Till HMD IV, NOVEMBER 17, lO’JI PAGE TWO. Published Dully Except Sunday A. E. Voorhlee, Pub. and Propr. Entered at postoffice. Grants Pass. Ore . as second-class mail matter ADVERTISING RATES Display spare, per inch.............. —35c1 bocal-personal column, per lin*-...10c Baaders, par line.. Black Cat and Holeproof Hosiery DAILY COURIER ■y mall or cMjtee, per year---- 16 00 My mail or carrier, per month.. WEEKLY COURIER Ry mall, per year........... ...... .. 12 00 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS Oranti Pan, On Th* Associated press is exclusively 101 * 106 N. 6th •atill^l to the use tor republication of all newa dispatches credited tn this Nov<*wiber 1NM» 40 — DUSKY DYMSEUR — II» or all otherwiso credited in thia paper and also the local news pub­ lished herein. All rights for republication of spe- slal dispatches herein are also re­ fleeted in the completion of this new in the example here set by the far­ served. and more uipdern undertaking after a mers of Josephine. lapse of sixty-five years. For the ir­ It Hoy fiarer IHtli Bread is the most essential part of any lunch, But our bread should be the mainstay of your little daughter’s lunch because you realite the whole- somenesa, the pureness and deliclousnAss that combines to make our bread. This realiza­ tion should lead you to be­ lieve that sandwiches made of our bread are Ideal. Ask your Grocer fr>r Bread baked by the GRANTS PASS BAKERY 003 G Street (l£) VVhcrt tv lawyer pound* 1 ' ’ •the table and upset« • , io ink the ink, if. it it U a ti tìòrt r wiher Side has ■the best of it^ á ® VAvet haven't much use For blondes. ®>The -fell cw who writes th«’ cibnrcfcte el-.- ie probably an offshoot cd' Hie Aniwint ftiw’.ib a-? It doesn't matter- hrw small -the profits if the en oub •Ehern (t$ It's about tone the bewes Vormed their own. union, an^ raised their own. wa^ey. HEZ HECK SAYS 'Nothin.1 shows up more "th.xrv - a lussiti' 4’rorrt -torrlh. " foni Sunday to attorni tho funeral of I Mrs. Kltternmn. Mrs. Eillth Haya la visiting Iter parents, Mr and Mra. J K. Holland Wedding bells are ringing vary numerously. Archie Anderson and Edna Holland were marrbxl In late October. They made a trip to Crea- cent City and other California points. The young people spent a very pleas­ ant evening at J. E. Il* on their return Their many friends wish them mueh Joy Cha* NoWell and Florence Mathew­ son were married In Granta Pass No­ vember I. They wont to Medford to reside Mrs. Rowell Is the daugh­ ter of Mra. Will Ttefethen and Mr Rowell la * well known young man. Their inuny friends wish them much happltieea. John Maatera and Miss Juno Woods were married In Jackson county November Sth. Mrs Maetere la a sister of Mrs. Mangle ami Mr. Master« a son of Mrs J W Kratts*. XII wish them a long ami prosperous life. Roy Wells ami Marion Brown Cor eon were married In Grants Pass No­ vember 8, 1921. Mr and Mr*. Glen Howard are vis­ iting friends In the valley. Mra. Molly Ketlnag Is visiting her sisters, Mrs Llzsle llodadon and Mr*. Dolly Duncan, also her son, Jim Kellogg. Mr* J. W Krause visited Grant* Pa«* Saturday H. fl. Woodcock, who ha* been III Is much Improved at this writing Kd. Tycer la Inlay with a crew of men graveling on the Holland road Leather Uted for Fertllla»r. The greater port of the senip lent her from th«* New England *h<>e factories I* shlp|«e days. The 'scene Is the wild snowbound wastes of the far north .vhere man take the law Into his own hands nnhamp-r id by tho red tape of legal procedure. Conway Tnarle as MacDonald, the wayward aud disgraced son of weal­ thy parents, driven from home In dishonor has a role which contains wonderful possibilities for tflo dem­ onstration of his subtle emotionalism The supporting eavt with Winifred Westover as leading Woman to the star, contains many well known names. ILLINOIS VALLEY | The valley was much saddened I d the death of Mrs Viola Kitternian. v’ho passed away Friday. November 'I after a long Illness Mrs. KI’.