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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1920)
VOL. XL, No. il. GRANTS PAHH, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, ORHGOX. ♦ 4 Baltimore, Sept. 21. Ths de ♦ partniont of Justice agent» here ♦ began the Investigation today ♦ Into whatever knowledge local radicals might have about the ♦ Wall street explosion It »M •4 reported that one person wan ♦ taken Into custody, ♦ ♦ N»w York, Sept 21.—The ——- ♦ customs house today was under <NIN<<RFXHM IN M'tltTIII R FLAYS 4 th« heaviest guard tn Its history ♦ because of the warning received DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE AM ♦ that th« Wall afreet explosion I'RO-GERMAN ♦ would bn followed thia after- ♦ noon with the blowing ii p of 4 tbla great government ■trne- TI EHDAY, HEITEMBER 21. Urjo. WHOLE N UMHER 30AO. <X»NVKTS EM'APE VOLLEY IND ELUDE THEIR PURSUERS ♦ --------- . ♦ Salem, Hept. 21.—Guards at ■ the brickyard in the state pen- ♦ - itentlary fired three shots this ■ morning at Frank Wagner and ♦ Earl Riley, convicts, when they ♦ made a break for liberty. Neith ♦ er was hit and both eluded their ♦ ■ pursuers. Wagner was sent ♦ from Clatsop county for four ♦ years for burglarly In October, 1919 Riley was sent from Mult BAIXiltlGGAN WRECKED AFTER STAND ON LBAGUE OF NATIONS nomah countv in December, REPRESENTAT! VB SPENT DAY 1919, for one year for larceny TWO OFFICERS ARE KILLED ENIFOKHKD BY CALIFORNIA IN CITY CONFERRING WITH from a dwelling. He had es- BY RESIDENTS SENATOR OON8T1TUBNT8 caped before in 1918 when serv- Ing a term for larceny. Brick yard guards were handicapped because they were unable to leave the yard where the other convicts were working. The posse believes they have the Dairyman and Barber lb»>on<*tt««d Suu« lU-iiulilii-an.» T"l«l That Scrap Houao ami Presidential Victory for men surrounded In the brush. and Shot to Death—2H llouore ping "f I somdio IWwt for Harding G. O. I’. Ansured But (lose Race ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦4 >4*444 Ar« Destroyed tuid America in Upper House ProtmMe HAWLEY HERE OF THE STATE SENATE CONTEST IS EXPECTED Mrs. llav<wi|H»rt Tells W l»> Um W "in en Should H«i|>|H>rt the ll«g>ul>ll- oau Ticket The opening gun in th« presiden tial campaign was fired last uiglit when Representative •' N. McArthur vigorously assailed Governor Jain«» M Cox for catering to the pro-Ger- mun vole In hla campaign for gov ernor of Oil io In 1916. He cited edi torial after editorial from the Dayton N«w» to support hla charges A crowded house greeted Congressman McArthur ami Mrs. I sm » Davenport as the speakers of the evenlug and McArthur's denunciation of the gov- erior had a telling effect on his au dience "tlovernor t'ox Is unfit to be pres McArthur. "He ident," said Mr showed hla lack of vision by his ro pealed catering to the pro-German Influences In Ohio during the troublesome days following the out break of the war In Europe and our entrance Into the conflict These were days that tried men's souls, but they wore days when right thinking Americans stood squarely for liner- Ican rights Governor Cox however, was more Interested In capturing the pro-German vote of Ohio than he was In his country’s welfare- In oilier words a time serving politician. He failed to measure up to true \tnerf- can standards during a grave crisis tn the life of our country and he la not to be trusted with such responsi bilities as those of the presidency of I (Continued on pase 2.) S<rat"|d< INtints anti HuppUen Taken. jtMMt Primmer» Also F'all to AnU-Bolsbevikl Army Constantinople, Sept, 21 General Wrangul. In a cavalry drive against th« south Russian bolshevlkl. cap tured strategic railway position, over, 2.000 prisoners and quantities of supplies. It was reported In advices i from Crimea Dublin. Sept. 21 The police last night wrecked Balgrlggan. a town near here. In retaliation for the kill ing of two i»ollce officers earlier In the evening It in reported that two civilians were killed, a dairyman and a bar ber. who were dragged from houses and were bayonetted and shot Twen ty-eight residences were reported burned to the ground, including a number of houses belonging to prom- Inent Sinn Felners. Sacramento, Cal., Sept, 21.