The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, December 16, 1921, Page 9, Image 9

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W onderfully Attractive Offerings in
Santa C laus
R UM , by MoClnr. N.wapapor IgriO otU
The four (Irii stood in tbs open
gateway of "Ahnt Oar’lena'a” summer
boarding house.
•TU bet you’ll m arry Hiram Green
Inside of three man the," exploded
“I can see, '•In his eyes, that you
will,- added M arla
“And 1 see it In the set of his Jaws,"
continued Jessie.
“And," supplemented Merle, “I can
also see It In your own eyes.”
“Me marry ’Wheelbarrow Charlie I*
You girls must have escaped from
some feeble-minded Institution. I am
rotng to call u p t h e selectmen and
have you returned to where you be­
“You can’t do that. Hiram happens
to be the first selectman In this town,”
Informed Alice.
The pleasure of giving will be increased fourfold if your
gifts are chosen from selections which offer great latitude
fo r choice—selections which cover so large a field that suit-
gbMand useful gifts can easily be chosen for all your friend^
R*a relatives, no m atter how long your lists or how varied
your tastes. Below we offer a few helpfu suggestions for”
Beautiful Silk Hosiery
Silk W aists
Silk D resses
Kimonas .
Ladies' Coats /
Munsing Underwear
Table I<i)
Fancy Shirts
Bath Robes
* V*
H. S. & M. Suits
* la i
* i
ll* r
ai m
HI* cheek* a r e lik e hi* beet*;
W ith wheelbarrow h* peddl**
A ll kind* o f g re e n s fo r s a t* ."
None of the four Imaginative
miaous noticed a curly, redheaded
young man altnk out the back door of
the hall that reached through uie
IWse. Hiram strode energetically
W ill be at
Saturday, December 17th
Owing to the lack of snow Santa cannot drive his Rein*
deer, so he w ill arrive on the 2 o’clock Bus from
Marshfield and will be at the Variety Shop until 5:00
Santa will have a package for all children up to 8 years
old if they are accompanied by guardian.
Bring the children and let them tell Santa what they want
him to bring them for Xmas.
oren z
The home of H art Schaffner & Marx clothes
Senator Hall on Special Session
b speaking Of th e special session
ft the legislature which will begin
text Monday Senator Charles Hall
,frii. the Coos Bay H arbor th a t it is
:hi)‘guess that all who atten d will not
R home for Christmas dinner unless
.ttf set sion takes an adjournm ent. He
k certain that the senators, and the
Ifsprescntatives as well, will not rush
[their work through, aS the m atters
iteming before them are of such grave
inporiance that a g re a t deal of time
[ad thought m ust o f necessity be ex­
pended upon them before passing one
vty or the other.
I Senator Hall says he has not dis-
jtieeed any of the proposed m easures
nrith any member of the legislature
jefiMC than T. T. B ennett and only in
■ casual way. He anticipates, how-
UW, there will be a red hot fight
regulation bill.
“We are doing some bridge work,
but aside from that Jpere is little
road work being done in Coos and
Curry counties just now.” States W.
E. Chandler, division engineer of thé
highway system, who is at the Im­
perial from Marshfield. “More was
accomplished in road construction
th is season than in the two previous
years, thanks to the favorable wea­
ther conditions,” he said.—Oregonian.
touls Joseph Vances world known
story, “THE
DAUGHTER,” will be at the Liberty
next Wednesday. See the program on
page three.
Own Your Home
Coquille City is a good place to
build it. Sengstacken can furnish
you the sites at a low price and upon
your own terms.
From the Orange Groves
Miss Helen C. Sperry, who left here
a few weeks ago to spend the winter
with relatives in Forida, in a letter stood the four girl vacationists. “Aual
.o the Sent’ncl says:
Car’lenu” preceded four popeyed gig­
glers to select dainties for dinner. Can­
This/ beautiful land certainly “beg­ taloupes, a water melon, green corn,
gars description,” s,< many variety# tomatoes, cucumbers and bright red
horticultural beans filled the arms of
of brillia it flowers, trees, fruits, all the crowd, who gated at the luscious
new to me. A small banana never fruit.and fresh vegetables with long­
seen in market, wee oranges, large ing.
guavas of several sorts, including one
The next day was “Town- Picnic'"
with the pulp of a blood orange, etc., day. “Aunt Car’lena” hired Hiram to
etc., in this Orange county; so many take her guests and herself to the fes­
lakes, resorts and drives, “Winter tivities. Hiram arrived minus hla
Park” being best known likely; hotels thick red curls, having had a short
His white flannels, white silk
without number, more building (elev-
en stories high.) Here in Orlando, hose and new panama were Immacu­
late. ,
which has developed into a small city
Marie, the wit of the crowd, whis­
in the past few years, are beautiful pered : “He ought to have ■ white
hotels, mansions of men like' the wheelbarrow and peddle pond IIMes.”
