Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, November 17, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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    Till HMD IV, NOVEMBER 17, lO’JI
Published Dully Except Sunday
A. E. Voorhlee,
Pub. and Propr.
Entered at postoffice. Grants Pass.
Ore . as second-class mail matter
Display spare, per inch.............. —35c1
bocal-personal column, per lin*-...10c
Baaders, par line..
Black Cat and
Holeproof Hosiery
■y mall or cMjtee, per year---- 16 00
My mail or carrier, per month..
Ry mall, per year........... ...... ..
12 00
Oranti Pan, On
Th* Associated press is exclusively
101 * 106 N. 6th
•atill^l to the use tor republication
of all newa dispatches credited tn this
Nov<*wiber 1NM»
or all otherwiso credited in thia
paper and also the local news pub­
lished herein.
All rights for republication of spe-
slal dispatches herein are also re­ fleeted in the completion of this new in the example here set by the far­
and more uipdern undertaking after a mers of Josephine.
lapse of sixty-five years. For the ir­
It Hoy fiar<lner runs true to lorm,
rigated area of Josephine county has he will be out of jail again in time
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦e-* ♦ ♦
increased constantly though gradual­ to greet the flowers of the spring
ly. so that there are now more thau time.
Weather for the Week
40.090 acres under irrigation, in ad­
Pacific Coast States: Normal
dition to this latest and largest proj­
♦ i temperature, generally fair ex­
First Phrenologist Unpopular.
ect. It is from its irrigated lands
4 < cept for occasional rain on the
The man who originated the science
that a large part of the fame of the of phrenology had to leave not only
♦ I north coast.
agricultural and horticultural prod-j hts land, bnt also one of Its neighbors
and seek shelter among strangers.
Tonight and Friday fair. Cold
uets of Josephine county has been This was Franz Joseph Gail, a Ger­
4 er tonight.
man scientist, who was born In 1758.
♦4444*444444444 4 4
The new water system is in some From the fatherland he went to Vi­
enna. and there, at the famous uni­
respects unique, wherefore it will at­ versity of that city, delivered his first
Portland Oregonian
tract the further attention of en- great lecture on his |*t subject. This
The completion of the irrigation gtneers, as well as of those who are was In 17911. For a while he was mere­
ly ridiculed, but before long somebody
dam at Savage Rapids in the Rogue exclusively concerned wtth Its social begun to feel that his theory might not
river, eight miles above Grants Pass, aspects. Some at the land to be be In keeping with what the Bible said,
marks an epoch in the history of the served with water lies nearly two and In 1805 the Austrian government
Interdicted his lectures as dangerous
development of the Rogue river val­ hundred feet above the level of the to religion, and Gall came near tast­
ley to which particular attention is dam. end water for the purpose is ing prison fare In an Austrian jail.
Frame, cradle of freedom. beckoned
directed because of the spirit of local forced upward through a 4 2-inch
him. He went there In 1007 and re­
initiative and enterprise which it in­ pipe. Ordinarily, in the accepted mained In Taris tn the day of hts
dicated. Although its engineering practice of engineers, water is first death, surrotiniled by pupils and appre­
features are in some respects singu­ used to produce an electric current I ciative collenguee.
lar enough to warrant comment, its and the current is then employed for
Steel Barrels.
outstanding character consists in the pumping. But Engineer Jerome H.
If the statements of the maker« are
fact that it was accomplished by the Fertig has chosen Instead to run a | well fonnded. it la probable that steel
united action of land owners and head of water as it fell over the dam | barrels will eventnally take the place
of wooden ones. The steel Perret Is
water users themselves, that It was into a large turbine wheel which composed ef stave« of that material
done speedily and that it has been sends it on its way. and another tur- locked together by an Ingenious de­
attended by no bickerings or charges bine of the same kind ts employed vice; the hooim and heads are also of
iweel. It 1« claimed that the steel bar­
of violation of trust or of incompe­ to accelerate its progress over the rel Is more durable and more compart
tence. While other parts of the west hill. A modern application of an than the wooden one. As It is said
commonly known as the Rrid region old principle in hydraulics, in which, to be lighter and cheaper. It has al­
ready had favor In various quarters.
have been clamoring for aid from owing to the situation of the project, About flOO.OOO.OUO barrels are ni-eded
the reclamation service, these far­ no water wasted and a consider­ annually. In normal times, to supply
seeing aud self-reliant Josephine able saving of power, and particu­ the demand in the United States.
Flour mills will use about OOWO.ORO,
county men have Organized an irrl-1 larly of cost of maintenance, is ef- the sugar industry 4O.000.0ti0, aud the
gation district of their own, and fected, serves to distinguish this .cement industry 75.000.0u0.
This and the
have completed in only a little more work from others,
Doubts Charity.
than a year h Project whlch will irri- cost of the project. which is given as
I.ltle Jackie took the church collec­
gate some 18,flOO aeres of the flnest abont 199 an ¡acre, by comparison
tion very seriously, and every Sunday
with an average cost of about 1102 morning he saw that his penny was
land in Josephine.