- -Sen ator Hiram Johnson in his fi rat speech in behalf of the republican ticket endorsed the attitude of Sen- : ator Harding on the league of na tions. "Mr Harding happily forj himself and for America, has «crap ped the league," said Senator John-! Priret Protvwt* Throe Who Take son addressing the republican statej Refuge in Church From Mob Who convention. Sought to Lynch Them E A. Rathbone, of Winona, was a business visitor In the city today Chicago. Sept. 21—Father Thomas Burke last night saved three negroes who took refuge in St. Gabriel's church from a mob bent on lynch- Ing. "What is this sacrilige? Who Could Not Stay Away— are the rowdies that storm the house A few weeks ago Marion Bingham, The crowd of God,” he shouted, of Thompson crock, sold bls ranch The priest broke and filed out. and wont to California to locate He turned the negroes over to the po had heard of the wonders of the' lice. The disturbance was the result Portland, Sept 21 Three Inter Washington, Sept. 21.—The senate! of the killing of a white man by southern state and he was led to for get tho advantages of Southern Ore nal revenue and police officers In the committee investigating campaign three negroes. gon After ho and Mrs. Bingham dry squad who took part In the raid financing at its session beginning to had been gone a short time, Mrs. In which Robert W. Hedderly was morrow will devote Its attention to GENERAL ASSEMBLY VOTES Bingham became III and It was not killed September 10th, were charged German propaganda in behalf of cer UNANIMOUSLY’ FOR Si FERACE until a letter was received from in true bills by the grand Jury with tain candidates, Chairman Kenyon enounced today. Grants Pass that she was able to get' Involuntary manslaughter Hartford, Sept. 21.—The general up. Now they are back on the old assembly of Connecticut this after ranch, having purchased It back Corporation Is F"orm«l— noon ratified the 19th amendment to' from the man who bought It from the Constitution in accord with the The Gold Rose mining company | STORM WARNINGS SENT Mr. Bingham. Having learned the, has been incorporated with Grants j CITIES IN GULF STATES message of Governor Holcomb to the lesson that many others have learned I second special session in the week. I Pass as headquarters of the com that Southern Oregon Is the best , Ths vote in the senate was 25 to pany F. L. Marvin, of Centralia, place In which to live- they are now, William» nuu v. am* and 1/WIJU Owen Williams and r. F. V. Far-' Washington. Sept. 21.—Gulf coast nothing. The house vote was almost prepared to stay. both of Grants are — the In-' P°lnt9 were warne<1 of ‘ troplc“ hur’ unanimous. rar. l™._ _____ - Pass, —. — corporators. The company was ln. ricane which is advancing northwest corporal ed for 1100.090 capitalfa- ward from Yucatan Preparations were made to get tlon and will have as its main object the development of mines in this livestock ajid merchandise in a place i of safety from the expected hurri- section of the state | cane. SENATE COMMITTEE Representative W. C Hawley ar rived late last night to spend a day here conferring with his local con stituents and to flod the needs of the locality. He is making a tour of Ore gon ascertaining what he can do to help the different districts and la al so feeling out the sentiment of hla supporters on the various issues now before the country. "The proposition before the coun try is 'shall we continue the preaent democratic administration and arbi trary government and tremendous expenditure by the election of Gov ernor Cox and a democratic congress —or shall we enter into a period of retrenchment and reform by the eleo tion of Harding and a republican con gress’’ ” said Representative Haw ley. "I am confident of the election of a republican house and a republican president. The greatest fight will be in the senate, There are now 48 re- publicans and 47 democrats in the upper house. One is not classified, It is essential that Oregon elect a republican senator or the hands of Harding will be tied. "Taxation under the democratic administration is very heavy and there is no probability of a redue- tion. For Instance, the expenditurM in 1912, the last year of a republl- (Continued on Pa^e 2) I C. C. Get« New Industry— A new industry has been lncorpo- Gatbering Bonus Statist! pur- I Granta Pass' aggregation of "ath were direct from the ballett. but the ! rated In Crescent City for the H. Carson and Roy Hopkins, rep Angora. Asiatic Turkey. Sept. 20. ments in Turkey all are products of I which pose of packing the fish lete«," male and female Elks depop moat exquisite was Webbers, all hand resenting the Stars and Stripes, —Carnage unparalleled in history the west. I believe a democratic abound on the northern California ulated tho city of "It's the Cllmato," work and more recently used as a which was perhaps the best known will result if the allies