“Beeman,” of chewing gum fame,
Estelle registered rebuttal.
homes of such men as Irving Bach-
"Oh,, you’re soiling fast, aren’t your*
eller, hundreds of fine cottages and sneered Alice.
While the - picnickers were gath­
bungalows, several fine, large Bchools,
a new high Bchool on the way, a con­ ering, the younger element enjoyed
vent, Cathedral school (Episcopal), a few dances. After watching Marls
and Hiram steal through a sweet, old-
and nearby is Rollins College and
fashioned waits, tha “bald heuded
Conservatory of Music.
carrot’’ glided over to Estelle and led
I have “shuffled off care” and have her Into a mare of modern, newest
northing to do but go, receive and en­ fancies. Soon It required all the con­
joy myself generally but cannot say centration she possessed to follow him.
[ am quite acclimated as yet. Warm- There was no time to wonder until he
er weat her just notg than our summer led her to a far corner of Uie grove
day a t home, really, and a damp heat, by tlie water. Unable, then, to with­
though aften a very refreshing breeze, hold her curloelty, she ventured:
“Where did yon learn to dance Uke
and we had two quite cool days last
Two dollars and fifteen cents will
The U. of 0 . Girls’ Glee Club yrill
Soon we shall go to Daytona Beach
Wear at the Liberty tiext Tuesday secure the weekly visits of the Sen­
igkt in one o f 'th e ir delightful pro- tinel end the Oregon Farmer for one and also pain a trip to St. Petersburg,
well known to' our northern friends,
year.. Both papers will interest you.
rhis is fairyland and I wonder at
times, like the old woman of nursery
fame, “if this be II” Still I shall al­
ways prefer our Oregon climate, I be­
lieve, and could hardly hope to be
comfortable here in summer as many
jf the permanent residents seem to
or Christmas
Want to Get Coal Too
jlAT'HAT would be nicer than hand­
ing >our wife an order for a
new 4 9 0 Model Chevrolet, with all
the latest improvements?
Exceptional value at $675.00 de­
I J A small payment and eesy terms
on the balance
Store Your Car With U$
Coquille Service Station
$Service*AU the Time
Phone 133
The Japanese, kvho have been buy­
ing Coos county cedar for some time
past are now negotiating for the pur­
chase of coal at Coos Bay. They think
they can get it here cheaper than any­
where else on the west coast of this
continent, but are uncertain about the
depth of water on the bar there being
sufficient to float their ship« when coal
laden. The schooner, William Taylor,
drawing 21tt feet of water, however,
went out safely Tuesday loaded with
plumber for the flowery kingdom.
TER," a story embracing the well
known characters of “The Lone Wolf
and “False Faces” will be nt the Lib­
erty next Wednesday. See the pro­
gram on page three.
_ Maubfield-Coquille-My rtle Point-Roseburg
S * h M to c h a n g e w ith o u t n o d e *
Leave Coquille for Marshfield
7, 8» 9, 10, 11 a. m.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 p. in.
Leave Marshfield for Coquille
~ 8, ' 9, 10, 11 A l l
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10 p. m.
Saturday night only, leaves Marshfield at 12 instead of 10
Myrtle Point
It only costa 15 cento more to get
the Oregon Farm er when subeertbing
for the Sentinel, and everyone agrees
it is the biggest 16 cento’ worth of
rending they ever saw. Thn Farm er
Estelle’s f e n gradually grow “Ilka
is issued weekly.
bis beets.”
-Bay, Estelle, will yon ever have fl
use tor my eld wheelbarrow r
Estelle tamed and fled to a clomp
<4f sprues and threw herself ea ■
by local a p p li* » tlo * x u th .jr w e t «**«•>
t h . « M * a .d p o rtio n of
ADi. on« wat/ lo cor* cotRrrhRl ••■(■ bob rock.
