The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, February 10, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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V «5r
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Coquille Sot. Feb. 18
I V i
Starting 10:30 a. m.
.th e
to the
fdan, of
J W '. f
sold at Gardner’s Garage,
Deontv Sherif
a t Myrtle Point and Pb
•errin g papen.
«** M
Tap lac’s world wide
Ms m erit I t does th s work.
K *
Ralph K. Leo, of Portland,
intlng the Pacific Metal Week
z m
■ : l
•. :
K. Ç. Ape«, deputy
was k id up s t hems
enable to be pr esent s t ths
J. U Aasen 'went up t ¿ Portland
Monday expecting to visit
ths Washington citiso siso Ob bufi­
nosi before re turning.
«- ■ \
: v . t- is
is dark and dreary
as the glad
A* a t the Uberi
I t is' reported th at A. H. Powers
will sell his Marshfield home to Mrs.
Cari Snedbòrry to be eonfverted into
a prívete sanitarium. I k s reason he
gives to r selling i* th at the house is
too tog to r t h e 'frusoni sise of his
Bowling Notes
{■ S JE * ■: i#
Mary Pickford, America's Swost-
f a r è t h a t J. L.
Smith is preparing for Saturday e f
be a ifi$*sveAt with many inters«
fea tunas, asms of which are elsewhere
listed. *If theta is anything you e ■
to soil then, don’t faU to list it s t
The Women’s
tea, ef Coquille, consisting of Mrs.
Selby, Mrs. Chaney and Mrs. Turner
vtoitod the grads baildiac one day this ! 1 yearling Registered Jersey bull
'from 8 t Mewes Cinco, Register ef
Merit record of over 600 lbs. fa t ss
and dreary I a Ayr. eld, and sired by Golden Glow's
M th s glad girl I Chief of H s ira y .7 ^ v
to “POLLYANNA” a t the U berty I I yearling registemd Jereey bull,
and, Wednesday.
|sitod by a sen of Rinda Lad, full
Lad’s Lady Ann, the dam
vHU bs a t th s -U berty next
and -Wednesday.. See th s
•» Phfi
a t Gra-I
A. B. Campbell returned Wednes­
day from a stato maettoe of ths
Standard OU agente a t Portland.
Rogers’ Barn
s x s \
Next Monday night Duff Dunham
and Ray Long bowl Hugh H a y W e r.
- ...
and H. H. Oerding for city champion- * young purebred Jersey ball calf
■hip. Harlocker and Oerding are
R,f i,t*r °* ker1t WW.
holders of the honor,
I Pedigree at sale.)* •
Lou Hazkrd and Merle Hartaon
both claiming to he the beet bowler
«* «
to town, « n e d 25 gam e, for best av- (<Wd
«rage, bou average 122 and Hartoonl F o m ,to « to , harass* and wagon.
I $ Heavy farm horses.
Bill Mull has discontirused using ths
} ^
war, due to farrow before
G olene RÈA”
|sale day.
Balk* SH
7 ShostH, (about 100 lbs. each).
Ira Johnson and bill Hull are out
6 Shoats, (about 50 lbs. each).
the place there th at he has
to the Sentinel, to
paid is $1800.
Cengad will move there at
«ad improve tb s residence on the
All kinds of Machins Work S
Auto Repairing. Every jsb leaving pises, which has a fins orchard.
ths shop most be right or we will
Tore dollars and fifteen cents will
make it rig h t Gardner’s Garage.
eekly visits
of the Sen
A and ‘the Oregon Farm er to r on*
The Coquill# American basket bail
r. Roth papers w ilt interest you
five goes over to Marshfield this ev­
ening to most th e American Legion
The Woman’s Relief Corps gave a
team of th at place a t the Armory.
nner a t the Woodman Hall Wednes
4*y and had as their guests four
Mary Pickford, America’s S on
of McPherson Port G. A. R.
h e a rt” will be s t ths Liberty next
W. 8. Smith of the
Tuesday and Wednesday in “POLLY
urch, Mrs. J. P. Bey­
ANNA.” 8 m th s prograa
ers and Mrs.
init iated into ths order on th at day.
" Thousands of thin, frail
by Anna Morrison,
w orn» have ^sported an astonishing
work, 10 c; othhr work,
and rapid increase in weight as a re­
lfM s s yard, thread furbished,
sult of taking Tanlac.
noaspt attention given to Mail Or­
an. Machins to Robinson’s Store.