refuse Io al life, in all its phases, can be stabil roast. The concern will be known paper for the A. E. F., were in the__ Journeyed to the Elks' aanual picnic ____ * to _ ______ _ a ____ d ized la Anatolia more easily and low Turkey become strong decorating curtain for the wood as the Del Norte Packing company and copi»ed the honors Sunday ! city yesterday gathering data on the state, standing between Europe and more congenially than can bolshs- they called the generalissimo. Harry, house window. Plttinger promised to and will involve over a million dol desires of ex-service men on the bo- j Agfa. according to Mrs. Malide Edib vtsm. although I have not seen bol but now they call him Mr Webber, buy his wife a new morning gown lars. Oakland and San Mateo capi nus proposition. The men are asked Hanem. a prominent woman mem shevism applied. for to him belongs the enduring and Nichols got a black eye with a talists are Joining with the people of to give their preference as to what ber of Mustwpha Pasha's nationalist "It would be a great pity to force glory of fame. Score. 7 to 9. despite foul ball and made things all gory. the coast city in the financing of the they desire the bonus should be. Un cabinet. the Turkish nation to extremes that proposition which la expected to add all breaks of the game wore In favor so he's in for trouble. Well Medford der the plan now being advocated "Unless Turkey is permitted to de would compel her to adopt Asiatic of Medford. Medford's stalwart men looked like seven days of rain when at least 800 people to the payroll by the Stars and Stripes the men velop into a strong and peaceful Ideals entirely in her organic Ilf*. there. The first unit will be a can ex-mombens of big leagues, first we «cored two and then four and would be given a choice as to cash, nery 'building, wharf equipment for bonds, loans, education, land or paid state." she told the Associated Press But that is what must happen, in came upon tho field, the band play- some more correspondent, "with enough west evitably, if the allies continue their Their pitcher was an ex-leaguer the handling of salmon. The second i up Insurance. The greatest majority ern territory to make It a point of warfare in Anatolia." Ing the national air and then came unit will be a cold storage and freez seem to favor ths cash. They are equilibrium between the two conti Granta Paas. Ah, it was a sight and used with our permission, such worth while with no breeze to blow deceptive balls as the emery ball, ing plant and sardine harvesting ' also taking subscriptions to the Stars nents, the struggle will last beyond Mrs. HNRde Edlb Hanem Is minis the dirt In the men's «yes Y oh see resin ball and spit ball, all now ban equipment. The third unit will be a ' and Stripes. Today the men are at our life-time. ter of education in Mustapha Kernel’s all nine wore fancy silk hose, and ished by the new rules. That a Teal whaling station which will handle ! Medford. "If In thia struggle necessity un cabinet and an author of note in 200 tons of whale meat a day. short skirts filmy and—well when ball game can be played between chains the power of Asia I expect Turkey. She was condemned to you maneuvered so as to get them brothers was manifested when the bloodshed such as ths world has death by default but fled to Ana between you and the sun—well that same towns lined up for the tug of Salvation Army Bargain Day— never known. tolia and Joined Kernel's govern kind Binoculars taken to trace I war. Granta Pass won again. Med The Salvation Army will fry "The Greeks, I believe, will be ment which has been fighting the al Medford's hits wore never used ex-' ford was tired after playing ball so doughnuts, the real kind, at their cleared out of Anatolia eventually, lies and the sultan’s government ta cept to follow those birds on the hnrd and tied their end of the rope hall 509 Q street, beginning at 10 ' Just as the French now are being Constantinople. field. Some one discovered hair on to an auto which Granta Paas nearly a. m. Friday. 'In the evening an auc j ousted by a great rising of the Turk one's face and then tho game was ruined in It« rear flight. Some ono tion sale will be held beginning at ish population. No matter how long RELATIVE8 HAVE FREE charged fraud so they tried 1t again 7 o'clock. For this part of the pro permitted to go on. the struggle lasts we cannot lose AtX'FHS TO «’ORK MAYOR The breaks’ Yes all were in favor and Medford added four more men gram we will specialize In variety as Yokohama, Sept. 21.