“ V «5r » = 5 = Coquille Sot. Feb. 18 I V i Starting 10:30 a. m. .th e to the fdan, of J W '. f sold at Gardner’s Garage, Deontv Sherif a t Myrtle Point and Pb •errin g papen. «** M Tap lac’s world wide Ms m erit I t does th s work. K * *• ' Wed- Ralph K. Leo, of Portland, intlng the Pacific Metal Week z m f ■ : l •. : K. Ç. Ape«, deputy was k id up s t hems enable to be pr esent s t ths housq, J. U Aasen 'went up t ¿ Portland Monday expecting to visit ths Washington citiso siso Ob bufi­ nosi before re turning. «- ■ \ : v . t- is is dark and dreary as the glad A* a t the Uberi Wednesday. I t is' reported th at A. H. Powers will sell his Marshfield home to Mrs. Cari Snedbòrry to be eonfverted into a prívete sanitarium. I k s reason he gives to r selling i* th at the house is too tog to r t h e 'frusoni sise of his Bowling Notes Wmmà {■ S JE * ■: i# Mary Pickford, America's Swost- f a r è t h a t J. L. Smith is preparing for Saturday e f be a ifi$*sveAt with many inters« fea tunas, asms of which are elsewhere listed. *If theta is anything you e ■ to soil then, don’t faU to list it s t ? The Women’s tea, ef Coquille, consisting of Mrs. Selby, Mrs. Chaney and Mrs. Turner vtoitod the grads baildiac one day this ! 1 yearling Registered Jersey bull 'from 8 t Mewes Cinco, Register ef Merit record of over 600 lbs. fa t ss and dreary I a Ayr. eld, and sired by Golden Glow's M th s glad girl I Chief of H s ira y .7 ^ v to “POLLYANNA” a t the U berty I I yearling registemd Jereey bull, and, Wednesday. |sitod by a sen of Rinda Lad, full Lad’s Lady Ann, the dam vHU bs a t th s -U berty next and -Wednesday.. See th s •» Phfi a t Gra-I A. B. Campbell returned Wednes­ day from a stato maettoe of ths Standard OU agente a t Portland. Rogers’ Barn s x s \ Next Monday night Duff Dunham and Ray Long bowl Hugh H a y W e r. nurj^ . - ... ~ and H. H. Oerding for city champion- * young purebred Jersey ball calf ■hip. Harlocker and Oerding are R,f i,t*r °* ker1t WW. holders of the honor, I Pedigree at sale.)* • Lou Hazkrd and Merle Hartaon 1 bon. both claiming to he the beet bowler «* « *** to town, « n e d 25 gam e, for best av- (ut of his system. Mrs. acy- « , 1 __ 1 T ? ■ .. • suatman, who went up to Eugene n Where you folks going Saturday oak ago for s v isit returned with night? To the U berty to sm that at big show, heme talent and the regular Hoar Rattling Bones a t th s U berty program, only 25c end lib admission. Spoetaclm and ere glasses quickly Theatre Saturday n ig h t Some show! and skillfully repaired. Broken lenses Batter be there. Admission 26c and lfie including regular program. duplicated. Optical repairs of all J. JO- Carl, of Arago, who was in Unde dona while yon w ait. Glasses fitted. By V. R. Wilton, “Optomst- town Tuesday, reports th at his eldest son, Kenneth, was able • to * Cequille. Oregon. Monday from ths | Mrs. Chas. Harlocksr was down, il a t Myrtle Point, where his from Myrtle Point the first of the week. She returned Tuesday after­ foot was amputated just above the noon, taking her daughter, Ann, who ankle joint Dee. «0. He stopped on n forty nmil Nov.>80 and th at caused had spent several days with her bone Infection resulting in the loss of no with her. his fo o t He is irown will give satisfactorily. as a few little steps ell h it own Sat­ WORK WANTED—Man with family urday night a t the Liberty Theatre. wants steady work, with place for It’s sure some phow.. A jmieaisn 25c « d !•$>' . W. E. N e W Bledsoe 4««. WANTED TO on a crop share B. Nelson, Beds. MM 'f '' , '* t ’ ' . l «L av’ ' l' >'*•-. ■ 1 - - ' i - ( , ■'■i * ‘-I*"'. >■'’ ••* Our stock contains many other Valentine Suggestions that will de­ light your lady fair. ; We also have a full assortment ¡of new and attractive Valentines and Cards. Hudson's D rug Store toquille, Oregon Ara you burdened, sad and weary? No waiting for your hemstitci See Mary Pickford in her first big whhn token to Bonnie Walker’s Mfl- About four thousand of the M]rfl^ Itniry S tert.g Servies and neat Weil picture for Upitad A rtists, “POLLY­ ANNA” s t th s Liberty n e x t Tuesday Creek Company’! logs have besa J* oar motto. Lai us* convince yon. and Wednesday. down by this week’s rains and im­ 'A- B. D«q$, who Uvas oat north of pounded in the Sitka Dr. G. W. Leslls, osteopathic phy­ sician, will be at CoquSUs Tuesdi Thursday and Satdrday, 1:45 to 4: Office over Robinson’s store. Surprise her on S t Valentine's day with a pound or more of our delicious Chocolates or Bon Bons, packed in an attractive box. You are sure to please her if you do. P t; W ’j L y X l V Rvs.’ Æ , • , i H iR w £ a i , Two or three dozen hens. /- There wtM probably be many more Merton Tyrrell, wt»a formerly re­ iingj brought in by the day of the sided In Cequille sag Is-a graduate of I , . u ~ the local high school, has been with p itfM )lat your ltuff l t < the Robert Dollar company a t San L f c , it ^ you when ^ c F raudara since the close of toe war the sale •ad his release from the navy. When f+ rr-t the date E. E. Johnson was in San Francisco gaterday, Feb. 18, f « |