The precise date at which a plan for the irrigation projects under the ready.
tine day. Just as the collection was
of irrigation was first conceived in United States reclammation service, being taken up Jackie noticed that a
Oregon is not recorded, 'but it is to are specially worthy of mention.
guest In the family pew was not duly
There will be (general agreement, provided.
the credit of Josephine ceuhty that,
Sliding along the seat, he whispered:
if it was not the pioneer, it must however, that it is with respect to
"Where’s your penny?"
have been very near to deserving the spirit shown by the builders
“I didn’t bring one." replied the lady.
Time was short, and the matter ws«
that distinction, Discovery that pre­ themselves that the Savage Rapids
urgent, but Jackie came to a decision
distributed 1 Dam irrigation project is most note­ with great promptitude.
through the seasons as a prudent and worthy. Wearying of promises, and
Thrusting his penny into the lady'a
ambitions farmer would wish to have determined to wait no longer on the hand, he whispered:
"Here, take mine! It’ll pay for you,
it »as made as early as 1S56, when slow-moving machinery of so-called and I’ll get under the seat.”
James E. Holland and Christian Tre- promotion, and relying on their own
fathen filed a claim to the waters of . resources alone, they have proceeded
If yon find that your sheets persist­
Sucker creek with a view to irrigat-1 to do in months that {which might
ently wear out at the top and remain
ing portions of their land near the otherwise have taken years to sc­ good at the bottom, change the way
present settlement of Holland. It is compitali. if it had been done at all. that you put them on the bed, occa­
easy to believe that the rewards of. There Is the sound basis for many sionally. It really makes no difference
whether the wide or narrow tent is at
this pioneer endeavor are now re-; another productive irrigation system the top.
Solid Leather Shoes
For Service and
Solid Comfort
Better Off Without It.
Old tirones—I wish to heavens 1
could acquire an appetite.
His Wife—For goodness' snke «hat
do you want with an appetite? It
would only give you more dyspepsia.
Golden Rule iStore
Xeveniber IMtli
Used Car Bargains
FORD TOURING CAR............... W<»O
DODGE TOURING ( All ............. R5OO
Moveml>er IHtli
Bread is the most essential
part of any lunch, But our
bread should be the mainstay
of your little daughter’s lunch
because you realite the whole-
somenesa, the pureness and
deliclousnAss that combines to
make our bread. This realiza­
tion should lead you to be­
lieve that sandwiches made of
our bread are Ideal.
Ask your Grocer fr>r Bread
baked by the
003 G Street
(l£) VVhcrt tv lawyer
pound* 1 '
•the table and upset« • ,
io ink
ink, if.
it it
U a
ti tìòrt r
wiher Side has
■the best of it^
® VAvet haven't much use For blondes.
®>The -fell cw who writes th«’ cibnrcfcte el-.- ie
probably an offshoot cd' Hie Aniwint ftiw’.ib
It doesn't matter- hrw
small -the profits
if the
en oub
(t$ It's about tone the bewes Vormed their own.
union, an^ raised their own. wa^ey.
'Nothin.1 shows up
more "th.xrv - a
lussiti' 4’rorrt
-torrlh. "
foni Sunday to attorni tho funeral of I
Mrs. Kltternmn.
Mrs. Eillth Haya la visiting Iter
parents, Mr and Mra. J K. Holland
Wedding bells are ringing vary
numerously. Archie Anderson and
Edna Holland were marrbxl In late
October. They made a trip to Crea-
cent City and other California points.
The young people spent a very pleas­
ant evening at J. E. Il<illnn<l>* on
their return
Their many friends
wish them mueh Joy
Cha* NoWell and Florence Mathew­
son were married In Granta Pass No­
vember I. They wont to Medford
to reside Mrs. Rowell Is the daugh­
ter of Mra. Will Ttefethen and Mr
Rowell la * well known young man.
Their inuny friends wish them much
John Maatera and Miss Juno
Woods were married In
county November Sth. Mrs Maetere
la a sister of Mrs. Mangle ami Mr.
Master« a son of Mrs J W Kratts*.
XII wish them a long ami prosperous
Roy Wells ami Marion Brown Cor
eon were married In Grants Pass No­
vember 8, 1921.
Mr and Mr*. Glen Howard are vis­
iting friends In the valley.
Mra. Molly Ketlnag Is visiting her
sisters, Mrs Llzsle llodadon and
Mr*. Dolly Duncan, also her son, Jim
Mr* J. W Krause visited Grant*
Pa«* Saturday
H. fl. Woodcock, who ha* been III
Is much Improved at this writing
Kd. Tycer la Inlay with a crew of
men graveling on the Holland road
Leather Uted for Fertllla»r.
The greater port of the senip lent her
from th«* New England *h<>e factories
I* shlp|«e<l to the smith, where It la
u*e<l for fertiliser.
x<rri« E
We wish to thank our friends for
the kindness and sympathy extended
to us and for the beautiful floral of­
ferings sent during our recent be­
reavement in the death of our moth­
Chalsur Bay’s “Fir* Ship."