- ■erman. who was Viola Skeeters, has luett a long resident >1 this coun­ try. She leaves to mourn her losu her hugl-and, H H Kltteritisn two sons. Ralph and Robert, an I a daugh­ ter. Mr«. Ola Houck, all of Kerby, alto her motfler. Mrs. Georg« Skeeter«, of Portland, Ortcop. two bro'hi'r». t'has and Joe Sheet« rs. both of .Medford, and three sisters. Mrs Addle Martin of Portland. Mrs. tlda Yarbrough of Marshfield, and Mrs. Sarah Sowell of Kerby, besides several grandchildren, nieces and nephews. She was laid to rest in the I. O O. F. cemetery at Kerby on Sunday, A host of friends fol- lowed her to her last resting place The family have the sympathy of the entire neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. N. Shular were Med- for visitors last week Mr and .Mrs. J. A. Hkeeters, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Skeeters Sr . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Skeeters Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sowell and Miss Mar- gorlo Skeeters came down from Mcd- ' l¥/iy IVof Enjoy Your Home ? your entertainment jjfc thia winter within your own home A plhno will soon repay you for the Invest­ ment It represents. A good one may lie obtained at moder­ ate cost. Our display permits unhurried selection. Many styles in « holce of oak, mahogany or walnut. High polish or sailn finish. Purs, sweet tone and guaranteed action. Convenient terms may be ar­ ranged. Liberal allnwam n giv- eh on musical Instruments tak­ en In part etchango. To rum* here when i-onslilorlng the pur<'has« of a piano Is to obtain a practical knowledge of piano value*. Como today. The Music & Photo House Mlnnton Rottell, Prw|>. KI7 G Mt., Grants Pass, Ore. hui iui » h Notice I« hereby given that sealed proposals will be received by the Granta Paee Irrigation District, at Its office In the Josephine county court- i house, and publicly opened st the l hour of 2 o’clock p. m , on Novem-1 bar Uth. 1921. for the excavation of the Ravage I a ternJ. the Martin lateral | cakdoi nitxiis . and the Demaray lateral, according to plan* and specification* now on filo In tho district office. The Imard reaerve* the right to reject any or all proposals, WILFORD ALLEN, Secretary, Grants Pass. Or«., November IS, 1921. 38 Educate Your Dollars Trade — at the — SAMPLE STORE It’S toasted to seal in the delicious Burley flavor— « UNIVERSAL TIRE FILLER RIDEH LIKE AIR, MORE CAKING MILEAGE—TRANNFEIUYBLK FROM ONE CASING TO ANOTHER— NO PUNCTI’HEH, BIX)W- C«t Tfl. INNER TURKS OR AIR. INSTALLED IN YOUR CAR AT IO7 MOUTfl FOURTH HTRRKT. 7 Universal Service Station IBERDEHN VII.M .Miss Margorfe South, of Han Francisco. Cal., was a week end guest at the villa. Other guests during lh<> week were: fl. Cl. Clark, of Grants Pas«. Ted Hurlburt, of Grants Bass, anil Hr. anil .Mrs. Chas, ftandall. A reception was given at the Villa .Monday night In honor of .Mr. and Mrs. J. XV. .Masters. About 70 peo­ ple attended the reception. Mr. and .urs. Masters expect to leave soon for lx>s Angeles where they will make their future home. » B uster B rown S hoes W«« Imve n new preparation for treating lentlier. If will make ytntr sli«»m wnler|«r«>of In-firr tlinii nny dojn, pbil have ii««l. A trial will convince you. Buster Brown Shoe Store 1» — lit HKY DUISI .I.S — III grants 6 pass November I Nth