COQUILL* VA LLST S E N T IN B L COQCOLB. ORBGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER l i , IM I W onderfully Attractive Offerings in CHARLIE By ADDIR GRAVES^ Santa C laus R UM , by MoClnr. N.wapapor IgriO otU The four (Irii stood in tbs open gateway of "Ahnt Oar’lena'a” summer boarding house. •TU bet you’ll m arry Hiram Green Inside of three man the," exploded Alice. “I can see, '•In his eyes, that you will,- added M arla “And 1 see it In the set of his Jaws," continued Jessie. “And," supplemented Merle, “I can also see It In your own eyes.” “Me marry ’Wheelbarrow Charlie I* You girls must have escaped from some feeble-minded Institution. I am rotng to call u p t h e selectmen and have you returned to where you be­ long.’’ “You can’t do that. Hiram happens to be the first selectman In this town,” Informed Alice. The pleasure of giving will be increased fourfold if your gifts are chosen from selections which offer great latitude fo r choice—selections which cover so large a field that suit- gbMand useful gifts can easily be chosen for all your friend^ R*a relatives, no m atter how long your lists or how varied your tastes. Below we offer a few helpfu suggestions for” Beautiful Silk Hosiery Undersilks Silk W aists Silk D resses Kimonas . - Handkerchiefs Ladies' Coats / Skirts Handbags Purses Munsing Underwear Table Iour wife an order for a new 4 9 0 Model Chevrolet, with all the latest improvements? I Exceptional value at $675.00 de­ livered. I J A small payment and eesy terms on the balance Store Your Car With U$ Coquille Service Station $Service*AU the Time Phone 133 The Japanese, kvho have been buy­ ing Coos county cedar for some time past are now negotiating for the pur­ chase of coal at Coos Bay. They think they can get it here cheaper than any­ where else on the west coast of this continent, but are uncertain about the depth of water on the bar there being sufficient to float their ship« when coal laden. The schooner, William Taylor, drawing 21tt feet of water, however, went out safely Tuesday loaded with plumber for the flowery kingdom. “The LONE WOLF’S DAUGH­ TER," a story embracing the well known characters of “The Lone Wolf and “False Faces” will be nt the Lib­ erty next Wednesday. See the pro­ gram on page three. _ Maubfield-Coquille-My rtle Point-Roseburg AUTO STAGES S * h M to c h a n g e w ith o u t n o d e * Marshfield Leave Coquille for Marshfield 7, 8» 9, 10, 11 a. m. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 p. in. Leave Marshfield for Coquille ~ 8, ' 9, 10, 11 A l l 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10 p. m. 7, Saturday night only, leaves Marshfield at 12 instead of 10 Myrtle Point It only costa 15 cento more to get the Oregon Farm er when subeertbing for the Sentinel, and everyone agrees it is the biggest 16 cento’ worth of rending they ever saw. Thn Farm er Estelle’s f e n gradually grow “Ilka is issued weekly. bis beets.” -Bay, Estelle, will yon ever have fl use tor my eld wheelbarrow r Estelle tamed and fled to a clomp <4f sprues and threw herself ea ■ by local a p p li* » tlo * x u th .jr w e t «**«•> t h . « M * a .d p o rtio n of ADi. on« wat/ lo cor* cotRrrhRl ••■(■ bob rock. Ï Ï Ï t h a t W b » • c o n o tltu tlo n a l r.n»o ¿ r Soon n pelr of strong arms grasped f f ltf lr r b tl DeifDMi !• couoeé b f M !■- her tig h t A voice whispered gently 7 flamed c o n d itio * o f tí th e BttitmchlRB Tub*. W !l*n th!« t j # ■ *Tm not quite as bard as that rock Inflamed you hOYB « nUBbllBf *OUOd Ä j® * —but—If I take you home, will you S Ä ¿ A S ;; fL V Z L íL Uni«**1**«* marry a bald-headed carrot and hare ln lU n .« .tlo n e r a b .' « d o c * . » « » J e U b . tiger lilies In the flower gardeoT Will yon be Mrs. Charlie W heelbfirtowf Estelle couldn't aee the freckles, for her eyes wpfe shut end her hand hurled Into a blue eUk sh irt Her hands were reaching tot rad carle that • Coquille Leave Myrtle Point for Coquille 7:14 a. m. 10;M a. m. 1:00 p.m . S.-00 p. m. 5:00 p.m . Leave Coquille for Myrtle Point 1:0 0 a.m . lliM a - m . 3:00 p.m . 4 :0 0 p .m . 7:00 p. m. COAST AUTO UNES George W. Bryant, Manager What Would Happen to the Sun and Other Heavenly Bodies if There , Were Ne Atmoephere. big brown eyes? Whatever It was, It caused ber to get Into the boat and row a short distance to an Island In the lake. No one saw her depart. When the excursionists started for boms, fix verdict wee that Estelle had stolen n march on them, or a ride. After driv­ ing his passengers home, and not find­ ing Estelle there, Hiram returned to the boat landing The boat was floating near the shore, having drifted near Its stake Estelle’s amateur knot had not held. A forlorn little figure stood waving on the island. Hiram removed the white shoes and socks, waded to the host, and soon reached the shore of the Island. He did not land, however, hut dropped the stone used for an anchor, preten­ tiously In Id the oars In the bottom of the boat, and folded hie arms. ■- Estelle looked at him In amassment. "Aren’t yon going to lake me ashore, Mr. Green r In n A m tenor, he sung to his own improvtaemont: “Hie hair I* tike bis carrot*; • Coquille Were the earth deprived of Its at- morphere and existence possible under euch conditions, we. should find that no rosy dawn would horald the rising of the sun In the darkened east, or gorgeous colon mark Its setting In the west. The sky would he dark by day as well as by night, says n writer In London Answers. The s ts n would shine (jH,'htly through the entire 24 hour*, but we ehonld aee thousands more of them than are now visible on eve:i the e’enr- cst nights. They would not twinkle In the least They would be seen almost np to the very edge of the sun Itself, bnt Immediately round the run there would be a glow having the appear­ ance of broad wlnga, and red iiimea would add their grandeur to the Im­ pressive scene. TI» zodiacal light would appear as a firoad beam of light In the spring, up to the left of the place where the sun had set. It would he possible to study this remarkable object, and no doubt t o . solve quickly the mystery which has d ra g to It fu r so many cen­ turies. The appearance of the milky way would be t v more magnificent than It Mercury end Venn« could have their movements followed with ease, and any other planet there might be be­ tween Mercury a n d ‘ the ran would seen he discovered. U N D BIRDS FO LLO W STEAM ER Perch m Apere and Bip»«**« •* sato and Are Carried Far General Hauling and Delivery to all parts of the city M eet all Trains and Boats * Agents lor _ JOHNSON’S M ILL WOOD M ansell D ray ag e & D elivery Co. Phone 101J of the sights to be witnessed by pas­ sengers on board the steamers cross­ ing Lnke Michigan. This Is said to be especially the case on the steamers of s line plying between MnSkegon and Ohlcngo, a dletsnce of 101) mlteu. The steamer« «all sfter dark. At sundown the «per* " id rigging of the vessels In the dock form ?oed resting plsces for the lend birds. When darkness comas and the boats begin to move It Is too 1st« for them to go ashore. It Is said to he no unromraon thing for the passengers to see a strange sight Just between daybreak and end* rise. The birds are waking up and find themselves some thirty-odd roll« from lend. They circle about the boot until they are c o m p e lle d to rent