Orders for shmbbsry sad tress
Deputy Gnats Warden A rthur M.
from th s Washington N onary will be
received by W. G. W rig h t a t the Title Fish was in town yesterday, after
s week up in the Mapleton
Guarantee * True« Co.
district, where he secured conviction
Tfis $10,000 P at Elk Drainage Dis­
in three ctsee. Two were fish
trict bonds, advertised In the 8
and ths third was th a t of a sawmill
recently, wars all sold to loss!
it which was rani
tors a t par as soon ss they wur
s stream.
ed on the m arket
A n ynu burdened, sad and weary?
is teal home talent
8 m Mary Pickford in hsr first big pic­
night a t the Liberty. B e r n bey
ture for United A rtists, “POLLYAN-
NA.” a t ths Liberty
it ever. Prices 26c and 10c
end Wednesday.
including regular program.
Dr. W. H. Voss, specialist wiH be a t
Ben McMullen, who has
ths Baxter Hotel on Wedaeedey, Feb­
•ident ef Roeobnrg for the last two
ruary 15th, prepared to treat
•art. during whisk hs has bee
of the Eye. Ear, N o n and Threat and
Ployed on the Douglas county t
fit and make giai
through today an
Don’t forget L. O. O. M. social gtv- to Myrtle P oint Hs did not get the
on by Woman Legionafaea of
for cruising this year and
heart tonight a t «he lodge rooa
g on moving his family to
friends. 10 and 26
Money to Loses on City Property
“POLLYANNA” with Mary Plek- Mo Commissions. W. G. W rig h t Sfitf
Watch work—th s right kind—“the
ford, a picture that radiates gladness
•mat to goodness’ kind, by V. R.
and sunshine will be nt the Liberty
next Tueaday and Wednes da y
Wilson, Watchmaker, CoqulUe, O r a l
the program on page three.
E. O. Faustman returned yesterday
“When 1 began taking Tanlac 1 afternoon from Shepherd’s Springs,
ho went three weeks ago to boil
only weighed 08 pounds, now weigh
1$6 pounds and never felt better in oat his rheumatism. Ho is fading
looking much batter and while
a y life,” says Mrs. Chas. Feden, of
Huntsville, Ala. F uhnaaa’t Pharm­ »till • little weak has ths
pretty well \>ut of his system. Mrs.
, 1
__ 1
T ? ■ .. •
suatman, who went up to Eugene n
Where you folks going Saturday
oak ago for s v isit returned with
night? To the U berty to sm that
big show, heme talent and the regular
Hoar Rattling Bones a t th s U berty
program, only 25c end lib admission.
Spoetaclm and ere glasses quickly Theatre Saturday n ig h t Some show!
and skillfully repaired. Broken lenses Batter be there. Admission 26c and
lfie including regular program.
Optical repairs of all
J. JO- Carl, of Arago, who was in
Unde dona while yon w ait. Glasses
fitted. By V. R. Wilton, “Optomst- town Tuesday, reports th at his eldest
son, Kenneth, was able • to
* Cequille. Oregon.
Monday from ths |
Mrs. Chas. Harlocksr was down,
a t Myrtle Point, where his
from Myrtle Point the first of the
week. She returned Tuesday after­ foot was amputated just above the
noon, taking her daughter, Ann, who ankle joint Dee. «0. He stopped on n
forty nmil Nov.>80 and th at caused
had spent several days with her
bone Infection resulting in the loss of
no with her.
his fo o t He is
irown will give satisfactorily.
as a few little steps ell h it own Sat­ WORK WANTED—Man with family
urday night a t the Liberty Theatre.
wants steady work, with place for
It’s sure some phow.. A jmieaisn 25c
« d !•$>' .
W. E. N e W Bledsoe
on a crop share
B. Nelson, Beds.
, '* t ’ ' .
«L av’
' l'
>'*•-. ■ 1 - - ' i - ( ,
■'■i * ‘-I*"'. >■'’ ••*
Our stock contains many other
Valentine Suggestions that will de­
light your lady fair. ;
We also have a full assortment
¡of new and attractive Valentines
and Cards.
Hudson's D rug Store
toquille, Oregon
Ara you burdened, sad and weary?
No waiting for your hemstitci
Mary Pickford in her first big
whhn token to Bonnie Walker’s Mfl-
About four thousand of the M]rfl^ Itniry S tert.g Servies and neat Weil picture for Upitad A rtists, “POLLY­
ANNA” s t th s Liberty n e x t Tuesday
Creek Company’! logs have besa J* oar motto. Lai us* convince yon.
and Wednesday.
down by this week’s rains and im­
'A- B. D«q$, who Uvas oat north of
pounded in the Sitka
Dr. G. W. Leslls, osteopathic phy­
sician, will be at CoquSUs Tuesdi
Thursday and Satdrday, 1:45 to 4:
Office over Robinson’s store.
Surprise her on S t Valentine's
day with a pound or more of our
delicious Chocolates or Bon Bons,
packed in an attractive box. You
are sure to please her if you do.
