held and it probably will be sev­
eral days before any o f Be findings
are made public. Mr. LUejrist de­
clared that he had been assigned to
take charge of the prosecution o f
Sheriff Nelson at his trial last week
on an assault and battery cMarga, but
at the last moment premure of other
work forced e change of plane. ,
Character TaM fey the Nose.
A turned up nose (udire ree cheerful­
ness aad somewhat of a chatterbox.
A bulrfnc none, from tip to root, with
graceful tines, denotee wit. The hawk
asse denotee brain power rather than
strength of character ; It can be mean,
sullen and pessimistic. A pinched,
this asm flaring out at base with ex­
panding nostrils Is apt to be voluptuous.
Somebody’s fa v orite Story
Moat of ue have our favorite story.
Here le one told . again and again
by a business maa aa the star of his
collastlea: A preacher once asked a
men why he did not see him hi
“ WelL" the man replied, “the first
time I wee to your church they threw contract of sale to toads by designat­
water on mo. The next time you ing therein just who (oumor or eon-
tied m . te • worn«» mid I can’t tractor) shaft do the burning. In the
ease o f slashings several years old,
an examination will be made by a field
representative of the Board and the
oDorator or owner o f the land when
for this 6 coats with m<
other things every day?
One coll o day and you
your phone Order now.
Coo* & Curry
Telephone Comp
Oregon, at the hour of
the forenoon of said di
C. F. Me Anight,
' Attorney for petition
aad post office addrea
tilled Defendaah -
In tea Nam« a f tha State af Ore­
gon: You are hereby notified that you
are required to.appear and answer
the Complaint filed against you to
the above entitled suit within six
weeks from the lOth'day of FaVkuary,
IMS, the date o f the first puHtoaHsn
of thia Summons; and i f JIM Jeil to