s?£ NOTICE Notiçe to hereby given I County Cbuít o f Cooe county Sute of Oregon, ^pointed end neyer saw anyone else do »o. But bewHng on the question whether It ev­ er did freeze «long the coast in Cooe county, Mr. Dunham submits the fol­ lowing clipping from the Cooe Bey TUnee of unknown date, but at least - ° J ^ ht •*<>. as J. Tom Hall NOTICE TO CBED1TOBB Notice to hereby given that the ua- denigned has been duly appointed ad­ ministratrix of the estate of Homer A. Uetx iter, deceased, end J l persons story certainly antedatel*th« writer^ having claims against the said ee- Ute e n hereby required to present eight yean in Coes county: the same with the proper voue hen to the undersigned et the law office of times a r much school taxes as the *«• 01 * warrant duly issued by the S. D. Palford, to the Robinson Build- C ~ e River Consolidated. Coo. **var ° o ^ V m ^ £ i thrina on the kidney lard of special ^ ^ TUUoD M to°SliSd' tea**tet ¿ S tkii notice. ^•ivflege, favon granted by a school of t eoruary, A. U., ltttt, direct in« Datad February Id 1W2. district boundary board * lakeside |*nd requiring me as Manual of saw Lillian G. Gant, has to pay four and 48-100 times IV»1F « Coqudle to sail in tne manner Administratrix of the EsUU of more edmol tax than the Coo. ¡ ¡ S p ™ “ * **» ta . following dam Hoto er A. Detwiler, Pern e s s i 4t6 . . . ~ r : 7 7 -T*0* JUTer cxioed property, wnich was essassud consolidated district fo f the reason} a tna «»"■ « ax churca o f the Ueoeem- NOTICE OF PINAL ACCOUNT that her asseismant roll la not o f the 1 ad Israel, tor tne improvement of por- kidney Urd variety but just straight won* “ M h ird aneVtiall s «e e u , towlt. -N otice to hereby given that tha un- . . . . / 1 • I f a r At i n h U i i r W » a r k l i . a t f ' a .W h i t in n demgnad, admimstntor of that Be­ gu* fat, sen pad from a valuation I* I *»W tJ u te of Lillie Peart, dyrvettd. hai filed 3*68,450, while Code River Con. ha. ^ ^ ^ ^ i a interests, and set SS. their businsa when they desire. If yon are pan your affaire, or perplexed as te hr feel free t» consult us. ^ A . J. Sherw ood - Proa L. H. Hazard - Vice-Press, ft a f t Ä r Ä t ssrs ten M m n d valuation o f »1,484,044, If. vlte and declared or 4 and 48-100 time« aa much aa I »a tha sum of ubddjb Lakeside. TfhyT * • oi uctooer, leal, ai No'. 82. D on .S u . an v .lu . of »87».«70. That to »1»U 20 more I / will «« t than Lakeside has. Without counting Marco, A. D , 11(82, the families hooked up with Lew-101 » « City Hall m horn's camp Our. are only nine it o h l^ » .^ .: d.m in the Don district. And y«t £ M l M t i t t o h Don ha. an awessment roll one and cask, lawtul money uoe half times great, (lacking 810). * u u s of America, t .O f COQUILLE Quick’s attempted to navigate and was forced to tie op after having triad to break the ice by going up stream backwards, breaking the ice with bar paddle wheel. Over .on the tide flats near EastsMe the ice formed in greet cakes, declares Mr. Hall, and later broke ap and came down the bay. --------1.50 -r r ~ n 3.00 . . 1.75 12.50-13.50 i LU jeqviat