According to investigation« of Pro-
fo«sor Ganong. the traditional ••Are
Ship” of Chaleur bay. New Brunswick,
appearing usually before n storm, has
a basis of fact. It is a heml«phrrfcnt
light, with the flat side toward the
water, glowing sometimes without
much change of form, but at other
time« rising Into slender, moving col-
nmn«. In which an exrited Imagination
might recognize the flaming rigging of
a ship.
The general explanation offered I*
that this object Is a mnnlfestntlon of
8t. Elmo's fire, an electrical phe­
nomenon. but the reason for Its ap­
pearance only on or near Chtilcur bay
Is not known.
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦4 ♦ ♦
44444444*4444444 ♦ 4
A W««ndcrful Picture
"Tho Affairs of Anatol.” a Cecil B.
De.Mille production which will
shown at the Rivoli theater last
times tonight Is a wonderful picture,
it has an all-star cast headed by Wal­
lace Reid and Gloria Swanson and
in point of beauty ot settings and
splendor of photography, It emnot
be surpassed.
“Hutking the Tiger”
Outcasts from the four corners of
Ute globe are the characters In
"Bucking the Tiger,” the picture
which route to the Rivoli theatnr to
morrow for a run of t*<> days. The
'scene Is the wild snowbound wastes
of the far north .vhere man take the
law Into his own hands nnhamp-r id
by tho red tape of legal procedure.
Conway Tnarle as MacDonald, the
wayward aud disgraced son of weal­
thy parents, driven from home In
dishonor has a role which contains
wonderful possibilities for tflo dem­
onstration of his subtle emotionalism
The supporting eavt with Winifred
Westover as leading Woman to the
star, contains many well known
The valley was much saddened I d
the death of Mrs Viola Kitternian.
v’ho passed away Friday. November
'I after a long Illness
Mrs. KI’.-
■erman. who was Viola Skeeters, has
luett a long resident >1 this coun­
try. She leaves to mourn her losu
her hugl-and, H H Kltteritisn two
sons. Ralph and Robert, an I a daugh­
ter. Mr«. Ola Houck, all of Kerby,
alto her
Mrs. Georg«
Skeeter«, of Portland, Ortcop. two
bro'hi'r». t'has and Joe Sheet« rs.
both of .Medford, and three sisters.
Mrs Addle Martin of Portland. Mrs.
tlda Yarbrough of Marshfield, and
Mrs. Sarah Sowell of Kerby, besides
several grandchildren, nieces and
nephews. She was laid to rest in
the I. O O. F. cemetery at Kerby
on Sunday, A host of friends fol-
lowed her to her last resting place
The family have the sympathy of the
entire neighborhood.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Shular were Med-
for visitors last week
Mr and .Mrs. J. A. Hkeeters, Mr.
and Mrs. Chas Skeeters Sr . Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Skeeters Jr., and Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Sowell and Miss Mar-
gorlo Skeeters came down from Mcd-
l¥/iy IVof Enjoy
Your Home ?
your entertainment
jjfc thia winter within your
own home A plhno will
soon repay you for the Invest­
ment It represents. A good
one may lie obtained at moder­
ate cost.
Our display permits unhurried
Many styles in
« holce of oak, mahogany or
walnut. High polish or sailn
finish. Purs, sweet tone and
guaranteed action.
Convenient terms may be ar­
ranged. Liberal allnwam n giv-
eh on musical Instruments tak­
en In part etchango.
To rum* here when i-onslilorlng
the pur<'has« of a piano Is to
obtain a practical knowledge of
piano value*. Como today.
The Music & Photo House
Mlnnton Rottell, Prw|>.
KI7 G Mt., Grants Pass, Ore.
hui iui » h
Notice I« hereby given that sealed
proposals will be received by the
Granta Paee Irrigation District, at Its
office In the Josephine county court- i
house, and publicly opened st the l
hour of 2 o’clock p. m , on Novem-1
bar Uth. 1921. for the excavation of
the Ravage I a ternJ. the Martin lateral |
cakdoi nitxiis
and the Demaray lateral, according
to plan* and specification* now on
filo In tho district office. The Imard
reaerve* the right to reject any or all
Grants Pass. Or«., November IS,
Educate Your Dollars
— at the —
toasted to seal
in the delicious
Burley flavor—
Universal Service Station
.Miss Margorfe South, of Han
Francisco. Cal., was a week end guest
at the villa.
Other guests during lh<> week
were: fl. Cl. Clark, of Grants Pas«.
Ted Hurlburt, of Grants Bass, anil
Hr. anil .Mrs. Chas, ftandall.
A reception was given at the Villa
.Monday night In honor of .Mr. and
Mrs. J. XV. .Masters. About 70 peo­
ple attended the reception. Mr. and
.urs. Masters expect to leave soon for
lx>s Angeles where they will make
their future home.
B uster B rown S hoes
W«« Imve n new preparation for treating lentlier. If will
make ytntr sli«»m wnler|«r«>of In-firr tlinii nny dojn, pbil
have ii««l. A trial will convince you.
Buster Brown Shoe Store
1» — lit HKY DUISI .I.S — III
6 pass
November I Nth