P t;
W ’j L y X l V
Rvs.’ Æ , • , i
H iR w £ a i
Two or three dozen hens. /-
There wtM probably be many more
Merton Tyrrell, wt»a formerly re­ iingj brought in by the day of the
sided In Cequille sag Is-a graduate of I , . u ~
the local high school, has been with
p itfM )lat your ltuff l t <
the Robert Dollar company a t San L f c , it ^
you when ^
F raudara since the close of toe war the sale
•ad his release from the navy. When
f+ rr-t the date
E. E. Johnson was in San Francisco
gaterday, Feb. 18, f « | <iin*
recently Merton was just being trane-
Colonel Nick Jehaeen
ferrad to the Shanghai, China, office! j ^ smith Sale
of the company, vrith a position as de­
partm ent head in sight as s reward I H sm tttin g and Hitchiag ra n tsst
for faithful serVioe.
| _
, . . .
¡ Ths merchants o f Coquill« are of-
V o i-n H « - r . « i n . - * .
i firing
for the sale J. L. Smith is to When baby needs a boggy come in and see our
VUCMMfi C a rd I arty
L old here Saturday of next week
famous Lloyd buggy, the one th at givea your
The Eastern Star will give a V alen-1 Drite t to r the person. who will hitch
thie card party next Tuesday evening, L , hil
U uB ta ^ ^ ic k ra t time, us-
and comfort
Febraary 14, to Odd Fallows haU. f in_ a
fun M t ot harness with butt
“H eJrts" will bs ths play of ths • » - 1 breeching.
ening and 25 cento Will bo charged [ a^j j u - g aMy Mounting Contest
for ieore cards. . Light refreshments L y j,, merchants are also offering
wffl be served. The puhlfc to gordtol- priles to the person (male or female)
4y Invited to attend and enjoy a pleas- | who
mk VU«
mount n horse
ant social evantog^
|in the shortest tone, using ordinary
Tyrrell Going to China
Buggies, Strollers and
For the Babies
lin t of the
baby, eaae
Prices from $16.50 to $38.50
-POLLYANNA” with Mary Plck-
fonL a picture to st radiates gladness |
g p * * « . Offered by Merchante
and sunshine will bs a t the Liberty
. .. . v
, ..
next Tuesday sad Wsdnssdsy See
• i,w of the
ths program on m s s three
1 special bargains thai
chants will offer in connection with
this public sale on Saturday, Feb. 18:
_ .
. The. Variety Shop—E xtra heavy, ra-
Ja st as it to necessary for School IthireA. double-seamed Dairy Paito.
«Mldraa to bo examined, as ffirery to- u „t. . t 56c sack,
dividual between toe ages of twenty-
Henry Lorsn*—16 pm cent dtocount
should have the on any ^
or overcoat,
oscular state ascertainto, as was done
g . j Hartaon—20 per cent dis­
to the
of the army drafters.
C0BBt on m y ra g in toT stora. New
BIRCH and See Bettor.
• | itock
Optometrist, M snhfisld.
( Hudson’s Drag Stora—Dtocount on
All stock foods carried.
The Dally and Sunday Oregonian
u ^ w . Grocery—Canned M ilk -
** * * * * * * a^ * 0m “ t brtt" , k Ateme, Carnation, Libby's and Bes­
an attractive« offer. A t the regular
. «5 1ft « m . or 11 cents a can
rate nine months would cost $8.
I Thera a n many ether merchante
The Stove Store
Early tendency toward the development of cataract may
occur between the ages of twenty-one and thirty-nine.
Defective vision, when corrected, lessens this tendency.
See BIRCH and See B etter
Optometrist, Marshflield
Come where you get the most scientific eye examina­
tion, the best fitting and up-to-date glasses.
~ "
N o t ! » t o A ll F a n o o r a
I f 'Í J ^ S t a Ü a J 'b S t J S f í u l í Ü !
I wish to announce th a t I have for announce them this
sale, seed of the new “Odarbrucker”
barley, a pedigreed strain of six row
C o q a flk KM 1
barley, ¿elected and brad by toe Uni-
Saturday Night s t the Liberty
toetJSír^Síg1-^ ^
prolific of all barleys, having «xtra * * * ! * * *
Winchester Chisel
Made from a solid piece of crucible
steel from tip of blade through the
tifo me by mail or t ^ h o n e
orders will .be promptly fit-
•sent price is $45.00 per ton,
L - - 4
DOUX* ■ ♦ * .< e' * *■ • ■ 'V '?••« .
Alton R Kay,
fv -j
Riverton, Ore.
- • i - ’■ ,.r-
Hickory handles, leather capped, as­
sortment of patterns and blade
No. «8 A. F. A A. M.
F-h 11
I t ynu want to
srfland daily yn
For Sale
A few Barred Rock cockerels, 0 . A. I
C. strain, $2.60 each. Mrs. V. Hunt-
I « a lle y . Myrtle Point, Oregon.
-------------------- —
i wito I Ih » Sentinel and the Ora
can still be obtains