Ï Ï Ï t h a t W b » • c o n o tltu tlo n a l r.n»o ¿ r
Soon n pelr of strong arms grasped
f f ltf lr r b tl DeifDMi !• couoeé b f M !■-
her tig h t A voice whispered gently 7
c o n d itio * o f
th e BttitmchlRB Tub*. W !l*n th!« t j # ■
*Tm not quite as bard as that rock
Inflamed you hOYB « nUBbllBf *OUOd Ä j® *
—but—If I take you home, will you
¿ A S ;; fL V Z L íL
marry a bald-headed carrot and hare
ln lU n .« .tlo n e r a b .' « d o c * . » « » J e U b .
tiger lilies In the flower gardeoT Will
yon be Mrs. Charlie W heelbfirtowf
Estelle couldn't aee the freckles, for
her eyes wpfe shut end her hand
hurled Into a blue eUk sh irt
hands were reaching tot rad carle that
• Coquille
Leave Myrtle Point for Coquille
7:14 a. m.
10;M a. m.
1:00 p.m .
S.-00 p. m.
5:00 p.m .
Leave Coquille for Myrtle Point
1:0 0 a.m .
lliM a - m .
3:00 p.m .
4 :0 0 p .m .
7:00 p. m.
George W. Bryant, Manager
What Would Happen to the Sun and
Other Heavenly Bodies if There ,
Were Ne Atmoephere.
big brown eyes? Whatever It was,
It caused ber to get Into the boat and
row a short distance to an Island In
the lake.
No one saw her depart. When the
excursionists started for boms, fix
verdict wee that Estelle had stolen n
march on them, or a ride. After driv­
ing his passengers home, and not find­
ing Estelle there, Hiram returned to
the boat landing
The boat was floating near the
shore, having drifted near Its stake
Estelle’s amateur knot had not held. A
forlorn little figure stood waving on
the island.
Hiram removed the white shoes and
socks, waded to the host, and soon
reached the shore of the Island. He
did not land, however, hut dropped
the stone used for an anchor, preten­
tiously In Id the oars In the bottom of
the boat, and folded hie arms.
■- Estelle looked at him In amassment.
"Aren’t yon going to lake me ashore,
Mr. Green r
In n A m tenor, he sung to his own
“Hie hair I* tike bis carrot*;
• Coquille
Were the earth deprived of Its at-
morphere and existence possible under
euch conditions, we. should find that
no rosy dawn would horald the rising
of the sun In the darkened east, or
gorgeous colon mark Its setting In
the west. The sky would he dark by
day as well as by night, says n writer
In London Answers.
The s ts n would shine (jH,'htly
through the entire 24 hour*, but we
ehonld aee thousands more of them
than are now visible on eve:i the e’enr-
cst nights. They would not twinkle In
the least
They would be seen almost np to
the very edge of the sun Itself, bnt
Immediately round the run there
would be a glow having the appear­
ance of broad wlnga, and red iiimea
would add their grandeur to the Im­
pressive scene.
TI» zodiacal light would appear as
a firoad beam of light In the spring,
up to the left of the place where the
sun had set. It would he possible to
study this remarkable object, and no
doubt t o . solve quickly the mystery
which has d ra g to It fu r so many cen­
The appearance of the milky way
would be t v more magnificent than It
Mercury end Venn« could have their
movements followed with ease, and
any other planet there might be be­
tween Mercury a n d ‘ the ran would
seen he discovered.
Perch m Apere and Bip»«**« •*
sato and Are Carried Far
General Hauling
and Delivery
to all parts of the city
M eet all Trains and Boats
* Agents lor _
M ansell D ray ag e &
D elivery Co.
Phone 101J
of the sights to be witnessed by pas­
sengers on board the steamers cross­
ing Lnke Michigan. This Is said to
be especially the case on the steamers
of s line plying between MnSkegon
and Ohlcngo, a dletsnce of 101) mlteu.
The steamer« «all sfter dark.
At sundown the «per* " id rigging
of the vessels In the dock form ?oed
resting plsces for the lend birds. When
darkness comas and the boats begin
to move It Is too 1st« for them to go
It Is said to he no unromraon thing
for the passengers to see a strange
sight Just between daybreak and end*
rise. The birds are waking up and
find themselves some thirty-odd roll«
from lend. They circle about the boot
until they are c o m p e lle d to rent <m
the rigging, e o m rH of them seeming
much perplexed, while other« make
the beet of circumstances,
On one trip two yellow hammer« ne
flickers were among the company, a*
well «« a «Hem little »npancker that
packed away at rope« and »pare as If
he were breakfasting heartily <*
grubs. There was a frightened brown well as a pair of tiny wrens
and several grass sparrows.
The birds accompany the vessel un­
til It reaches the other pert end than
fly ashore.