—Twenty- much more. > _ ■ T It Is the ultimate of our brothers In Medford For In than Grants Pass, all with the lat we will have an aiMloneer. Pat, five American members of the Unit struggle of the Turkish people for London, Sept. 21.—Terence Mac- stance, a passed ball struck the bay ter’s consent, and finally they out Ikey and Sambo, also a human pho ed States Shipping Board steamer their existence. Swiney was very restless last night. window of a Medford aldorman sit pulled Grant* Paas but It was to be nograph. We will have on sale many Benoni went on strike here shortly “This extraordinary movement of A home office official, when asked if ting on a bench. It caroonod off Into expected. Then came tho ladles’ tug useful articles, also fancy articles, a after the vessel's arrival from New supreme effort is bringing out force MacSwiney was being fed, said, "Not tho hands of one player who seemed of war with the wind 1n the east curiosity box for women and a cur York. They gave as cause, friction and energy Anatolia formerly utiliz that we know of, but you must re to know what it would do and he northeast gently blowing but not too iosity box for men. Come, buy hot with the captain, who la British, the ed to hold the empire together. Now member that relatives have free ac Tense muscles »trained and doughnuts and then came to the sale. friction growing out of the fact that it Is being used for national exis cess to him.” threw Coleman out at second. How’s hard that? Jerry Jerome made tho other snapped. The Medford ladles have Don’t miss it. the captain reprimanded one of the tence. break when he stooped ovor to escape chivalrous husbands who fearing men on watch for neglect of duty. “If Anatolia could be left alone, McADOO WILL MAKE TOUR OF PACIFIC COAST STATES a foul, some eye witnesses and ear that, their spouses might not he able Jiimoi Wallace Dire— The strikers took lodging at Jap not subjected to moral and material ' listeners thought tho batter had tilt to do tho family wash on Monday, James Wallace, who was injured anese hotels and later called at the blockades and continual treacherous New’ York, Sept. 21.—William G. tho ball and yelled to him to run, grabbed the ond of Medford’s line last week when he was struck by a American and British consulates to attacks, she would be able to recon- but It wasn’t horse hide that ripped. and pulled our Indies to defeat In locomotive In the Southern Pacific state their case. The crew were ad struct herself into a prosperous McAdoo will make a tour of the Pa By sitting behind the foul fence wire, results but not In spirit. Some would vards here, died Sunday morning at vised to return to their ship. They country. The energy used in Ana- cific coast, democratic headquarters one could get a strand of wire to have liked to have seen Medford the Good Samaritan hospital. He refused. tolfa for self-defense and the right announced today. cover tho thing but It got so big af hitch on tho auto ns they did In the was 65 years of age. A telegram was Eventually the Benoni took on 20 to live is much more terrible than COLBY RFXT SFX REQUEST ter a while that nothing covered it men's tug of wnr but no more rope sent to a brother, Martin Wallace, in Japanese seamen supplied by the the west realizes. She is being drtv- TO RESCIND BUFFRAGE ACTION was available after so many mon ’ Illinois, but it was found that ho had Japan Marine Association and sailed en into a corner .by enemies who will except a imlr of overalls. ft. was Just im plain ns a goat's helped the Medford ladles. Then to died and a son of Martin Wallace for Manila via Kobe and Hongkong. not give quarter. Washington, Sept. 21.—Secretray tail going up hill who would win. end a |M>rfect dny Andy Mc's boy' answered and said to proceed with "This Is the turning point in Turk of State Colby refused the request took tho cake, or rather tho pie fast-! the funeral arrangements. The ser Phil Starr left this morning for ish history, when the form of her of anti-suffragists of TennesSfee that iHasselt's gown was a drenri P ' ono asked who ho was and the Inter er than any other kid with a batting vices will be hold tomorrow at 2 Yreka nnd will go from there to the government and the future life and he rescind his action proclaiming the rogatod answered that, ho had never . aver.’,e o,’ 1000. Call him Mr. Web- o'clock nt Hall's chapel, with Inter Highland mine where he will be culture are being determined, In ratification of the suffrage amend ment at the Granite Hill cemetery. employed. her reconstruction the leading ele- ment. met his Other affected gowns j her.